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PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread

12-04-2012 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by Style129
this has the same inaccuracy as the HEM2 filter vs player.

For example the villain sits in the SB and folds his hand. I however win 60bb off of the guy in the CO. Pokertracker Hero vs Villain then says i won 60$ from the filtered Villain in the SB who just folded his hand preflop

its just not possible to work with this. I cant believe theres no software out there that can do this.
First we must clarify that this is not a vs player filter, it is a report. vs player filters are only possible using complicated SQL expression filters in PokerTracker 4, this is by design because vs player filtering can absolutely cripple the SQL server. Maybe someday in the future we will be able to filter to a specific player, for now the Hero vs Villain report is the best solution.

Secondly we disagree, the report is accurate based on how we designed the report to work. The report is supposed to show all hands played where the opponent contributed to the pot in the list of hands below, that is the primary functionality. The secondary functionality is to show your winnings and losses in the hands listed below; it is not designed to show how much you won or lost vs the opponent... it only shows the total winnings from the hands.

With that said, we admit that there has long been some debate about how this report should work, there are positives and negatives to each possibile direction. Using our current method of reporting, say we have two hands on a player in our database, this player only posted in the blinds. In both of these two hands the player folded their blinds, but both times we won a big pot from another player at the table. My Gross Won shows us as winning large pot and they are attributed to the player in the blinds, as well as anyone else who contributed to the pot - because this is a hand centric report.

An option to consider would be to removing all hands where the player contributed to the pot by posting a blind, but then folded the blind.. this way only spots where the player contributed to a VIP would be listed in the report... but there is a downside to this method, there is the issue of hands where the button raised and the blinds folded... we won off the blinds in that spot, and then these hands would not be included.

Another option we have considered would include the hands as we currently do, but the size of the winnings should be based on how much that player contributed . . . we won small amounts from that player but we won big amounts from others. The downside to this scenario is twofold - (1) It would take much more time for the report to render, probably so slow that this would become the slowest report in PT4. (2) Many players use this report to find big post they played while an opponent they remember was at the table, this would take away that method of finding hands.

We are open to new suggestions, feel free to contribute your ideas... if an idea is proposed that is well balanced that can benefit all players then it is something we will surely consider.


- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-04-2012 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by PokerTracker
First we must clarify that this is not a vs player filter, it is a report. vs player filters are only possible using complicated SQL expression filters in PokerTracker 4, this is by design because vs player filtering can absolutely cripple the SQL server. Maybe someday in the future we will be able to filter to a specific player, for now the Hero vs Villain report is the best solution.

Secondly we disagree, the report is accurate based on how we designed the report to work. The report is supposed to show all hands played where the opponent contributed to the pot in the list of hands below, that is the primary functionality. The secondary functionality is to show your winnings and losses in the hands listed below; it is not designed to show how much you won or lost vs the opponent... it only shows the total winnings from the hands.

With that said, we admit that there has long been some debate about how this report should work, there are positives and negatives to each possibile direction. Using our current method of reporting, say we have two hands on a player in our database, this player only posted in the blinds. In both of these two hands the player folded their blinds, but both times we won a big pot from another player at the table. My Gross Won shows us as winning large pot and they are attributed to the player in the blinds, as well as anyone else who contributed to the pot - because this is a hand centric report.

An option to consider would be to removing all hands where the player contributed to the pot by posting a blind, but then folded the blind.. this way only spots where the player contributed to a VIP would be listed in the report... but there is a downside to this method, there is the issue of hands where the button raised and the blinds folded... we won off the blinds in that spot, and then these hands would not be included.

Another option we have considered would include the hands as we currently do, but the size of the winnings should be based on how much that player contributed . . . we won small amounts from that player but we won big amounts from others. The downside to this scenario is twofold - (1) It would take much more time for the report to render, probably so slow that this would become the slowest report in PT4. (2) Many players use this report to find big post they played while an opponent they remember was at the table, this would take away that method of finding hands.

We are open to new suggestions, feel free to contribute your ideas... if an idea is proposed that is well balanced that can benefit all players then it is something we will surely consider.


- TT

So i hope u dont mind me asking, what was the intention of designing the report this way?

Like whats the use for any player if the report works like this, other then finding big pots they played vs a certain player?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-04-2012 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Style129
So i hope u dont mind me asking, what was the intention of designing the report this way?

Like whats the use for any player if the report works like this, other then finding big pots they played vs a certain player?

As I said above, the report is designed to be hand centric, it allows you to find hands where a player contributed to the pot so you can review how that opponent played. It was written a long time ago (back in PokerTracker 2 days). We have many features which allow you to look for large pots that you played, but we do not have the ability to search vs a specific player without dipping into the SQL expressions, this filter intentionally does not exist as explained above. Basically... Hero vs Villain filtering and reporting is really tough to do, it can crush a computer!

