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5/10 how do I play this? 5/10 how do I play this?

08-07-2008 , 07:57 PM
Grabbed by Holdem Manager
Limit Holdem $5(BB) Full Tilt Game#7552993757

SB ($58)
BB ($170)
UTG ($157)
UTG+1 ($522)
Hero ($196)
BTN ($323)

Dealt to Hero TT

fold, fold, Hero raises to $10, BTN raises to $15, fold, BB raises to $20, call, call,

FLOP ($62.50) T57

BB bets $5, Hero raises to $10, BTN raises to $15, BB folds, Hero calls $5,

TURN ($97.50) T57A

check, BTN bets $10, Hero raises to $20, BTN raises to $30, Hero raises to $40, BTN calls $10,

RIVER ($177) T57AA

Hero bets $10, BTN raises to $20, Hero ?
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-07-2008 , 08:27 PM
I think the turn ace is the perfect card to bet. Get a 3-bet in if you can, but he's going to check behind all his non-A hands here, and the pot's going to be too big for most opponents to fold.

It may be weak, but without a read, I'm done raising this hand on the river. He's shown he clearly doesn't care about what you have, so he's on a total bluff or has AT/AA. I guess 77 is possible as well, but that's a lot of action to be putting in there. I actually think the turn cap is a bit much... but I can be talked off that position.

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08-07-2008 , 09:59 PM
I would not have stopped on the flop. You have the stone cold nuts. Turn feels about right. Just call the river raise.
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08-07-2008 , 10:12 PM
duplicate post, sorry.
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-08-2008 , 02:14 AM
You gotta call but should have reraised on the flop, right?
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:47 AM
* grunch *

TT is close to the bottom of my range calling a cap preflop, assuming non-maniac opponents.

First flop raise is standard. Waiting to turn to trap is ok to mix it up. I usually just go on and cap. He is not going to let go of an overpair anyway.

Turn, c/r is mandatory as JJ-KK bet this always and AK cannot be completely ruled out (heavily discounted based on flop though). After he 3-bets it's time to think: AA is 3 combos, AT is another 3, so is 77 and 55. You could throw a few AK's in the mix too. AA, AT, and 77 all seem plausible so I think the turn cap is good.

River, AT/AA is only 3 combos. 77/55 is 6 combos + a few AK. It's close between call and 3-bet / call cap. 55 are not standard 3-bet hands preflop and AK is stretching things a bit on the flop so maybe this is a call.

If Villain is maniacy enough play flop like this with A5/A7 then he probably can over play A-trips like AK/AQ too so in that case 3-betting looks more attractive.
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08-08-2008 , 04:03 PM
Stats on the button would be nice. The 3-bet preflop makes AT seem less likely, but the way he played post flop makes either AT or AA seem very likely. Either way, with that much aggression I'm just calling the river and hoping Villain got crazy with 5's, 7's, or AK/AQ.
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08-08-2008 , 05:41 PM
You're out of position against a guy who likes his hand. Jam the flop. If he has QQ and the turn is an ace, you're going to hate your check.
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08-08-2008 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Scarmiglio
Stats on the button would be nice. The 3-bet preflop makes AT seem less likely, but the way he played post flop makes either AT or AA seem very likely. Either way, with that much aggression I'm just calling the river and hoping Villain got crazy with 5's, 7's, or AK/AQ.
Villain 3-betting on the button against a CO raise with AT isn't exactly radical out of the box thinking. It's a perfectly reasonable play for a wide range or player types.

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08-09-2008 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Scarmiglio
Stats on the button would be nice. The 3-bet preflop makes AT seem less likely, but the way he played post flop makes either AT or AA seem very likely. Either way, with that much aggression I'm just calling the river and hoping Villain got crazy with 5's, 7's, or AK/AQ.
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08-09-2008 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by BillietheKit
VPIP: 25%
PFR: 17.2
PFAF: 17 ???

How many hands? Even when I join a table and run super hot, my PFAF never goes above 14.

Because of this, I'm either wining, or losing a huge pot here and will not stop putting bets in.
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-09-2008 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by meep_42
Villain 3-betting on the button against a CO raise with AT isn't exactly radical out of the box thinking. It's a perfectly reasonable play for a wide range or player types.

