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PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread

06-14-2012 , 06:08 PM
is there a way to allow hud stats to go outside of the table? like holdem manager allows overhanging stats

also, can you explain what seats ep and mp refer to in the positional popup and how these change when a table is not full

also, is there a way to set where popups display? location wise on the screen

also is there a way to see all the players in my database and see how many hands i have on each?

Last edited by retroguy; 06-14-2012 at 06:32 PM.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-14-2012 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by newluck2k
TT, what I mean is that I'm playing against different opponents on different tables. If I try to open another note window (on another table) it won't come up.
I need to apologize for this, the functionality of our note window is an issue that was miscommunicated to our developers, we should have caught this earlier but the it was over looked. We intended to have 1 note window open per table, not per session as it currently is. When I was responding to the last post about clutter I was talking about per table, not per session. This is our error, and we agree it needs to be fixed, but alas it cannot be addressed until after the launch of PokerTracker 4 commercially because we caught this error too late in the game. Thank you very much for pointing out that there is only one note window available on the screen at a time, we will get this address this as soon as we can.

Originally Posted by pasita
Soo... is the "multiple notes boxes" a no-no because of technical problems or the clutter factor? Or is it possibly something that we can really hope to get back?
What do you mean by this? We never had multiple note windows in the PT4 betas, perhaps you are confusing a different application?

We intended to place just one note window per table because it would avoid clutter at that table, note that of all the 18 different networks we support for live import with a HUD, not one of them allow more than 1 note window per table (to the best of my knowledge). As addressed in the post above, we will tackle this issue after commercial release to allow more than 1 note editor per session, but only 1 note editor will be available per table. We intended to address this earlier but it was overlooked accidentally.

Originally Posted by PlsFold
I'm having trouble setting up actions for made hands in NoteTracker.

How do I make an autonote that says: Donks/checkraises flop with (made hand/high card/draw) and NOT the players hole cards?
NoteTracker uses filters to find situations which would trigger an autonote, then once the trigger occurs the note is written. The note is static, but you can include one of 4 variables - {board-flop}, {board-turn}, {board-river},{cardrange}. This means you can create 3 separate notes to fill your request, but you cannot make 1 note that covers all three scenarios. Made hand would have to be Pair or better (could be top pair, over pair, etc - that is up to you).


To build the Player Filter for Donks use 3 stages. Shift-Click the bottom two stages so they are both highlighted, then click OR. You can continue to build this filter to also cover scenarios where you check raised if you wish to, but then these two options are covered under one note.

The final note would look like this:

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-14-2012 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by retroguy
is there a way to allow hud stats to go outside of the table? like holdem manager allows overhanging stats
yes. We allow HUD Stats to hang over the edge of the table by 50 pixels as shown below.

[QUOTE=retroguy;33282461]can you explain what seats ep and mp refer to in the positional popup and how these change when a table is not full

We use standard 6 max positioning rules, so in a 6 max table seats 1 +2 are the blinds, Seat 3 is UTG, Seat 4 is MP, Seat 5 is Cutoff, Seat 6 is Button. EP and MP adjust accordingly as the table size changes.

Originally Posted by retroguy
is there a way to set where popups display? location wise on the screen
I dont understand this question, please elaborate.

Originally Posted by retroguy
is there a way to see all the players in my database and see how many hands i have on each?
View Stats - > Results - > Player Summary

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-14-2012 , 08:36 PM
thank you for the reply.

let me try all of these questions again.

is there anyway i can allow hud stats to go further than 50 pixels off the table?

to which seats do ep and mp refer to on a 9man table? suppose the table is being played 8 handed then what? is it utg, utg+1 and utg +2 are ep? +3 and +4 mp? if its 8 handed would it be utg and utg +1 as ep and utg +2 and utg+ 3 mp? how about 7 handed

when i click on a stat in my hud and get the popup is there a way i can set the upper left hand corners pixel location? so the popup will appear on the left of the screen or the right of the screen is i so chose (without having to drag it out of the way so i can see/make an action

View Stats - > Results - > Player Summary

this does not list all the players in my database for me. it just gives my stats. i want to be able to list every player in my database and sort them by things suck as the number of hands i have against them
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-14-2012 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by retroguy
thank you for the reply.

let me try all of these questions again.

is there anyway i can allow hud stats to go further than 50 pixels off the table?

to which seats do ep and mp refer to on a 9man table? suppose the table is being played 8 handed then what? is it utg, utg+1 and utg +2 are ep? +3 and +4 mp? if its 8 handed would it be utg and utg +1 as ep and utg +2 and utg+ 3 mp? how about 7 handed

when i click on a stat in my hud and get the popup is there a way i can set the upper left hand corners pixel location? so the popup will appear on the left of the screen or the right of the screen is i so chose (without having to drag it out of the way so i can see/make an action

