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Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER!

06-10-2009 , 05:25 PM
Almost got the betpot feature working correctly on FT, but still need a minor adjustment somewhere.

Still can't get the betpot for PS working, but I'll work on that once I get FT working correctly

I'm running PokerShortcuts 4.0016 beta on my Vista PC (running as admin).

I have a table mod for FT and changed the betting buttons back to default as suggested. Now, the betpot feature almost works as it should, but it just seems to be slightly off (by 1/2 or 1 full BB).

Here's a screen shot with debugging enabled:

In the debug window it says hero is seated in seat #1, but I'm seating in Seat #3. I have FT set to always seat me in the bottom center seat so I'm not sure if this would always be seat #1 or seat #3 or something else.

Could this seat number be the problem? If so, how do I correct this?
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-11-2009 , 07:23 AM
In Windows 7, every time I start PSC this message is displayed:

"Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?"

There is no difference between running it as a normal user or running it as an admin.

FTSC doesn't trigger this message.

Any advice?

Last edited by rubbishaka80; 06-11-2009 at 07:52 AM. Reason: bumping for Everlong
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-11-2009 , 07:42 AM
I just noticed the time ticking down in SNG B after I tested the session buttons. If I started yet another session the remaining time would reset to the specified limit (1000 min). Upon stopping it would revert to 940 min and count down from there.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-11-2009 , 07:45 AM
omg this whole thread was unknown to me until 5 minutes ago. insta-downloading as soon as I get home.

I can only imagine what a monster undertaking it must have been to make FTS work for Stars.

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-11-2009 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by rubbishaka80
In Windows 7, every time I start PSC this message is displayed:

"Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?"

There is no difference between running it as a normal user or running it as an admin.

FTSC doesn't trigger this message.

Any advice?
PSC changes the run priority of FT and PS.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-11-2009 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Annuit20

Hi Nano,

Is it possible to block tables come in front where hero finish the SnG and maybe block the new ones comes in the stack.
Originally Posted by nanochip
Sorry, I don't understand... Please give more information.

I play 16 Table stacked constantly.
And allways i bust in a SnG the table where I bust come to front and show me the message "your finished the tournament..." the auto close works but it put my focus away from decisions, the same is if a new game starts and the table with the "Iam Reddy" button comes in the stack.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-12-2009 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by Annuit20
I play 16 Table stacked constantly.
And allways i bust in a SnG the table where I bust come to front and show me the message "your finished the tournament..." the auto close works but it put my focus away from decisions, the same is if a new game starts and the table with the "Iam Reddy" button comes in the stack.
When a new game loads the games underneath don't pop up on top of it. They only pop up over games that have already started. Is there a way to make the newly opening games to not pop up over the stack until they have officially started. I am talking about this for PSC.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-12-2009 , 07:50 AM
hey I am looking for someone who will learn me(or just set it up) how to operate ft shortcuts/ autokey.

I am looking for a script or something where
I can assign 10 buttons to certain preflop betsizes , a fold button , a call button
and a few buttons for flop turn and river betsizes.

we will use teamviewer,

I will pay 100 $, transfer through full tilt
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-12-2009 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by dontwork
hey I am looking for someone who will learn me(or just set it up) how to operate ft shortcuts/ autokey.

I am looking for a script or something where
I can assign 10 buttons to certain preflop betsizes , a fold button , a call button
and a few buttons for flop turn and river betsizes.

we will use teamviewer,

I will pay 100 $, transfer through full tilt

I would gladly do it for $100, and could realllly use it right now after cashing out my bankroll, but you would really be wasting your money IMO. Poker ShortCuts (the replacement for Full Tilt ShortCuts) costs much less than that and has a detailed website with instructions for setting it up. The developer (nanaochip from this thread) is also real good at helping his customers. It is actually very simple to setup the basics on, and I personally have almost never had to look at the documentation for anything basic.

If you still want some 1on1 help installing it or showing you the basics I would be glad to help, but I think you will be much happier in the long run if you take the extra time to learn how to set it up yourself (so you don't have to pay for help again later if you get a new PC, etc).
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-12-2009 , 08:17 AM
Fozzy do you have time in 6 hours?( i am just to damn lazy/don't feel like reading trough everything)
Or just pm me when you have time.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-12-2009 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by nanochip
Hey Justin,
Glad you like the software.

Your SnG lobbies should close if you have "Auto-Close Sng and tournamet lobbies" enabled on the SnG/T tab.