PS: If you are a heads up player then all you need to do is change the active player to that opponent, then filter for large pots. But of course if your a HU player then the Hero Vs Villain report issues you are concerned about would not be a factor.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-04-2012 , 05:05 PM
A question or two for PT4 users with reasonably large (at least 1 million hands) DBs:

How long does it typically take your reports/graphs to refresh using, say, a 5k hand sample? Is 90+ seconds typical on a fast PC!? Or does it happen pretty much instantly?

I gave up with HM2 due to it's lag and instability, but- other than crashing less- PT4 isn't proving much better.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-04-2012 , 05:24 PM
Hello Poker Tracker

I have used your software in the past and have really liked. Coming back to the FTP I have downloaded the tracker 4 trial. I have found unusual problem.

I can get HUD to work but my hands are just not saving properly bc they are not showing up on the view stats. They are however showing up hands of the day. I am saving the hand from ftp in a folder that is sync w tracker.

Also when I download the trial I uploaded hand from before and it is just not showing. I don't think any funny filter is on. Any help would be appreciated

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-04-2012 , 05:26 PM

It's going to vary from report to report depending on exactly what data you want and if you have any custom stats.

From your other posts in the thread it sounds like something strange is going on in your system though and hopefully once that's worked out via your existing support ticket things will be better for you.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-04-2012 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Kraada

It's going to vary from report to report depending on exactly what data you want and if you have any custom stats.

From your other posts in the thread it sounds like something strange is going on in your system though and hopefully once that's worked out via your existing support ticket things will be better for you.
Nothing "strange is going on in my system." There is, however, clearly a problem with that DB.

I decided to create a new DB last night. Having initially imported just 10k or so hands, the graphs were refreshing almost instantly. Over night I imported close to a million hands, yet now when I refresh my graph from today (3,600 hands) it takes 1 min 20 secs to appear!

I have had no problem using PT3 (as I have had to revert back to that during all these PT4 problems.) My system is very fast, and that is not an issue. Hence my question to users of PT4 with reasonably large DBs, about the time it takes for their graphs to update. Basically, I'm interested if that is the norm for large DBs, because if it is then PT4 is not going to be much use to me (other than HUD.)

I'm well aware that it will vary from report to report, and that there are many various other factors involved, but it should still be able to expect a simple answer from a pretty basic question:

If I have a fast PC and a DB with a million hands, how long would you expect it to take to refresh a graph of today's 10k hands?

A: A matter of a few seconds

B: Over a minute, possibly over two minutes.

C: Somewhere inbetween.

Simple question. Simple answer. That's all I'm asking for here.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-04-2012 , 06:17 PM
It should take a matter of seconds in the situation you describe. If we can get logs in a ticket from you that will help us pin down what is causing this problem for you. The strange things I was referring to were the unhandled exception errors - which we have tried very hard to eliminate totally.

That does give me one thought though - if you're not running our latest beta please make sure you are running 4.05.7 there are a vast number of improvements since 4.04.1 and that alone may be enough to get things working happily for you.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-04-2012 , 06:28 PM
I have 4.05.7

I'll send log files. Thx.


Ticket no# 131037

Last edited by MeleaB; 12-04-2012 at 06:47 PM.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-04-2012 , 09:00 PM
Given there is no preferred seating on WPN, is it possible to have HUD stats correctly move when we manually move where we are shown sitting during a game? It seems upon taking a seat, the HUD stats pop up next to the correct players. However, if I then adjust where I am shown sitting, the HUD stats stay where they initially were, and are no longer near the correct players.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-04-2012 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by icanhazstax
Given there is no preferred seating on WPN, is it possible to have HUD stats correctly move when we manually move where we are shown sitting during a game? It seems upon taking a seat, the HUD stats pop up next to the correct players. However, if I then adjust where I am shown sitting, the HUD stats stay where they initially were, and are no longer near the correct players.
We do not support "Sit Me Here" Functionality on any sites. Winning knows about this issue, we talked about it last year... hopefully someday they will roll out a real preferred seating function.

For more information on why we cannot support Sit Me Here, please see this guide:

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-05-2012 , 06:58 PM
My HUD sometimes just doesnt work, then sometimes its only on a couple table, sometimes it only shows the stats for half the table ... pretty annoying . Is there a confirmed bug? Or is it only me?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-06-2012 , 10:49 AM
is there any way to make a HUD that doesn't have the label "default" appear automatically while playing? Or do you have to change profile everytime you start playing
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-06-2012 , 11:15 AM
Ignore this post, sorted itself
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-06-2012 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
My HUD sometimes just doesnt work, then sometimes its only on a couple table, sometimes it only shows the stats for half the table ... pretty annoying . Is there a confirmed bug? Or is it only me?
NiSash1337 - I'm afraid we need a lot more information to be able to give you any kind of qualified help. Every poker room and table type has unique issues, we need to know this information. For example, our guidance would be very different if you were having this issue on Zoom or RUSH tables, rather than a a standard SNG table. You can either respond to this post here with explicit information about the games and tables you are playing, or you can contact us with your PokerTracker 4 logs attached to a support ticket where we can determine this information on our own.

