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TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt

01-05-2011 , 01:14 PM
Not going to read everything here, but how can i change a hotkey for bet sizing with increments by sb and not only by bb ?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-05-2011 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by PhFr
Can you "tell" tableninja to open eg. 12 tables automatic ?

Unfortunately no. TableNinjaFT's Sensei is built around an auto-replay feature and continues to register your for a game you have opened manually. You can have it keep a game open untill you've played it 12 times but the first game has to be opened by you.

Originally Posted by Filipsimoens
Not going to read everything here, but how can i change a hotkey for bet sizing with increments by sb and not only by bb ?

Try going to TableNinjaFT>Pot Betting and check the box marked "Round all pot bets to 1.0 Small Blind".
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 09:00 AM
Automatically handle tourney buyin popup aint working since today update.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 09:13 AM
yep auto buy-in is screwed and also orange tray window light flashes like a psyco instead of just being on!
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 10:26 AM
My Advance Action Hot Keys - AA Check/Fold has stopped working only when it is assigned to a mouse command. I usually have it assigned to Mouse Right Click. It stopped working. When I assign it to a key it works again. Any ideas?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 11:28 AM
Im gonna make a post request for a fix of the new issues in the TableNinja official forum, add any issues you are having and Ill add it to my post.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 11:36 AM
anyone know of an ahk/altrnative to use in the meantime? im a STsng player and handling the buy in is a must for me to be able to play.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 12:00 PM
please fix register to sng auto!
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 12:49 PM
Hello folks,

i'am using a fixed card mod (with the white dots) and standard table without the FT logo. Pot betting usually works fine, allthough rare cases, where just potsize is offered. Also I get in the log often the message "could not scrape pot". What might be the reason?

Other problem: TNFT fails to recognize my standard 9max tables probably. Mostly it guesses them right but not always.

I guess this slows down the performance and would like to solve it.

And on thing to think about:

Currently you have the Full Tilt table, then the HUD is projected on the table (HM or PT) and then TN looks for anything necessary. Why is it not the other way around? Why does not TN grabs the HUD free data stream (without any problems of overlapping) and then the HUD is put on top of this? The only thing which needs to be free would be probably the Bet, Fold, Call and the Bet-amount Buttons.

Might there be problems if the HUD shows cards of the last hand in the middle of the table, where the actual pot is displayed?

And one last issue: I had very rarely a minbet done, when I pressed ALL IN. Where might that occur from?

Thank you very much for your work. Helps a lot.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by mckrogh
please fix register to sng auto!

Im losing money sitting here with my thumb up my ass
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 05:04 PM
its not too hard to click the register button twice as a temporary workaround.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by jonkeponke
its not too hard to click the register button twice as a temporary workaround.
16 table 6max superturbos and tell me its easy. im not even trying to argue about this i just want it fixed
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by jonkeponke
its not too hard to click the register button twice as a temporary workaround.
Mind your on business!
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by FuzzyDunflop
16 table 6max superturbos and tell me its easy. im not even trying to argue about this i just want it fixed
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by mckrogh
please fix register to sng auto!
after you hit register now hit enter on your keyboard
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Sleaz_Dog
My Advance Action Hot Keys - AA Check/Fold has stopped working only when it is assigned to a mouse command. I usually have it assigned to Mouse Right Click. It stopped working. When I assign it to a key it works again. Any ideas?
This is working again.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by theend4079
after you hit register now hit enter on your keyboard
Ruddy nice tip, cheers!!
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Mordari
Automatically handle tourney buyin popup aint working since today update.

I am able to reproduce this problem. I'll pass the information on to the developers and we should have an update available soon.

Originally Posted by penfold
yep auto buy-in is screwed and also orange tray window light flashes like a psyco instead of just being on!

I'm unable to reproduce this problem. This is likely caused by a setup error on TableNinjaFT>Setup though its difficult to say without more information. Please email a copy of the following files and I'll check them over for errors:

1) Your TNFTLog and TNFTConfigAutoLoad files. You will find them in C:\Program Files\TableNinjaFT

2) A screen shot of the table with your HUD displayed. See instructions at

Originally Posted by Sleaz_Dog
My Advance Action Hot Keys - AA Check/Fold has stopped working only when it is assigned to a mouse command. I usually have it assigned to Mouse Right Click. It stopped working. When I assign it to a key it works again. Any ideas?

