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[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer [WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer

06-04-2020 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by flimpy
+1. betsize calcs are wrong. maybe just blitz tables? some are working some aren't.
Sorry about that, thought I posted this update on 2p2 before I slept!

We do have one known issue on WPN tables currently where cash game tables will occasionally have one table that lags and cause table tamer's automatic bet and action reading to get messed up until table or poker client restart. We are currently working hard to fix other stuff along with trying to find the cause of this lag so we appreciate the patience. Both Ignition/Bovada and WPN have had several updates just this week alone causing Table Tamer to be updated every single time along with other sites like 888, stars, and iPoker. We hope you understand, thank you.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-04-2020 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by UpDog
The disconnects interrupt table tamer's ability to follow the action. I believe that this is a fault on the sites but I have let the developers know to see if there is anything we can do.
This has become a pretty big problem recently. Is there anyway you can get this moved up on the priority list? When i'm at an empty table and get moved to a table with players TT is broke. TT also just stops working correctly after some time. Ill be at some good tables but only 1/4 are working properly.

Edit: Another problem. Some times the hud is showing up at the wrong tables.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-04-2020 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by UpDog
Sorry about that, thought I posted this update on 2p2 before I slept!

We do have one known issue on WPN tables currently where cash game tables will occasionally have one table that lags and cause table tamer's automatic bet and action reading to get messed up until table or poker client restart. We are currently working hard to fix other stuff along with trying to find the cause of this lag so we appreciate the patience. Both Ignition/Bovada and WPN have had several updates just this week alone causing Table Tamer to be updated every single time along with other sites like 888, stars, and iPoker. We hope you understand, thank you.
just to clarify, is this the issue where the table names change from a number to "null"? that one's been around awhile - I thought I had a new one today separate from that but I haven't been able to reproduce it so maybe not
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 12:17 AM
On WPN, cash, blitz: Currency to bb works for bets and stacks, but the pot total is in currency format.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by stellanrandom
On WPN, cash, blitz: Currency to bb works for bets and stacks, but the pot total is in currency format.
Yeah we are aware of this visual issue and this should be an easy fix hopefully.

Originally Posted by flimpy
just to clarify, is this the issue where the table names change from a number to "null"? that one's been around awhile - I thought I had a new one today separate from that but I haven't been able to reproduce it so maybe not
I have seen a screenshot of this happening also but I have not been able to recreate it myself. I imagine that if the table names change to null, that's something on WPN's side and not table tamer's side as I don't think we have any functionality that has to do with changing the titles of the windows. I'd imagine having something like that would mess with other features such as layout filters and whatnot.

I personally grind on WPN as do many of my other friends with table tamer so I'll keep a look out also.

Originally Posted by mreps
This has become a pretty big problem recently. Is there anyway you can get this moved up on the priority list? When i'm at an empty table and get moved to a table with players TT is broke. TT also just stops working correctly after some time. Ill be at some good tables but only 1/4 are working properly.

Edit: Another problem. Some times the hud is showing up at the wrong tables.
It is high up there on the priority list for sure. Could you send logs please when the hud shows up on the wrong tables? It's the first I've heard of this issue but I would imagine it ties in with the other issue.
Press the question mark on table tamer to bring out the "About window" Click send logs and fill out your information and click submit.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 04:02 AM
When I see it again ill send the logs. Today wasnt the first time. It's happened with older version too.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 10:39 AM
Hi Updog,

New to TT and stuggling with basic setup. Is there anyone that can help me - prob save me hours of struggle

PM me when you have a minute or lmk

[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 10:43 AM
Whats going on???

TT wont open & the website is suspended or something???
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by cAp1
Whats going on???

TT wont open & the website is suspended or something???
I'm having the same issue
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Nate Hudson
I'm having the same issue

lol im not sure if that makes me feel better or more worried
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 11:28 AM
Not working for me either.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Nate Hudson
I'm having the same issue
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 11:56 AM
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 12:39 PM
Looks like your web portal is down, which is shutting down my software.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 12:45 PM
We apologize for this incident, we are aware our site and services are down - seems like a 1 in a 10000 chance that something like this happens. I'm trying to contact the owner to see what the issue is and will update as soon I can.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by UpDog
I have seen a screenshot of this happening also but I have not been able to recreate it myself. I imagine that if the table names change to null, that's something on WPN's side and not table tamer's side as I don't think we have any functionality that has to do with changing the titles of the windows. I'd imagine having something like that would mess with other features such as layout filters and whatnot.
I mean, would sending logs help? it's been a very consistent issue for me, happening at least a couple of times every hour for the past few weeks. regardless of what's causing the table names to go null, they do, and TT breaks when they do
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by flimpy
I mean, would sending logs help? it's been a very consistent issue for me, happening at least a couple of times every hour for the past few weeks. regardless of what's causing the table names to go null, they do, and TT breaks when they do
Yes sending logs would help. I believe the wpn update for table tamer is being worked on currently so hopefully itll fix the issues.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 04:02 PM
Additionally, we apologize for the downtime, expect rhe servers to be down a couple more hours.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 04:46 PM
Uggg - can't even open TT

Your program is too good when it works because I really am missing it this last ~month.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 06:22 PM
zzzz you should make your program run offline as well. Why do I need a server connection to use hotkeys?