View Stats - > Results - > Player Summary

this does not list all the players in my database for me. it just gives my stats. i want to be able to list every player in my database and sort them by things suck as the number of hands i have against them
  • PT4 allows HUD Stats to hang over the edge of the table by 50 pixels, this is not customizable.
  • To answer your seat positing question, you can verify the exact seats by using the Full Ring Positing report found at View Stats - > Results - > Summary - > Position (Full Ring) and then filter by players at the table. Assuming a 10 handed table is number 0 to 9 with 0 being the button and 1 being the SB then a 7 handed table places the EP in seat 4. An 8 handed table places the EP in seats 4 & 5. A 9 handed table adds another MP player in seat 4 and places EP in seats 5 & 6. A 10 handed table has 3 EP seats and 3 MP seats. I think everything else is self evident, but in the event it is not we are writing a positioning Guide this week. Defining UTG is complicated when changing table sizes so we use the term EP in all locations where position can be defined in reports and in the HUD with the exception of the Position (Full Ring) report shown above and also the My Reports - Players by Position reports.
  • The location where popups appear are not definable by the end user, the popup always appears just below the HUD on table group assigned to the popup, or alternatively just below the stat assigned to the popup.
  • View Stats - > Results - > Player Summary does in fact list every player in your database as shown in the screen capture below where 26,511 players are listed, perhaps you have a filter enabled which is interfering with the report? You can also see the Hero vs Villain report to see how players have interacted with the Active Player, or you can use the My reports - All Players report to create your own analysis tools - this is one of the most powerful features of PT4.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-14-2012 , 10:21 PM
:s why doesnt mine look the same

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-14-2012 , 10:50 PM
also, if i go to my reports and do a new player report it still only shows up my stats.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 12:39 AM
How do you show your graphs to the penny instead of the dollar? Yes, I'm such a degenerate!
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 01:44 AM
Sorry for double post but the forum wouldn't let me edit my previous post.

The custom stat for Merge Rakeback for tournaments is not working. It is coming up as $0.00
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by retroguy
:s why doesnt mine look the same

This is because you are not using an up to date version of PT4. The Player Summary report was only just added.
Please update to v4.01.21. During the Beta phase especially it is important to keep up with new versions as we're fixing a lot of issues and introducing changes and new functionality in every release.

Originally Posted by retroguy
also, if i go to my reports and do a new player report it still only shows up my stats.
In the latest version there is also a new "All Players Report" option when you create a new report.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by blobbloblob
How do you show your graphs to the penny instead of the dollar? Yes, I'm such a degenerate!
Graphs are scaled automatically and will only show decimals when the scale is small enough. If you want to see penny-accurate results you can see that in the info box or in other reports.

Originally Posted by blobbloblob
The custom stat for Merge Rakeback for tournaments is not working. It is coming up as $0.00
I will make sure that Kraada (who wrote this stat) sees this - thanks.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 08:28 AM
I was playing a long session of zoom last night and my PT4 said that I didn't win or lose a single cent for ~1k hands through that session. It is literally a horizontal line across my graph. I have tried every housekeeping option as well as rebuilding cache to no avail.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by *TT*
What do you mean by this? We never had multiple note windows in the PT4 betas, perhaps you are confusing a different application?

We intended to place just one note window per table because it would avoid clutter at that table, note that of all the 18 different networks we support for live import with a HUD, not one of them allow more than 1 note window per table (to the best of my knowledge). As addressed in the post above, we will tackle this issue after commercial release to allow more than 1 note editor per session, but only 1 note editor will be available per table. We intended to address this earlier but it was overlooked accidentally.
I meant PT3. Actually I'm not even sure if it works game time (as the PT3 notes system is too clumsy to use imho... I really was hoping for an improvement in PT4), but at least during a review it's great to have multiple players' notes boxes available.

As for how the poker clients show the notes, I have no idea why that's relevant to what PT4 is doing. None of the poker clients I know of offer a real time VPIP score on several players simultaneously, that's why I bought PokerTracker2 and PokerAce HUD to begin with.

Multiple notes boxes per table is clutter only if the user thinks so. It's not like we're asking for "press a button to open all of the players' notes boxes simultaneously in a cluttery fashion".

I'd even settle for a chance to have several boxes open during review only if there are technical problems doing that while importing.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by GingerViking
I was playing a long session of zoom last night and my PT4 said that I didn't win or lose a single cent for ~1k hands through that session. It is literally a horizontal line across my graph. I have tried every housekeeping option as well as rebuilding cache to no avail.
Click on Database --> Currency, highlight the session in question and click Set Rates. Sometimes this can happen if PT4 gets invalid rates and doing this will get the proper rate for the session and update the database appropriately.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by Kraada
Click on Database --> Currency, highlight the session in question and click Set Rates. Sometimes this can happen if PT4 gets invalid rates and doing this will get the proper rate for the session and update the database appropriately.
Thank you
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by pasita
I meant PT3. Actually I'm not even sure if it works game time (as the PT3 notes system is too clumsy to use imho... I really was hoping for an improvement in PT4), but at least during a review it's great to have multiple players' notes boxes available.
The Note system in PT4 is a massive improvement, the only component that iss missing is the ability to edit multiple player's notes at the same time. In PT4 you can hover over a note icon to see the notes that are contained within as a popup, this means you no longer have to open multiple note windows like you did in PT3.

