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TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt

11-07-2012 , 01:20 PM
The "Cycle to "First in Line" Table" table hotkey isn't working for me, it just doesn't do anything. The go to next/previous hotkeys work.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-07-2012 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Yngwie Malmsteen
The "Cycle to "First in Line" Table" table hotkey isn't working for me, it just doesn't do anything. The go to next/previous hotkeys work.
Ignore this, I had installed the wrong version of a mod.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-07-2012 , 04:56 PM
Is there any chance to have TN click the FTP built-in custom bet buttons? Problem is that TN calculates a 60% pot bet from whatever pot button gives but FTP/stars 60% button makes a raise thats 60%*(dead pot+bet+call) (on top of not being able to use the custom buttons b/c TN doesn't work potsize otherwise)
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-07-2012 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by tercet
I was 4 tabling ps zoom / 2 tabling ftp rush and it was quite laggy.

Everytime a FTP table popped up, the auto bet sizing lagged the computer for a split second, while on ps I can't notice it. Is their any way to fix this? Or is it just an FTP vs PS software issue?

Also the FTP timebank was never working on FTP Rush( You start with a timebank on ftp right?)

Try switching to an Aero based Windows desktop theme. Then go to the start menu search and type "performance information and tools", without the quotes, and hit enter. In the new window that pops up click the adjust visual effects link. Choose custom and make sure everything is disabled except the following:

enable desktop composition
enable transparent glass
show thumbnails instead of icons
smooth edges of screen fonts
use visual styles on windows and buttons

Also make sure UAC is disabled according to the following instructions:

If your using Microsoft Security Essentials make sure you also add exceptions for TableNinja and TableNinjaFT on its options tab. Let me know if none of this seems to help.

Originally Posted by Madjohnny
I tested out playing a single table of 2nl today (also sorting out HUD) and noticed some major problems.

I had to click on the table each time the cards were dealt before it would enter my preset bet amounts preflop.

My flop bet is set at 70%, but for some reason it was defaulting to a pot sized bet.

The auto timebank didn't work.

There was crippling lag, I timed out once and was only running TableNinja, HEM, and a single table.

Make sure to changes listed in the post above but I think there may be another problem as well. For the preset betting problems try going to Full Tilt>Options>Table Options>Custom Bet Buttons and make sure they are set to the default (min, pot, max).

I'm also unable to reproduce any problems with the auto timebank feature or the "Click all timebanks" hotkey. Are you playing Rush poker? In Rush you only have a timebank if you have put money into the pot. Pre-flop if you don't have a blind in you don't get a timebank. Let me know if this doesn't seem to explain the problem.

Originally Posted by h88t_you
My call button is making me fold my hands...and my open raise that i set to 3x + 1 for limper is opening 4x without limpers...

and unlike above people my autofold button works
Originally Posted by Kuta
Same here. Auto-Fold works fine for me, but betsizes (preflop & postflop) are not okay.

The bet sizing problems are likely caused by either custom bet buttons, a custom theme, or a custom card mod. Make sure your using the default theme and cards. Also try going to Full Tilt>Options>Table Options>Custom Bet Buttons and make sure they are set to the default (min, pot, max).

I'm unable to reproduce a problem with the call hotkey. Have you used a table mod in the past? Its possible it wasn't completely removed. Please try removing/re-installing Full Tilt to clear any old or corrupt files.

Originally Posted by Yngwie Malmsteen
I'm having problems with the betsizing, for some reason sometimes the "custom bet buttons" built into the FTP software sometimes disappear at smaller table sizes, and this breaks all TNFT's betsizing features. This is a completely clean install, no mods, I did use mods and noticed it but then uninstalled, deleted the Full Tilt Poker folder from C drive and reinstalled and same issues.

Is it possible for TNFT betsizing to work without those custom bet buttons being visible? Plus the all-in hotkey just clicks whatever I set the third custom bet button to.
I'm afraid changing the bet buttons is not supported. They need to be set to the default (min, pot, max) in order for TableNinja to work. You can set this in Full Tilt>Options>Custom Bet Buttons. Make sure they are set to (min, pot, max).

