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PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem

10-17-2016 , 12:12 AM
For someone who is a complete noob with computers, when looking for a new computer, what specs are most important to run pio efficiently?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-17-2016 , 03:55 AM
In the range tool, can you give some examples of when you would use the mult operator please?
I have no idea. I remember someone requested it so we added it

What is the preflop solver and how do u use it?
I made some notes on our development blog back then when it was released, here:

It was updated many times since then. You can read about new stuff on that blog as well.

When i do the small save and i open the tree up again it still shows a river if i choose a river card and the strategies on there. is that strategy that it shows on the river erroneous? what does it mean that its only flop and turn small save but there is still a river?
As outfit already answered it's recalculated in real time (which usually takes 200-300 miliseconds). I talk more about small saves and how they work, here: (question number 5).
Notice that this video is quite old already and the naming is a bit different now but the idea is the same. Streets not saves are recalculated automatically when you browse and you can choose the accuracy to which the are recalculated (the defaults should be a good balance between time and accuracy).

For someone who is a complete noob with computers, when looking for a new computer, what specs are most important to run pio efficiently?
You need RAM to be able to build trees and fast CPU to solve them.
For postflop trees 16GB of RAM is plenty and you are unlikely to need more. You can even fit full limit postflop tree under that with some care (not running a lot of other stuff at the same time). Maybe it's a good idea to leave room for another 16GB in the future to prepare for things which may come.
When it comes to the preflop solver, it starts getting practical with 64GB of RAM so that's a big machine and I advise against building it at home (it's more convenient to rent).

When it comes to CPU, the more the better. Some points:
-only Intel CPUs offer decent performance for the solver
-it's more or less number of cores * frequency (unless it's very old generation)
-5820k and 4790k are the most cost efficient CPUs on the market right now (the frst ones is faster but more expensive); you can get a new gen as well but that's a bit more expensive and the benefits are slim
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-17-2016 , 11:47 AM
Is it just me that feels like the "Add extra lines" functionality isn't set up the most effective way? When I have, for example, two bet sizes, each with their own raise sizes, I'll have something like:

Check, Bet 33, Allin
Check, Bet 67, Allin

But in the game tree after the action goes check, bet 33, call, there is no more betting! This is despite including bet sizes in the turn IP and OOP bet sizes boxes. So you have to create two separate lines for donk bets and cbets, and even more branches for the river Seems like it would be better if the bet/raise sizes you specify above were applied to parts of added extra lines that end in a call.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-17-2016 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by BiggerBoots
For someone who is a complete noob with computers, when looking for a new computer, what specs are most important to run pio efficiently?
I am wondering the same thing...but i dont want to talk 2 much in this thread.

Does any1 know why my tree wont calculate if my HOOOOOD shove is + ev here vs EP strategy...we are both EP...

I am in the utg+1 and they are UTG.

I hood flatted pre vs their utg range.

Heres the link to my Pio image:
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-17-2016 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by tobakudan
Is it just me that feels like the "Add extra lines" functionality isn't set up the most effective way? When I have, for example, two bet sizes, each with their own raise sizes, I'll have something like:

Check, Bet 33, Allin
Check, Bet 67, Allin

But in the game tree after the action goes check, bet 33, call, there is no more betting! This is despite including bet sizes in the turn IP and OOP bet sizes boxes. So you have to create two separate lines for donk bets and cbets, and even more branches for the river Seems like it would be better if the bet/raise sizes you specify above were applied to parts of added extra lines that end in a call.
It works the way you described. When the line specified in "Add extra lines" is finished it is being autocompleted with configuration. In your case line ends with allin and there is no more betting possible.

If instead you'd add "Check, Bet 33" and "Check, Bet 67" you will see that the betting afterwards is completed with whatever you have specified in configuration.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-17-2016 , 02:22 PM
How do you activate on a second computer / dedicated server.

