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TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars

01-28-2011 , 03:57 PM
Yea same id like to know if you really not intend to support cap for how long ect...Cause also same here gonna find another program, TN hope you realise that every SS use TN basicly and we all going to cap game please ty Charge everyone 10$ that want a cap version or something and work on it Hella fast or idk

PS: Brianwi ftw?

Last edited by drakx999; 01-28-2011 at 04:12 PM.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-28-2011 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
We have not announced any intentions to support CAP at this time. We may add support with a future update but its not currently under development and I'm afraid I dont have a timeline for you.
Are you crazy?! Surely you could at least make the basic features like auto time bank and some hotkeys work with them easily?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-28-2011 , 04:44 PM
Come on, TN is awesome, but i think you're seriously underestimating how many people need you to add the support for the cap tables...
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-28-2011 , 04:58 PM
If tableninja does not intend to support cap i guess i will not be renewing again.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-28-2011 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
We have not announced any intentions to support CAP at this time. We may add support with a future update but its not currently under development and I'm afraid I dont have a timeline for you.
players of cap games will tend to be more into mass multi tabling - the people who need your software the most - so this decision baffles me completely. it also seems like a crazy idea from a business perspective to not support cap. is the thinking that cap may not get off the ground, so you're waiting to see first?

please, change your mind on this! you've let a large percentage of people who bought your software down with this decision, but it's not too late to change that.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-28-2011 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
We have not announced any intentions to support CAP at this time. We may add support with a future update but its not currently under development and I'm afraid I dont have a timeline for you.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-28-2011 , 05:43 PM

You will need to have a good explanation on why you dont work on the CAP support update right away, otherwise I have a feeling some players will stop using your software.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-28-2011 , 05:51 PM
idiots. why did i even buy lifetime updates.

anyone know of software out there like tableninja (all in one) w/ cap support?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-28-2011 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
We have not announced any intentions to support CAP at this time. We may add support with a future update but its not currently under development and I'm afraid I dont have a timeline for you.
This is the wrong idea. I'm sorry your business model was a one time fee for unlimited updates. Perhaps you could start charging yearly fees or something. But, if you don't change your stance I think you will lose lots of long time TN users (starting with me).

I'm already going to pay for custom scripting, so you guys are just missing out.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-28-2011 , 06:41 PM
so can you let us know why you don't plan on supporting cap tables atleast?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-28-2011 , 09:26 PM
+1 for cap, I can't believe its not even on the developers agenda??
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-28-2011 , 10:48 PM
Hi, guys. PLEASE HELP. I play 6 tiled SNGs , using "table under mouse" mode and other tables constantly stealing focus from the active one (one with the cursor above). I use win7. Writing a note or entering bet amount manually becomes VERY painful and tilting process.
Am i right that this happens because of : ?
1) TN clickes timebank button each 5 seconds on everytable, what makes them active
2) TN enters "default bets" on every street on every table, what causes stealing focus
If im right, how can i fix it ? This is REALLY annoying...
If not, anybody knows what can be the reason and how to fix it ?
P.S. and PLEASE, PLEASE add "Disable default bets" option, like you did in TNFT. This functions is worthless for most people, because clicking a hotkey is faster then clicking on "bet" button in client, but if you want to minbet or underbet, it takes a lot of time scrolling or manually entering size.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-28-2011 , 10:59 PM
I'll be switching to brianwi if there is no CAP support by February 10th..

PT3 fixed their software in one day.

Really disappointed...I'll miss using TN

oh well, we had a good run.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-29-2011 , 12:06 AM
+1 for cap support asap.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-29-2011 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by jglsd1
I'll be switching to brianwi if there is no CAP support by February 10th..

PT3 fixed their software in one day.

Really disappointed...I'll miss using TN

oh well, we had a good run.
Same here BrianWi at least give amazing support and help you very well and
know what hes doing and actually care about hes customer,,,He did a few script for me that work very well if had a issue he fixed them and give me update constantly....TN idk why being so lazy and leave their customer like that very sad for a compagny not really how you do buisness usuallyy.....
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-29-2011 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by Aillemkall
This is the wrong idea. I'm sorry your business model was a one time fee for unlimited updates. Perhaps you could start charging yearly fees or something. But, if you don't change your stance I think you will lose lots of long time TN users (starting with me).