I never said it was "radical, out of the box thinking" just that it seemed less likely. The fact that Hero has 2 tens and another came on the flop also makes the hand less likely. Of course, I also said that from the flop on AT or AA looks pretty likely and that therefore I just call the raise on the river.

After seeing stats on Button, I still just call the river.
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-10-2008 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Mitke
* grunch *

TT is close to the bottom of my range calling a cap preflop, assuming non-maniac opponents.

First flop raise is standard. Waiting to turn to trap is ok to mix it up. I usually just go on and cap. He is not going to let go of an overpair anyway.

Turn, c/r is mandatory as JJ-KK bet this always and AK cannot be completely ruled out (heavily discounted based on flop though). After he 3-bets it's time to think: AA is 3 combos, AT is another 3, so is 77 and 55. You could throw a few AK's in the mix too. AA, AT, and 77 all seem plausible so I think the turn cap is good.

River, AT/AA is only 3 combos. 77/55 is 6 combos + a few AK. It's close between call and 3-bet / call cap. 55 are not standard 3-bet hands preflop and AK is stretching things a bit on the flop so maybe this is a call.

If Villain is maniacy enough play flop like this with A5/A7 then he probably can over play A-trips like AK/AQ too so in that case 3-betting looks more attractive.
once you put 2 bets in pf and it goes 3b, cap, you should be calling with any pocket pair...
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-11-2008 , 09:06 AM
Cap the flop, call the river raise, and nice hand.
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-11-2008 , 08:08 PM
this thread's slowed down a little, so a semi-hijack...

Talking it over w/ a Borg 10/20 regular, he feels the villain is making this play with 77. My question is, when you are the one on the button w/ 77 v. a PFR and no one else is in yet, is an iso raise with 77 the standard play vis a vis calling and hoping a few more come in to build a pot and try to set mine with position?
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-11-2008 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by atcjhall
this thread's slowed down a little, so a semi-hijack...

Talking it over w/ a Borg 10/20 regular, he feels the villain is making this play with 77. My question is, when you are the one on the button w/ 77 v. a PFR and no one else is in yet, is an iso raise with 77 the standard play vis a vis calling and hoping a few more come in to build a pot and try to set mine with position?
I'm 3-betting 77 on the button against 1 PFR unless the raiser is nitty. I'm not set-mining when I do this, I'm trying to get it heads up when I still have a fair chance of holding the best hand.

Unhijacking for a moment - I think you played this well and can call the raise on the river. Only spot where it isn't great is not raising the flop one more time.
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-11-2008 , 10:14 PM
thx for the thoughts prank...

If hero caps the flop, does he get more or less action on the turn. That was my friends other point. He felt capping flop might shut down villain, so he'd just call and go for the c/r on the turn. How likely is villain to bet turn without an A here?
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-11-2008 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by atcjhall
thx for the thoughts prank...

If hero caps the flop, does he get more or less action on the turn. That was my friends other point. He felt capping flop might shut down villain, so he'd just call and go for the c/r on the turn. How likely is villain to bet turn without an A here?
It doesn't matter if he gets more or less action. Hero needs to win the pot. See bison's post about the ace. Win big pots; don't try to extract an extra bet.
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-12-2008 , 11:16 AM
I agree. I would cap flop here and lead turn. But does that do anything to win the pot that a c/r wouldn't do? Personally, I would not be certain villain is going to bet that turn, so I'd have fired even if I had just called flop 3 bet. Just wondered about any advantage to underrepping our hand.
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08-13-2008 , 09:26 AM
Cap the flop lead the turn.........3 bet if he raises and if he caps check call the river........I really see villian showing up with AQ AK here most of the time and im thinking he puts u on KK QQ after the flop action......if he has AA or A10 A7 then its just a sick beat...PM me the results please
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-20-2008 , 02:05 AM
Thanks all.

I didnt cap the flop, thougt he could have 55 or 77 to extract extra bets on the turn.
I 3-bet the river and got a 4-bet. Villian had A7.
5/10 how do I play this? Quote
08-20-2008 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by BillietheKit
Thanks all.

I didnt cap the flop, thougt he could have 55 or 77 to extract extra bets on the turn.
I 3-bet the river and got a 4-bet. Villian had A7.
lol. doesn't it feel good to run bad.

fwiw, i like jamming the flop in this spot. if he has 55 or 77 you're getting extra big bets on the turn anyway.
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