Please follow these instructions for submitting a Support Ticket.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-06-2012 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by taLMON
is there any way to make a HUD that doesn't have the label "default" appear automatically while playing? Or do you have to change profile everytime you start playing
I think this guide is what you are looking for. Also I sugest you watch the HUD Tutorial Video which is available in the HUD Profile Editor, click

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-06-2012 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by PokerTracker
NiSash1337 - I'm afraid we need a lot more information to be able to give you any kind of qualified help. Every poker room and table type has unique issues, we need to know this information. For example, our guidance would be very different if you were having this issue on Zoom or RUSH tables, rather than a a standard SNG table. You can either respond to this post here with explicit information about the games and tables you are playing, or you can contact us with your PokerTracker 4 logs attached to a support ticket where we can determine this information on our own.

Please follow these instructions for submitting a Support Ticket.

- TT
I play on Pokerstars and MTTs, I`m not sure if it happens on my other sites too as I mostly play on PS.

I just created a new database and will look how it goes tomorrow.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-06-2012 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
I play on Pokerstars and MTTs, I`m not sure if it happens on my other sites too as I mostly play on PS.

I just created a new database and will look how it goes tomorrow.
As a precaution, please also read the PokerStars Configuration Guide to be sure that you have setup PokerTracker 4 to properly work with PokerStars.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-07-2012 , 02:36 PM
Guys, are there any news on a OS X version for Mac?
really looking forward to it.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-07-2012 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by KuPoB_K
Guys, are there any news on a OS X version for Mac?
really looking forward to it.

Still in alpha development, I am personally using it for tests almost every day now. We will not release the OS X version until it is ready to go, rough guess that will be sometime around the New Year, possibly a few weeks later. This is only an estimate of time needed to complete our work, it is not a guarantee. in fact it could take longer if we uncover new issues while in alpha.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-07-2012 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by KuPoB_K
Guys, are there any news on a OS X version for Mac?
really looking forward to it.

Originally Posted by PokerTracker
Still in alpha development, I am personally using it for tests almost every day now. We will not release the OS X version until it is ready to go, rough guess that will be sometime around the New Year, possibly a few weeks later. This is only an estimate of time needed to complete our work, it is not a guarantee. in fact it could take longer if we uncover new issues while in alpha.

- TT
More than happy to be added to an alpha/beta test user list if that would be helpful.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-07-2012 , 03:44 PM
OK, thanks TT. As G3K0 said if you need any testers - let us know...
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-07-2012 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by G3K0
More than happy to be added to an alpha/beta test user list if that would be helpful.

Originally Posted by KuPoB_K
OK, thanks TT. As G3K0 said if you need any testers - let us know...
It will be a public beta, EVERYONE will get to test for free! We don't need any alpha testers at this time, but thanks for asking!

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-07-2012 , 08:09 PM
I would like to put in a request to get Tournament summaries importing for BCP. Currently all HH's import correctly but tournament summaries are not reported. I assume its a pretty simple fix if this already works for other skins on WPN/Yatay.

Best Regards,
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by zerosum79
I would like to put in a request to get Tournament summaries importing for BCP. Currently all HH's import correctly but tournament summaries are not reported. I assume its a pretty simple fix if this already works for other skins on WPN/Yatay.

Best Regards,
I'm afraid tournament support is very poor for all skins in the Winning network, and there is not much we can do to address that - its all in the hands of Winning.

1) We can only place the HUD on one tournament of the same name, this affects SNG players the most. This is because Winning does not provide unique table IDs, they are the only network we support that still doesn't have this ability (Microgaming added it not long ago, it was the only other holdout)

2) Preferred Seating doesn't exist. We cannot support "Sit Me Here", we can only support site-wide preferred seating. Winning is the only network we support that still does not have this functionality.

3) Winning doesn't provide tournament summaries. Our Tournament Detection engine can populate some of the more common formats if we know them in advance, but we cannot populate the tournament data for one off and specialty tournaments. If you have a tournament that we don't support yet, and it is regularly offered by Winning, then please send us the hand histories along with a screen shot of the tournament lobby, we need this information to be submitted by players such as yourself in order to provide support for each tournament type:

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