I'm already going to pay for custom scripting, so you guys are just missing out.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-29-2011 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by disk189
anyone know of software out there like tableninja (all in one) w/ cap support?

anyone an idea where to get some scripts?

in particular i am interested in the following

-bring active table to front
-bet x% of pot with keypress (pre and post)
-auto click "i am back" on cash tables

i also find the statement quite cheeky, "we dont know if and when and how", thats like 20% of their customer base who are playing solely on those tables
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-29-2011 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by jglsd1
I'll be switching to brianwi if there is no CAP support by February 10th..
??? who or what is brianwi ???
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-29-2011 , 02:46 AM
He's THE guy you want to talk to if you want scripts. Just search for his name on the forum and you'll get his contact infos.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-29-2011 , 06:04 AM
Ok this is my last comment here but I'm really feeling cheated.

In my mind, a good company with good customer service would have done EVERYTHING they can to have a beta version for the CAP games as soon as the announcement was made, especially since we all knew for the last month that there was a good chance this could happen. Now I have the feeling that no one is working on that and the message earlier in this thread suggest that they don't even care.

They will probably end up doing one but it won't be out tomorrow for the players and it will be a "business" decision because of the pressure and not just good service. It only happened a couple of times over the years that they had to do some URGENT work (new type of game on the biggest site online where most of their customers play) and they are showing us that they aren't willing to do it. We all know (poker players) that time is really important for us as there won't be some juicy CAP games online for the next 20 years. Maybe I'll still use TN in the future but I def lost some respect for the company.

Sorry for my english.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-29-2011 , 09:49 AM
TableNinja not willing to give us a update on cap tables is a shame.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-29-2011 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by digit
Are the CAP tables so different that it would be a major undertaking to tweak the code to support them?

Can I just ask whether there being no plans to support CAP has anything to do with the developers views on the merits of the CAP game?

Not jumping to conclusions but obviously a lot of people would rather CAP disappeared. If that were the case and the developers have no intention of ever supporting it, i'd rather know that now and search out a different solution.

TableNinja has no opinion on the merits of CAP games. Each type of game requires a certain amount of custom code which is time consuming and expensive to produce. We are looking into how feasible some level of support for CAP games would be. I can't make any promises and will not provide any sort of timeline but we are looking into it.

Last edited by 8=~Fool~=8; 01-29-2011 at 01:59 PM.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-29-2011 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
TableNinja has no opinion on the merits of CAP games. Each type of game requires a certain amount of custom code which is time consuming and expensive to produce. We are looking into how feasible some level of support for CAP games would be. I can't make any promises and will not provide any sort of timeline but we are looking into it.
I am in no way a software expert but I dont even understand what could be different about CAP tables vs. the regular NLH tables, all the tabs are the same, the buttons are the same, the only difference I see is the way that the stacks are displayed.

I guess this could cause a problem with your pot betting functions but at least just disable this function or something for the time being so that people can use all the other functions (bet slider, call/bet/fold buttons, moving windows, auto buy-in etc.)

This makes no sense whatsoever, 90% of your customer base is mass-multitablers most of whom probably shortstack.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-29-2011 , 03:38 PM
+1 I need CAP support ASAP.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-29-2011 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by LotsOfOuts69
I am in no way a software expert but I dont even understand what could be different about CAP tables vs. the regular NLH tables, all the tabs are the same, the buttons are the same, the only difference I see is the way that the stacks are displayed.

I guess this could cause a problem with your pot betting functions but at least just disable this function or something for the time being so that people can use all the other functions (bet slider, call/bet/fold buttons, moving windows, auto buy-in etc.)

This makes no sense whatsoever, 90% of your customer base is mass-multitablers most of whom probably shortstack.
+1 to everything here.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
