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3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board 3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board

03-05-2012 , 05:14 PM
Haven't posted a hand in some time, but played one at Foxwoods 4/8 that I thought I'd get some feedback on.

Villian #1 is someone I've played with a lot before at FW 4/8. He can be pretty spewwy preflop (He is usually raising preflop between 35-45% of the time at a full-ring table. It's also standard for him to open the pot with Ax off in EP or 3-bet preflop with hands like T8s, 54s, T9o). Post-flop and specifically against me when I'm in position against him, he tends to tighten up (as opposed to how he is against other players or against me when he has position on me). However, he does often talk about wanting to "get me" with bluffs.

Villian #2 has just sat down within the last 15 minutes and I've never played with him before. In these first few minutes he has presented as a standard LP 4/8'er at Foxwoods.

Villian #2 limps, all folds until Villian #1 raises the HJ, Hero OTB looks at K K and 3!s, blinds fold, Villan #2 calls 2 cold, Villian #1 caps, Hero calls, Villian # 2 calls.

Flop: K Q 3

Villian #2 checks, Villian #1 bets, Hero raises, Villian #2 calls two cold, Villian #1 3!s, Hero caps, Villian #2 calls two more cold, Villian #1 calls.

Turn: A

Villian #2 checks, Villian #1 checks, Hero bets, Villian #2 calls, Villain #1 raises, Hero 3!s, Villian #2 calls 2 more cold, Villian #1 calls.

River: J

Villian #2 checks, Villain #1 bets, Hero..... calls? raises? Is this a standard decision and the fact that I've only recently been playing again is plaguing me here?

Thanks everyone and I look forward to reading and commenting on other posts.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-05-2012 , 05:52 PM
Given the action it looks like Villain 2 has a set of aces but I think I call here given the hugeness of the pot and the fur coat dilemma is in full effect here. Shrimp is overrated. Have a sore dick.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-05-2012 , 05:57 PM
I put $8 in the pot as I wipe a tear away.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-05-2012 , 07:05 PM
Look at the bright side, we beat 2 sets and a misread hand. Call for tilt insurance.

I don't know about V2 having a set of A, he just check called all they way. V1 will probably show ATss so be prepared
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-05-2012 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Chasqui
Look at the bright side, we beat 2 sets and a misread hand. Call for tilt insurance.

I don't know about V2 having a set of A, he just check called all they way. V1 will probably show ATss so be prepared
Argh I meant V1. But you still beat a set of QQ and AK so I think we definitely call here.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-05-2012 , 10:43 PM
Just Call IMO
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-06-2012 , 07:14 AM
Yep, call. I'm actually a bit more optimistic than folks appear to be. I may say we win this as much as 20% of the time.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-06-2012 , 08:11 PM
So no one is raising the river in this limited situation here?
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-06-2012 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by jjijr
So no one is raising the river in this limited situation here?
We get called by straights and flushes. Other than setting money on fire, why raise?
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-06-2012 , 08:44 PM
+1 for calling. The real question is.... what do we do after V2 springs the genius c/r, V1 3! and it's 2 bets back to us?

The FCD argument suggests we still call, but I muck 100% in that situation.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-07-2012 , 03:49 AM
After taking a second look I don't think raising is terrible. Villain #1 is likely to have what here? AA, QQ, AK?? We have the K diamonds which would rule out a few possibilities for villain #2. I guess part of the equation is whether or not you believe villain #1 caps ATss. If yes, then I guess it's a 50/50 proposition. The reason I'm probably just calling tho is that I don't have a flipping clue what villain #2 has here. We are likely beating him tho, which would make raising ok?? Hmm, interesting hand at second glance. I guess if you feel villain #2 will call 1 bet but not two then I guess it's a wash and raising is pointless....IDK, we have the K diamonds tho, and villain #2 passiveness is showing he may not 3! a flush.. I'm confusing myself now. It's gotta be closer than I first believed. At game speed, I probably just call still due to my nitishness
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-07-2012 , 04:32 AM
As played i'd call the river and forgo both the shrimp and the sore dick. I'd say you were beat on the turn w/ c/r looking to me like JTs.

