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TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars

04-12-2011 , 02:46 PM
To revert PokerStars to an older version go to your PokerStars install folder and open the "backup folder. By default this is in "C:\Program Files\PokerStars\backup". Not everyone will have a backup directory, but if it exists you can revert to the previous version of PokerStars until we release an update for TableNinja. Copy the files from the backup directory into the C:\Program Files\PokerStars directory and then run the Pokerstars.exe directly from your PokerStars install directory (DO NOT USE YOUR DESKTOP SHORTCUT). This will allow you to temporarily run the old version of Stars. We will release an update for this as soon as possible. Sorry for the hassle.

i have tried this and it tell me to contact support when i try to open stars now!!
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 02:55 PM
Just realized after playing with the chat boxes detached, TN is treating the detached chat window as if it were a table. This is sometimes causing me to move the chat window to different parts of my screen and resizing it.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Robibinho
Same here! Can't make any action on the new table that pops up. Hope they will have an update soon!
Try using "Table under Mouse" until we have an update available. Let me know if your experiencing errors in this mode. You can find it in TableNinja>Table Control.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by TheBowlBoy
Just realized after playing with the chat boxes detached, TN is treating the detached chat window as if it were a table. This is sometimes causing me to move the chat window to different parts of my screen and resizing it.

I'm afraid detached chat isn't supported.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:25 PM
*** why didnt I check this out before firing up 21 tables ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by wants
Confirmed. Detaching your chat on all tables fixes the focus bug. Nice find!

Thanks for the info. I'm suspicious but this seems to solve the current focus problems even though it doesn't make sense to me. Feel free to detach chats for now. There is a current problem with the BB display and chat windows but this won't affect normal operation. Nice catch ...
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:37 PM
dont see this backup directory thingy, redic i lost half a day of grinding over a software tool. how much longer tilll the update??
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by lasthand man
To revert PokerStars to an older version go to your PokerStars install folder and open the "backup folder. By default this is in "C:\Program Files\PokerStars\backup". Not everyone will have a backup directory, but if it exists you can revert to the previous version of PokerStars until we release an update for TableNinja. Copy the files from the backup directory into the C:\Program Files\PokerStars directory and then run the Pokerstars.exe directly from your PokerStars install directory (DO NOT USE YOUR DESKTOP SHORTCUT). This will allow you to temporarily run the old version of Stars. We will release an update for this as soon as possible. Sorry for the hassle.
This worked for me.

Before that, I tried changing more settings in PokerStars but nothing helped. However I noticed if I check "Highlight bet amount" in Advanced Multi-Table Options, the table control bug is fixed, but instead you get a continuous error message in TableNinja saying it doesn't support "Highlight bet amount". Hopefully useful info for the developers.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by AlinMC
This worked for me.

Before that, I tried changing more settings in PokerStars but nothing helped. However I noticed if I check "Highlight bet amount" in Advanced Multi-Table Options, the table control bug is fixed, but instead you get a continuous error message in TableNinja saying it doesn't support "Highlight bet amount". Hopefully useful info for the developers.

Thanks for the info. This is known provided something hasn't changed. This option isn't supported and shouldn't affect the current problems. Please let me know if I'm missing something.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 04:13 PM
I have tried the backup, is it right that we have to click copy and replace a million times on all the files?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 05:15 PM
So far it seems that using either "Table under Mouse" mode or detaching the chat seems to solve all focus and hotkey sending problems. Until an update is released please click the 5th button starting from the left and working in on the chat tab bar. This should be the detach chat button. Once you have the chat window detached click the "options" button in the middle. Then choose "auto detach chat".
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
So far it seems that using either "Table under Mouse" mode or detaching the chat seems to solve all focus and hotkey sending problems. Until an update is released please click the 5th button starting from the left and working in on the chat tab bar. This should be the detach chat button. Once you have the chat window detached click the "options" button in the middle. Then choose "auto detach chat".
FWIW this doesn't fix the "Join Waitlist" hotkey issue, but at least it solves the table focus issue so that is a huge relief
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 06:16 PM
FYI... Once SNG Sensei Registration is fixed.

If your filters do not seem correct when testing in Sensei, check the Stars filter.

My currency selection was changed from US Dollars to Canadian Dollars.
And it looks like they added a Speed option called Slow which was checked by default.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 06:40 PM
you guys are taking your sweet ass time with this update
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by gonzalo86
you guys are taking your sweet ass time with this update
Didn't it just break today? Relax.

Also, the detach chat "fix" only works until you close 1 table, then all the chats re-attach. So when I 20 table and a table dies I have to manually detach all the chats as the table comes up.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Medication
Didn't it just break today? Relax.

Also, the detach chat "fix" only works until you close 1 table, then all the chats re-attach. So when I 20 table and a table dies I have to manually detach all the chats as the table comes up.
sense this mourning 7-9am I woke up early to put in a full 6 hours bitch to play without it
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-12-2011 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Medication
Didn't it just break today? Relax.

Also, the detach chat "fix" only works until you close 1 table, then all the chats re-attach. So when I 20 table and a table dies I have to manually detach all the chats as the table comes up.
Wow, that's brutal. I'm glad I don't seem to have the same problem. I do hope that the good people at Tableninja don't think that just because there is a chat detatch work around that it is ok to take their sweet ol' time fixing this.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:54 PM
Sometimes, like once every 1000 hands, my pre-set betting goes all in instead of half pot, why is this? I use hyperSimple theme on pokerstars.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-13-2011 , 06:36 PM
The back up worked for me but then when I closed then went to reopen Stars it then said please contact support. So it worked first time but not after, WTF???
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-14-2011 , 08:39 AM
Have Stars themselves fixed the focus? On play money tables now things seem ok.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-14-2011 , 10:40 AM
So any fixes for Sng problem? Waiting to start a session here.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-14-2011 , 11:48 AM
The hotkeys for waitling list for cash games is not working again with the new update. Would appreciate a fix here for this, thanks.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-14-2011 , 11:48 AM
It looks like Stars has re-released thier update. The focus change has been made optional and defaults to off. The other changes will still require an update. We have a fix in test and will release it as soon as we can. Sorry for the inconvenience.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
04-14-2011 , 11:49 AM
The post I made a couple of pages is back again with new update is what I meant in my post above. This is the one:

Not sure if mentioned yet but for cash games it doesn't work when I want to get on the waiting list for the tables. I have to do this manually. When I use the hotkeys to get on waiting list a pop-up about homegames keeps coming up. If you could also fix that too would be great.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
