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PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem

01-07-2019 , 03:48 AM
I would like to know the bets in console, not the accumulated ones. it's possible
It isn't. The reason we use accumulated bet sizes internally in the solver is that they are easier to reason about (you only need to look one step back to know how much money is left and bet now) and it's easier to write various tools this way.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-07-2019 , 04:14 AM
I have a question concerning equity and EV in pio:
They differ a bit (e.g. IP has a relatively higher equity while having a relatively lower EV on J-8-7ss compared to J-6-4ss) and I wonder if this may have to do with the probabilty to split the pot?

To make the above example more clear:
under the exact same cirumstances, IP has 55,05% equity on J-8-7ss and 35,48 EV (OOP has 19,52) whereas on J-6-4ss IP has 54,04% equity and 35,57 EV (OOP: 19,43)
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-07-2019 , 04:27 AM
Hi there

I’m new to piosolver.

I’ve figured out how to build/browse trees, import ranges, export aggregation reports.

Am I right in that , by using node locking, we can get optimal decisions vs population ranges (non-optimal ranges)?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-07-2019 , 04:52 AM
They differ a bit (e.g. IP has a relatively higher equity while having a relatively lower EV on J-8-7ss compared to J-6-4ss) and I wonder if this may have to do with the probabilty to split the pot?
By equity we always mean all-in equity (assuming check to the end) while by EV we mean expected value if both players follow the solution. In general the difference comes from position (IP has an advantage) as well as initial range (tighter/better fitting range has an advantage).

Am I right in that , by using node locking, we can get optimal decisions vs population ranges (non-optimal ranges)?
You can but it's not exactly "optimal". What you can get is a solution with a player/players being forced to follow certain strategies at given point (node locking) but with an assumption that they play optimally afterwards (or beforehand). In real play the opponents are likely to continue making mistakes. If they call too much on the flop they are likely to continue calling too much on the turn because they now think they have to "defend" their too wide range.

In short it's a safe optimal strategy. You won't be exploited if you follow it but there is likely a better way to exploit actual opponents.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-07-2019 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by punter11235

In short it's a safe optimal strategy. You won't be exploited if you follow it but there is likely a better way to exploit actual opponents.

Would a player following a strategy that is very hard to be exploited, against actual real-life opponents be crushing over a big sample of hands?

Do these high-stakes professionals use Pio to ONLY understand what the equilibrium is? Or are they able to use it to discover exploitative strategies too?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-07-2019 , 08:32 AM

Had a question about node locking. For example on AQ7r in 3b pot BTN vs UTG I node locked OOP player to have no raises which made us cbet 100% instead of x 95%+.

This makes sense but when I arrive to the turn in these types of spots the sim starts to x 100% or a very high frequency since we made their range stronger by having no raises.

This seems weird to me. How could I make it more applicable to what would be happening in game?

I compared this to the regular sim without using node locking and the turn strategy makes more sense when we're leaving the OOP player with raises on the flop going into turn.

PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-07-2019 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by MouseUrHouse

I compared this to the regular sim without using node locking and the turn strategy makes more sense when we're leaving the OOP player with raises on the flop going into turn.
I assume Pio likes to bet the turn more, when they have a raising range on flop as opposed to not having one, because their calling range on flop is now a weaker range.

And like you said in the no-raise flop node locked version, their call range has all the nutted combos and is much stronger than our range.

I would assume the OOP turn range has a lot of turn leads too, due to no check-raises on flop.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-07-2019 , 03:09 PM

I have 2 questions :

1/ let's say I run Pio on a spot.
in the results, OOP player has a balanced check-raising range, and therefore IP player has a balanced calling range vs OOP XR.
Now, let's say OOP player adjusts to IP balanced calling range and only check-raises a tight solid value range.
Now IP player will lose a tonn of $ calling a balanced range vs the check raises.
But given that this is not the optimal strategy Pio calculated for OOP player, does this mean that OOP player makes more EV by check raising a balanced range than only check raising a value range?
In other words, once we have run Piosolver on a spot to calculate OOP and IP GTO strategies, if we freeze 1 of the 2 strategies, we could exploit the decision of 1 player on 1 node but it will lead to a global loss of EV (if we cumulate the EVs of every node of the tree), right?
It might sound like a dumb question but I hope your answer regarding my example will help me understand how the GTO mecanisms work.

2/ is it possible to run a script on multiple flops with node locking?
For example, I might set that OOP player only check raises a value range I would determine.

PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-07-2019 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by the_ducerator
I assume Pio likes to bet the turn more, when they have a raising range on flop as opposed to not having one, because their calling range on flop is now a weaker range.

And like you said in the no-raise flop node locked version, their call range has all the nutted combos and is much stronger than our range.

I would assume the OOP turn range has a lot of turn leads too, due to no check-raises on flop.
Yeah it leads turn if you allow it to but OOP player will never be doing that so I removed a leading range there. It compensates by checking range on turn for IP player. IP player would be betting more if OOP was leading.

