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NoteCaddy NoteCaddy

03-04-2014 , 07:18 PM
just made a new database, and after some hands notecaddy does 100 hands - 5 sec pause - 100 hands - 5 sec pause etc etc ....

any idea what the problem could be?

at the beginning it went smooth (same in my old db)

got notecaddy 2.5

/€ same settings, same everything
restart doesnt help either
NoteCaddy Quote
03-05-2014 , 07:25 AM
What percent finished was it when it started doing that?
NoteCaddy Quote
03-05-2014 , 09:31 AM
about 20
NoteCaddy Quote
03-05-2014 , 09:45 AM
NC is not going through all notes imo.
I made a custom def for a 3 barrell vs reg.
I checked for a player using Tools->Player notes and saw all the instances marked by NC.
However in HM filters I can see other hands that were missed and fit the criteria.
NC only got 2 instances instead of 7.

I've tested the missing hands using the Right click on note->Testing and it shows nothing in the "Notes" part. If the criteria is incorrect it says the reason for it not being correct but if it's correct then no message is shown.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-05-2014 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Nitti Vitti
about 20
With 2.5 there's a known issue when you create a new database in HM2 and start processing. Restarting and resetting notes should work much better. I want to get a new 2.5 out but am currently blocked until HM2 does a release for the stars seating issues.

Originally Posted by JonIrenicus
NC is not going through all notes imo.
I made a custom def for a 3 barrell vs reg.
I checked for a player using Tools->Player notes and saw all the instances marked by NC.
However in HM filters I can see other hands that were missed and fit the criteria.
NC only got 2 instances instead of 7.

I've tested the missing hands using the Right click on note->Testing and it shows nothing in the "Notes" part. If the criteria is incorrect it says the reason for it not being correct but if it's correct then no message is shown.
If no message is shown it's probably because NC is misunderstanding the hand or some other unknown issue. It's hard to look at these things on this forum. If you post a hand/definition to the HEM forum I can get you an explanation and/or fix quickly
NoteCaddy Quote
03-06-2014 , 04:05 AM
If you create a new definition, then click on pending actions and let only that definition run for all existing hands...if you stop it during the run what happens with the unprocessed hands?
Are they processed when you create notes next time?
NoteCaddy Quote
03-06-2014 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by JonIrenicus
If you create a new definition, then click on pending actions and let only that definition run for all existing hands...if you stop it during the run what happens with the unprocessed hands?
Are they processed when you create notes next time?
Sorry but you'd have to reset notes if you can't finish a pending task
NoteCaddy Quote
03-06-2014 , 08:25 AM
But even without a reset, the next future hands should be ok, it's only the previously unprocessed hands that are affected, right?
NoteCaddy Quote
03-06-2014 , 12:07 PM
oh well actually it's not computer crashed while pending in creating some notes.
And I had to restart computer and none of those notes were appearing.

Btw, I downloaded your latest beta and my HM2 doesn't start when using it.
It just stays at the into picture with "HM2 - the art and science of winning poker".
I have to paste an older beta for it to start.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-07-2014 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by JonIrenicus
But even without a reset, the next future hands should be ok, it's only the previously unprocessed hands that are affected, right?
correct. Future hands won't be missed

Originally Posted by JonIrenicus
oh well actually it's not computer crashed while pending in creating some notes.
And I had to restart computer and none of those notes were appearing.

Btw, I downloaded your latest beta and my HM2 doesn't start when using it.
It just stays at the into picture with "HM2 - the art and science of winning poker".
I have to paste an older beta for it to start.
The latest beta is 2 weeks old so "latest" is a relative term. Also, you shouldn't be pasting betas but rather using the installer as it's posted on the HEM forum thread.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-07-2014 , 12:09 PM
NC has just crashed (gone grey and "not responding") during a vacuum. Will it have caused any damage to my db, and am I ok to just shut it down and restart?
NoteCaddy Quote
03-08-2014 , 07:40 AM
I wouldn't even be so sure it crashed. Vacuuming a database locks it from all other operations so if you tried to do anything else in HM2 at all, it could definitely cause the UI to be unresponsive as it waits for a routine database query that should take milliseconds but is taking minutes or more.

