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20/40 at commerce ... 20/40 at commerce ...

01-26-2011 , 06:43 PM
I know this is for a different forum but I'm use to you guys and kind of have a better feel for your responses.

Here's the first hand I played last Sunday, and was criticized by a local. He's some Viet guy, about my age or older. Typical annoying tight player. Fairly good skills, cc's a bit too much pf, but always a bit on the grouchy side since the impression I get is that he loses more than he wins. Wife always sits behind him. He hates me. He commented one time last month, when I called a gutshot on the turn (I had about 9 to 1 and thought implied odds were about right) and hit it, and got to raise the bettor on the river, that I "do" chase at times when the bettor/loser said, "I didn't think you would ever chase!". So I know he disrepects my play...which to my delight I'm ready to use that against him over and over again.

New game, about 2 hands in. I open-raise UTG+1 with 6s6d. Viet cc's to my immediate left. One more cc, then sb and bb both call. Five to the flop for 10sb.

FLOP: 5s 4d 3s

Checked to me, I bet. Viet calls. One fold. SB check-raises. BB check-3 bets (he is tall white guy, about 30, very good TAG). Since I'm open-ended and backdoor to a flush (weak but still a flush...) and 2 set outs (which may or may not be good), and the pot is big, it was a no brainer for me to call imo. The question is what do the raisers have to make those plays? Now they both checkraised me which normally implies they are big hands. SB is unknown to me so I'm taking the Ed Miller rule and assume they are loose players until proven otherwise (does this apply to 20/40 games?!). He could have As4s? Maybe 54? But then what the heck does BB have to warrant check-3betting to drive out everyone else now? Granted, the pot was very big and if I had 76, I would do the same as he did. Maybe a big pp that he did not 3-bet pf? So I cc'd and would call a cap also to see how the turn comes around. I lost track of the bets by now and know I had good odds to call all the way if it were headsup.

Viet thinks, looked frustrated, picks up cards to show himself and wife again, and folds. I take this to be pp or something like 99. SB calls also. 3 to the turn for 10bb.


SB checks, BB bets. So now I'm thinking BB maybe has the made flush, perhaps Axs. The other funny thing, and it's a weird intangible live player spidey sense which would be virtually impossible to describe, but he bet too I called. SB folded to my delight. Headsup for 12bb on the river.


BB bets, I call.

What does the TAG player have? Was I right to call the flop? The turn? The river? Read it a couple of times and analyze.
20/40 at commerce ... Quote
01-26-2011 , 10:32 PM
4bet the flop
20/40 at commerce ... Quote
01-27-2011 , 02:10 AM
Your hand has winning chances UI and you have a monster draw. Do what Babar says.
20/40 at commerce ... Quote
01-27-2011 , 02:19 AM
Is opening UTG+1 with 66 standard here?
20/40 at commerce ... Quote
01-27-2011 , 02:52 AM
fold pf until you're comfortable at 20/40
20/40 at commerce ... Quote
01-27-2011 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by KitCloudkicker
fold pf until you're comfortable at 20/40
Confirm. If you're not sure how to play 66 on this flop, then definitely fold pf.
20/40 at commerce ... Quote
01-27-2011 , 03:39 PM
agree cap flop

as played raise turn and on this river you can check behind but potentially value bet some rivers. If you get 3bet on the turn its safe to call to hit and fold river ui.
20/40 at commerce ... Quote
01-27-2011 , 06:48 PM
i actually think this is a nice hand. capping the flop strikes me as sort of pointless; even if we do have the best hand, i'm not sure how great our equity really is or what we should do on most turns. i also think we make more by raising the turn when we improve than by capping, and can fold particularly bad combinations of cards.
20/40 at commerce ... Quote
01-27-2011 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by asmitty
i actually think this is a nice hand. capping the flop strikes me as sort of pointless; even if we do have the best hand, i'm not sure how great our equity really is or what we should do on most turns. i also think we make more by raising the turn when we improve than by capping, and can fold particularly bad combinations of cards.
I think we should cap because the pot is large, our hand rates to have a lot of outs against 2 pair/sets/and even made straights. Potentially it could even be best here. Folding the Viet CC is very good for our equity and we only have to invest 1 small bet to do it where we likely have our fair share of it anyway.
20/40 at commerce ... Quote
