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Table Of Interest (discontinued) Table Of Interest (discontinued)

04-06-2010 , 07:55 PM
Actually I think I fixed it on my own.... added TOI.exe to the file exclude list in AVG and program opened up just fine. I will test it out in session.
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-06-2010 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Thois
Im currently out of the country for 3 days, so its a bit hard to help. Skewisgaar & iinycboy, I'll have to get back to you tomorrow, sorry its a bit hard to supply customer support from here. Both your problems seem system unique, although I still need to rule out some things.
Ok no problem, I just received my license and now seem to be having more problems , tables keep returning to the stack while I still have action and some tables do not return after the hand has finished, But anyways I am sure this will be resolved when you get back.
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-07-2010 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by skwisgaaar
Ok no problem, I just received my license and now seem to be having more problems , tables keep returning to the stack while I still have action and some tables do not return after the hand has finished, But anyways I am sure this will be resolved when you get back.
Tables not returning when the hand is finished, is this in Rush Poker?
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-07-2010 , 04:34 AM
Yea in rush, however the first issue I had with the check hotkey not working properly happened in normal FR games also
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-07-2010 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by Thois
You mean when someone beats you to it, and you''re just too late and the "This seat is already taken" pop up appears? If so, I will try to find a solution to that
Yes something like that. I use with TN so the popup is automatically cleared and I end up with an observed table in the stack which sometimes I don't realise is there until much later
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-07-2010 , 03:44 PM
oh come on!
Hey Thois! Can u upload v 2.31 for me please?? v 2.32 fix is just AWFUL, honestly >_< can't play with this stuff, it drive me crazyyyyYYy
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-08-2010 , 05:06 AM
Sorry for not answering questions in time the past 3 days, I was out of the country. I'll be home in a couple of hours and so service can be provided as usual again soon. I'll answer all questions then. I also have a new update coming up for TOI (for PS)...
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-08-2010 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by HQuality
oh come on!
Hey Thois! Can u upload v 2.31 for me please?? v 2.32 fix is just AWFUL, honestly >_< can't play with this stuff, it drive me crazyyyyYYy
I'll just answer this one right now because I have a quick answer:
please let me know whats going wrong in v2.32 what isnt in v2.31...
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-08-2010 , 11:58 AM
How do I turn the auto-post blind-function off? I just downloaded v2.32 and the hand after I sit down at a table the big blind get automatically posted no matter what position Im on. Very annoying!
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-09-2010 , 04:49 PM
Sorry, I was unavailabe for support for a couple of days, I was out of the country... My apologies.

Below I will answer all unresolved questions from the past couple of days from:
- Skewisgaar
- Pokerash
- iiinycboi
- ChronicWeSmoke

Also a new update is coming up (sunday or monday)

Last edited by Thois; 04-09-2010 at 05:13 PM.
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-09-2010 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by skwisgaaar
Sorry if this has been asked before but with the FT program, the program works great except for one part, I am currently testing it with table ninja,the only problem is that when you check a hand it gets sent back to the stack, is there a way to make the table stay in the grid until hero finishes the hand?

eg I raise preflop , table moves to the grid, if I then check the flop table goes back into the stack.
I think it is because on full tilt the check button moves into the fold buttons position when there is no fold option on a hand. (you cant open fold on FT).

Is there any way to fix this?

edit: this seems to only happen when I am using tableninja, if I click check it works as intended

I have tableninja hotkeys set up as 3 keyboard buttons (/,*, -) for check/fold call raise.
in TOI FTP I have external hotkeys assigned and the same hotkeys as above
Originally Posted by skwisgaaar
I had already done this, it was working with the mouse just not with tableNinja hotkeys, I have just done the "capture call btn" again and still the same error occurs when I check with tableNinja on. The program works perfectly when I don't use tableNinja.

EDIT: the program still works if i have tableNinja on and use the mouse, and all the other hotkeys work except for checking.
Originally Posted by skwisgaaar
1) Yes I use the fold hotkey to check when the check button is on the left position ( there is no fold option) and it does work correctly (the hand is checked) , however TOI FTP thinks the hand is folded opposed to checked and returns that table to the stack. This only occurs with the hotkey and not if I use the mouse.

