I have a problem, trying to setup placemint but something is wrong, i used setup from 3566# post
I edited it (added more blind levels) want to play 2,5&8$ 180's
Setup will have 12 slots
9 10 11 12
5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4
Here is my code: I want to have 4 groups
1 group: (low blinds) (slots 1,2,3,4)
2 group: (middle blinds) (slots 5,6,7,8)
3 group: (high blinds) ( slots 11,12)
4 group: (Final table) (slots 9,10)
And it's not working, i started it and it's working only with: or title matching option on. But it recognizes all tables as group 1 and places tables only there(slots 1-4), i can't even swap tables with drag&drop and hotkey swapping(to slots 5-12)
Just to make sure:
In configure window groups:
for each of my group i edited regex list and pasted quoted code(as title) and saved it, in TitleRegEx tab i chose expressions and my edited expression (group 1 example) : [$€][\d,.]+\sNL\sHold'em\s\[.+?\]\s-\sBlinds\s[$€](10|15|25|50|75|100)/[$€]?\d+(\sAnte\s(\$|€)\d+)?\s-\sTournament\s\d+\sTable\s\d+
in class RegEX i have pokerstars table class and than 4 slots etc
So what should i do to make it working?
Maybe i should just create 1 group with default Pokerstars 180 players expression and create 12 slots in it and move each window to its default slot with hotkey and dragging?
Thanks for any help