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4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? 4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I?

09-29-2010 , 09:27 PM
4/8 FR with 3-4 regulars + loose passive players. Hero plays solid but the table knows I got out of line calling a raiser with K 2 (5 players called before me. I couldn't resist. [LEAK]) I flopped trip Kings, got C/Red on the turn, I called it down and was shown a bluff. I meekly showed my K,2 and took down the pot. This hand occurs shortly after that.


I raise UTG and get 5 callers including 2 blinds.


T, 3, 5

Blinds check and I check intending to c/c one more street. (leak?) Surprisingly it gets checked through.



Blinds check, I bet, 2 players call. SB folds. BB raises. Hero ?

I don't know if I am over-crediting BB but AT is in his range. He was hoping to C/R the flop and got checked through? Could have called with 2,4s. A3, A5? My question breaks down to 3 parts. A. Is this 100% player dependent to make a call, fold or raise on the turn? B. Let's say I am way slightly behind on the turn with A3,A5. With players behind me (heart draws, gutshot draws) Is it worth to 3 bet? C. If I call the turn, river bricks, BB checks, easy bet on the river?

4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
09-29-2010 , 09:55 PM
1) calling a raise in the BB getting 11:1 with a suited king is not a leak.
2) as a default, i'd call down and fold to further action. you are almost always ahead of the 2 callers but i'm not loving our hand vs the BB. i think we can profitably call turn and river and fold if one of the 2 people behind us wakes up at any point. 3betting is probably spew, i briefly considered FSD for a 3bet but i think it creates lots of gross river spots if we don't clear the field out. yes i would vb the river if BB checked.
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
09-29-2010 , 11:29 PM
Pots big, call down
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
09-29-2010 , 11:43 PM
Reraise and put him to the test. Show 'em you're not afraid.
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
09-30-2010 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Aabelno
Reraise and put him to the test. Show 'em you're not afraid.
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
09-30-2010 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Aabelno
Reraise and put him to the test. Show 'em you're not afraid.
Does not compute.

Call down.
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
09-30-2010 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by Aabelno
Reraise and put him to the test. Show 'em you're not afraid.
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
09-30-2010 , 01:28 PM
I hate these spots (leak if someone can read me). You have TP/TK and the board is two flushed multiway in a check-raised pot and you're not closing the action (though I doubt someone will wake up and three bet). Folding is incorrect as it stands now with the pot big and getting bigger. Reraising has the advantage of potentially forcing one or both of the players out behind you (increasing your equity) or making them take two with weaker hands or draws (building a pot with a good hand). It might also slow down a hand like AQ or AJ (some information attained if c/r just calls) but if he four bets you're in trouble but will call and call down. Folding is the worst play and depending on your read of 2 players to act reraising might be the best play if you could fold them and get HU. If you dont think they'll fold call and reevaluate on river. My question is if a heart hits and the BB leads out with a b/f mentality do you then c/f?
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
09-30-2010 , 02:01 PM
Does it make sense to check the flop? I would have bet the flop to get a better feel of where I was. I'm not saying this is correct, just what I might have done.
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
09-30-2010 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by marslimitman
Does it make sense to check the flop? I would have bet the flop to get a better feel of where I was. I'm not saying this is correct, just what I might have done.
I think betting the flop here is not terrible. This flop probably missed most players, so a c-bet is likely in order.

As far as the turn goes, a checkraise on the turn often indicates that your top pair is beaten. Still, I probably call here and fold on the river if a K doesn't come. Folding probably isn't that big of a mistake.
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
09-30-2010 , 03:14 PM
I would have bet the flop called if raised. Bet called the turn and called the river if nothing really scary hit.
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
09-30-2010 , 03:37 PM
In a 4/8 game, my first guess would be BB has 2 pair or better. But he could also have AQ or AJ, and I suppose since 2 others called your turn bet, if he was tricky, he could have something weird such as one pair and a flush draw. That might make him think he has enough outs to raise knowing that 3 people acting after him are very likely going to all call.

Given all those possibilities, I'd call down. But I wouldn't be surprised if we lose this hand if a blank hits on the river.
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
10-01-2010 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Aabelno
Reraise and put him to the test. Show 'em you're not afraid.
I will show him I'm not afraid by calling down.
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
10-02-2010 , 01:51 PM
. calling the turn is de rigueur' in 4/8

he is check raising a field that is calling a UTG preflop raiser he probably has a hand like mid set. but there are two draws on board. is he the type that will check raise a draw even into a large field in a big pot?

I figure the main ? I have is would the BB simply check top pair best kicker when the UTG will usually bet again into a loose multiway pot on this dry flop .

then would he just smooth a hand like TT preflop in a field that is offering him pretty fair odds to flop a set anyway.

then are you willing to put in two or more bets to see the river.

then will the other opponents fold off if you call his check raise

then will they fold off if you raise

then if you raise will the check raiser 4 bet or will he call (you play may also look like a slow played set I think even more so)

will he give more action on the river or will he try to get in another check raise?

then You have to add in alll the other actions and decide would he checkraise a field here or is his hand good enough to go for many overcalls?

is he straight forward or tricky.

Now we can go further and speculate what the turn over caller might have

then you have to figure out how all the others will react.

Im telling you this is why good upper middle limit players FOLD or RAISE here. and they usually will fold. but given there is many bets in the pot and your opponents are probably confused about many things..

of course some Mid limits will check theeir AK again on the turn here as a way of setting a trap..

Last edited by timmer; 10-02-2010 at 02:05 PM.
4/8 Let's take them to value-town....can I? Quote