In any case closing HM2 would just cancel the vacuum and that in and of itself should not cause any problems
NoteCaddy Quote
03-09-2014 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
I wouldn't even be so sure it crashed. Vacuuming a database locks it from all other operations so if you tried to do anything else in HM2 at all, it could definitely cause the UI to be unresponsive as it waits for a routine database query that should take milliseconds but is taking minutes or more.

In any case closing HM2 would just cancel the vacuum and that in and of itself should not cause any problems
Thanks, I did quit it because it froze up for over 15 mins but everything seems fine.

Can I suggest adding a search feature to your definition digest, or at least improving the filters? It's a great resource but tricky to find what you want without trawling through pages and pages of stats.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-09-2014 , 12:36 PM
Are you using the one in the software or the one on the web? The weird thing is both get little traffic. That said I will still take this into consideration
NoteCaddy Quote
03-09-2014 , 12:56 PM
The one on the web. I only noticed this afternoon that there's a version in the app too but I haven't got round to looking at it yet.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-10-2014 , 06:19 AM
I've just installed 2.5, reset all my notes and have started processing my db again. Everything's going fine, but when I order the definitions by Total Runtime there is a definition that I created myself that is showing way higher (by about 4-5x the closest one) than any of the other definitions. Is there any particular reason this might happen? Will one definition using up a lot of runtime slow down my note creating process significantly?
NoteCaddy Quote
03-10-2014 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
I've just installed 2.5, reset all my notes and have started processing my db again. Everything's going fine, but when I order the definitions by Total Runtime there is a definition that I created myself that is showing way higher (by about 4-5x the closest one) than any of the other definitions. Is there any particular reason this might happen? Will one definition using up a lot of runtime slow down my note creating process significantly?
Depends how often this note is taken. A note that occurs quite often will increase runtime.

As long as you don't have performance -issues there's not much to worry about.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-10-2014 , 07:10 AM

Last edited by PokerRon247; 03-10-2014 at 07:20 AM.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-10-2014 , 07:20 AM
It shouldn't be occurring very often as it's 3bet pre, chk/raise flop. I don't really know what performance should be but it's working at about 70-80hands/second.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-10-2014 , 07:51 AM
With performance-issues i had things in mind like pop-ups requiring some seconds to appear and so on. Hands/second will heavily depend on your hardware and how much definitions you use, so there is no threshold what you should expect without knowing your setup.

As long as you don't have negative impacts on your performance while playing, there is no reason to worry about runtime of individual notes. And if you have performance-issues , the first things to go through would be imo to optimize the postgresql.conf, removing the RAM-CAP in HM2, tweaking your Windows. If all this wouldn't help i would evaluate to upgrade my hardware-setup and at last to remove definitions with a high runtime.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-10-2014 , 12:59 PM
So after installing 2.5 and importing about 1m hands into a new database NC processed all the hands over about 6 hours. However now I've started playing it seems that the NC stats haven't been processed at all.

For example in my 3bet pop-up I used the NC.HM2.3bet stat to show the total 3bet% (no reason I used that over the normal HM2 one, was just playing around). On every opponent on every table the stat is showing that it has no data even if I have thousands of hands on an opponent. It's not completely dead as it's updating as I play. It's just as if the notes were never processed and the NC database is empty.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-11-2014 , 04:04 AM
I reset my notes and reprocessed my database overnight and am still having the problem. I tried running a seek on a few basic definitions and they all seem to work fine on there.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-11-2014 , 09:07 AM
You should use the latest hm2 official release which doesn't have the 2.5 beta until there is a new 2.5 uploaded which will be announced in the official thread
NoteCaddy Quote
03-11-2014 , 09:47 AM
I am running the latest official release ( and I still don't have any NC notes. For clarification, I downloaded the 2.5 beta from your second link and installed that. I then installed the latest HM2 official release when I didn't get any notes.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-11-2014 , 11:10 AM
Basically, I'm not too bothered about using 2.5, although it'd be cool to try it if possible. The main thing is I want my NC notes. How do I get them back?
NoteCaddy Quote