I'm unable to reproduce this problem. Make sure you are using a Aero based Windows theme. Are you using a custom table or card theme? If so try changing to the default and see if the problem remains. If its still not working please email a copy of the following files to and I'll check them over for errors:

1) Your TNFTLog and TNFTConfigAutoLoad files. You will find them in C:\Program Files\TableNinjaFT

2) A screen shot of the table with your HUD displayed. See instructions at

Originally Posted by GreatMaker
Hello folks,

i'am using a fixed card mod (with the white dots) and standard table without the FT logo. Pot betting usually works fine, allthough rare cases, where just potsize is offered. Also I get in the log often the message "could not scrape pot". What might be the reason?

Other problem: TNFT fails to recognize my standard 9max tables probably. Mostly it guesses them right but not always.

I guess this slows down the performance and would like to solve it.

And on thing to think about:

Currently you have the Full Tilt table, then the HUD is projected on the table (HM or PT) and then TN looks for anything necessary. Why is it not the other way around? Why does not TN grabs the HUD free data stream (without any problems of overlapping) and then the HUD is put on top of this? The only thing which needs to be free would be probably the Bet, Fold, Call and the Bet-amount Buttons.

Might there be problems if the HUD shows cards of the last hand in the middle of the table, where the actual pot is displayed?

And one last issue: I had very rarely a minbet done, when I pressed ALL IN. Where might that occur from?

Thank you very much for your work. Helps a lot.

The position of your HUD shouldn't matter unless your using Windows XP or an non-Aero based Windows theme. Is this the case? This could be causing the scraping errors you see in your logs as well. Have you tested without your custom theme mods? They could be causing problems as well. If none of this seems to apply please email a copy of the following files to and I'll check them over for errors:

1) Your TNFTLog and TNFTConfigAutoLoad files. You will find them in C:\Program Files\TableNinjaFT

2) A screen shot of the table with your HUD displayed. See instructions at
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-11-2011 , 10:58 PM
Full Tilt has released an update today with a few changes including a new popup for tournament buyins. The has caused a problem with auto-tourney registration. We are aware of the problem and hope to release a fixed version soon. Thanks for your patience.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-12-2011 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
The position of your HUD shouldn't matter unless your using Windows XP or an non-Aero based Windows theme. Is this the case? This could be causing the scraping errors you see in your logs as well. Have you tested without your custom theme mods? They could be causing problems as well. If none of this seems to apply please email a copy of the following files to and I'll check them over for errors:

1) Your TNFTLog and TNFTConfigAutoLoad files. You will find them in C:\Program Files\TableNinjaFT

2) A screen shot of the table with your HUD displayed. See instructions at
I'm using XP in classical mode. The problem was the same with the original cards. Deactivating animations solved problems on the street detection. So remaining issues are table detection and pot scraping.

It would be great, if you could add support for FL as well. Although it works in principal fine, I experience unfortunately some strange calls. So better no TNFT for FL at the moment. Is there a workaround to get the time bank activated?

Thx for your help.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-12-2011 , 10:58 PM
Still nothing?

look Im not trying to be an ass but this is the reason why we (over)paid for software instead of using AHKs because when an update comes we expect a quick fix to issues.

Ive essentially had to sit out the last 2 days which has cost me much more than your program cost.

please get this update out.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-13-2011 , 04:27 AM
Agree with Fuzzy. Not saying you guys arent working as hard as possible, but as a superturbo grinder this bug really messes you up. A delay this long is not normal and really costing your customers money.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-13-2011 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by GreatMaker
I'm using XP in classical mode. The problem was the same with the original cards. Deactivating animations solved problems on the street detection. So remaining issues are table detection and pot scraping.

It would be great, if you could add support for FL as well. Although it works in principal fine, I experience unfortunately some strange calls. So better no TNFT for FL at the moment. Is there a workaround to get the time bank activated?

Thx for your help.

Are you stacking/overlapping tables? If so that would explain the problems with betting and the timebank. TableNinjaFT doesn't support stacking/overlapping in XP. I'm afraid it also doesn't support limit which would explain why your having trouble.

Originally Posted by FuzzyDunflop
Still nothing?

look Im not trying to be an ass but this is the reason why we (over)paid for software instead of using AHKs because when an update comes we expect a quick fix to issues.

Ive essentially had to sit out the last 2 days which has cost me much more than your program cost.

please get this update out.

We are aware of the registration problem and working on an update. Unfortunately although it looks like one popup with Full Tilt there are actually dozens. In the meantime hitting the enter key when a registration window pops up will register you and close the window.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-13-2011 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
We are aware of the registration problem and working on an update. Unfortunately although it looks like one popup with Full Tilt there are actually dozens. In the meantime hitting the enter key when a registration window pops up will register you and close the window.
Can you say anything about when you expect it to be fixed? Days or weeks?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
01-13-2011 , 06:36 PM
For you guys that use xbox controllers with xpadder, just assign enter to one of your buttons. Still a little annoying but a decent fix.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
