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4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold 4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold

03-04-2010 , 03:35 PM
4/8 live in Harrahs New Orleans, 7 handed

Villain is 50ish guy who is super loose preflop (straddling, blind raising his buddy beside him, calling any number of bets, etc.). He's very bluffy, usually taking shots at pots especially if I've shown no interest in them. He (and everyone else) sees me as a tight foldy straightforward nit (I've been card dead, plus having worst flops possible for a lot of my preflop raising hands).

I'm in LP with black 77 and open-raise. BB (villain) calls, maybe one other.

Flop is J-high ragged all diamonds. BB check/calls, we're HU to the turn.

Turn is blank. He check/calls, my original plan is this is the last bet I'm putting in the pot.

River is a fourth diamond, BB bets and I (getting 6:1) 2bet.

Is this a good spot for a bluff/raise (i.e. bluffy villain, me with tight nit image)? If not, I have to fold here, right?

4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-04-2010 , 04:02 PM
What are the odds he has a diamond, and will b/f it?

What are the odds he doesn't have a diamond, but has 77 beat, and is planning to b/fold?

What are the odds he is bluffing and/or calls your raise with a hand you beat?

Just call IMO
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-04-2010 , 04:14 PM
I think villain has a tough call here unless he has A/K or *maybe* Q of diamonds. Anything else (all of which have me beat) are pretty tough calls and he only has to fold 25% of the time for me to break even.

Wouldn't a call be horrible? I mean, if he's calling the turn then he's either on a draw (with a flush draw being the most likely and therefore got there) or he's calling down with some pair (which again most likely has me beat).
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-04-2010 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I think villain has a tough call here unless he has A/K or *maybe* Q of diamonds. Anything else (all of which have me beat) are pretty tough calls and he only has to fold 25% of the time for me to break even.

Wouldn't a call be horrible? I mean, if he's calling the turn then he's either on a draw (with a flush draw being the most likely and therefore got there) or he's calling down with some pair (which again most likely has me beat).
depends on how much you feel villain is a thinking player imo, bc i would snap your bet off ssoo freaking light imo. very read dependant, but i tend to hate suicide bluffs, we just can't at that point deny decent call odds imo, i mean if villain thinks he has like 15% equity to bluff catch here you are toast. save your bet imo.
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-04-2010 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Duff86
What are the odds he has a diamond, and will b/f it?

What are the odds he doesn't have a diamond, but has 77 beat, and is planning to b/fold?

What are the odds he is bluffing and/or calls your raise with a hand you beat?

Just call IMO
And last but certainly not least, what are the odds that he knows the clarkmeister?
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-05-2010 , 01:22 AM
pretty gross spot for sure

i'm not really convinced that this player type will fold many flushes to your raise though, which seems to be the crux of this thread.

i mean, he can't really have top or middle pair since we would have heard from that already given his aggression level. not much else really makes sense other than a flush, unless leodoc is right and he mistakenly invented the clarkmeister play with like bottom pair or ace high.
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-05-2010 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by vankuver
i'm not really convinced that this player type will fold many flushes to your raise though, which seems to be the crux of this thread.
I raised preflop, have barreled every street on a 3 flush board, and now nitty me has insta-2bet a 4th diamond. Doesn't this look like a big overpair / big overcards with a big diamond? Unless he's got a big diamond himself, I think he *probably* folds small diamonds enough, but maybe I'm wrong...

There's also a decent chance this guy was bluffing with the best hand (i.e. some sorta bigger pair) which I think for sure he'd fold to raise.

FWIW, I can probably count the number of times I've ever bluff raised on one hand, so I'm trying to figure out the situation where it may be applicable... maybe it's not in "I call, keep you honest" games?
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-06-2010 , 12:17 PM
You said he bluffs alot but does that mean he bluff raises a four flushed board after you raised pf and bet three streets? You're beat and so folding is correct. How often are you going to win in this spot with 77? What do you do if he reraises?
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-06-2010 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by ditch-digger73
How often are you going to win in this spot with 77? What do you do if he reraises?
If he reraises we decapitate the dealers finger tips as we turbo.

As for the move, I think you got one aspect right and that's raising a bluffer, I don't see a flush folding, despite your image.

However other hands we beat do fold, including butchered sets.
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-06-2010 , 05:33 PM
i just call here. since you said he calls any number of raises he's unlikely to be betting a diamond with the intention of folding. though it's gross to get valuetowned by 5d it's worse when he calls your raise.
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-08-2010 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by ditch-digger73
What do you do if he reraises?
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-08-2010 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by tiltequity
i just call here.
That's two votes we've had for call.

I think calling is by far the worse of all our options. Am I out to lunch here?
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-08-2010 , 02:49 PM
Well our read is he's very bluffy and the river brought a good card to bluff with. Looks like we're getting 7:1 to call with our bluff-catcher. Alternatively I don't see too many live $4/8 players with bet/fold in their arsenal (if they have some sort of legitimate hand) so our river raise is getting looked up or re-raised always. The only way he folds the river is if he's bluffing, and we don't need to raise to win in that case. I guess you could fold but agaisnt a villain labelled as bluffy I'd play sheriff.

Put me in the call camp.
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-08-2010 , 03:39 PM
What has his calling tendencies been in the past, is he one of those players that call down with marginal hands regardless of the action, and is river call down happy? If this is the case, I'd probably give it up.

But If I'm in I'm leaning more towards raising than calling against this type of player, calling is almost non existent to me in a situation like this. At least by raising you're putting additional pressure on the villain and increasing your chances of winning by folding out a better hand, a small medium diamond would have a tough time calling here, as would a naked Jack. I simply don't want to flat call to be showed some straight draw or bottom pair with the four of diamonds that got there.

If he calls I'll say flush seven high and flip, and say oh I thought I had a diamond, oh well...
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
03-08-2010 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by the_doantster
If he calls I'll say flush seven high and flip, and say oh I thought I had a diamond, oh well...
Intentionally miscalling your hand at showdown is a no-no, don't do that...

(I agree with your reasoning for why raising > calling)
4/8 live - I bluff raise the river cuz I don't want to fold Quote
