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StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need.

05-22-2013 , 04:41 PM
no i've never messed with the fonts
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
05-24-2013 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Max1mums
mecha, the script supports old black theme only.

black =old black? it seems in pokerstars theme options they r different
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
05-24-2013 , 06:17 AM
ttjjboy, they are different, the script was made at the time when there was the only black theme, it is called old black theme now.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
05-25-2013 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by Max1mums
mecha, nonstandard fonts maybe?
is there any other setting that i might have changed? autobets in starshelper do not work either. i'm thinking it's some global pokerstars setting.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
05-25-2013 , 06:14 AM
Hi, does your script have a feature that send numpad keys directly into the bet sizing window?
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
05-25-2013 , 06:15 AM
mecha, you use enlarged OS font it seems.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
05-31-2013 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by ServerBTest002
Hi, does your script have a feature that send numpad keys directly into the bet sizing window?
AFAIK SC does not have that feature. TN has it but that's overpriced piece of junk imo.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-02-2013 , 07:01 AM
great script !

Max1mums, any chance to have some functions for zoom multitabling ?
like :
- fast folding all tables at once (checkbox "FastFold to any bet")
- same, but clicking the fold and watch button for all tables (Zoom options ->"Display Fold and Watch")

I do have a "Fast Fold" function, but it's a simple clicking loop, much less efficient than your code.
I tried to understand the code, but can't get around it for clicking these butttons.

StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-05-2013 , 06:47 PM
Hello, no Nova theme?

StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-06-2013 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by Herrigel
Hello, no Nova theme?

Pls add this.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-08-2013 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by
great script !

Max1mums, any chance to have some functions for zoom multitabling ?
like :
- fast folding all tables at once (checkbox "FastFold to any bet")
- same, but clicking the fold and watch button for all tables (Zoom options ->"Display Fold and Watch")

I do have a "Fast Fold" function, but it's a simple clicking loop, much less efficient than your code.
I tried to understand the code, but can't get around it for clicking these butttons.

Maybe you can give me some hints to adapt this function :

global SlickTheme,hdc_buffer
WinGet, list, List,Logged In ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
Loop, %list%
 WinGetPos,,, W, H, ahk_id %Z%
; tooltip %Sittingout%
 If !((Sittingout=0x000000) OR (Sittingout=0xDFD9CE) OR (Sittingout=0xD2EBF3) OR (Sittingout=0xB3A39D) OR (Sittingout=0x9D9D9D) OR (Sittingout=0xCCCCCC) OR (Sittingout=0xDEDBCE) OR (Sittingout=0xB5A29c) OR (Sittingout=0xBDAEAD) OR (Sittingout=0x343434)  OR (Sittingout=0x444444)  OR (Sittingout=0x333333) OR (Sittingout=0x5cc5e5) OR (Sittingout=0x58c4e3) OR (Sittingout=0x6acce8) OR (Sittingout=0x57c4e3) OR (Sittingout=0x63c8e6) OR (Sittingout=0x62c7e6) OR (Sittingout=0x72d1ed) OR (Sittingout=0x59c4e4) OR (Sittingout=0x56c4e3) OR (Sittingout=0x69cbe8) OR (Sittingout=0x61c7e6) OR (Sittingout=0x55c3e2) OR (Sittingout=0x64c7e6) OR (Sittingout=0x6ed0eb) OR (Sittingout=0x5ac4e4) OR (Sittingout=0x5bc4e4) OR (Sittingout=0x64c8e6) OR (Sittingout=0x80825) OR (Sittingout=0x80826) OR (Sittingout=0x80827) OR (Sittingout=0x80828) OR (Sittingout=0x80725) OR (Sittingout=0x80726) OR (Sittingout=0x80727) OR (Sittingout=0x80728) OR (Sittingout=0x8082c))
  if SlickTheme
  if comparecolors(col1,col2,v)=0
  PostClickStars(back_x, back_y, Z, 0) 
I don't know how :

- to retrieve coordinates and what they refer to

- how to work out the multiples "Sitttingout" values (to then adapt them to the "Fast Fold" checkbox)
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-09-2013 , 07:41 AM
Anyone have problem with the betpot prefilling the bet amount, all in?

Here's how it's setup.

StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-09-2013 , 07:48 AM

I don't know what the 35.40 is though, it's definitely not my stack size in bb or $
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-10-2013 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by
great script !

Max1mums, any chance to have some functions for zoom multitabling ?
like :
- fast folding all tables at once (checkbox "FastFold to any bet")
- same, but clicking the fold and watch button for all tables (Zoom options ->"Display Fold and Watch")

I do have a "Fast Fold" function, but it's a simple clicking loop, much less efficient than your code.
I tried to understand the code, but can't get around it for clicking these butttons.


I figured the first part, as there was actually a function called "fold2any" somewhere down the code, and I could spot the coordinates.

To fast fold all zoom table at once :
	WinGet, list, List,Logged In ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
	Loop, %list%
to avoid fast folding a big blind, I call it twice in a row :
F5::   ;Fast Fold Zoom
that allows also to fast fold all tables, except those where we are in the Big Blind, or a hand we are playing and no one raised us yet (example : you open from MP, and no one did 3-bet you yet).

Be careful though, as this might fast fold a hand you're playing if someone just raised you slightly before you hit the fast fold hotkey

If you're unsure, don't use the fast fold loop function, just fold manually while active in a hand.

Now, I just need to figure out the correct coordinates of the "Fold and Watch" button; anyone ?
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-10-2013 , 07:58 AM,, ctrl+f1 hotkey copies the current coordinates to the clipboard.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-10-2013 , 08:12 AM
Ankimo, the script was made before the "larger fonts on the smaller tables" PS client option was implemented, you can try disabling it or resizing a table.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-10-2013 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by Max1mums,, ctrl+f1 hotkey copies the current coordinates to the clipboard.
wow ! Works like charm; just what I needed

Thank you very much !
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-14-2013 , 02:11 PM
does this (or any free software for that matter) display a hud of how the action went in a hand?
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-15-2013 , 04:22 PM
Max1mums, I'm trying to see if I can fix the betpot.

It looks like when I enable debug mode, the numbers in the systray are all correct.

Here's what I've noticed so far:
-in unraised pots, it puts a ridiculous amount in the bet amount box, always all in.
^this is occurs even if I maximize the table so I'm not convinced it's a font size issue as you hinted at.
-in pots that get raised to me, the bet amount is correct

Any hint on which area of the program I should analyze?

*I'm totally new to AHK programming, but wouldn't mind learning it. I have n++ and dbgp setup. I can step through your script while on a table but without knowing which area to focus on, it obviously takes too much time.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-15-2013 , 04:40 PM
Ankimo, Allin overbets can happen because of the incorrect point symbol read, it can also happen on the playmoney tables because fraction numbers are not allowed there. Check at the end of the PotSizeStars function or at the beginning of the Pot function, should work fine if all the numbers are correct there.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-15-2013 , 05:46 PM
Thanks Max, I'll check it tomorrow.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-22-2013 , 05:59 PM
I want a script that only does two things for me:
1. Create a frame around the table (you already pm'ed me this one and it works fine)
2. Use hotkey for joining waiting lists (preferably the ~ button)

I know nothing about AHK scripts and I tried toying around with them but it didnt work well.

What parts of the script do I need to get these two things working for me.
And do i need two seperate scripts? Can AHK even run two scripts at the same time?

Anybody that can help me with this, it is much appreciated
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-23-2013 , 04:59 AM
Could you PM me too the script that create a frame around the table?
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-23-2013 , 07:55 PM
oops wrong thread.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-24-2013 , 06:38 PM
hey great script thanks for sharing!

one thing I noticed is that if I "limit total number of tables to X", when X is reached we can't open the hand reviewer. Can we fix that?



local list,id
winget,list,list,ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
loop %list%
if seated%id% is not number
if ((limit=0) || ((limit=1) & (list<=totalnumber))) // change this line
if move
WinMove, ahk_id%id%,, xpos,ypos
if autotakeseat
if !InStr(tablequeue,id)
if ((limit=1) & (list>totalnumber))

I think we should allow tables with the same name to be opened regardless of the "totalnumber" value.. something like this:
if ((limit=0) || ((limit=1) & (list<=totalnumber)) || (list.Contains(<table_opened>.name)))

is it possible? (nvm sintax)

StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