Maybe it's more applicable in game than I thought initially since their turn range will be stronger. I do think people rarely raise this board in practice.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-07-2019 , 11:55 PM
What line do I add to this portion of the script to cause it to node lock OOP's flop bet frequency at 100%? Do I need to add a line for each flop?

set_rake 0.05 3.5
skip_if_done "D:\Script Results/QsJd2s.cfr" next
go 1600 seconds
dump_tree "D:\Script Results/QsJd2s.cfr" no_rivers
LABEL: next
echo "1 out of 2 done"
skip_if_done "D:\Script Results/KsQs5d.cfr" next
set_board Ks Qs 5d
set_rake 0.05 3.5
go 1600 seconds
dump_tree "D:\Script Results/KsQs5d.cfr" no_rivers
LABEL: next
echo "2 out of 2 done"
echo "Script has completed. You can close this window. Result files are in D:\Script Results directory"
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-08-2019 , 05:38 AM
Would a player following a strategy that is very hard to be exploited, against actual real-life opponents be crushing over a big sample of hands?

Do these high-stakes professionals use Pio to ONLY understand what the equilibrium is? Or are they able to use it to discover exploitative strategies too?
The best to ask them. A lot of people use node-locking although I do feel it's overrated as adjustments are usually pretty obvious once you understand where the equilibrium is and in which direction the opponent is deviating. It never hurts to see some examples though so it's beneficial to at least look at some solutions with node-locking to confirm your intuition.

Had a question about node locking. For example on AQ7r in 3b pot BTN vs UTG I node locked OOP player to have no raises which made us cbet 100% instead of x 95%+.

This makes sense but when I arrive to the turn in these types of spots the sim starts to x 100% or a very high frequency since we made their range stronger by having no raises.
Before I answer this it seems something doesn't check out. You wrote you lock UTG to have no raises so I presume you have chose some check-calling and some check-folding range. Then you say IP cbets 100% instead of checking most of the time which doesn't seem to be very realistic unless IPs range is very weak. Then you show a screenshot of OOP decision (not IP) which checks all 95%+ of hands but you say you start checking and not them.

It looks to me like you confused players on the turn so please to re-read it and let me know what the problem is.

Now, let's say OOP player adjusts to IP balanced calling range and only check-raises a tight solid value range.
Now IP player will lose a tonn of $ calling a balanced range vs the check raises.
But given that this is not the optimal strategy Pio calculated for OOP player, does this mean that OOP player makes more EV by check raising a balanced range than only check raising a value range?
It's not like IP loses tons of $ calling a balanced range. They just lose opportunity to make more (or lose less) money by not adjusting. You can look at EVs of hands for OOP before their decision. Usually it will be pretty close between calling and raising. You can see exactly how much OOP is losing by not raising certain weaker hands - this will be a small amount but it will open them to a huge possible exploit (if IP just starts folding everything after being raised).

I understand that you feel EV disappears somewhere and you are wondering where. The answer is it disappears in calling branch. Now the range of OOP is much weaker for a call and IP makes "tons" of money vs that range in a call branch which is a bit bigger "ton" than what they now lose in raise branch.

It might sound like a dumb question but I hope your answer regarding my example will help me understand how the GTO mecanisms work.
It's not dumb. Once you realize that now IP makes more in the call branch it makes more sense intuitively. During solving process both players know which action with every hand has the higher EV and they adjust in that direction. Equilibrium is a state where no player can make a profitable adjustment yet. Focus on this:

"No player can make a profitable adjustment"

This means in particular that moving weak hands from a raise to a call branch does not result in higher overall EV. The math behind it solving makes sure of that.

2/ is it possible to run a script on multiple flops with node locking?
For example, I might set that OOP player only check raises a value range I would determine.
It's not possible right now and it's unlikely in the near future. Unfortunately this kind of functionality would require a whole new language to describe ranges so you can describe "value range" in a way independent of the flop. We have a framework for that but it's a long way till it's available in the solver.

What line do I add to this portion of the script to cause it to node lock OOP's flop bet frequency at 100%? Do I need to add a line for each flop?
Every time you want to node-lock something at 100% must better way is to just built a tree with only this action possible. You can do that by using add/remove line feature in the treebuilding config described here: (point 1, see the video description)
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-08-2019 , 08:01 AM
got couple q.

1. I wanna buy pio. I am deciding between basic and pro version. There is only one difference which is valid to me and that's about scriptability. So, what exactly does it mean, when it says fully scriptable? Can you explain it that somebody that never used solver himself will understand?

2. If I buy basic version, can I in future upgrade to pro version without paying whole price for it? If yes, what's the price?

3. Do you support neteller as a payment method?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-08-2019 , 09:18 AM
How can I resolve this error with PLOCalc:

Invalid preflop range

Preflop range has to be isomorphic. It means that all hands which are preflop-equivalent must have the same weights assigned.
Here is an example range generated by Monker that causes this error:

I am trying to analyze the composition of Monker's 3bet and cbet range on 8s4d3c. I plugged the range directly into preflop. How can I fix this?