On a related note, we admit that our PT3 note system was not ideal to use in-game, the PT4 method improves functionality greatly.

Originally Posted by pasita
As for how the poker clients show the notes, I have no idea why that's relevant to what PT4 is doing.
It is actually very relevant to us, if a poker network does not like how PokerTracker interfaces with it's software then we risk losing the ability to work with that site. During development we spoke with many sites who told us very clearly that they did not want PokerTracker to interfere with the playing experience - take a look at the image below which shows three PT3 note windows open at the same time... this method could create a scenario which interferes with the player's game, forcing them to struggle while each window is closed to take action in-game. Part of the mission of PT4 was to assure that our software would never interfere, not even accidentally. In turn, we have seen mostly praise for our interface decisions from both players and (in private) poker sites alike. Sure, we admit there are some downsides to this philosophy, nothing can ever be perfect but this allows us to provide the best balance of features and functionality at the same time.

On a related note, when we place multiple windows like this then we cannot properly recall the window locations and positioning like we can using the method used in Pt4.

Originally Posted by pasita
I'd even settle for a chance to have several boxes open during review only if there are technical problems doing that while importing.
You wont need multiple note windows open to review a table, as explained above this is possible now via hovering in PT4.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by blobbloblob
The custom stat for Merge Rakeback for tournaments is not working. It is coming up as $0.00
Thank you for notifying us, we discovered a bug in the way the custom stat was written. You have a choice, you can either delete the original stat AND THE CUSTOM COLUMN created when you imported the stat - and then download the replacements which will be hosted within the hour. I recommend manually changing the custom sMERGE Rakeback stat, it will be faster and it helps you learn a bit about our custom stats engine.
[LIST=1][*]Click Configure - Statistics. View the Tournament stats[*]Select Players, and the Columns. Clock Show Custom Columns Only", you should now see a column named amt_merge_rb_spot_conv. Click on that column.[*]In the expression field, replace the existing content with the expression shown below (be sure to copy the entire expression):
sum( if[tourney_summary.id_site = 2100, if[tourney_summary.val_curr_conv!=0, tourney_summary.val_curr_conv * tourney_summary.amt_fee * .35,  currency_tourney_toglobal[tourney_summary.amt_fee, tourney_summary.currency]] * .35, 0] )
[*]Click Save and then click OK

Thats it!

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 05:39 PM
just wanted to say thanks for the help. up and running with the info i need now

though i am a bit confused why these things werent added at the begging. seems like a very important piece that was misisng
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 06:37 PM
Hud Profile Editor:

i make some changes to my hud and click apply button-->whole thing freezes or takes minutes to finish.

what to do?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by retroguy
just wanted to say thanks for the help. up and running with the info i need now

though i am a bit confused why these things werent added at the begging. seems like a very important piece that was misisng
You are beta testing PokerTracker 4, we have been developing PT4 over a 3 year period. Some of our alpha testers were using PT4 more than a year ago, but the BETA started around the beginning of the year. As each phase of PokerTracker 4 development is completed we add on new features. What you see now in the latest beta is virtually feature-complete, but we are still addressing some incomplete features that were postponed due to the way developers code software. Our goal is to get feedback and fix problems from users like you during the beta stage while we continue to add features, so by the time we are ready to sell PokerTracker 4 then our application will be feature complete. In the meantime, ALWAYS download the latest beta when you see the popup announcement in PT4. It is important to stay updated, we can ony provide support if you have the latest beta installed.

Originally Posted by random564
Hud Profile Editor:

i make some changes to my hud and click apply button-->whole thing freezes or takes minutes to finish.

what to do?
Are you importing while editing your profile? Its best to stop playing and importing first, you can test the profile on a replayer instead. Next, what happens when you click OK instead of apply? Lastly, if the issue remains please contact us with some screen captures, a copy of your HUD Profile (so we can test it for any bugs) and also your logs as discussed in this guide:

On an unrelated topic - The guys at LeggoPoker were kind enough to allow us to share this PokerTracker 4 training video without requiring to sign up at Leggo:

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 08:21 PM
I was thinking of using it more like this when I need several notes visible. I also added an extra notes box in the image, the way I'd like to see it (as an option, obviously), clutter free. Those boxes you could actually keep directly over the table if that's what you prefer.