I've looked around and everyone seems to suggest deactivating the licence on my computer and reactivating it in the server, but i would like to be able to use my second activation so i can use pio in the mean time on my comp
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-17-2016 , 02:23 PM
I've looked around and everyone seems to suggest deactivating the licence on my computer and reactivating it in the server, but i would like to be able to use my second activation so i can use pio in the mean time on my comp
Yeah, you can have it working on 2 computers at the same time (that's what 2 activations mean). If you are only using it on one right now, then just repeat the installation process on the server and that will do.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-17-2016 , 02:34 PM
thank you, sir
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-18-2016 , 04:28 AM
hi, is there a way to convert the range format from Pio into ProPokerTools?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-18-2016 , 05:47 AM
hi, is there a way to convert the range format from Pio into ProPokerTools?
I am not sure, what's ProPokerTools' format? In general we are happy to do conversion one way (into Pio) but we leave implementing the other way to developers of other tools.
What's the feature you need from PPT? Maybe it's already available in Pio.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-18-2016 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by punter11235
I am not sure, what's ProPokerTools' format? In general we are happy to do conversion one way (into Pio) but we leave implementing the other way to developers of other tools.
What's the feature you need from PPT? Maybe it's already available in Pio.
I think the problem is that it doesnt recognize the mixed/weight added in the Pio format i.e. J9o:0.5,J8s,J7s:0.25,J6s:0.25,T9s,T9o:0.5.

This type of stuff. Its annoying cuz I need to use PPT in order to look at the % of flopping something i.e. a flushdraw with range X.

I have the pro version of pio but not the preflop solver. Is it possible with the preflop solver to go to the preflop node in range explorer and then see these type of break-downs of equities? TY
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-18-2016 , 09:37 AM
This type of stuff. Its annoying cuz I need to use PPT in order to look at the % of flopping something i.e. a flushdraw with range X.
Yeah, this is not available right although it's relatively easy to implement. I am adding it to the to-do. Does it have practical importance though? (I am assuming you want to know how often you flop X across all flops, not on one particular flop as this is already available in the range explorer).

I have the pro version of pio but not the preflop solver. Is it possible with the preflop solver to go to the preflop node in range explorer and then see these type of break-downs of equities? TY
No, not at the moment.

What kind if information are you interested in? "How often you flop X" is one possible thing but you mentioned break down of equities. This might be possible depending what exactly you would like to see.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-18-2016 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by punter11235
Yeah, this is not available right although it's relatively easy to implement. I am adding it to the to-do. Does it have practical importance though? (I am assuming you want to know how often you flop X across all flops, not on one particular flop as this is already available in the range explorer).

No, not at the moment.

What kind if information are you interested in? "How often you flop X" is one possible thing but you mentioned break down of equities. This might be possible depending what exactly you would like to see.
Wow no responses...hopefully i make 150k next year and bankrupt some of you gl gl guys cya at the tables
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-19-2016 , 06:24 AM
Hi Piotr,

Been running scripts fine until today - now seeing me message "ERROR: dump_tree couldn't open no_rivers (check if target directory exits)

Any solutions for this?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-19-2016 , 06:44 AM
Been running scripts fine until today - now seeing me message "ERROR: dump_tree couldn't open no_rivers (check if target directory exits)

Any solutions for this?
Check if the path you are saving to doesn't contain illegal characters. It's a common problem when our users try to use /\<>:"|?* in file names but those aren't allowed under Windows.
Also makes sure you are using the newest version (1.9.2).
If that's not it, send us the script to and I will take a look what the problem might be.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-19-2016 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by punter11235
Yeah, this is not available right although it's relatively easy to implement. I am adding it to the to-do. Does it have practical importance though? (I am assuming you want to know how often you flop X across all flops, not on one particular flop as this is already available in the range explorer).

No, not at the moment.

What kind if information are you interested in? "How often you flop X" is one possible thing but you mentioned break down of equities. This might be possible depending what exactly you would like to see.
Hi yes overall frequencies across all boards of flopping handtypes, flushdraws/OESD/3rd pair etc. of a specific range and of a specific handtype like flopping a GS with suited 1 gapper i.e. Sure, these frequencies can be obtained with PPT-like tools but as Pio's range explorer interface is very handy imo it would be really nice to also have this stuff integrated in the program so it replaces most of the rangecalculators like PPT/CoffeeCalcs (for holdem) completely. This is what I was thinking about when I said break-down of EQ. breakdown of the EQ of specific rangeparts. If u have more ideas about usefulnes I would love to hear them.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-19-2016 , 08:07 PM
Probably a stupid question, but what is the difference between running a script and building a tree?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-20-2016 , 03:23 AM
Hi punter,

I've been using PioSolver Edge for some time now and I really like it.

In postflop solving, using scripts, I would like to solve each branch of the tree using the same type of tree like it is in the preflop tab. This would allow me to CHOOSE the bet sizing (or raise/sizing) BASED ON PREVIOUS ACTIONS - and more importante, the generated tree would be far smaller than the one that is currently generated in the postflop tab.

