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SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta)

05-12-2008 , 05:19 AM

what's the easiest way to see how you're running when it gets to heads up?
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-12-2008 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by kkcountry

what's the easiest way to see how you're running when it gets to heads up?
You can't atm, but eventually I'll dump another file that can be sorted/filtered in Excel for stuff like this.

SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 04:12 AM
juk, (sorry to bother you again)

how do you fix

WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
i looked at the last hand of every stt that i got that message for and they all seemed to be normal

SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 04:14 AM
Hi it's a great software!....i'd really like to have that one for sng hu....
is that possible? thanks!
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by kkcountry
juk, (sorry to bother you again)

how do you fix

WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
WARNING: [00000000|Hero's final hand missing... Ignoreing SNG.] Continuing...
i looked at the last hand of every stt that i got that message for and they all seemed to be normal

Is the tournament number of the SNGs really "000000000"? If so that will cause problems as it relies on them to sort the hands in order.

If not, then note the hand number of the very last hand in each problem SNG and then open the "error.log" file and search for the hand number. If it's not missing, then their should be an error message telling you the reason the hand was rejected.

SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by cab$
Hi it's a great software!....i'd really like to have that one for sng hu....
is that possible? thanks!
If it can read the hands then it will also work with HU SNGs. Just create a batch file that looks like this:
@echo off

echo Running on all HU Party hands found in the current folder...

rem For Party HU SNGs we pay 55% of the final prize-pool as our entry fee.
BackTestAllInLuck.exe 55.0 100 0 0 .

To make it work with Stars or FT then just look at some of the example batch files and copy the conversion part in.

SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 09:40 AM
ty juc iv done it but it gives me an error sayng bb must be>0 and skips in the next line......
thanks again if you can help me!
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by cab$
ty juc iv done it but it gives me an error sayng bb must be>0 and skips in the next line......
thanks again if you can help me!
It must be a problem with the HH format (or conversion) being slightly different to what's expected. If it was made to look like a Party HH at the very end of a SNG then it should work fine (possibly the dealer is the BB?).


PS: I might not be here to answer posts for the next couple of days. Just finished my Party rakefree days yesterday and my eyes badly need a break from looking at the PC screen, so prolly off for a break for a few days... LOL, every time I close my eyes I can see hands getting dealt over and over, and I spent last night dreaming about seat-selection strategies!
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by jukofyork
Is the tournament number of the SNGs really "000000000"? If so that will cause problems as it relies on them to sort the hands in order.

If not, then note the hand number of the very last hand in each problem SNG and then open the "error.log" file and search for the hand number. If it's not missing, then their should be an error message telling you the reason the hand was rejected.

hi juk, i have the same problem. the hand seems to be okay in the log file, but your program says "hero's final hand missing, ignoring sng etc.."
looking at the error log:
WARNING: [6397277376|Invalid amount passed to SetAmountWon().] Continuing...
WARNING: [6397277376|SetAmountWon() failed for TURN... Skipping to next hand.] Continuing...
how can i avoid this kind of errors? i have about the 15% of the sngs skipped and it distorts the correctness of the analysis...
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 01:01 PM
yes it is a conversion problem....dont know how to solve.
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 01:13 PM
you should get a medal for this juk, thnx!
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by meridio
hi juk, i have the same problem. the hand seems to be okay in the log file, but your program says "hero's final hand missing, ignoring sng etc.."
looking at the error log:

how can i avoid this kind of errors? i have about the 15% of the sngs skipped and it distorts the correctness of the analysis...
Not sure what could cause this, but it must be something to do with the HH conversion as I've never seen my parser throw that message on a Party hand.

Try copying the converted hand into a separate text file, then "cut off" each line in turn (from the end backwards) and run my app on it (my parer will work fine on incomplete hands). Repeat until you find the exact line that's causing the problem and then post the HH file along with the line that's messing up and I'll see if I can see what the problem is.

SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Staafy
you should get a medal for this juk, thnx!
Hehe, it's saved my sanity a couple of times, so worth it to me too! I used to be a terrible "OMG, the games are drying up..." or "OMG, am I playing bad today?" type of person, so the ability to see that actually it's just luck and infact my "adjusted" line looks alot like y=ax kinda stops alot of this for me.

I'm just in the process of trying to work out a useful class that should produce a list of resultant-stack-configurations/weights for any number of all-in players at any hand stage. This should mean it'll be able to handle pretty much any all-in, but 4-way and post-flop all-ins might take a bit longer and may have to rely on some Monte-Carlo simulation if enumeration proves too slow.

SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 02:22 PM
my ROI is 60%, and my adjusted ROI is 50% over the last 100 games ($36 games), I know i played them very well, but how big do you think the influence of variance from other factors is?
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Staafy
my ROI is 60%, and my adjusted ROI is 50% over the last 100 games ($36 games), I know i played them very well, but how big do you think the influence of variance from other factors is?
Still quite alot and even over 200-300 SNGs the adjusted ROI can vary quite alot (I regularly get sick runs of +/- 20% 'adjusted' ROI over ~100 games). This is mainly due to runs of cold/hot cards or constantly running into/missing opponent hands, but there is also a scaling that occurs if you run super-hot (or super-bad) due to getting much further into each SNG and thus being able to apply your your skill-edge more (or busting out early and losing your possible future skill-edge too often).

From what I've seen so far though, it seems to start to stabilize much more after about 500-1000 SNGs and I personally am happy to start to draw conclusions about my likely long-term ROI after about 1500-2000 SNGs (as opposed to still wondering if it could be +/- 3-5% after 5000-10000 SNGs like I was before).

I should add that I've also found RVG's ROI simulator to be very helpful in answering questions in the past. You can ask stuff like "If my 'true' ROI is 10% then what is the chance I could have ran at 5% below expectation over these last 800 games?" by looking at the cumulative frequencies in the first column. If I'm more than 95% confident I can make more at the limit below then back I move, else I'll fight it out until I hit the 95% confidence mark.

SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by jukofyork
Still quite alot and even over 200-300 SNGs the adjusted ROI can vary quite alot (I regularly get sick runs of +/- 20% 'adjusted' ROI over ~100 games). This is mainly due to runs of cold/hot cards or constantly running into/missing opponent hands, but there is also a scaling that occurs if you run super-hot (or super-bad) due to getting much further into each SNG and thus being able to apply your your skill-edge more (or busting out early and losing your possible future skill-edge too often).

From what I've seen so far though, it seems to start to stabilize much more after about 500-1000 SNGs and I personally am happy to start to draw conclusions about my likely long-term ROI after about 1500-2000 SNGs (as opposed to still wondering if it could be +/- 3-5% after 5000-10000 SNGs like I was before).

I should add that I've also found RVG's ROI simulator to be very helpful in answering questions in the past. You can ask stuff like "If my 'true' ROI is 10% then what is the chance I could have ran at 5% below expectation over these last 800 games?" by looking at the cumulative frequencies in the first column. If I'm more than 95% confident I can make more at the limit below then back I move, else I'll fight it out until I hit the 95% confidence mark.

thnx, I think I can live with it if I am actually running about 20% hotter then i should
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-13-2008 , 09:46 PM
Just on the topic of "missing final hand", I get a few of these too, but I get them in PT as well, and I have noticed some Ts in PT which just stop before the end. So check the HH file, the problem could be there.
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-14-2008 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by jukofyork
Not sure what could cause this, but it must be something to do with the HH conversion as I've never seen my parser throw that message on a Party hand.

Try copying the converted hand into a separate text file, then "cut off" each line in turn (from the end backwards) and run my app on it (my parer will work fine on incomplete hands). Repeat until you find the exact line that's causing the problem and then post the HH file along with the line that's messing up and I'll see if I can see what the problem is.

this is the entire sng log:

and this is the final hand:

i tried to cancel every line in turn and when i cancel the last line or the ***SUMMARY*** line it gives me this different error:

usually i get this error only if I cancel the ***SUMMARY*** line from other logs and not also the last one.

the last hand is:

Full Tilt Poker Game #6397277376: $6 + $0.50 Sit & Go (Turbo) (48656475), Table 1 - 500/1000 - No Limit Hold'em - 5:57:38 ET - 2008/05/13
Seat 4: Mrs Johsen (2,450)
Seat 6: max_meridio (2,640)
Seat 8: DrProton (8,410)
Mrs Johsen posts the small blind of 500
max_meridio posts the big blind of 1,000
The button is in seat #8
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to max_meridio [Qc Ts]
DrProton raises to 3,000
Mrs Johsen folds
max_meridio calls 1,640, and is all in
DrProton shows [8h Ac]
max_meridio shows [Qc Ts]
Uncalled bet of 360 returned to DrProton
*** FLOP *** [Jd 3c Ah]
*** TURN *** [Jd 3c Ah] [9c]
*** RIVER *** [Jd 3c Ah 9c] [4d]
DrProton shows a pair of Aces
max_meridio shows Ace Queen high
DrProton wins the pot (5,780) with a pair of Aces
max_meridio stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5,780 | Rake 0
Board: [Jd 3c Ah 9c 4d]
Seat 4: Mrs Johsen (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: max_meridio (big blind) showed [Qc Ts] and lost with Ace Queen high
Seat 8: DrProton (button) showed [8h Ac] and won (5,780) with a pair of Aces

hope this will help you cause i don't know what more to do, lol.