Might make my own hotkeys anyway
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 06:25 PM
So there's effectively a license server with no redundancy?
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by too hungover
So there's effectively a license server with no redundancy?
without a try {} catch
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 06:31 PM
You justified a price increase by saying you would make it stable...
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 08:25 PM
Table Tamer is great if you do not care about reliability or quality.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
06-05-2020 , 08:41 PM
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
global press := 1
DetectHiddenWindows, On
mCounter = 0
SetTitleMatchMode, 2

CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

global tableTamerActive := false
global curTableNo := 1

; 501,458 FOLD
; 578 ,464 Check/call
; 656 , 465 Raise/Allin

; 593, 434 up bet 1SB
; 465 , 493 down 1SB
; 424, 414 half pot
; 570 , 414 three quarters
; 611 , 414 pot
; 659 , 414 all in

; 38, 360 sit out nect bb


border_thickness = 5
border_color = FF0000

SetTimer, DrawRect, off
Gui, Destroy

SetTimer, DrawRect, 50
border_thickness = 5
border_color = FF0000
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, A
if (x="")
Gui, +Lastfound +AlwaysOnTop +Toolwindow

borderType:="inside" ; set to inside, outside, or both

if (borderType="outside") {



} else if (borderType="inside") {
WinGet, myState, MinMax, A
if (myState=1)


innerX2:=w-border_thickness-offset - 6
innerY2:=h-border_thickness-offset - 3

newX:=x + 3
newW:=w - 6
newH:=h - 3

} else if (borderType="both") {



Gui, Color, %border_color%
Gui, -Caption

;WinSet, Region, 0-0 %w%-0 %w%-%h% 0-%h% 0-0 %border_thickness%-%border_thickness% %iw%-%border_thickness% %iw%-%ih% %border_thickness%-%ih% %border_thickness%-%border_thickness%
WinSet, Region, %outerX%-%outerY% %outerX2%-%outerY% %outerX2%-%outerY2% %outerX%-%outerY2% %outerX%-%outerY% %innerX%-%innerY% %innerX2%-%innerY% %innerX2%-%innerY2% %innerX%-%innerY2% %innerX%-%innerY%

;Gui, Show, w%w% h%h% x%x% y%y% NoActivate, Table awaiting Action
Gui, Show, w%newW% h%newH% x%newX% y%newY% NoActivate, Table awaiting Action

; Activate TableTamer
if(tableTamerActive = false){
tableTamerActive := true
WinGet, fensterID, List, Blitz
Loop, %fensterID% { ; will run loop for number of windows in array
if(%A_Index% = 1){
WinActivate, % "ahk_id " fensterID%A_Index%
WinMove, % "ahk_id " fensterID%A_Index%,0,0,680,480
curTableNo := 1
}else if (%A_Index% = 2){
WinActivate, % "ahk_id " fensterID%A_Index%
WinMove, % "ahk_id " fensterID%A_Index%,680,0,680,480
curTableNo := 2
}else if (%A_Index% = 3){
WinActivate, % "ahk_id " fensterID%A_Index%
WinMove, % "ahk_id " fensterID%A_Index%,275,0,680,480
curTableNo := 3

tableTamerActive := false


#if tableTamerActive = true

sleep, 30
Click, 501,458

sleep, 30
Click, 38,360

sleep, 30
Click, 578,464

sleep, 30
Click, 656,465

;up 1sb
sleep, 30
Click, 593,434

;down 1sb
sleep, 30
Click, 465,493

;half pot
sleep, 30
Click, 424,414

; three quarts pot
sleep, 30
Click, 570,414

sleep, 30
Click, 611,414

;all in
sleep, 30
Click, 659,414


WinGet, fensterID, List, Blitz
Loop, %fensterID% { ; will run loop for number of windows in array
if(curTableNo = 1){
WinActivate, % "ahk_id " fensterID2
}else if(curTableNo = 2){
WinActivate, % "ahk_id " fensterID3
}else if(curTableNo = 3){
WinActivate, % "ahk_id " fensterID1


Here is working ahk script i just wrote up. Edit it how you please. works for 3 tables of blitz. but to change table number and variant edit SC039::
WinGet, fensterID, List, Blitz
Change the "Blitz" to a word in the title of your variant.

Also use GetWinPos.ahk to change click positions and edit SC01B:: to change table number and table size.
[WARNING - multiple reports of bugs] Table Tamer Quote