Sorry, I can't do anything about needing the main PS lobby to be visible to open SnGs... this is done using image recognition and the software needs to "see" the lobby.

Regarding your street bet... make sure the software is calibrated to your table felt (on the calib tab). Also make sure you are using the proper table theme on the setup tab. Other tips are here:
If still having this problem, send me an image showing the problem... here's an example of how to capture an image with all the info showing:

The I'm back button needs to be visible on Poker Stars to be clicked right away, else it will be clicked AFTER the next hand starts. When tables are covered, the software looks at the hand history file to see if you are sitting out (so the hand history folder needs to be set up correctly on the Setup tab). I assume you have this feature enable at the top of the SnG/T tab. I just re-checked this feature and it seems to be working fine here... let me know if it still doesn't work for you.

thanks for the reply, i tryed working with PSC again the other day and will give it another shot today.

the auto sng lobby closing is rather inconsistent, it was working most of the time, maybe i just got impatient and closed them myself before the software could do it for me i duno..

about the PS lobby for auto-regging, im not 100% sure but i think there was a script called "SFSO" (stars filtered sng opener) that could put the lobby offscreen and open sngs without seeing the lobby..

Anyways i'm about to fire it up and see how i like it today..

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-12-2009 , 11:32 AM
PSC miscounts players left in the tournament. The count is different for different tablesizes:

For comparison the same table with FTSC:

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-12-2009 , 12:02 PM
ya when i manually register for a sng most of the time i must manually close the lobby, although when the table pops up (and the lobby pops up also) PSC normally than closes the lobby for me..

also when i bust from a tournament the tables sometimes dont close.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-12-2009 , 01:31 PM
Anyone have probs with the sharklist too?
I set 6 or 7 reg players and 0-1 Sharks but i dont work.
I had close PSC before saving my settings.

; Close the Poker Shortcuts software before adding shark names here.
; Only put one shark's name per line. Comment lines start with a ;
; No commas are allowed in the Sharks names
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-12-2009 , 02:43 PM
it seems occasionally a stars sng i've busted out of lingers behind my stack, also my pot bet's working fine on stars but not postflop on FTP..

fwiw i use a stock FTP theme, racetrack with avatars.
the close tourney lbbies box is checked in the PSC

the sng auto-register feature doesnt run too smooth, i mean it will constantly register and unreg.

i think it attempted to close a table when i got moved to another table.... not exactly sure tho..

also the OSD on ftp table is only showing the bet % info stuff, not the bbs and # of players, but they are showing up on Ps tables
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-12-2009 , 11:24 PM
I like PSC so I bought it. I play both on PS and FT on a netbook (WinXP) 10 inch display and don't want to use any mouse movements.
Many features are working great here, but I still have a few missing features and some that don't work. I'm quite used to playing with starshotkeys.

I miss:
  • A key to click the register button
  • A key to bring the lobby to front
  • A key to rebuy/add-on at tourneys
  • A key to see the last hand in graphical view
  • Auto-click the Info tab to click the Refresh button
  • A key to activate the most urgent table without having the mouse over a poker table
  • More table layout keys (why not let us define 10 layout keys?)

These seem not to work here:
  • Select Custom Table Layout 1 +2
  • Toggle Sit Out on Active Table is not usable if auto-click I'm back is activated (when manually wanting to sit-out, the I'm back feature should be temporally disabled)
  • Close All Tourney/SnG Lobbies (minimizing works)
  • Open/Close Cashier Window

Auto-open SNG Tables:
This does not work on a netbook. There is just not enough space to display the full lobby after a poker table has been opened. And even if I manage to arrange the windows so that I can click the button in PSC while the lobby is seen it only work sometimes. I tried having only one item displayd using filters, but mostly it sais "no suitable tourney found". But sometimes it works although I haven't touched the lobby at all. I like this suffisticated way to auto-register for tourneys, but I would rather have a simple "register me for every tourney in the lobby" that works while the lobby is not visible. Both SFSO and table ninja work well here though. Btw. I followed all the steps in the troubleshooting guide to make it work.

Maybe some of the problems were introdued by the recent stars software update (today)?
Sorry that this list became a little long, but I like this application a lot and I hope you will continue making it even better...
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-13-2009 , 04:48 PM
Do you plan to support MTT sngs?
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-13-2009 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Annuit20
Anyone have probs with the sharklist too?
I set 6 or 7 reg players and 0-1 Sharks but i dont work.
I had close PSC before saving my settings.

