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Table Tamer - Multi-Site Tiling and Hotkeys Table Tamer - Multi-Site Tiling and Hotkeys

10-03-2013 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by pokecancer
Under settings/automation, did you set a pokerstars log file location and enable auto sit in?
The path to your log is something like this:
C:\Users\<YourWindowUserName>\AppData\Local\PokerS tars\PokerStars.log.0
I have pokerstars.log not pokerstars.log.0 whats the difference?
Auto sit in is enabled.
I have reread your tiling modes and it says slots are only for one table:

Slot - A slot for only one table that meet the conditions specific in the filters section for that slot.

Auto Tile Slot - A slot that is filled by an Auto Tile Stack when action is required. Only one table can be in a slot at any given time.
I am confused

10-03-2013 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by pokecancer
Slots are stacks. They can have multiple tables in them. I didn't mean to be confusing. You don't need to add a site. That is for including only certain sites or excluding certain sites.
Sorry buddy, still can't have an empty slot. I set all slots as stack and exclude the site but only appears hyper simple as option. What Iing wrong? Can't be in fill mode?
10-03-2013 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Mark1790
I have pokerstars.log not pokerstars.log.0 whats the difference?
Auto sit in is enabled.
I have reread your tiling modes and it says slots are only for one table:

Slot - A slot for only one table that meet the conditions specific in the filters section for that slot.

Auto Tile Slot - A slot that is filled by an Auto Tile Stack when action is required. Only one table can be in a slot at any given time.
I am confused

I don't know what the difference is exactly. It is supposed to end with .0 though. Make sure you are checking the right location.

A slot is only for one table in filter mode.
So, just make 4 of them stacks. All the slots that you want to be empty can have exclude site filters. Hope that helps.
10-03-2013 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Evil_Invader
Sorry buddy, still can't have an empty slot. I set all slots as stack and exclude the site but only appears hyper simple as option. What Iing wrong? Can't be in fill mode?
Those are filter options. They only work with the filter tiling mode.
10-04-2013 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by pokecancer
I don't know what the difference is exactly. It is supposed to end with .0 though. Make sure you are checking the right location.

A slot is only for one table in filter mode.
So, just make 4 of them stacks. All the slots that you want to be empty can have exclude site filters. Hope that helps.
I'm really a noob pokecancer, i'm sorry in advance...
I just did this as you said to Mark.
I set the mode as filter.
Then I set to 8 tables
Then in slot filters I put 4 of them as stacks.
Then the other 4 I set them as slots and then excludesite and selected hypersimple. when new tables are opening they still go to only one stack only... What I am doing wrong?
10-04-2013 , 06:51 PM
My bad. I didn't think about before, but they would definitely just fill up the first stack because a stack has no limit on tables that can be added. If you change them to slots, it will fill them all but then only one table can be in each.

I'm sorry if I have been kind of short with the responses, but I have been trying to focus on a new version that has a much more versatile layout system.
You can try it if you feel like it. It will wipe out your settings though.
10-04-2013 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by pokecancer
My bad. I didn't think about before, but they would definitely just fill up the first stack because a stack has no limit on tables that can be added. If you change them to slots, it will fill them all but then only one table can be in each.

I'm sorry if I have been kind of short with the responses, but I have been trying to focus on a new version that has a much more versatile layout system.
You can try it if you feel like it. It will wipe out your settings though.
Thanks for your answer. I tested but I was unable to find the option to play multiple stacks at the same time. I think I prefer the old version because of that unique option...
10-05-2013 , 06:12 AM
I added it to the latest if you want to try again. Add a group with the type tile. Uncheck fill only empty slots. Then, you can add other groups to act as empty slots.
10-05-2013 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by pokecancer
I added it to the latest if you want to try again. Add a group with the type tile. Uncheck fill only empty slots. Then, you can add other groups to act as empty slots.
Ok, i'll give another try
Please, when you think that you are satisfied with your software do some sort of video tutorial for noobs like me...
Thank you!
10-05-2013 , 10:13 AM
Ok now everything is fine, ty pokecancer.
10-05-2013 , 01:44 PM
Isn't there an option to have multiple stack in two monitors? I can't do that...
10-05-2013 , 09:34 PM
you siad the new version will wipe all the settings, does that include our custom table layouts?
10-05-2013 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Evil_Invader
Isn't there an option to have multiple stack in two monitors? I can't do that...
Currently, there is no way to split a group between monitors, if that is what you mean. I'm going to think more about it and get back to you.
10-05-2013 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by r0eKY
you siad the new version will wipe all the settings, does that include our custom table layouts?
Yeah. You can back up your old settings though.
C:\Users\<YourWindowsUserName>\AppData\Local\Table Tamer\Settings.xml is the location.
10-05-2013 , 11:14 PM
i installed it before i saw your message but i still have all my settings

