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3/6 live - River decision with two pair 3/6 live - River decision with two pair

08-16-2010 , 03:01 AM
KT in LJ. Two limpers to Hero(UTG, UTG+2) and I limp. HJ, Button limp, SB folds, BB checks.

Flop: K T 9. Checks to me, Hero bets. HJ, button, and BB call, others fold.
Turn: 2. BB checks, Hero bets, HJ and button call, BB folds.
River: A. Hero bets, HJ folds and button raises.

Read on button: Plays most hands preflop, and will call with virtually anything OTB. Raises a decent range(not crazy, I raised as much as him). He donked with hands on the river into strength a few times when he improved, and would call down bettors with many weak draws. I saw him fastplay a nut straight earlier with a flush draw on board.

Pot is 10.5 BB's after rake. Hero?
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-16-2010 , 04:12 AM

this guy has A9 (or AT if it's in his limping range) most of the time. that or he turned a flush and decided to get fancy and wait to make sure the river didn't counterfeit him.

either way though, you're toast when he raises. folding might feel dirty at 10-1 but it's gonna be the right play. there's just no way he's raising worse here.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-16-2010 , 04:12 AM
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-16-2010 , 04:13 AM
in before nits b**** about pf
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-16-2010 , 04:13 AM
increasing my post count ftw
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-16-2010 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by vankuver
increasing my post count ftw

and fold
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-16-2010 , 02:45 PM
I muck pre-flop this early. Even with a really passive table. I'll call in the CO or Button. But not three off the button.

River: This is ugly. I guess it depends upon your read of the villain. If he's capable of raising top pair on a 3-flush board, then you gotta call down. If not, its a fold. The kind of fold I'm trying to get better at doing. B/f is much easier to do on the forum than at the table.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-16-2010 , 05:47 PM
+1 on folding.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-16-2010 , 05:52 PM
River is just sick. I think you can fold here given the read but I would look for excuses to call. I think I call just because he could raise a naked A (unless you have a good read that he would not.)

I def limp PF.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-16-2010 , 07:39 PM
You only have to be right 1 out of 10 times to make this play profitable.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-17-2010 , 03:20 PM
After two limpers I probably limp this hand too, but in the rake-trap of live 3/6 (where playing too many hands gets you penalized) I don't think you'd go far wrong folding this in MP.

I fold the river against a typical player who's never raising with a worse hand here.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-17-2010 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by batruha
You only have to be right 1 out of 10 times to make this play profitable.
This isn't really the case cuz our if our intention is to bet the river and call a raise, then we have to be correct about twice as much as this. If we simply always said "well, I'm getting 10:1 so I call" then that means we'd never bet/fold (and yet bet/folding is a bread and butter move at live small stakes).
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-17-2010 , 04:51 PM
I call. I can think of a couple of weird hands that might raise the river: AJ/AQ. You're getting a good price to showdown here. Realize if it had been instead an ace of clubs on the turn, you bet and villain raises the turn, I'd be much more inclined to fold.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-17-2010 , 05:29 PM
Come guys we'd raise if his hand was suited....if you can't play this hand for a profit find a better game.

River is disgusting I think I call but think it's wrong.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-22-2010 , 02:38 PM
If nits are the only ones that worry about others EP preflop limping standards and reletive position count me in as one.

KTo is a disaster hand which should almost always be folded multiway. its a second best 3 gapper for pete's sake.

that being said I would pay off the river unless this opponent would only raise it w/ a pat hand or Aces up+ and rarely puts any other river plays and plays straightforwardly head up.

the better play against a painted forehead type of player or even tricky ones might have been to check thereby opening up his betting range then paying off the possible bluff or weakish value bet. this check can be most disheartening for some others see it as an opportunity to make a bluff. Furthermore it allows you the oportunity to make cool river plays OOP of your own later in the session.

Ive been seeing this more and more ... waiting till the river to raise a made pat but for the most part I see it costing players money in the long run. heads up late in the play its a slightly different matter. In certain games is undoubtably very costly.

FWIW im not especially concerned about losing a extra bet to someone who will chase BPTK on this sort of board in fact if my play induces him to do so more often then the call costs me less than 1bb. in fact it cost could easily be measured in fractions of a big bet.

Last edited by timmer; 08-22-2010 at 02:44 PM.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-22-2010 , 03:45 PM
I think this is one of those rivers that a lot more people fold on forums than at poker tables.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-22-2010 , 04:32 PM

Fold PF? Seriously? That's crazy talk. Show me two limpers and a spot where I"m unlikely to get iso-raised and I'm playing worse than this here. How much better are your chances to have a dominating hand than a dominated one? Pretty good, imo.

River. It is LHE. It is your job to call. Maybe he's gone nuts with a str8 draw that hit TP.

donked with hands on the river into strength a few times when he improved, and would call down bettors with many weak draws. I saw him fastplay a nut straight earlier with a flush draw on board.
you have to discount the str8 a bit because of the lack of a donk. This hand is the poster child for the fur coat dilemma. This guy isn't a nit, so you can't fold two pair for one bet closing the action getting > 10:1. If you fold, you can never tell anyone in the game that you did. Still, don't fold.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-23-2010 , 01:21 AM
I've seen enough horrible players and enough play at this table in particular to get involved with KTo preflop. I've been at tables where KTo probably should be mucked, but this wasn't one of those tables - this table had several limpers most hands, so getting involved with slightly weaker holdings was neccesary IMO.

I actually sat there for a minute thinking about this: if it was against most players it would have been an easy muck at this limit, but something just stopped me from folding. I took six chips, tossed them in to call the raise, flipped my hand up and looked the other way because I felt nasty about it. Dealer started pushing me the pot, so I looked over and saw the 92o villain limped with preflop.

Like it's my job; it felt like my job this hand - I need a new job. Thanks for all who posted.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-23-2010 , 02:14 AM
If you're getting 10:1 you have to make a crying call. You're probably only going to be good 1.5 times out of 10 but it's enough to make it profitable.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-23-2010 , 10:49 AM
Why not over call pf especially if you can play post flop. The price is good to call but what do we beat? Only a bluff or an Ax, Kx, weaker two pair, what might he have, a slow played straight or flush, rivered second pair, and an AcX which wouldnt surprise me. You have to win 9% of the time to break even. You have second and third pair on a wet board but calling seems correct. With one pair its an easy fold but two pair call.

Last edited by ditch-digger73; 08-23-2010 at 10:55 AM.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
08-23-2010 , 09:47 PM
I'll chime in for the fascists who protest all results posting. This is a good example of a thread where results kill any future discussion. The most important thing to remember here is that it makes no difference if this was the 1 time in 6 or 1 time in 9 that he was bluffing, the decision is all about the odds you're getting. Knowing that this player is capable of waiting a street with a turned 2pr is good information. If you were right the 1 time in 100 that you might be against certain tight old me, the hand would still be a mistake to call. The decision is all about whether or not you were getting the right price and not at all about what actually happened.
3/6 live - River decision with two pair Quote
