Originally Posted by Chris Colley
SD, does it help you if I say I would actually raise this hand here? I don't tend to care about player tendencies until the turn.
To me, the case for raising the flop (against this player) is that I want to know if I will get 3 bet by this player. I want to know whether they do have the nut flush, as it will make the hand easier for me to play from the turn onward. If the person doesn't have the nut flush, they will probably shut down to your raise on the turn and retreat into check/call, if she is as passive as he says she is (it would be very interesting if she called the raise, and then donked a non-heart, non-pair turn, though). If she does retreat, your best play is to probably check behind, and then call the river if you don't fill up. That is not a line I enjoy taking, though.
I personally think she does NOT have the nut flush, as there is a caller between us and her. I think it is likely this player is holding the Ace of hearts or one of the inside str8 flush draws. Would your goal be to drive this player out, or keep this player in? Do you think this player will fold the Ace of hearts to heat? Or are you trying to build value from this 3rd wild card player?
First, I want to keep the third player in. But he's already called one bet on the flop, and if villain 3 bets, 90% of the time he's calling again. That's just what players at these stakes do: they call any number of bets once they've put money in on the flop. In that case, Mike should actually cap it.
Also, as smitty and I mentioned earlier, we need to be cognizant of the fact there are still two other players acting after us that might take two cold to the face. If they have Ah or Kh they're calling, and thusly adding a significant amount to our equity.
There's nothing wrong with raising/capping this flop and then checking the turn assuming she definitely has a flush. Assuming Mike's read is right, we have the best draw, and we can play as such. In fact, if we check the turn and the river pairs the board, she might bet into is and give us the opportunity to raise the river.
Also, if Mike is sure she has a flush, mathematically there's no reason to call the river. Mental health/sanity wise there may be.
It seems your issue comes down to the fact you don't like shutting her down. Why is this terrible? By putting her into call down mode you're actually forcing her into making mistakes by missing value with the best hand. If she has a flush and we get to check through the turn unimprove that's a huge coup.