Hey guys.
Well... its time. Time to bring the beta test to a close. Of course there's still lots to be done, but its would be all too easy to just be in "beta" forever... sometimes you've got to just rip the band-aid off.
I had wanted to get hand-history import in before the "retail" release, but its not going to happen. But, rest assured that I will not end my "introductory price" until HH import is in.
I want to give a big thanks to all of you that took the time to download and try out SnG Solver and gave feedback... the response was fantastic and you've been a tremendous help.
If you didnt get a chance to try out the beta, dont worry... SnG Solver will have a fully functional 30-day free trial period. (available soon!)
On a slightly related note...
I'm pretty sure that I'm going to rename "Advanced ICM". As I alluded to in an earlier post, its become clear to me that the better I am able to educate people about SnG Solver's simulation-based equity algorithm, the more likely I am to be successful. To this end, I feel that I should probably put as much distance between me and the term "ICM" as possible.
At first, I thought it would be a good idea to latch on to the "ICM concept", only improved (ergo, "Advanced ICM")... but now I think that just causes confusion. Plus, there are already other programs that refer to themselves as "an advanced ICM calculator" and that kind of thing. So, let them have it, i say. I can do better.
So I say all this for two reasons... first, in case somebody wants to talk me out of it.
and two, I'm open to ideas for the new name. In fact, if someone were to suggest a name and I use it, I'll give them a free SnG Solver license.
I'm thinking along the lines of "Simulated Chip Model".. or "Deep Simulation Equity Alogrithm"... or "Simulated Future Chip Model"... or something like that. You get the idea.