2) Yes send to active is ticked on all keyboard hotkeys, I will try to change the hotkeys and see if that makes a difference.
Originally Posted by skwisgaaar
I just tried to change the hotkeys, this time to Q W E, and still the same thing happens.
Originally Posted by skwisgaaar
Ok no problem, I just received my license and now seem to be having more problems , tables keep returning to the stack while I still have action and some tables do not return after the hand has finished, But anyways I am sure this will be resolved when you get back.
Originally Posted by skwisgaaar
Yea in rush, however the first issue I had with the check hotkey not working properly happened in normal FR games also
I just tried TOI FTP in rush poker, it acts strange for rush poker games, it only works for normal (non-rush) poker games. I can offer you a refund because I told you it would also work for rush poker games (email me). Strangely enough it did work for me on Rush games in the past, perhaps they changed something. I will try to look into it tomorrow though, perhaps it's something that I can do about it.

About left-click checking working like it should and hotkey checking not:
I have just compared both functions, and they do exactly the same (the part where they detect whether the left button is a check or a fold button). Also: To make sure, I tried your setup (with hotkeys sending commands to the active table) and it all worked flawlessly. So your situation is very strange. So Table Ninja FT might be doing something to your tables that makes TOI FTP make false readings. Does something obscure your table at the check/fold button position? Perhaps some kind of hud or something?
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-09-2010 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by pokerash
Thanks for the update, it seems to be working much much better for me now.

I still have an intermittent issue though. I'm not sure what causes it but it seems to happen more when I am playing 12+ tables.

It happens when a new table is being opened. All of the tables seem to hang a for a bit and some weird cycling happens where the new table would seem to cycle back and forth with another one. Eventually after say 10 - 20 seconds it goes back to normal. But of course I will have timed out on a few hands. I can't reproduce this everytime but will happen a few times an hour.

Wonder if anyone else has experienced this
Originally Posted by pokerash
thanks for the reply but that's already turned off
Originally Posted by pokerash
Oh another thing... It would be good if TOI could detect tables that you are not seated at and put them into the unseated stack. E.g. sometimes I do'nt manage to sit in the table as the seats get taken up. This table then gets lost in the stack with the join waiting list button on it.
Originally Posted by pokerash
Yes something like that. I use with TN so the popup is automatically cleared and I end up with an observed table in the stack which sometimes I don't realise is there until much later
About the cycling, my earlier suggestions were a bit off, I was out of the country and not sharp. I need to have at least one other report on this before I can try to find the problem, because right now it seems that you're the only one experiencing it, so it's probably a system specific problem. I think I might know whats causing it, it could be a theme/background specific problem, please send me a screenshot (PM or email) of one of your tables.

About the observed tables in the stack, that's something that I can't really fix, because TOI moves tables to the stack once the title bar of the table says: "Logged In as", which it normally does when you've taken seat. The one situation where it also does this, is when you take a seat but someone beats you to it.
I can only solve this problem by making the unseated stack work like in TOI FTP. In there, tables stay in the unseated stack until your first VP$IP (move into grid)... Perhaps I can add this as an option so people can choose how to detect seated tables.
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-09-2010 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by iiinycboi
Hi, im having an issue with TOI and TN. I can run them fine, but when i use TOI my hotkeys for TN does not work. WHen i close TOI it still does not work but i can reload JUST TN and it will work.
Originally Posted by iiinycboi
Thois, Im still havent some conflicting issues with TN and TOI. With both on TN's sitout all tables and close tables hot keys doesnt work nor does the betting hotkeys. I have TOI set on external hotkeys.
Originally Posted by iiinycboi
Hi Thois,

i never touched it but its at 105 and TOI engine Delay is at 480.

can you explain how this would effect the hotkey for feature reference?

Does it "lag" the hotkey triggers?

Originally Posted by iiinycboi

Windows 7
all the hotkeys from tableninja do not work. Only the hotkeys with no target windows work (join waiting list)
Yes i am using "send to active" as i am using hotkeys to send to active table on tableninja as well.

It worked fine when i was using TOI trial and TN but for some reason the new version it just doesnt work. Mainly the hotkeys that i need to function would be sit out all tables or close all tables. TN just doesnt detect me pressing then.