; Close the Poker Shortcuts software before adding shark names here.
; Only put one shark's name per line. Comment lines start with a ;
; No commas are allowed in the Sharks names
Yeah doesn't work for me on Tilt. I copied the list from the FTSC folder.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-13-2009 , 11:08 PM
If I already have FTSC and I'm only playing on Full Tilt, is there any reason to change to PSC?
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-14-2009 , 12:22 PM

The only reason is because at some point in the very near future, nanochip will stop supporting FTSC. As you can imagine with all the poker client changes that occur from time to time, keeping both programs current would be a huge indertaking.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-15-2009 , 04:42 AM
I am extending the beta test period of Poker Shortcuts for a few more weeks. I'd like to be sure that it is solid before releasing it from beta. I have extended everyone's temporary "beta" software order code, and these codes will continue to work until the software is released from beta.

Thank you all for your continued testing and reports of problems that you find. I am continuing to work to fix a few remaining bugs.

New Beta Test Release of Poker Shortcuts - Version 4.0017 Beta Release 6/15/09

1. Fixed problem reading the "2" digit on Full Tilt tables (Pot and Stack size) on tables around 850 pixels wide.
2. Improved the speed of "mouseover table activation" when you manually move your mouse to a different table (if enabled on the Table 1 tab).

Download here .
Documentation is here .
Sign up here for an automated email when new versions are released. This will ONLY be used for new version announcements (i.e. no spam).
Windy Hill Technology LLC

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-15-2009 , 05:21 AM
I am really liking the beta. A hot-key for registering in the selected MTT or SNG would be nice, then I can toss all my AHKs out.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-15-2009 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by nanochip
2. Improved the speed of "mouseover table activation" when you manually move your mouse to a different table (if enabled on the Table 1 tab).
You are the best ever! It's perfect now, even faster than FTS ever was, literally 10x faster than the last version!


Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-15-2009 , 10:19 AM
can this be used to play 1-4 tables on FT without using the mouse ?
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-15-2009 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by terance
can this be used to play 1-4 tables on FT without using the mouse ?
I just posted this earlier today in this thread.

Originally Posted by fozzy71
Gamepad + Poker ShortCuts + Joy2Mouse.ahk = mouse free poker once I get my 4 tables opened. The joy2mouse is only necessary cuz PSC doesnt support mouse movement with the analog stick, and I wanted to be able to mouse with my gamepad also. I can even set 3 different hotkeys in PSC, so I can use my mouse buttons, keyboard hotkeys, or my gamepad buttons I assigned for fold/call/raise. The cost of the gamepad and software is a small price to pay for reduced wrist pain IMO.

Once I have 4 tables open PSC will activate and highlight the urgent table, move my mouse cursor there and highlight it a new color (to show the table my mouse is over), and preset my predetermined bet amount, so all I have to do is fine tune the bet if necessary (with gamepad buttons) or simply click the fold or bet buttons.

The hardest thing with this setup is learning all the gamepad buttons, so muscle memory can take over, with as little poker as I have been playing lately.
Here is the Joy2Mouse.ahk script I use. The only thing I actually use this for, is my left analog stick to act as a mouse, and for my Joy1/Joy2/Joy3 to work as my 3 button mouse on the non poker table windows. If I get a waiting list popup after I start using my gamepad, I can move the cursor with the analog to the popup window and use the Joy1 button (acting as my mouse LButton) to click on yes or no. Many times I still reach over and use my mouse out of habit.

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Win9x/NT
; Author:         A.N.Other <>
; Script Function:
;	Template script (you can customize this template by editing "ShellNew\Template.ahk" in your Windows folder)

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; Using a Joystick as a Mouse
; This script converts a joystick into a three-button mouse.  It allows each
; button to drag just like a mouse button and it uses virtually no CPU time.
; Also, it will move the cursor faster depending on how far you push the joystick
; from center. You can personalize various settings at the top of the script.

; Increase the following value to make the mouse cursor move faster:
JoyMultiplier = 0.30

; Decrease the following value to require less joystick displacement-from-center
; to start moving the mouse.  However, you may need to calibrate your joystick
; -- ensuring it's properly centered -- to avoid cursor drift. A perfectly tight
; and centered joystick could use a value of 1:
JoyThreshold = 3

; Change the following to true to invert the Y-axis, which causes the mouse to
; move vertically in the direction opposite the stick:
InvertYAxis := false

; Change these values to use joystick button numbers other than 1, 2, and 3 for
; the left, right, and middle mouse buttons.  Available numbers are 1 through 32.
; Use the Joystick Test Script to find out your joystick's numbers more easily.
ButtonLeft = 1
ButtonRight = 2
ButtonMiddle = 3

; If your joystick has a POV control, you can use it as a mouse wheel.  The
; following value is the number of milliseconds between turns of the wheel.
; Decrease it to have the wheel turn faster:
WheelDelay = 250

; If your system has more than one joystick, increase this value to use a joystick
; other than the first:
JoystickNumber = 1

; END OF CONFIG SECTION -- Don't change anything below this point unless you want
; to alter the basic nature of the script.


