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2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there 2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there

11-11-2007 , 01:07 PM
my first hand of the night, im in the CO so i decide to post.villian ive played with before, middle aged bald guy, pretty good player for 2-4, TAGGISH, ABC type. the other guy is unknown.UTG1,MP,MP2 limp,folds to HERO in the CO who checks his option with J 6 ,button folds , SB calls, BB checks...

6 players, 6 SB'S

flop:7 9 8 eveyone checks to HERO who bets,3 folds, MP and MP2 call.....

3 players, 4.5 BB'S...

TURN:4 2 checks to HERO who checks:...

RIVER: 5 MP bets, MP2 RAISES!!, HERO 3 BETS, MP shakes his head and mucks, MP2 RERAISES!!!! HERO?
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-11-2007 , 03:02 PM
betting this flop is pretty bad.
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-11-2007 , 03:20 PM
Hero caps. this is easy.

the flop bet is bad, very very bad
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-11-2007 , 09:59 PM
I wouldn't bet the flop.

As played, raise; there's only one hand that beats you, and straight flush over straight flush is exceedingly rare.
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 04:22 AM
he's raising you with the Ace flush dum dum, reraise back
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 04:24 AM
He doesn't have the T J because that would be sick. Easy cap, and a 6bang if you are allowed. Then I would call a 7th.
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 05:09 AM
Preflop: Good

Flop: I don't think betting is nearly as bad as others are making it out to be. But I'm checking.

Turn: Good

River: Easy reraise.
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 04:00 PM
and what was MP leading out with?
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 04:04 PM
he's raising you with the Ace flush dum dum, reraise back

what is MP leading out with here?
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 04:37 PM
MP1 is leading with the other 6 for a straight or more likely a small-medium flush. Since he is first to act he took a shot on the river and is willing to call one raise but folding to a cold raise.
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 04:43 PM
MP1 is leading with the other 6 for a straight or more likely a small flush that he took a shot with on the river and is willing to call one bet but folding to a cold bet.

and MP2 is 4 betting here against a lead bet and a 3 bet by me with the ace on this board? and you call me dumb
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 04:51 PM
no one in thier right mind is 4 betting there without at least the 6 of hearts
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 05:29 PM
MP1 is leading with the other 6 for a straight or more likely a small flush that he took a shot with on the river and is willing to call one bet but folding to a cold bet.

and MP2 is 4 betting here against a lead bet and a 3 bet by me with the ace on this board? and you call me dumb
i called you dumb in a joking manner, but because you took it seriously, i'm starting to think you are dumb.

1st: why should MP2 be concerned about MP1's lead bet, he folded to your three bet anyway. This means MP2's hand gets better (perceived as: lesser chance someone has the 6 heart) after MP1's fold and so it's a 4 bet for him.

2nd: a very good chance as to why he 4 bets here is because he doesn't see the possibility of a straight-flush. This is B&M buddy, it's dark, ppl are old. When someone with an Ace-heart sees the river heart, he thinks to himself "jackpot" and raises like he has the nuts.

no one in thier right mind is 4 betting there without at least the 6 of hearts
you don't know B&M players that well do you? you are giving them too much credit.
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 05:47 PM
how can someone not see the possibility of a str8 flush when theres 4 CARDS TO A STR8 FLUSH ON THE BOARD. are you kidding me, wow!! and if you read the OP, villian is not an old man, hes middle aged, and a pretty good player who ive played with before( all of this is mentioned in the first post) and MP1 most likely leads with the ace and then folds(probably why he shook his head and reluctantly folds). so,if villan doesnt have the ace, and we know he doesnt have the 6, WHAT WOULD HE 4 BET WITH HERE? TELL ME GENIUS
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 05:59 PM
MP1 is leading with the other 6 for a straight or more likely a small-medium flush. Since he is first to act he took a shot on the river and is willing to call one raise but folding to a cold raise.
he cant have a small flush, because if he had two small 's, he would have bet out on the flop, and he wouldnt call the flop bet with one small
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 06:02 PM
how can someone not see the possibility of a str8 flush when theres 4 CARDS TO A STR8 FLUSH ON THE BOARD. are you kidding me, wow!! and if you read the OP, villian is not an old man, hes middle aged, and a pretty good player who ive played with before( all of this is mentioned in the first post) and MP1 most likely leads with the ace and then folds(probably why he shook his head and reluctantly folds). so,if villan doesnt have the ace, and we know he doesnt have the 6, WHAT WOULD HE 4 BET WITH HERE? TELL ME GENIUS
holy hell am i being leveled here?

2-4 live B&M, that is all
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 06:08 PM
fartman, you made the remark about my intelligence in your first reply, wich i didnt appreciate. if your going to do that [censored], at least take time to read the original post.
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 06:12 PM
dum dum doesn't sound too serious does it? if i used idiot or moron i guess you could take it as an insult...but i used..dum dum... look i'm not gonna argue over the interweb

i did take time to read the original post, and i still stand by my line and reasoning
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 06:16 PM
your line really has no reasoning( except all B&M players are dumb and blind)
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 06:18 PM
he cant have a small flush, because if he had two small 's, he would have bet out on the flop, and he wouldnt call the flop bet with one small
yea, he probably doesn't have small flush. I also said earlier he most likely has medium or medium high (10-K)
a cold raise to him reeks of at least an A
i seriously doubt MP1 leads with an A and folds, that's too nitty for 2-4 live
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 06:19 PM
your line really has no reasoning( except all B&M players are dumb and blind)
that's pretty good reasoning, imo
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 06:24 PM
MP1 is leading with the other 6 for a straight or more likely a small-medium flush. small_medium flush Since he is first to act he took a shot on the river and is willing to call one raise but folding to a cold raise.
he cant have a small flush, because if he had two small 's, he would have bet out on the flop, and he wouldnt call the flop bet with one small
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 06:26 PM
your line really has no reasoning( except all B&M players are dumb and blind)
even if this were true, which it's not, that would be good reasoning about 2/4 B&M players
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 06:28 PM
MP1 is leading with the other 6 for a straight or more likely a small-medium flush. small_medium flush Since he is first to act he took a shot on the river and is willing to call one raise but folding to a cold raise.
he cant have a small flush, because if he had two small 's, he would have bet out on the flop, and he wouldnt call the flop bet with one small

you got me on a technicality there. I truly meant to write MP1 likely has med-high (10-K) he doesn't have the A though, I can tell ya that.
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
11-12-2007 , 06:29 PM
all 2-4 players, even ones you have played with before. do we forget about reads on 2-4 tables?
2-4 live: open end st8 flush gets there Quote