Last edited by Jeff W; 01-08-2019 at 09:26 AM.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-08-2019 , 01:53 PM
I made the update and pio doesn’t work anymore?!
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-09-2019 , 06:48 AM
1. I wanna buy pio. I am deciding between basic and pro version. There is only one difference which is valid to me and that's about scriptability. So, what exactly does it mean, when it says fully scriptable? Can you explain it that somebody that never used solver himself will understand?
It means you can automate solving for when you are away from your computer. For example you can solve 100 flops overnight and wake-up to saved solutions.

2. If I buy basic version, can I in future upgrade to pro version without paying whole price for it? If yes, what's the price?
Yes, you can upgrade. The upgrades are the difference in prices during the first month and the difference + 25$ after that.

3. Do you support neteller as a payment method?
We don't.

How can I resolve this error with PLOCalc:
I will ask Kuba (who did the work on PLOCalc GUI) to investigate it and get back to you.

I made the update and pio doesn’t work anymore?!
If you would like to solve we will need a description of what is happening, a screenshot from an error message or anything else that could clear the situation for us.
Preferably sent it to
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-09-2019 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by Jeff W
How can I resolve this error with PLOCalc:

Here is an example range generated by Monker that causes this error:

I am trying to analyze the composition of Monker's 3bet and cbet range on 8s4d3c. I plugged the range directly into preflop. How can I fix this?
The error you get says that PLOCalc requires that preflop ranges are suit-isomorphic.
That means that all combos belonging to the same preflop group (like AKs or 87o in holdem) must have the same weights to use them as starting preflop ranges.

In your range it's not the case for many preflop hand groups. One example is 8c5c7d6h@7 and 8c5c7d6s@1.

If you want to start analysis on the flop you should select menu item File->New from flop
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-10-2019 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by juggler97531
If you want to start analysis on the flop you should select menu item File->New from flop
Thanks, this is what I was missing.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-10-2019 , 04:40 AM
The reason we don't allow for non-isomorphic preflop ranges is that we show exact range vs range result preflop in PLO. The tables to make it possible are already 1GB big and took weeks of server time to calculate. It wouldn't be possible if we were to allow things like having AsKsJhTh but not AhKhJsTs in the preflop range.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-10-2019 , 12:13 PM
Is there a quick way to get the data in excel? Here is what I am trying to do:

I run a sim for a board, and I want to graph out how PIO reacts on various turns and rivers in excel.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-10-2019 , 06:23 PM
I have some questions about micro saves.

1. Is there a way to set the speed/accuracy of the turn/river recalculations? e.g. can i have it stop after a certain amount of time or accuracy reached?

2. My micro saves .cfr files open in pioviewer to the tree building tab instead of the browser tab. My small saves open to the browser tab. Am I missing a setting somewhere or is this just a difference in the way small and micro saves load in the viewer?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-10-2019 , 06:33 PM
hello, i reinstalled my computer not so long ago and now when i try to activate pio it says: "the product key has already been activated with the maximum number of computers"... i had it installed on my laptop and on this computer that is reinstalled.. can you help me please?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-10-2019 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by whysoseriuuz
hello, i reinstalled my computer not so long ago and now when i try to activate pio it says: "the product key has already been activated with the maximum number of computers"... i had it installed on my laptop and on this computer that is reinstalled.. can you help me please?

That link should start you at the 5 minute ish mark and walk you through moving computers my deactivating and reactivating license.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-10-2019 , 09:09 PM
hey, is it possible to run a script when i set up a bunch of different trees like this: ?

so basically i just wanna let it solve them w/ all the diferrent parameters that i have set up one after the other and then save them without having to manually do it

PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-11-2019 , 04:46 AM
Is there a quick way to get the data in excel? Here is what I am trying to do:

I run a sim for a board, and I want to graph out how PIO reacts on various turns and rivers in excel.
You can run an aggregation report to see what the whole range does. See here: (question number 7)
This can be opened in Excel.

You can also go to a chosen turn and press ctrl+h which will show you EV/Strategies/EQs on every turn card in that line. This is probably the most efficient way but it won't be in excel format (but in a graphical one).

1. Is there a way to set the speed/accuracy of the turn/river recalculations? e.g. can i have it stop after a certain amount of time or accuracy reached?
You can choose accuracy but going to Tools->Configuration->Behavior
The defaults are somewhat conservative (good accuracy) if you want results faster you can make the required threshold bigger.

"the product key has already been activated with the maximum number of computers"
Send us an email to including your license key and we will reset it for you.

hey, is it possible to run a script when i set up a bunch of different trees like this: ?

so basically i just wanna let it solve them w/ all the diferrent parameters that i have set up one after the other and then save them without having to manually do it
It's possible but it requires some manual editing, see here: (Skype group FAQ link at the top) and then ctrl+f scripting.

Making it easier is one of the things we will be adding in the near future.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-11-2019 , 08:56 PM
Is there a way to copy and paste into node locker with out having the issue in the screen shots?

For example copying and pasting the full turn starting range. Looking at the AQ hand, I can have 75% of AQo combos, when I copy and paste it seams to be allowing me only 75%*75% of the combos =.5625, Is there a way to keep at 75% when I copy and paste?

Starting range I am copy and pasting

What shows up in node locker after pasting the range from the screen shot above( Ideally the copy would have everything being bet, after copy and pasting)

PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