JoystickPrefix = %JoystickNumber%Joy
Hotkey, %JoystickPrefix%%ButtonLeft%, ButtonLeft
Hotkey, %JoystickPrefix%%ButtonRight%, ButtonRight
Hotkey, %JoystickPrefix%%ButtonMiddle%, ButtonMiddle

; Calculate the axis displacements that are needed to start moving the cursor:
JoyThresholdUpper := 50 + JoyThreshold
JoyThresholdLower := 50 - JoyThreshold
if InvertYAxis
	YAxisMultiplier = -1
	YAxisMultiplier = 1

SetTimer, WatchJoystick, 10  ; Monitor the movement of the joystick.

GetKeyState, JoyInfo, %JoystickNumber%JoyInfo
IfInString, JoyInfo, P  ; Joystick has POV control, so use it as a mouse wheel.
	SetTimer, MouseWheel, %WheelDelay%

return  ; End of auto-execute section.

; The subroutines below do not use KeyWait because that would sometimes trap the
; WatchJoystick quasi-thread beneath the wait-for-button-up thread, which would
; effectively prevent mouse-dragging with the joystick.

SetMouseDelay, -1  ; Makes movement smoother.
MouseClick, left,,, 1, 0, D  ; Hold down the left mouse button.
SetTimer, WaitForLeftButtonUp, 10

SetMouseDelay, -1  ; Makes movement smoother.
MouseClick, right,,, 1, 0, D  ; Hold down the right mouse button.
SetTimer, WaitForRightButtonUp, 10

SetMouseDelay, -1  ; Makes movement smoother.
MouseClick, middle,,, 1, 0, D  ; Hold down the right mouse button.
SetTimer, WaitForMiddleButtonUp, 10

if GetKeyState(JoystickPrefix . ButtonLeft)
	return  ; The button is still, down, so keep waiting.
; Otherwise, the button has been released.
SetTimer, WaitForLeftButtonUp, off
SetMouseDelay, -1  ; Makes movement smoother.
MouseClick, left,,, 1, 0, U  ; Release the mouse button.

if GetKeyState(JoystickPrefix . ButtonRight)
	return  ; The button is still, down, so keep waiting.
; Otherwise, the button has been released.
SetTimer, WaitForRightButtonUp, off
MouseClick, right,,, 1, 0, U  ; Release the mouse button.

if GetKeyState(JoystickPrefix . ButtonMiddle)
	return  ; The button is still, down, so keep waiting.
; Otherwise, the button has been released.
SetTimer, WaitForMiddleButtonUp, off
MouseClick, middle,,, 1, 0, U  ; Release the mouse button.

MouseNeedsToBeMoved := false  ; Set default.
SetFormat, float, 03
GetKeyState, joyx, %JoystickNumber%JoyX
GetKeyState, joyy, %JoystickNumber%JoyY
if joyx > %JoyThresholdUpper%
	MouseNeedsToBeMoved := true
	DeltaX := joyx - JoyThresholdUpper
else if joyx < %JoyThresholdLower%
	MouseNeedsToBeMoved := true
	DeltaX := joyx - JoyThresholdLower
	DeltaX = 0
if joyy > %JoyThresholdUpper%
	MouseNeedsToBeMoved := true
	DeltaY := joyy - JoyThresholdUpper
else if joyy < %JoyThresholdLower%
	MouseNeedsToBeMoved := true
	DeltaY := joyy - JoyThresholdLower
	DeltaY = 0
if MouseNeedsToBeMoved
	SetMouseDelay, -1  ; Makes movement smoother.
	MouseMove, DeltaX * JoyMultiplier, DeltaY * JoyMultiplier * YAxisMultiplier, 0, R

GetKeyState, JoyPOV, %JoystickNumber%JoyPOV
if JoyPOV = -1  ; No angle.
if (JoyPOV > 31500 or JoyPOV < 4500)  ; Forward
	Send {WheelUp}
else if JoyPOV between 13500 and 22500  ; Back
	Send {WheelDown}

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