Example : now I am setting on the flop, turn and river :
- OOP may check or bet 30% 50% 70% and eventually raise 3x, 3.5x, 5x
- IP may check or bet 30% 50% 70% and eventually raise 3x, 3.5x, 5x
This creates a very, very big tree to solve, and actually it is a waste of time balancing almost empty branches of the tree.

Instead, I would like to set some part of the tree with only a few options :
- OOP checks, IP checks, OOP may donk the turn
- OOP checks, IP bets 30%, OOP may fold call or raise 3x
- OOP checks, IP bets 50%, OOP may fold call or raise 3.5x
- OOP checks, IP bets 70%, OOP may fold call or raise 5x
That is, each action depends on previous actions, but the overall tree is much simpler to solve as it has far less branches than the one above.

And one GREAT feature that would make it easy to parameter the above tree would be to size betting in terms of Stack-to-Pot Ratio (SPR). If SPR is 13, I can bet full pot on every street and get all-in on the river. If SPR is 7.5, I can bet half pot on every street and get all-in on the river. Using SPR is very convenient to define a strategy that maximizes the EV of the IP player (according to Mathematics of Poker by Chen/Ankenman), which in my view should be very close to the best betting strategy for using position. I can also choose a bet sizing that would allow to be all-in in four or five streets, in this case the OOP has to check/raise sometimes, when both players are in the mood to build big pot.

Thank you for your help.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-20-2016 , 04:29 AM
If u have more ideas about usefulnes I would love to hear them.
Those things aren't very difficult to implement although they require some care and time. I've added them to the to-do. I still miss the practical point a bit (how is it useful to know how often you flop a straight draw?) but I agree that there should be a way to see those things.

Probably a stupid question, but what is the difference between running a script and building a tree?
The solver works like that:
1)Building the tree means that it appears in memory with equal strategies for all actions (unsolved tree)
2)Running the solver on a tree means it changes the strategies in all decisions to make them close to equilibrium

The separation between step 1) and 2) is useful for some things:
-you may want to verify that the tree is what you want it to be before investing time to run the solver (you can browse it after building but before solving)
-you may want to lock some nodes and only then solve
-you may want to see starting equities of the ranges (also possible with range explorer but still)

When you run a script you automate the task of 1) and 2) on many boards. The script also automatically saves the solutions for you so for example you can run it during the night and wake up to 50 or 100 (or more) solved saved trees. I talk about running a simple script, here: (question number 6)

If you are a programmer (even a beginner willing to try things out) the solver makes the whole command set available in the script so it's possible to automate all kind of tasks.

In postflop solving, using scripts, I would like to solve each branch of the tree using the same type of tree like it is in the preflop tab. This would allow me to CHOOSE the bet sizing (or raise/sizing) BASED ON PREVIOUS ACTIONS - and more importante, the generated tree would be far smaller than the one that is currently generated in the postflop tab.
It's now possible to achieve using remove lines/add lines interface, described here: (point 1, see the video description)

The problem with an interface where you can edit the whole tree in visual form is that it's quite cumbersome for the kind of trees we solve (big ones). While I understand add/remove lines thing might not be the easiest one to grasp at first it is way faster to use once you understand the principle. We might consider adding graphical tree builder at some point but we feel quite strongly that the text interface is better even if there is initial learning curve. Anyway, try it out and see if you can achieve what you want.

This creates a very, very big tree to solve, and actually it is a waste of time balancing almost empty branches of the tree.
Yes. You can either remove the lines you don't want by adding them to "remove lines" field or fill less betsizes and then add lines you want (they can end before river - will be filled out with the bet sizes from the config)

- OOP checks, IP checks, OOP may donk the turn
- OOP checks, IP bets 30%, OOP may fold call or raise 3x
- OOP checks, IP bets 50%, OOP may fold call or raise 3.5x
- OOP checks, IP bets 70%, OOP may fold call or raise 5x
Don't fill OOP raise on that street (I am assuming it's a flop) and then add lines:
check, bet 30, raise 3x
check, bet 50, raise 3.5x
check, bet 70, raise 5x

build tree, verify it is what you want.

And one GREAT feature that would make it easy to parameter the above tree would be to size betting in terms of Stack-to-Pot Ratio (SPR).
There is something like that but it's really not well thought out (it's a legacy feature we didn't remove but it still kinda works). You can use "ne" expression in bet size fields, for example: 3e, 2e, 5e. Those mean that the bet will be as big so n bets of that size gets you all in. For example if you want a tree where both players always plan to get all-in on the river, you would fill bet sizes: 3e on the flop 2e on the turn, 1e on the river (like here: Sadly that also means that after check-check on the flop, check-check on the turn it's shove allin on the river.

