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NoteCaddy NoteCaddy

05-24-2011 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
someone reported this on my forum too and it'll be taken care of in the next couple of days
I will be aware of your posts here at 2+2 to get an update on this issue.
NoteCaddy Quote
05-24-2011 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
to answer your questions about 3 bet sizes, min 3 bet is 2x the open raise, 3 bet is 2.1-3.5x, and oversize 3 bet is 3.6x+

i know you have lots on, but it would be very useful to have a 3 bet range narrower than 2.1-3.5x. eg three betting 3.5x is pretty different to three betting 2.5x which in practice is not much more than a minraise.

Two more questions

How do you define the 2bet open raise sizes, eg does a 4x open qualify as a 2 bet or an oversize 2 bet?; and

are the manual sizes in big blinds?
NoteCaddy Quote
05-25-2011 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by tagWAG

i know you have lots on, but it would be very useful to have a 3 bet range narrower than 2.1-3.5x. eg three betting 3.5x is pretty different to three betting 2.5x which in practice is not much more than a minraise.
everyone has different preferences and opinions and it is very difficult to try to make a program flexible and user friendly. Up until now I have added features too often and it has lead to a software that is unattractive to new users imo. I'm not saying no but it can't be right away since people still report some bugs here and there.

Two more questions

How do you define the 2bet open raise sizes, eg does a 4x open qualify as a 2 bet or an oversize 2 bet?; and

are the manual sizes in big blinds?
the open raise sizes have the exact info if you hover over the little lightning bolt next to them

manual open raise is in big blinds
NoteCaddy Quote
05-31-2011 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by zuleykha
I will be aware of your posts here at 2+2 to get an update on this issue.
-more omaha draw fixes
-added everleaf support
-fixed a bug where a definition would get deleted if you changed the capitalization of its name

sorry that took a while I have been battling a mean sinus infection
NoteCaddy Quote
05-31-2011 , 08:22 PM
How do you note an open-shove? Can't seem to get it for any street. I know you can check off "gets all chips in" for each street, but very often that will happen when a player bets, gets raised, then 3bets all-in. Am I missing something?
NoteCaddy Quote
06-01-2011 , 07:20 AM
pick all open raise sizes except manual
all actions performed had to be selected
player had to NOT act on the flop (flop tab)

should do it
NoteCaddy Quote
06-07-2011 , 12:11 PM
Using NC color definitions, then using the NoteCaddy Notes tab, are the Minimum and Maximum fields percentages? ie if we set;-

Minimum = 60
Maximum = 100
Min Sample = 10

then would NC make a color note for all instances of that chosen NC definition with >10 instances and >60% match rate?

Thank you
NoteCaddy Quote
06-07-2011 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by tagWAG
Using NC color definitions, then using the NoteCaddy Notes tab, are the Minimum and Maximum fields percentages? ie if we set;-

Minimum = 60
Maximum = 100
Min Sample = 10

then would NC make a color note for all instances of that chosen NC definition with >or equal to10 instances and >or equal to60% match rate?

Thank you
Most of the fields are percentages. The two exceptions are the V/P ratio and aggression factor.

I made one small correction inline to your post

thank you for using NoteCaddy
NoteCaddy Quote
09-14-2011 , 12:03 PM
Two questions, I am using notecaddy with HEM, not sure if this differs.

Firstly: When you use the replayer inside the notes, is there a way to only see the hands that actually went to showdown instead of having to go through them all?

Secondly: When you detminer a range and write this range in the notes using {...}, how is this range determined? Is it the range that is most common or is it the entire range?

Example: CBets out of position {Ace high, One over} 45/100 45%
NoteCaddy Quote
09-14-2011 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Hockeyfreak
Two questions, I am using notecaddy with HEM, not sure if this differs.

Firstly: When you use the replayer inside the notes, is there a way to only see the hands that actually went to showdown instead of having to go through them all?
there's some ambiguity in this post... are you referring to the seek function in NoteCaddy itself? If so, you can set "player had to show down" in the pre flop->general tab when creating the note definition. If you're referring the the play button within hm2's hud that replays the hand(s) that created the note, then no, it will show all hands not just show down. However, the suggestion about limiting notes to only shown down hands would apply here as well.

