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PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem

06-10-2016 , 04:37 AM
I examined a board of Jd 3s 6h 9c with node locking on letting oop player bet:
AK, AQ, QQ+, 99, 66, 33, AJ, QTs, J9s and pio solver counts 96 combos. Shouldnt it be 81 because of card removal?
PioSOLVER shows all combinations you choose in the range selector, like that: (it's 92 combos btw)

Once you build a tree and ask for range though the card removal is accounted for: (as you can see it's 77 combos)

The reason for this is that you often want board independent ranges in the range selector (to save for the future etc.).
Another way is to open Range Explorer and paste the range there, it always shows the number of combos taking into account card removal:
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-10-2016 , 09:06 AM
Hi punter, I want the solver to return a "pure" strategy and not a mixed one. Is it possible?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-10-2016 , 02:36 PM
Hey punter,
is there an easy way to convert a range from Pio to Propokertools syntax?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-10-2016 , 03:01 PM
Hi punter, I want the solver to return a "pure" strategy and not a mixed one. Is it possible?
No, because that would be very exploitable and the solver tries to solve for equilibrium.
You can round the resulting strategy though, using rounding feature: (question number 4)

is there an easy way to convert a range from Pio to Propokertools syntax?
I have no idea what Pokertools syntax is. PioSOLVER's format is very easy to parse/convert. Contact the developers of Pokertools project and ask them.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-11-2016 , 05:05 AM
hey punter, i have a quick and presumably easy to implement request:
in the browse tab, after we click "strategy", all one pair+ hands should appear bolder so we immediately recognize "made" hands.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-11-2016 , 11:34 AM
Hi punter.
I ran a report (I tried both Runouts aggreg./ Multiple R. a.) by checking the box for "include hands in the report" and in the resulted file I get the strategy for OOP only for the hands in IP range, other hands doesn`t appear. The strategy is the same that is in the Browser so the report got the positions right. I don`t know if I express myself clear so I`ll post a picture:
It is an error or I got something wrong?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-11-2016 , 12:27 PM
in the browse tab, after we click "strategy", all one pair+ hands should appear bolder so we immediately recognize "made" hands
This sounds like a good idea although it won't make it to 1.9.
I ran a report (I tried both Runouts aggreg./ Multiple R. a.) by checking the box for "include hands in the report" and in the resulted file I get the strategy for OOP only for the hands in IP range, other hands doesn`t appear. The strategy is the same that is in the Browser so the report got the positions right. I don`t know if I express myself clear so I`ll post a picture:
It is an error or I got something wrong?
As a general rule: when reporting strange/unexpected behavior or bugs always attach the config so I can build the tree, run the report and check. I can't reproduce the behavior without the config and guessing what happens from the screenshot is unfortunately not very productive (there are many ways to get various things on the screen). Please email the config (or paste here) and I will take a look.

EDIT: also make sure you have the newest version of the viewer (About in the top menu) which is
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-11-2016 , 05:01 PM
punter, I sent you an email (w/ my 2+2 nickname as subject) at with logs, cfr files, reports, ect

I updated to and nothing changed.

PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-11-2016 , 06:13 PM
punter, I sent you an email (w/ my 2+2 nickname as subject) at with logs, cfr files, reports, ect
Thank you, it does in fact look like a bug.
The thing is that the point of "aggregation reports" is to aggregate over all turn (or turn+river) cards so we have probably missed a case where you run it in the first node of the tree. Anyway, it will be fixed for the next release.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-11-2016 , 07:09 PM
I'm glad to hear that is not something that gives you headaches
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-12-2016 , 12:49 PM

I'm trying to rejoin the piosolver Skype group. I left the group a while back and when I search for it it just says "you have left the group" with no apparent option to rejoin. I also don't know anyone else in the group so I can't have someone add me.

PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-12-2016 , 03:49 PM
I'm trying to rejoin the piosolver Skype group. I left the group a while back and when I search for it it just says "you have left the group" with no apparent option to rejoin. I also don't know anyone else in the group so I can't have someone add me.
Skype works in mysterious ways. Send us an email with the request and I will link you to the group.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-13-2016 , 03:40 AM
Coudln't find the answer in the many FAQs, when I purchase Piosolver Basic , can I later on upgrade to another version?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-13-2016 , 03:40 AM
Pio preflop takes a very long amount of time to stop after clicking the stop button, is this normal?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-13-2016 , 03:59 AM
Coudln't find the answer in the many FAQs, when I purchase Piosolver Basic , can I later on upgrade to another version?
Yes, the upgrades cost the difference in prices + ~24$.

Pio preflop takes a very long amount of time to stop after clicking the stop button, is this normal?
It depends what do you mean by "very long amount of time". From the sound of it it's not normal, the most useful report here would be a log:

-Tools->Configuration->enable logging
-send us log.txt
-switch the logging off (the file grows big quite fast so it's good not to have it on all the time)
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-13-2016 , 04:02 AM
Thanks for the quick reply. Good to know
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-14-2016 , 02:19 PM
Link to post:

Originally Posted by punter11235
Yeah, that one of those good ideas which is kept getting postponed.
Any news about this?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-15-2016 , 03:24 AM
Yeah, that one of those good ideas which is kept getting postponed.
Any news about this?
I must've known what you mean back then but today it seems to me that the aggregation report does exactly that, doesn't it?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-15-2016 , 11:23 AM
We have been talking about a similiar tool to the Runouts EV Comparision (Hotness), just for frequencies of betting / checking / calling / folding.

Aggregation Report at the moment kinda fulfills its purpose, but it is really unhandy and confusing, compared to a cleaned up and built in tool window.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-15-2016 , 12:18 PM
We have been talking about a similiar tool to the Runouts EV Comparision (Hotness), just for frequencies of betting / checking / calling / folding.
There is going to be strategy in the comparison tool in 1.9 release, like here:
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-15-2016 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by punter11235
There is going to be strategy in the comparison tool in 1.9 release, like here:
Do you know more or less when you will release it? days/weeks/months? thank you!
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-15-2016 , 02:34 PM
Do you know more or less when you will release it? days/weeks/months? thank you!
We don't give ETAs. The answer is always "when it's ready" which proved to be too difficult to estimate the timeline for.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-15-2016 , 03:14 PM
hi, very small feature request, I think that when building preflop trees the focus should stay on the node we are working on instead of going to the next one so that we don't forget including acctions like fold, for example if after a raise to 10 I make a reraise to 30 the focus to add a new action should stay in the raise 10 instead of going to 30, otherwise we have to be clicking back and forth and I keep forgetting to add fold actions because of this.

PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-15-2016 , 05:08 PM
when building preflop trees the focus should stay on the node we are working on instead of going to the next one
That's how it's going to work in 1.9
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
06-15-2016 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by punter11235
That's how it's going to work in 1.9
Awesome I'm very excited about 1.9!! looking forward for it

something else I forgot before, in range explorer in the bottom right can we get the total combos selected displayed as well as the selected % of the range, this would be very helpful so we don't have to mentally add combos or even use a calculator hehe and also the bottom "box" under the graphs can not be resized, and it is very big and hav a lot of empthy space so maybe the hability to make it smaller by draging the top same as the graph panel

as always tyvm for the great product and great support, Pio has become a center piece in my study time! cheers
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