I haven't had a report yet of the graphics becoming corrupted while playing. TableNinjaFT shouldn't be able to affect that. Try removing/re-installing Full Tilt to clear any corrupt files. Let me know if this doesn't seem to help.

Originally Posted by PietM
I am having trouble with betsizes postflop, preflop it works as expected.

In my TNFTLog-file I see a lot of these errors:
"8:45:07 : ScrapingError 8714827181118: Error parsing pot string ' ' : De indeling van de invoertekenreeks is onjuist."

I have a Dutch windows, the error is the human-readable message for the FormatException-exception. Any ideas what I did wrong?

Post flop only bet sizing problems are usually caused by an unsupported card theme. Try using the default cards. You may need to remove/re-install Full Tilt to clear the old mod. Let me know if this doesn't seem to help.

Originally Posted by Finnisher
Is there any chance to have TN click the FTP built-in custom bet buttons? Problem is that TN calculates a 60% pot bet from whatever pot button gives but FTP/stars 60% button makes a raise thats 60%*(dead pot+bet+call) (on top of not being able to use the custom buttons b/c TN doesn't work potsize otherwise)

I'm afraid not. Custom bet buttons are not supported. They need to be set to the default (min, pot, max).
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-07-2012 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
I'm afraid not. Custom bet buttons are not supported. They need to be set to the default (min, pot, max).
Ok thanks, it would be helpful to put this somewhere in the client (unless I'm missing something there is no warning there).

Is there no hotkey for sit out next BB??? All I see is "click auto post blinds" (Which just clicked fold to any bet) and "sit out next hand". wtf.

Last edited by Yngwie Malmsteen; 11-07-2012 at 06:53 PM.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-07-2012 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Yngwie Malmsteen
Ok thanks, it would be helpful to put this somewhere in the client (unless I'm missing something there is no warning there).

Is there no hotkey for sit out next BB??? All I see is "click auto post blinds" (Which just clicked fold to any bet) and "sit out next hand". wtf.

Not at this time. We may add something like this with a future update but its not currently in development.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by gorlom
ffs, table ninja just tilts the **** out of me. I just want my timebank to be clicked automatically, but TN just always steals the focus from other programs even though I unchecked 'steal focus from other applications'. Tables snap come to the foreground whenever I open anything else and I have to move the table in order to get to them. So ****ing annoying. Is there anything else I can use to have my timebank be clicked automatically or does anyone know how to fix the TN issue? Would be highly appreciated.
excuse my swearing please
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 08:25 AM
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 10:42 AM
so what does work and what does not work with the new full tilt? is there any updates soon?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 11:02 AM
Sorry if this is really dumb but I can't find out how to configure a new layout anywhere in TNFT. Can someone please point me in the right direction?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 11:21 AM
Thought that bet sizing was completely wrong but i think i figured out the problem. Bet sizings are correct apart from when i try to overbet. On pokerstars TN i have a 500% pot button just to represent an all in bet basically, using the same setttings in TNFT if the pot is small enough that a 500% pot bet is in my stack it works fine. however if i dont have that much behind. it will end up betting 50% of the pot instead. (the same works for 1000% , i end up betting 100%)

What is the way around this, i basically just want to click the max button.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
Post flop only bet sizing problems are usually caused by an unsupported card theme. Try using the default cards. You may need to remove/re-install Full Tilt to clear the old mod. Let me know if this doesn't seem to help.
Using the default cards worked, thanks. Do you know any card-mods that work with TNFT?