Secondly: When you detminer a range and write this range in the notes using {...}, how is this range determined? Is it the range that is most common or is it the entire range?

Example: CBets out of position {Ace high, One over} 45/100 45%
It is the entire range, alphabetically. HM2 has the CaddySpark graphs which are a big improvement and allow you to show the range visually rather than having to read a bunch of text
NoteCaddy Quote
09-15-2011 , 11:40 AM
Ya I was referring to the replayer in HEM2, I thought it had to do with notecaddy.

For the second part, I am not sure that's possible? Out of 100 times he cbet 45 times and all we saw was that the guy cbet with Avec high once and One Over once?
NoteCaddy Quote
09-15-2011 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Hockeyfreak
Ya I was referring to the replayer in HEM2, I thought it had to do with notecaddy.

For the second part, I am not sure that's possible? Out of 100 times he cbet 45 times and all we saw was that the guy cbet with Avec high once and One Over once?
There should be a little graph next to the note itself. How many points are on the graph? By default in HM2, the amount of hands shown is limited because in the few seconds you have to make a decision you can't read a list of 45 hands so the CaddySpark graphs will give you an indication of their hand range much more quickly and accurately.

Also, this thread is going to be locked again pretty soon so if you're a member of the holdem manager forums you can post at:

or the NoteCaddy forums at
NoteCaddy Quote
09-16-2011 , 01:10 AM
Any plans for a similar feature with pt3/pt4?
NoteCaddy Quote
09-16-2011 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by Stu_the_kid_Ungar
Any plans for a similar feature with pt3/pt4?
when you say similar feature, you mean the CaddySpark? Unfortunately, that isn't possible since that would require me to go into the PT code as I did with HM2. Since I am an HM employee, this would create an intolerable conflict of interest.

Since the HM2 feature set for NoteCaddy is vastly superior to what it was with HM/PT3, NC won't even be sold for those products anymore in a little while. It will inevitably lead to unsatisfied customers who read about features like:

-Hero session notes: See what notes would have been taken on you per table. If you bluffed and got called it would reflect on your table image and now you'll have a great look at how your opponents see you in context

-Cyborg notes: With the click of a button, take a specific line note on a player in any format you choose

-SNGWizard notes: Have NoteCaddy consult SNGWiz to see if a shove/call was correct and determine how good your enemies are

-Notes as HUD stats: Add any not to your HUD as a stat. This allows you to make any stat imaginable including stats based on bet sizes, board textures, opponent player types etc.

among other features. I can't in good conscience sell a version of NC that doesn't have these game changers.

The use of NoteCaddy will allow for features in HM2 that have been confirmed will not be part of PT4 such as:

-stats that show the stats that enemies have on you. For example, if a villain that you've never seen before joined the table 10 hands ago and you raised 7/10, you can have a note/stat that shows that so you may be more aware of the fact that he views you as a maniac where you actually just had a sick run of cards

-in depth versus hero stats. HM2 already added some of these and may add more but NC allows you to add literally anything (If I'm wrong please tell me and I'll make it possible - try me )
NoteCaddy Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:08 PM
If I purchase NoteCaddy now, will the license transfer over to HM2 when it is eventually released?
NoteCaddy Quote
09-17-2011 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by Antidote
If I purchase NoteCaddy now, will the license transfer over to HM2 when it is eventually released?
Fully paid licenses will definitely be transferred over. If you're doing the month to month payment plan, then it probably won't work until you finish due to that particular option not being available in HEM's authentication system
NoteCaddy Quote
09-17-2011 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
Since the HM2 feature set for NoteCaddy is vastly superior to what it was with HM/PT3, NC won't even be sold for those products anymore in a little while. ...
Hi, I'm considering to buy Notecaddy and use it along wiht my PT3 ... probably I will update to PT4 when it is ready. so I'm a little bit worried now... Do I understand you well. NC will stop to support PT3 soon? What about PT4 support? Will NC eventually be integrated in HEM2 ... ?
NoteCaddy Quote
09-17-2011 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Preparac
Hi, I'm considering to buy Notecaddy and use it along wiht my PT3 ... probably I will update to PT4 when it is ready. so I'm a little bit worried now... Do I understand you well. NC will stop to support PT3 soon? What about PT4 support? Will NC eventually be integrated in HEM2 ... ?
if you buy NC now it will always work for PT3. However, it will not work with PT4 initially and probably never. Also, NC will stop being sold as a standalone product once HM2 goes on sale which means people who didn't already buy it wouldn't be able to use it with HM1/PT3