You can also use "3e1000" in old style tree building (the number after e is effective stack). Then all the bets in the tree will be of the size appropiate to get it allin in 3 bets starting from the starting size.

While this is very simplistic - it's a good starting pot so you can tell us how this could be improved.

Last edited by punter11235; 10-20-2016 at 04:37 AM.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-20-2016 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by punter11235
Those things aren't very difficult to implement although they require some care and time. I've added them to the to-do. I still miss the practical point a bit (how is it useful to know how often you flop a straight draw?) but I agree that there should be a way to see those things.
I think that if u have better integration of the equities of the rangeparts in relation to the total equity of ur range than u can visualize ur range better or more precise in-game. I think these relative are hard for humans to grasp naturally. If u think this is actually not that useful, I appreciate any feedback! TYVM.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-20-2016 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by punter11235
It's now possible to achieve using remove lines/add lines interface, described here: (point 1, see the video description)

The problem with an interface where you can edit the whole tree in visual form is that it's quite cumbersome for the kind of trees we solve (big ones). While I understand add/remove lines thing might not be the easiest one to grasp at first it is way faster to use once you understand the principle. We might consider adding graphical tree builder at some point but we feel quite strongly that the text interface is better even if there is initial learning curve. Anyway, try it out and see if you can achieve what you want.

Yes. You can either remove the lines you don't want by adding them to "remove lines" field or fill less betsizes and then add lines you want (they can end before river - will be filled out with the bet sizes from the config)

Don't fill OOP raise on that street (I am assuming it's a flop) and then add lines:
check, bet 30, raise 3x
check, bet 50, raise 3.5x
check, bet 70, raise 5x

build tree, verify it is what you want.

There is something like that but it's really not well thought out (it's a legacy feature we didn't remove but it still kinda works). You can use "ne" expression in bet size fields, for example: 3e, 2e, 5e. Those mean that the bet will be as big so n bets of that size gets you all in. For example if you want a tree where both players always plan to get all-in on the river, you would fill bet sizes: 3e on the flop 2e on the turn, 1e on the river (like here: Sadly that also means that after check-check on the flop, check-check on the turn it's shove allin on the river.

You can also use "3e1000" in old style tree building (the number after e is effective stack). Then all the bets in the tree will be of the size appropiate to get it allin in 3 bets starting from the starting size.

While this is very simplistic - it's a good starting pot so you can tell us how this could be improved.
Everything is great!!! I just went from 1.8.x to 1.9.2, all these things are exactly what I am looking for. I will use the Add and Remove lines - in my view, a text interface is ok, I don't want any graphical interface as I don't need to display the whole tree.

I will test the 1e 2e 3e 4e bet sizes, is it ok to have more than one on a given street?
Ex : flop bet size : 3e, 4e
turn bet size : 3e, 2e
river bet size : 3e, 2e, 1e

I will provide more feedback about v1.9.2 as I will definitely test and use a lot of the new features of this version. Thank you.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-21-2016 , 04:48 AM
I will test the 1e 2e 3e 4e bet sizes, is it ok to have more than one on a given street?
Ex : flop bet size : 3e, 4e
turn bet size : 3e, 2e
river bet size : 3e, 2e, 1e
Yes, it will work. The best way is to just try it, build the tree and browse it to confirm it is what you want without solving it first (so you don't need to wait).
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-23-2016 , 04:23 AM
Could you tell me which video to watch to get the latest explanation on node-locking.

I've found the video from 18th September 2015, but this looks different from the latest version of pio.

In the new version I don't understand what the 'don't lock strategy'. 'lock all hands' and 'lock selected combos' options are meant to be used for/ what they do.

PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-23-2016 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by Blunderer
Could you tell me which video to watch to get the latest explanation on node-locking.

I've found the video from 18th September 2015, but this looks different from the latest version of pio.

In the new version I don't understand what the 'don't lock strategy'. 'lock all hands' and 'lock selected combos' options are meant to be used for/ what they do.

Found it - Combo locking = node locking!
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-23-2016 , 09:54 AM
hello i want to run scripts with pio. I type in all the boards manually like:
Ah7s2c from that like 20.
then when solution reaches 0,25% % of pot accuracy,
and timeout of 6000000
and take 0 seconds break after each flop
save: small saves
and ignore Memory check
but after 30 minues there stands end and nothing is saved in the folder where the flops should be.

and in the interface i had 9 sizings dont know why its not working?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