Originally Posted by rorrrr
Thought that bet sizing was completely wrong but i think i figured out the problem. Bet sizings are correct apart from when i try to overbet. On pokerstars TN i have a 500% pot button just to represent an all in bet basically, using the same setttings in TNFT if the pot is small enough that a 500% pot bet is in my stack it works fine. however if i dont have that much behind. it will end up betting 50% of the pot instead. (the same works for 1000% , i end up betting 100%)

What is the way around this, i basically just want to click the max button.
How about the ALL IN! hotkey on the Fixed Bets tab?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 02:43 PM
I have two questions

1) If i have open tableninjaft and tableninja for pokerstars will they work fine or their fuctions would collude? Can i have assigned the same buttons?
2) Can i transfer my tn setup from stars to tn for ft?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by PietM
How about the ALL IN! hotkey on the Fixed Bets tab?
ah yes, this might be the simple answer ...

thanks lol
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by PietM
Do you know any card-mods that work with TNFT?

Originally Posted by grindtolive
I have two questions

1) If i have open tableninjaft and tableninja for pokerstars will they work fine or their fuctions would collude? Can i have assigned the same buttons?
1. they work together but u cannot assigne teh same hotkeys or lets say you can but they will only work on one of teh both sites. however there is a simple ahk workaround which makes it possible to assign exactly teh same hotkeys for both sites. while this is not recommended by teh ninja developers it seems to work absolutely flawless for me


AA check fold seems not to work for me with a hotkey while teh normal fold works. especially for rush i'm in desperate need of AA check fold. is there a way to make it happen?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by philmcneal
so what does work and what does not work with the new full tilt? is there any updates soon?

Everything seems to be fine so far. Some users are having what appears to be normal setup issues as its been a while since we've all used FT. There don't appear to be any bugs at the moment. We are anxiously awaiting the first update from FT and will provide our own as soon as its needed.

Originally Posted by MMD
Sorry if this is really dumb but I can't find out how to configure a new layout anywhere in TNFT. Can someone please point me in the right direction?

As far as I can see there isn't one. I don't remember FT having a layout option either but it has been a while. You might need to look into something like the .ahk PlaceMint.

Originally Posted by PietM
Using the default cards worked, thanks. Do you know any card-mods that work with TNFT?

You can find several TableNinjaFT compatible card mods here:

Anything that is compatible will show a TableNinja icon on the sample image.

Originally Posted by grindtolive
I have two questions

1) If i have open tableninjaft and tableninja for pokerstars will they work fine or their fuctions would collude? Can i have assigned the same buttons?
2) Can i transfer my tn setup from stars to tn for ft?

TableNinja and TableNinjaFT will work at the same time and all automatic features will work together. You won't be able to set the same hotkeys in both programs though. Unfortunately you also can't import settings from one program to another.

Originally Posted by TimStone

AA check fold seems not to work for me with a hotkey while teh normal fold works. especially for rush i'm in desperate need of AA check fold. is there a way to make it happen?

The AA Check/Fold hotkey will only work in TableNinjaFT if your using "Table under Mouse" mode. If your using "Table in Foreground" the hotkey won't work on your turn. We may add the ability to disable this protection with a future update but for now its bets to change modes. You can also use the "Click by Location" hotkeys from either mode.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 05:30 PM
All in button doesnt work in sngs. It works like raise button. Moreover most times it seems like the preflop betting options dont work too
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 06:01 PM

Is there any way to have bb count as you had in pokerstars table ninja?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-08-2012 , 07:59 PM
betsizing works now with standard cards...

aa checkfold worked for like 3 seconds, thereafter i cannot quickfold or fold anymoar wit teh hotkey, only teh checkbox is working with it (rush)...
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-09-2012 , 12:09 AM
So it seems that the feature that handles regging you for the same game after you bust works, but you still have to either press the register button on the new popup or press enter.

Ive been pressing enter but this causes me to bet if anothr table pops up before. Is there any way i can not have to click something when the new table pops up, or make it so pressing enter wont cause me to bet on a new table?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-09-2012 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by grindtolive

Is there any way to have bb count as you had in pokerstars table ninja?

Not at this time. We may add this with a future update but its not currently in development.

Originally Posted by TimStone
betsizing works now with standard cards...

aa checkfold worked for like 3 seconds, thereafter i cannot quickfold or fold anymoar wit teh hotkey, only teh checkbox is working with it (rush)...