NC is already integrated into the HM2 beta but is an HM-App which means it is a separate license
NoteCaddy Quote
09-17-2011 , 03:30 PM
Ok thanks for the clarifcation ... bad news for PT users like me tough...
NoteCaddy Quote
09-24-2011 , 07:30 AM
Just downloaded NoteCaddy to give it a try.

I have multiple PT3 DB's selected in NoteCaddy 2.x.x, but it seems like when I run it is only picking up hands on the first one for players on

I noticed this when trying to do an auto colour code, that it hadn't picked up many players, despite having a large number of hands / the likes of TST picking up lots of players for similar definitions.

I had the min sample set at 50. I picked out a whale that hadn't been tagged, and after looking at my DB's, in the main DB I had 40 hands on him and in my secondary DB 350.

I then tested the definition on that player name in NoteCaddy and it came back as not a big enough sample.

Last edited by oracle3001; 09-24-2011 at 07:47 AM.
NoteCaddy Quote
09-25-2011 , 08:35 AM
There were performance problems for people with 50 million+ hand databases when reading stats across databases so it had been picking up hands from only one. However, as of version this functionality should have been restored. Can you confirm you're using 82 or higher?
NoteCaddy Quote
09-25-2011 , 02:39 PM
I last ran it with Have just started NC up and it has updated to .83. Will give it a run later tonight and report back.
NoteCaddy Quote
09-25-2011 , 07:29 PM
Just tested using "test definition" for colours and picking out some players I know fit a certain definition. Then setting the min hands for pfr to first one below and next one above the number of hands I have in one db (vs the total hands I know I have on them i.e combination of two db's I have).

It is definitely only using the first db, as it comes back as a success when have min hands set to one less, then changes to not large enough sample when I change the min sample to one more than the number of hands in the primary db.
NoteCaddy Quote
09-27-2011 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by oracle3001
Just tested using "test definition" for colours and picking out some players I know fit a certain definition. Then setting the min hands for pfr to first one below and next one above the number of hands I have in one db (vs the total hands I know I have on them i.e combination of two db's I have).

It is definitely only using the first db, as it comes back as a success when have min hands set to one less, then changes to not large enough sample when I change the min sample to one more than the number of hands in the primary db.
Are these of the exact game type or do you split by, for example, 6 max/heads up, holdem/omaha etc.

I did some tests and for me it's still combining results. If you right click your color definition then click "test" you have the option to enter the player's name and see a detailed explanation of how everything is computed
NoteCaddy Quote
09-27-2011 , 06:02 PM

I have a suggestion that I'd really like you to consider.

NoteCaddy can create very powerful notes and reads, but for serious multi tablers it's not always practical to check the Note Caddy notes you have on a villain before deciding which line to take against him.

NC Color Definitions are helpful because we can combine NC notes with min/ max requirements to create our own rules for color coding. But we are limited by the small number of note colors available to use.

I'd like to be able to combine NC notes with the same min/ max requirements to create our own rules fore generating a single number (say up to 6 digits), and to have this number perma displayed in the HM HUD. In other words, we can combine all our own NC rules to create a 6 digit code that is always visible in our HUD.

People like me that play millions of hands can create their own NC codes which effectively can translate many separate NC notes into a one line 6 digit code.

Cliff notes; HUD space is limited. Playing time is limited. I want to "translate" many powerful NC notes into my own single 6 digit code that is permanaently displayed in my HUD.

the code doesn't need to be explained to anyone else, it's just for me. A sort of "math" version of my favorite NC notes, that translates combinations of note definitions into a NC code according to the rules I devise (just like the color definitions work).

Thanks, please do this!
NoteCaddy Quote
