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04-12-2011 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Max1mums
Here is the fixed version for the today's update:
Link won't load?

Edit: got it now. Thanks.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-12-2011 , 06:10 PM
Cool everything seems to work as before
Nice work and really quick.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-12-2011 , 06:26 PM
max1mums, what was the problem with stars update today? i havent had a chance to log in and i dont understand what these users are saying, something with tables not being activated?
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-12-2011 , 06:34 PM
greg nice, yes, stars have copied FullTilt table activation system, table pops up but doesn't get activated on action.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-12-2011 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Max1mums
greg nice, yes, stars have copied FullTilt table activation system, table pops up but doesn't get activated on action.
hrm, so fulltilt has always been like this too?

i guess this doesnt matter for mouse-over hotkeys, only for sending hotkeys to active table
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-12-2011 , 08:57 PM
Ill throw this out hope to get a response.
I only need the "betpot" section in this AHK script.
How could I do that? thx
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-13-2011 , 06:08 AM
The waitlist seems to be borked again after their 2nd update
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-13-2011 , 06:39 AM
paletokio, set the hotkeys you need on the BetBot tab and use them.
Aviat0r71, stars have rolled back the update so v1.49 should work fine.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-13-2011 , 09:04 AM
max1mums, could you contact me on can't send mp atm
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-13-2011 , 09:16 AM
Monst3rDr4w, my available contacts can be found on my profile page.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-13-2011 , 09:45 AM
ok! sent u and email, thanks
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-13-2011 , 11:14 AM
Aviat0r71, stars have rolled back the update so v1.49 should work fine.[/QUOTE]

Ok cool thanks
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-13-2011 , 08:12 PM
using 1.5 with a new install after windows crash. everything seems to work fine except betpot. pre is fine but on the flop, its not putting in the % amount I set. it's putting in a higher than pot amount.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-28-2011 , 12:50 PM
Hi Max1mums,

I just tried your program for the first time today. I would would like to join multiple waiting lists quickly while multi-tabling. I found the "Join 5 waitlists counting from selected". I set it's hotkey as "q" but when I pressed q it only joined me to the waiting list of the one table selected.

I tried assigning different hotkeys to that function. I also made sure I put the "StarsPics" folder into the same folder that I created for Starscash 1.5. Then I tried replacing 1.5 with 1.49. And I do have the correct lobby theme selected. None of these solutions worked.

Thanks in advance for your help =)
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-28-2011 , 01:57 PM
allurbaser, make sure that "Down" is not used as a hotkey anywhere, you should also try running the script as admin.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-29-2011 , 02:44 PM
Hi Max1mums,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. =)
1. OK. The "Down" arrow is not being used as a hotkey. (Unless your program uses it as a hotkey by default and I missed that it did do that.)

2. I have Win XP and so to run a program as an admin I have to hold the shift button and right click the program. Doing this is supposed to give me the option to "Run as" but for Starscash it didn't show that option. I tried to hold down the shift key and right click on other programs and it did give me the option to "Run as" but not for Starscash.

3. Should I be using 1.49 like Aviat0r71 wrote he needed to do in his reply on 2-13-2011 when he had waitlist problems or should I keep working with 1.50?

Thanks again Max1mums =)
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-29-2011 , 05:29 PM
allurbaser, v1.49 works fine for me for the preupdate stars client and v1.50 works fine for the postupdate stars client. "Down" shouldn't be used as a hotkey in any other script/program running, try using different hotkey maybe, try setting different amount of waitlists. There are two different hotkeys to join single waitlist and a waitlist group, check if you use the one you need.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-30-2011 , 03:28 PM

1.OK. Using v1.50:"Down" isn't being used as a hotkey in any other script/program running.

2.I tried using different hotkeys

3.I set a different amount of waitlists(as little as 2 tables and as many as 20)

You said "There are two different hotkeys to join single waitlist and a waitlist group, check if you use the one you need."

I do not want to only join 1 waitlist at a time. I want a hotkey to join multiple tables with one keystroke of one hotkey.

Also, I don't want it to be necessary for me to have the tables open that I want to join the waitlist of. The feature 'Join waiting list on all tables' DOES work IF I have all of the tables open that I want to join the waitlist of. But playing 20 tables I and having 20 other tables open slows down my com.

I think I am trying to use the right hotkey for joining multiple tables from the lobby list and without having to have those tables open. I am using the 'Global hotkey:Join [x] waitlists counting from selected'.

Is this the feature that you want me to use?

So far this feature will 2 two things.

1. It will open only the table selected and not any more tables below it. \

2. This one is weird but might help you to figure out this riddle: I resized the Pokerstars window to its' default size and I was moving it from one side of my screen to another. But at the same time I happened to still have my finger on the hotkey that I assigned to 'Join [x] waitlists counting from selected'. What happened was that if I hold down this hotkey at the same time that I left click on the blue windows 'Title bar' of the Pokerstars client the window would move down about 1/4 of an inch about every 1 second. I would guess that this is the program thinking that the PS client is staying still and it is moving down the table list. But instead it is moving the whole PS client interface from the top of my screen to the bottom 1/4 of an inch at a time.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
04-30-2011 , 03:29 PM
i need one for live play thnx
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
05-10-2011 , 02:04 PM
Hello Max1mums, I have problem with bet pot option, tried to change all options several times so please, give good, but simple instruction what exactly do there .

Short description - there appears 0.00 for half second preflop, but after flop there are no actions.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
05-10-2011 , 06:26 PM
btw, the program slows computer quite lot, everything is not going smooth
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
05-17-2011 , 11:32 AM
Hi everyone, my problem is that when i sit down on a table, the scrypt uncheck automatically "wait for the big blind", what's my problem?
I don't have activated "uncheck wait for the big blind" on my starcash.

Thanks max!
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
05-18-2011 , 04:16 PM
After the last Stars update sometimes the script clicks the new button "find seat". And when I close the "find seat window" the button gets clicked immediately again. Any Idea?
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
05-19-2011 , 03:43 PM
Hello Max1mums, can you please update the Flop, Turn & River "Bet Pot" feature.

It looks stupid, but i want to bet 53,13% of the pot @ the flop and not 53%

Can you please add decimal numbers there.

Looks stupid but would be great if it's not too elaborate.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
05-19-2011 , 07:40 PM
wuusaa, i'll add it, you can replace this line
frac:= Round(fr1/100,2)
frac:= Round(fr1/100,4)
manually, same for fr2,fr3,fr4.

Krischan, doesn't happen to me, try to notice in which exact situation it happens (on some hotkey press or seating on a table etc).

tXipiTi, the only thing i can think of is auto i'm back function, try turning it off to check it out.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