Should i only run TN as admin because im running by as admin

(the only hotkeys that work while running both are keep in grid and joing waiting list)

Originally Posted by iiinycboi
Hey Thois, i tried disabling that option and even using version 2.20 the sit all all tables dont work with TOI on
I didnt understand your problems good enough previously as I was a bit distracted when I was abroad. So let me get this right:
The only hotkeys that dont work are:
sit out all tables and close all tables

Is this correct? Is it correct that these are the only hotkeys that you've had problems with?

If so, this is not really a TOI problem (even though TOI seems to cause it), but a Table Ninja problem as those are TN hotkeys & TOI has nothing to do with those hotkeys.

Last edited by Thois; 04-09-2010 at 05:55 PM.
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-09-2010 , 08:54 PM
I have just tried the software again after getting a new computer, it works flawlessly now on non rush tables and I cannot replicate the previous problems I had, so it must have been something on my end, is there any way you can provide rush support? if not I totally understand as it is probably a lot of work for little gain, I really like this software and now it works great but all i play is rush so if you can't / don't want to make it work there ( which is totally understandable) I guess I will have to get a refund.
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-09-2010 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Thois
I didnt understand your problems good enough previously as I was a bit distracted when I was abroad. So let me get this right:
The only hotkeys that dont work are:
sit out all tables and close all tables

Is this correct? Is it correct that these are the only hotkeys that you've had problems with?

If so, this is not really a TOI problem (even though TOI seems to cause it), but a Table Ninja problem as those are TN hotkeys & TOI has nothing to do with those hotkeys.
Hi, i actually checked everything and none of the hotkeys work with TOI on. With TOI on none of the TN's hotkey works. The only way for any hotkeys for TN to work with TOI was to shut down TN during play then right click and open it as adminstrator again. It will work then after 15 mins of play it mysteriously doesnt work again. I have to reload TN as adminstrator again.

i mainly need sit out on all tables/ sit out next blind / close tables those would be prefect if you can implement them into TOI.

Last edited by liamraises; 04-09-2010 at 10:31 PM.
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-09-2010 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by iiinycboi
Hi, i actually checked everything and none of the hotkeys work with TOI on. With TOI on none of the TN's hotkey works. The only way for any hotkeys for TN to work with TOI was to shut down TN during play then right click and open it as adminstrator again. It will work then after 15 mins of play it mysteriously doesnt work again. I have to reload TN as adminstrator again.

i mainly need sit out on all tables/ sit out next blind / close tables those would be prefect if you can implement them into TOI.
Do you have send to active and external hotkeys checked in TOI?
TOI and TN work fine for me on ftp
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-10-2010 , 08:36 AM
Hi guys.

Just got the full version of TOI, and I love it. I really makes multitabling on 1 monitor so easy! But of course, I got some issues:

1. I use both TOI and TN together multitabling sngs on stars. First problem is when the SNGS get to PUSH/FOLD poker. When I just use my RAISE button, it will go from the stack to the grid, so I can see the outcome, or if everyone folds to me. But when I use TN's allin button, it will just stay in the stack, and the next table pops up. I guess this will have something to to with the hotkeys in TN and TOI. To repeat it once more: BET/RAISE everything OK, but the ALLIN hotkey, not okay.

2. I really dont know if this is a problem to me, but I will go through it, so you are aware of what happens. When one of my tables are in the stack, and I use the FOLD hotkey, it goes back to the stack as it should. BUT when I use the FOLD TO ANY hotkey in TN, it folds the cards, but stay in the GRID until the hand is over. As I said, it's not a big problem for me, just takes me some time to get used to it. Perhaps I would like it to act this way, when I'm used to it.
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-10-2010 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by skwisgaaar
Do you have send to active and external hotkeys checked in TOI?
TOI and TN work fine for me on ftp
yeah i got those checked, it worked before i got the full version lol. Its probably my computer though. Cause they work independently
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-11-2010 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by skwisgaaar
I have just tried the software again after getting a new computer, it works flawlessly now on non rush tables and I cannot replicate the previous problems I had, so it must have been something on my end, is there any way you can provide rush support? if not I totally understand as it is probably a lot of work for little gain, I really like this software and now it works great but all i play is rush so if you can't / don't want to make it work there ( which is totally understandable) I guess I will have to get a refund.
I'll look into Rush Poker tomorrow.. Perhaps a small adjustment can make it work 100% again like before. I'll keep you posted. Obviously the refund offer stays when I don't succeed.

