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20/40: Does a turn c/r make sense? 20/40: Does a turn c/r make sense?

11-11-2013 , 08:13 PM
I think this hand suffers a lot from the hand I posted in Mid-Stakes; what are we representing here?

Against most live players, I'd still fold a bunch here (since they always seem to have it), but against someone capable of a bluff/semibluff, I'd probably call w/ all the hands that beat you and call it off on non-'s. I know I'm fastplaying a 6 OTF to try and get value from BTN / get rid of or charge potential draws.

Besides, vil will probably check hands we beat OTR.
20/40: Does a turn c/r make sense? Quote
11-16-2013 , 12:34 PM
I say you should've c/r'd otf with your nfd.

Check-raising the turn doesn't make sense, as others point out. If you wanted to take a shot at it, you should just lead out, as if you do have the 6 and want to make sure you get value.
20/40: Does a turn c/r make sense? Quote
11-17-2013 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Zeke Ferrari
Here's the next step in the hand for anyone curious. I won't post final results just yet.

2 people limp, Villain raises on BTN, SB folds, I call in BB with A 9, limpers call

Flop (4 players, 8 SB): 4 Q 6
I check, checks to Villain who bets, I call, both limpers fold

Turn (2 players, 5 BB): 6
I check, Villain bets, I raise, Villain tanks and then calls

River (2 players, 9 BB): 8
I bet, planning to fold to a raise (?)...
Is 3-betting PF crazy? That was my first thought when you described the button as aggro and not very good.

I kind of want to give up on the bluff. When he calls the turn, he's almost definitely calling the river. I would need a good read that he can fold on the river after calling a turn raise, but in my experience, turn calls=see you at showdown.
20/40: Does a turn c/r make sense? Quote
11-17-2013 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Grease
Is 3-betting PF crazy? That was my first thought when you described the button as aggro and not very good.
i think 3betting pre is good.
20/40: Does a turn c/r make sense? Quote
11-18-2013 , 01:17 AM
if he can have an unpaired hand in this spot (most good players can given that you are HU on the turn in a big pot so he should bet 100% of his range on this turn card) it makes sense to CR the turn.
20/40: Does a turn c/r make sense? Quote
11-24-2013 , 02:38 AM
May be the tag in me but were getting him to possibly fold 3 hands that beat us being AT, AJ, AK(never) we have an easily showdownable hand when it goes check check on the river. This seems like an awful spew if we c/r turn here. There are some players who bet/fold medium pairs in this spot but not 99+(which is the range you gave him earlier).
20/40: Does a turn c/r make sense? Quote
11-25-2013 , 01:30 AM
Chk call chk call chk call. Next hand.
20/40: Does a turn c/r make sense? Quote
11-25-2013 , 03:17 AM
Hmm, with enough study, I might even be able to learn that line.
20/40: Does a turn c/r make sense? Quote