we need multiple monitor support, very few players these days are playing on <2 monitors

also how do assign a hotkey to a table so it returns to that table after going into the stack?
10-05-2013 , 11:35 PM
i found a problem, im tring to add hotkeys to tables in table layout>edit>hotkeys but TT is telling me i already have the key assigned to something else. all of the keys were set to move tables to slots before
10-05-2013 , 11:45 PM
oh. delete your old hotkeys then. i thought this would wipe out everyone's settings.
there is multi monitor support as well. you just cant split a group between 2 monitors. if i find out that everyone hates this style of layout, i will change it.

"also how do assign a hotkey to a table so it returns to that table after going into the stack?"

i'm not sure what you mean.

Last edited by pokecancer; 10-05-2013 at 11:51 PM.
10-06-2013 , 12:09 AM
oops i meant "also how do assign a hotkey to a table so it returns to the assigned slot after going into the stack?"

you could make a hotkey that would "assign table to slot". so whenever you fold a table to the stack the table will always return to the assigned slot. that way you could have slots 1-4 act as your reserved slots for tables A-D and use slots 5-7 for spillover. the spillover slots would behave as they would in action/preflop mode and you would have the option to assigned a permanent table hk to them also. this would make it a lot easier to follow the table dynamic, it fixes the only downside i see with your program. right now its hard to follow when you have tables popping up in different spots all the time. im looking forward to testing this out thanks
10-06-2013 , 12:11 AM
how do i delete my old hotkeys?

i cant figure out how to set up slots on my 2nd monitor because the layout editor has changed
i have 2 windows 1 for each monitor when i open the editor but both monitors have tables 0-4 so TT only works for 1 monitor

Last edited by r0eKY; 10-06-2013 at 12:23 AM.
10-06-2013 , 01:20 AM
1) I haven't added this yet, but I will. This isn't an official release.
2) Press the minus button on the main window in the hotkeys section.
2) Yeah, I guess I will have to change it so groups can be on 2 screens at once.
10-06-2013 , 05:14 PM
Hi tried the unofficial release and struggled.
I could not get it to have a functional stack on a different monitor.
I managed to setup the table layout with 4 slots in one group and 1 stack in another group on the other monitor.
r0eKY and I are probably after the same effect ie a table appears to stay in the same place. It does not matter if it returns to a main stack or goes to the bottom of a slot. All that matters is that when the table needs action it is in the same slot each time.

PS Keep up the good work
10-09-2013 , 12:49 AM
hi pokecancer,

I'm having the same problem as rosaparks. it also prevents other tables from assuming focus since TT still thinks the folded hand has focus. would you mind posting what you told him, or PMing it to me? would be much appreciated, thanks!
10-09-2013 , 05:17 AM
The problem Rosa described is a problem with reading the hand history and detecting that a hand is over. I am aware of that and will be working on a solution.

When you mention focus though, it sounds like you may be experiencing another problem. When you click the fold, call, or raise button, the table should be downgraded from an urgent status, and the focus should no longer be set to that table. Do the borders stay green after making an action on a table? How often does the problem happen? Also, are you using the mouse?
10-09-2013 , 01:05 PM
Yeah the borders stay green. The problem happens very frequently - I basically can't use stacking at all. And yep I'm using the mouse.
10-10-2013 , 02:50 AM
Can you contact me on skype to troubleshoot this? My name is the same on there.
