6/12 Two Cow Kings - No Rare Drop
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 846
6/12 Oaks
There's a raise somewhere in EP, sleuth of callers, I 3bet KK from the BB, it's capped 7 ways.
Flop: 966r (Pot~27.33sb)
I bet, 1 fold, 1 call, CO raises, BTN cold-calls, sb cold-calls, I 3! (?), everyone calls.
CO - bad player in a lot of different ways. Checks river to be "nice" with so many hands that he's losing a ton of value; doesn't raise 99 preflop, and then tries to bluff turn and river in small pots against loose-passives.
BTN - ultra-loose passive. If she bets, I play squirrel and look for the nuts.
SB - passable. Folds a little too much on the river given good pot odds; otherwise plays pretty straightforward. Misses value.
Turn: 8 (brings fd; Pot~42.33sb)
sb checks, I bet (?), 4 calls, sb c/raises, I call (getting ~32:1)...
Q1: Overplayed anywhere?
Q2: *yawn*?
Q3: How to get to secret cow level?
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 19,880
Standard. Call down and see whether SB has one or two 6s.
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 387
sacred cows make the best hamburgers
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 18,922
Put wirt's leg and a tome of town portal into the cube and craft yourself a K on the river