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2 more SB hands 2 more SB hands

10-12-2023 , 10:45 AM
Hand 1

4/8 with full kill on. 8 players. BTN is a shortstacked older asian guy who likes big pots when he's ss. BB is middle aged chunky white guy, seem like a hi roller playing 4/8 after a bad run in the casino. He was open raising a decent amount and betting air all the way a couple of times. Drinking beers with his comp dollars from the casino. We had chatted a little.

Folds to the BTN who raises, I look down at ATd and 3 bet. BB insta caps, Kill folds, BTN calls all in for 2 chips. 5 BB in pot(10 BB of 4/8)

Flop comes 8 hi dry board 1 diamond. I fire, BB calls. BTN is all in and is quiet. 6 BB

Turn is a brick, I look at BB, say something like, "just us? I'll check" He checks behind. Cool, I got a free card.

River is a T. I say , "I gotta bet that" and fire, he insta calls.

Hand 2

Same guy in BB, new guy on BTN, hasn't been there long, seems to like to play in position and get sticky.

No kill this time. 2 limps to BTN who calls I look down at 99. Think about raising but just call. BB raises.

Calls around, I call. 6 BB in pot

Flop comes 762 2 diamonds. I do not have a diamond.

I should fire here I think but I check. BB C bets, 2 folds, BTN raises, I hate being squeezed and fold.

I really am hating my SB play lately.
2 more SB hands Quote
10-12-2023 , 11:18 AM
Hand 1 is good.

Hand 2 is an easy raise preflop. As played I three bet the flop
2 more SB hands Quote
10-13-2023 , 02:20 AM
There’s no reason to think we are behind in the second hand. I would also 3bet to try to get bb to fold overcards and get it heads up against a wide range since button can and probably should be raising with any pair to try to squeeze you out.
2 more SB hands Quote
10-13-2023 , 10:53 AM
I really hated the way I played hand 2 Pre and post. Thanks for confirming.

Hand 1 was just frustrating I guess. I got like 5 ATs hands that session and don't think I won a single pot. BB had QQ, BTN had TT and hit his 1 outer to beat the queens and cost me a KILL BB.
I sat there going... 3 aces to win and 1 ten to cost me a bet and I get the free card wasn't free lol.

Hand 2 the read was correct, BB mucked OTR said he 'missed', BTN had J7o :O
2 more SB hands Quote
10-16-2023 , 12:51 PM
unless the board is like 567 all hearts, you have black JJ, and its 3 or bets to you, dont fold overpairs on the flop in LHE. ever. just dont.
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