V1 had to have you on a high pair or AKs-AQs so even a spewy lag with whom you have history wouldn't push 2 pair like he did on that board.

I disregarded the line about V2 wanting to bluff you as this does not seem like the hand to do it with V1 cold calling raises like he is eager to re-buy.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-07-2012 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Chasqui
Call for tilt insurance.
Don't be like me and fold the best hand - sucks to be me sometimes - guy at 6/12 at Bay 101 called one bet on every river when he had a good hand because of Tilt Insurance. He would announce and call.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-07-2012 , 03:42 PM
I'll be honest with everyone, I raised the river in stride.

My thought process was that Villian #2 has spades like every single time, and while he could just happen to have the T:spade (which I think would be random and thus I discount it to a certain degree), his MUBs may force him to only call two cold (instead of 3-betting) if that indeed is the case. The board now has 3 diamonds and people at FW 4-8 tend to just want to get to show down when the pot gets like this, so I didn't think I was taking much of a risk as to him.

As to Villian #1, he also could have me beat (and could maybe 3! the river, which admittedly is more of a risk than Villian #2), but his line did not suggest to me that he necessarily was now ahead of me. I thought I was still beating his range on the end (his line suggests a lot of hands I still crush in my opinion), and given my action to this point, I thought he was much more likely to go for a river c/r with a T or a diamond flush.

Again, my thought in raising was not that I had the best hand every time, but that I still had the best hand enough to justify putting another raise in. It's not as if Villian #1 is ever bet/folding, and so I guess I thought there was still a little value left in raising. I wasn't sure, so that's why I posted the hand.

Thanks everyone.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-07-2012 , 04:05 PM
I'd call the river, but you never win. Raising is awful.

Turn 3bet is spew. What does he cap PF, 3bet the flop, and then checkraise 2 players on this turn with that you beat besides QQ?
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-07-2012 , 05:34 PM
So what happened??
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-07-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by asmitty
Turn 3bet is spew. What does he cap PF, 3bet the flop, and then checkraise 2 players on this turn with that you beat besides QQ?
most rational hands are AA QQ but KQ, AJss, ATss maybe?
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-07-2012 , 07:21 PM
You haven't shown the pot size on each street. That's your job, not ours.

But this sure smells like a fur coat. Especially against this maniac.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-07-2012 , 09:44 PM
u have 2 call
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-08-2012 , 01:09 AM
I remember a long, long time ago I made some post that said something along the lines of, "Every one of asmitty's posts I read makes me feel like a massive nit." Lately, I've agreed with every post asmitty has made. I'm not sure what that means.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-08-2012 , 01:41 AM
Calling is clearly best. What did he have?
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:53 AM
I'm not folding and I'm not raising so that makes it a very easy call.

If you never folded sets in your life it wouldn't bust you.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-08-2012 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by mntndrew
I remember a long, long time ago I made some post that said something along the lines of, "Every one of asmitty's posts I read makes me feel like a massive nit." Lately, I've agreed with every post asmitty has made. I'm not sure what that means.
Smitty has obviously become a nit.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-08-2012 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by nonsimplesimon
I'm not folding and I'm not raising so that makes it a very easy call.

If you never folded sets in your life it wouldn't bust you.
Ya, folding is out of the question here. Calling just makes sense as I'm not really in favor of jamming sets on 4 straight boards with a flush hitting, and Villian also getting ready to turn up AA. In defense of the OP tho, it's not as scary as it looks. If we really start to plug in the different combos according to the action...there's just not as many hands as everyone is afraid of that makes sense given the action. Villian would have to be very spewy to wake up with some hands suggested here. I'm still just calling, but I see OP's logic in this being a limited situation. It's also a 4/8 game tho
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
03-08-2012 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by bump86
You haven't shown the pot size on each street. That's your job, not ours.

But this sure smells like a fur coat. Especially against this maniac.
I did start my post by saying I hadn't posted a hand in awhile. I'll try to do better next time bro, sorry.

In any event, I raised the river, Villian #2 folded and Villian #1 called, showing AQhh.

Also, I don't that 3-betting the turn is spewwy against these opponents here; in fact, I think just calling is MUBsy.
3 Kings on a 4-card to a straight board Quote