Try switching to "Table under Mouse" mode in TableNinjaFT>Table Control. In "Table in Foreground" mode the AA Check/Fold hotkey will only work before your turn. Let me know if this doesn't seem to solve it.

Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
So it seems that the feature that handles regging you for the same game after you bust works, but you still have to either press the register button on the new popup or press enter.

Ive been pressing enter but this causes me to bet if anothr table pops up before. Is there any way i can not have to click something when the new table pops up, or make it so pressing enter wont cause me to bet on a new table?

I'm unable to reproduce this. Try going to Full Tilt>Options>Table Options>Table Settings and disable the box marked "Auto-close Sit & Go Without Confirmation". Let me know if that doesn't seem to help.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-09-2012 , 03:21 PM
Trying Tableninja FT because I had too many sit-outs. I haven't sit out since using it, but I still cannot set up any hotkeys yet. System: Windows 7. TNFT hotkeys don't work with PS built-in hotkey features turned on or off.

Also I have tried Tableninja PS but decided to use the PS built-in hotkey features. I want to try Tableninja PS again but the trial period is expired. Is it possible I can re-try Tableninja PS to work with Tableninja FT together?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-09-2012 , 03:22 PM
I got myself a logitech g13 and wanna play stars/ftp simultaneously. If I set eg CTRL-F12 as hotkey on stars itself and TNFT at some point one of them will stop working and doesn't work on TNstars and TNFT simultaneously either. I'm testing using CTRL-F11 on stars and CTRL-F12 on TNFT and have a macro that clicks [CTRLdown]-F11d/u-F12d/u-[CTRLup], seems like you need to have TNFT on F12 rather than F11 or it will stop working at some point. Seems to be working. Do you have any opinion on this setup and maybe even adding [CTRLdown]-F9-F10-F11-F12-[CTRLup] each of which would be a hotkey on different sites/programs?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-09-2012 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by lamma
Trying Tableninja FT because I had too many sit-outs. I haven't sit out since using it, but I still cannot set up any hotkeys yet. System: Windows 7. TNFT hotkeys don't work with PS built-in hotkey features turned on or off.

Also I have tried Tableninja PS but decided to use the PS built-in hotkey features. I want to try Tableninja PS again but the trial period is expired. Is it possible I can re-try Tableninja PS to work with Tableninja FT together?

For the TableNinjaFT problem please send a copy of the following files to and I'll check them over for errors:

1) Your TNFTLog and TNFTConfigAutoLoad files. You will find them in C:\Program Files\TableNinjaFT

2) A screen shot of your desktop with a table and your HUD displayed. See instructions at Please send the screen shot even if you don't have a HUD or custom table theme.

I'll also let you know what I need to extend your TableNinja trial when I receive your email. Please also add a link to this post in your email or remind me of the trial extension.

Originally Posted by Finnisher
I got myself a logitech g13 and wanna play stars/ftp simultaneously. If I set eg CTRL-F12 as hotkey on stars itself and TNFT at some point one of them will stop working and doesn't work on TNstars and TNFT simultaneously either. I'm testing using CTRL-F11 on stars and CTRL-F12 on TNFT and have a macro that clicks [CTRLdown]-F11d/u-F12d/u-[CTRLup], seems like you need to have TNFT on F12 rather than F11 or it will stop working at some point. Seems to be working. Do you have any opinion on this setup and maybe even adding [CTRLdown]-F9-F10-F11-F12-[CTRLup] each of which would be a hotkey on different sites/programs?

I'm afraid this is completely unsupported as it could cause hotkeys to be sent to the wrong table if tables from two sites pop up at the same time. What your doing may be possible but I can't recommend it.
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
11-09-2012 , 08:43 PM
i have a 50% default bet for flop turn and river.

completely randomly the default will change to 100% pot, for any of these. Without any changes in the settings. this has happened on flop turn and river, maybe 1/10 times one of these streets will end up being 100% with the others being 50%. very irritating.

any suggestions?
TableNinjaFT - Hotkeys, Pot Betting, and Auto Time Bank for Full Tilt Quote