Last edited by meridio; 05-14-2008 at 12:04 PM.
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-14-2008 , 03:54 PM
I cant launch the program, it's written that the version has timed out.

any idea why it doesnt work pls ?
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-15-2008 , 06:12 AM
ran juk's program for a sample of 1715 Fulltilt sng's
and 70 of them couldnt be analyzed (heroe's final hand missing......)
I got these results
actual won: -1992$
adjusted won: 849$
$ev luck: -2842$

but I'm probably up about 500$ in these tourneys, so I'm geussing it misses the tourneys I've won or something. I'm guessing it has missed most the tourneys I've run good in but can u still draw any conclusions from the $ev luck?

anyway thanks for the program jukofyork

sry if this didnt make any sense I'm really tired!
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-15-2008 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by meridio
usually i get this error only if I cancel the ***SUMMARY*** line from other logs and not also the last one.

the last hand is:

Full Tilt Poker Game #6397277376: $6 + $0.50 Sit & Go (Turbo) (48656475), Table 1 - 500/1000 - No Limit Hold'em - 5:57:38 ET - 2008/05/13
Seat 4: Mrs Johsen (2,450)
Seat 6: max_meridio (2,640)
Seat 8: DrProton (8,410)
Mrs Johsen posts the small blind of 500
max_meridio posts the big blind of 1,000
The button is in seat #8
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to max_meridio [Qc Ts]
DrProton raises to 3,000
Mrs Johsen folds
max_meridio calls 1,640, and is all in
DrProton shows [8h Ac]
max_meridio shows [Qc Ts]
Uncalled bet of 360 returned to DrProton
*** FLOP *** [Jd 3c Ah]
*** TURN *** [Jd 3c Ah] [9c]
*** RIVER *** [Jd 3c Ah 9c] [4d]
DrProton shows a pair of Aces
max_meridio shows Ace Queen high
DrProton wins the pot (5,780) with a pair of Aces
max_meridio stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5,780 | Rake 0
Board: [Jd 3c Ah 9c 4d]
Seat 4: Mrs Johsen (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: max_meridio (big blind) showed [Qc Ts] and lost with Ace Queen high
Seat 8: DrProton (button) showed [8h Ac] and won (5,780) with a pair of Aces

hope this will help you cause i don't know what more to do, lol.
Since this appears to be a converter problem, then you really need to look at what the converted hand looks like and not the original. If you don't know much about DOS, then you can try this:

A) First run this batch file on a single problem hand to create the converted hand:
@echo off
mkdir TempConvertedStarsHands 2> NUL
del /Q .\TempConvertedStarsHands\*.txt 2> NUL
ftpconverter.exe .\TempConvertedStarsHands .
B) Now run this batch file and note what the error is:
@echo off
rem For Turbo 6s we pay 12.03703704% of the final prize-pool as our entry fee.
BackTestAllInLuck.exe 12.03703704 50 30 20 TempConvertedStarsHands
Then go into the "TempConvertedStarsHands" folder and open the converted hand in a text editor. Delete the last line and re-run just the second batch file and again note the error. Keep removing the last line and re-running the second batch file until you find the converted line that causes the error to change. Then make a note of the original FT hand, the full converted Party hand and the exact converted line that causes the problem.

If you repeat this process on a few "problem" hands, then a pattern should hopefully emerge as to what is getting messed up with the conversion process and then the FT converter can be fixed to make the converted hand look exactly like a Party hand.

SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-15-2008 , 01:48 PM
thanks for your help. i'm not confident with DOS at all and it seems to be a boring work...dunno if i'll have the time to do it until the weekend.

thanks again, i'll keep you tuned.
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-17-2008 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by Fragui
I cant launch the program, it's written that the version has timed out.

any idea why it doesnt work pls ?
please help me..
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-17-2008 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by Fragui
please help me..
The original version does not work any more. You need to get juks program if you play on party, stars, or full tilt. If not you are out of luck I'm afraid.

Could a mod maybe add a little note to the OP?
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
05-17-2008 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by jukofyork
If you repeat this process on a few "problem" hands, then a pattern should hopefully emerge as to what is getting messed up with the conversion process and then the FT converter can be fixed to make the converted hand look exactly like a Party hand.

i found the "wicked" line. sometimes the error appears as "hero's final hand missing" and sometimes "initial chips != final" o something similiar, however... the line is always the same.
it is the line in which we get the cards.

"Dealt to max_meridio [ Qd 9s ]" <--- this one

if you need some bugged hh log just let me contact you by msn or email.
SnG Luck Analyzer (Beta) Quote