I can't hover on all of the hud groups simultaneously if I want to see several notes at the same time (during a review, or a concentrated single table session). I also try to keep as far away as possible from my mouse when reviewing or playing unless I need to dig into popups.

I find it strange if you can't keep up with the window positions but I'll take your word for it.

I've seen new features in the notes, but nothing so far to make the basic usage (i.e. quickly adding or checking a note) easier - PT3 seems to have the popups already. And the OPTION to open several boxes.

Also, I should really be able to close a notes box without my mouse, with the new notes saved. That shouldn't be a question of design philosophy.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-16-2012 , 03:35 PM
I have a problem where after I've been playing for a while sometimes the hud will not update, maybe showing stats from 2 of the players from the last hand and nothing for the rest. I saved the log files and a hand history where it happened, but I can't load them to the support ticked as the keep timming out. This is with Zoom.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-16-2012 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by andyg2001
I have a problem where after I've been playing for a while sometimes the hud will not update, maybe showing stats from 2 of the players from the last hand and nothing for the rest. I saved the log files and a hand history where it happened, but I can't load them to the support ticked as the keep timming out. This is with Zoom.
Andy, had the same problem on torment games in version 18. cash games are clean but i don't know about the tournaments now in latest version. at the time there was an open bug
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-16-2012 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by pasita
I've seen new features in the notes, but nothing so far to make the basic usage (i.e. quickly adding or checking a note) easier - PT3 seems to have the popups already. And the OPTION to open several boxes.
Although we appreciate the feedback, we have accepted long ago that we cannot please everyone with every feature. Design is a series of compromises, we accept that, and in turn we hope that our users also accept that compromises always have to be made in every feature included in PT4.

Overwhelmingly the feedback on the PT4 noes system with integrated NoteTracker autonotes has been embraced, it is high on the list of loved features. We have quotes from users who switched to PT4 from our competitors about our notes system's superiority, you are the only existing PT3 user I have come across that preferred the PT3 method of records for notes rather than the new free-form method which is better for in-game use. With that said, we know that the note system will never be perfect, but at some point we have to stop changes so we can focus on to more important features, such as the upcoming PT4 for OSX.

The entire PT3 note subsystem was abandoned, it is antiquated. Our new notes subsystem is far superior, it includes a tooltip (not a popup) system that was not possible in PT3. but along with that comes the compromises such as one note window open at a time per table. This is something we had to accept, we cannot have it both ways. We hope that you come to a stage where you can accept these compromises as we have, perhaps you can take solace with the fact that we embrace transparency, we will always attempt to tell our users why a decision or compromise was made.

I know that this is not what you wanted to hear, but with the exception of the fix to add notes to allow notes to be edited at all tables in the session I'm afraid that its too late in the game to change this feature further, its time to move forward. The fix mentioned will not take place until after PT4 is commercially released because it is a major job, all of our development resources are busy finishing before release.

Originally Posted by andyg2001
I have a problem where after I've been playing for a while sometimes the hud will not update, maybe showing stats from 2 of the players from the last hand and nothing for the rest. I saved the log files and a hand history where it happened, but I can't load them to the support ticked as the keep timming out. This is with Zoom.
Please zip the logs before sending them to PokerTracker, that will solve your problem. also please be sure that you are playing with Beta 21 or greater, and that you are following the PokerStars import guidelines - you can find this in the Community Page inside of PokerTracker.

Originally Posted by dbabo
Andy, had the same problem on torment games in version 18. cash games are clean but i don't know about the tournaments now in latest version. at the time there was an open bug
His issue is specific to Zoom, it is unrelated to the issue you saw in Beta 18. On a related note, please be sure to update to the latest beta, we are fixing minor bugs with every new release!

- TT

Last edited by PokerTracker; 06-16-2012 at 05:08 PM.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
06-16-2012 , 05:20 PM
We have just launched COMMUNITY, this is a new PokerTracker 4 feature that integrates Guides, Technical Support, Poker News, Forums, and our PT4 Download Warehouse into one simple to use portal built into PokerTracker 4. The support options in Community are integrated with your account at to make sure that no matter how you access your support requests, all answers are synchronized between the two platforms.

PokerTracker 4 is the first poker application to have such a vast array of guides, training, downloadable customizations, and tech support all integrated right into your work environment. I hope you find that we met our goal of a simple to use interface that is not intimidating to use. To view the COMMUNITY portal, click the Community button in the upper right hand side of the PT4 application. COMMUNITY is only available in PokerTracker 4, this is a free service to our users.

Please be aware that PT4's COMMUNITY is only available in English at this time, this matches the requirement to play poker in English to assure that the hand histories can be imported. We considered a multi-language version but we found it would be confusing to many end users if they were forced to play in English while using PokerTracker 4 in their native language. We will continue to look into alternative options for our users who do not speak English natively.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