Originally Posted by iiinycboi
Hi, i actually checked everything and none of the hotkeys work with TOI on. With TOI on none of the TN's hotkey works. The only way for any hotkeys for TN to work with TOI was to shut down TN during play then right click and open it as adminstrator again. It will work then after 15 mins of play it mysteriously doesnt work again. I have to reload TN as adminstrator again.

i mainly need sit out on all tables/ sit out next blind / close tables those would be prefect if you can implement them into TOI.
Originally Posted by iiinycboi
yeah i got those checked, it worked before i got the full version lol. Its probably my computer though. Cause they work independently
I'm afraid your problem is system specific, as I ruled out all other possible problems & it seems pretty unique. You can try to reinstall TN again and see if the problem disappears, that might actually work.

Originally Posted by Skyfish
Hi guys.

Just got the full version of TOI, and I love it. I really makes multitabling on 1 monitor so easy! But of course, I got some issues:

1. I use both TOI and TN together multitabling sngs on stars. First problem is when the SNGS get to PUSH/FOLD poker. When I just use my RAISE button, it will go from the stack to the grid, so I can see the outcome, or if everyone folds to me. But when I use TN's allin button, it will just stay in the stack, and the next table pops up. I guess this will have something to to with the hotkeys in TN and TOI. To repeat it once more: BET/RAISE everything OK, but the ALLIN hotkey, not okay.

2. I really dont know if this is a problem to me, but I will go through it, so you are aware of what happens. When one of my tables are in the stack, and I use the FOLD hotkey, it goes back to the stack as it should. BUT when I use the FOLD TO ANY hotkey in TN, it folds the cards, but stay in the GRID until the hand is over. As I said, it's not a big problem for me, just takes me some time to get used to it. Perhaps I would like it to act this way, when I'm used to it.
So you set TOI to have "External Hotkeys"?
If so, you can set multiple bet/raise hotkeys (up to 8), just also set your allin hotkey as second bet/raise hotkey in TOI's hotkey assignment menu.

For your second problem, you can only assign 1 fold hotkey in TOI. You are using 2 different fold hotkeys in TN. So the second problem can't be fixed unless I create a custom version for you. If you want a custom solution, email me this entire post + your PokerStars username + the key/button you assigned as Fold to Any hotkey in TN.
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-12-2010 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Thois
I'll look into Rush Poker tomorrow.. Perhaps a small adjustment can make it work 100% again like before. I'll keep you posted. Obviously the refund offer stays when I don't succeed.
That would be great, hopefully it is not much of a fix if it has recently worked on rush.

Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-12-2010 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Thois
So you set TOI to have "External Hotkeys"?
If so, you can set multiple bet/raise hotkeys (up to 8), just also set your allin hotkey as second bet/raise hotkey in TOI's hotkey assignment menu.

For your second problem, you can only assign 1 fold hotkey in TOI. You are using 2 different fold hotkeys in TN. So the second problem can't be fixed unless I create a custom version for you. If you want a custom solution, email me this entire post + your PokerStars username + the key/button you assigned as Fold to Any hotkey in TN.

Thanks, that solved my problem. Didn't know I could choose multiple hotkeys. I'm starting to get used to the second problem, and I kind of like it right now. If I want to see the rest of the hand, I choose to fold and keep it open. And if I dont care, I fold and it gets back in the stack :-)
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-13-2010 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by skwisgaaar
That would be great, hopefully it is not much of a fix if it has recently worked on rush.

Looking into it right now
Originally Posted by Skyfish
Thanks, that solved my problem. Didn't know I could choose multiple hotkeys. I'm starting to get used to the second problem, and I kind of like it right now. If I want to see the rest of the hand, I choose to fold and keep it open. And if I dont care, I fold and it gets back in the stack :-)
ok great!
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-15-2010 , 05:02 AM
Any updates ?
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-15-2010 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Thois
These are some good ideas, let me look into this and think of a solution for you. I think some color-code display would be the best solution. I will try to add that.
I would also like this.
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by skwisgaaar
Any updates ?
I'm currently preparing a TOI for PS update, which will be released today. After that I will immediately start working on a TOI for FTP update, I need to close the gap between both TOIs (though TOI FTP will never become as powerful as TOI for PS, because I'm focussing more on the PS version as there is a much higher demand for it).
Table Of Interest (discontinued) Quote
