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8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. 8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind.

11-04-2009 , 04:45 PM
UTG+1 middle aged lady, has seemed pretty tight and unadventurous.

UTG+2 thinking tard. Thinks he knows how to play, talks like he knows how to play, but fails to put this into practice.

MP LAGgy asian lady. Very loose and aggro preflop, but knows how to read hands and plays pretty well post flop.

Hero raises AA UTG, UTG+1 3 bets, UTG+2 calls 3, MP calls 3, blinds fold, hero 4 bets (cap), all call.

4 players: 17sb:

K,Q,10 rainbow.

Hero bets, UTG+1 calls, UTG+2 calls, MP raises, Hero 3 bets, UTG+1 caps, UTG+2 calls, MP calls, Hero calls.

Turn: 4 players: 16BB


Hero checks, UTG+1 checks, UTG+2 checks, MP bets, hero.........
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
11-04-2009 , 04:52 PM
I dislike the flop 3-bet.

And..I'd probably call here getting 17:1, but I am not happy at all, cause I think we are drawing to 1/2 the pot quite often..and I think at least one of the J are out.
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
11-04-2009 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Purgatory
I dislike the flop 3-bet.
Because the board is in perfect 'call 3 cold' range ? Or because our equity changes alot on the turn ?
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
11-04-2009 , 04:56 PM
This seems like a tough one.

I think it's obvious that folding is out of the question! You're still drawing to the nuts with what has a chance of being the best hand right now. But calling comes with the danger of the turn may get capped too as UTG+1 and MP go at with each other - they've both shown strength at different times.

If it does get capped 3 ways there's 28+ big bets in the pot with you putting in 4 of those.

All of your improvement cards may be outs. But you also may be drawing to only a chop and if that's true you only have 2 outs, the remaining jacks.

Very tough ... I think you have to call down at this point.

I want to get to showdown ... I hope I do cheaply. I'm not folding my AA.
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
11-04-2009 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by BubbleMint
Because the board is in perfect 'call 3 cold' range ? Or because our equity changes alot on the turn ?

The first primarily. It is allover the 3-bettor's range and a cold call 3 range. But perhaps the flop action doesn't justify my pessimism, seeing as no one raised first time around. But, given whta I thought the likely range of UTG+1 was, I was surprised she didn't raise your flop bet. MP is probably capable of raising the flop with QJ, KJ, JT type hand, so maybe three betting is ok here.
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
11-04-2009 , 05:09 PM
I have to agree with the title of this thread.

I want to get to showdown with this hand so I would call and hope to get there as cheaply as possible.

utg+1 really bothers me here, why is she still around with all this action? Pretty tight and unadventurous middle aged ladies who endure this much action usually have a very good reason for doing so.
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
11-04-2009 , 05:29 PM
i'd probably check the flop and see what happens, leaning towards just going in c/c down mode right away. that board is awful for you the gross part is you cant fold it anyways because of your gutshot/set draw.

3 betting is quite spewy. given that you bet the best play is to just b/c the flop.

Last edited by KitCloudkicker; 11-04-2009 at 05:48 PM.
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
11-04-2009 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by KitCloudkicker
i'd probably check the flop and see what happens, leaning towards just going in c/c down mode right away. that board is awful for you the gross part is you cant fold it anyways because of your gutshot/set draw.

3 betting is quite spewy. given that you bet the best play is to just b/c the flop.
Although the flop is party central for UTG+1/2 ranges, wouldnt we hate life more if we gave free cards to outdraw us ?

UTG+1 was my main worry on the flop, I figured that this board has hit her hard, I put her 3 bet range as QQ+ maybe just maybe JJ. I dont know that she would 3 bet AK, especially as I hadnt been active this session so she has little reason to want to isolate me.

When MP raises, she can have a combo draw, either of the flopped straights, or two pair. She never has a set because 10,10+ she is capping pre flop.

So 3 betting MP is for value, now that UTG+1 caps, her range is far more defined IMO to one of three sets, with QQ/KK being the more likely.
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
11-04-2009 , 06:53 PM
I'm with Kit on checking the flop. B/3-bet is bad here. The board is about as bad as it can get for our hand, and we're likely drawing to far fewer outs than we think.

Since we can't protect against ANYTHING that hit this board, and every single player likely snagged a piece of it, I don't think c/r is appropriate either. That leaves us with c/c the flop and evaluate the turn.

If the pot was smaller we'd be looking for an exit ramp barring improvement.
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
11-04-2009 , 11:57 PM
I don't think I've ever started in call down mode from the moment the flop hit the board with Aces, but if there was ever a time to do it this would be the one. As others have stated 3-betting the flop is spew.

The real question is on what rivers can you call bets from who?
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
11-05-2009 , 01:14 AM
This is an awful flop for you since almost all top pairs you could be re-raised with would give your opp a set against your aces.
However, you could also be playing against AK which could also a re-raise and a 3 bet in this scenario.
I would not 3-bet the flop here but would rather bet and call a re-raise on the flop and call down all the way.
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
11-05-2009 , 01:04 PM
honestly, 4way with AA capped pre, i'm c/c from the flop onwards, and hope to hell my one pair holds up on this board. if it ever comes 2bets to me cold i'm probably getting away from it

now that all 4 players went 3bets to the turn, i wouldn't be calling more than one bet on the turn and the river
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
11-05-2009 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by batruha
This is an awful flop for you since almost all top pairs you could be re-raised with would give your opp a set against your aces.
However, you could also be playing against AK which could also a re-raise and a 3 bet in this scenario.
I would not 3-bet the flop here but would rather bet and call a re-raise on the flop and call down all the way.
You could be playing against AK, but if you are, most likely you're playing against AK AND KK and AJ. I can't see how 4way on this flop we're good against three opponents ranges. Even if they are the worst players in the world.
8/16. Live HUGE pot, but I 'have' to be behind. Quote
