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NoteCaddy NoteCaddy

05-13-2013 , 06:54 AM
Is there a way of retrospectively checking this?
NoteCaddy Quote
05-13-2013 , 03:11 PM
NoteCaddy Quote
05-14-2013 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Niko Bellic
While I am here, roughly 10% of the time my colour definition badges don't show up. The player's HUD stats are there, but no badges.
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
HM2 has never given NC the stats in a 100% reliable way, unfortunately. The solution is coming when they release HMQL. Not sure when that is going to be, unfortunately.
Any updates on this that you are aware of?

Am I right in thinking it is only when you use NC stats in the HUD that they don't show occasionally? The badges are always there?

For me I have three stats that are for 3handed play, they probably only show up around 60% of the time when I need them...very frustrating!
NoteCaddy Quote
05-14-2013 , 03:54 PM
I'm very confused as it seems all your posts seem to say something different.

-In the first post you say badges don't show up but stats do.
-In the second you say badges show up but no stats.

Is there any chance that you could elaborate on what exactly isn't showing up? Also, some details about how whatever badge/HUD stat is constructed would help me to give you a good answer.

Color badges that use HM2 stats work much less reliably than they used to because HEM changed the way the HUD refreshes. It used to refresh frequently so delays were small. Now it refreshes once per hand and NC has a tiny amount of time to provide data. The thing is that it takes NC sometimes 5 seconds to get someone's stats from HEM since HEM hasn't released their API and a workaround was required. Obviously if I knew they were going to change the way the HUD worked I would have just never included their stats as an option.
NoteCaddy Quote
05-16-2013 , 06:48 AM
In the first post I was only using HEM stats. They always show up fine.

The NC custom stats that I have made often don't show and less frequently than this, but still at least 10% of the time, the custom badges that I have made that run from NC definitions that Nostrakhan made for me don't show.

Would you like me to send you the definitions? There are 3 NC custom stats, used as stats in the HUD and 4 NC custom stats used for badges in the HUD.
NoteCaddy Quote
05-16-2013 , 01:05 PM
sure, go ahead and send them to so I can see if there is something unique about them that cause a problem. Keep in mind that by default the stats are split by 2, 3-6, and 7-9 players so if a table drops from 7 to 6 players, a lot of stats would disappear.
NoteCaddy Quote
05-19-2013 , 07:52 AM
Is there a problem with Notecaddy missing information? I just played a hand where someone 3bet my steal and the hand went to showdown. I have the 3bets oop definition on one of my popups (to show the hands villain has in this spot) but when Im checking it nothing is showing. I also have the 3bets hero definition and that isnt showing anything either
NoteCaddy Quote
05-19-2013 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
Is there a problem with Notecaddy missing information? I just played a hand where someone 3bet my steal and the hand went to showdown. I have the 3bets oop definition on one of my popups (to show the hands villain has in this spot) but when Im checking it nothing is showing. I also have the 3bets hero definition and that isnt showing anything either
Actually noticed other stats that aren't updating so I think this is a HEM/ FTP issue rather than notecaddy
NoteCaddy Quote
05-19-2013 , 04:11 PM
Are you seeing the new hands/new notes in your caddy report window though?
NoteCaddy Quote
05-20-2013 , 07:32 PM
What are some things that can cause note creation to become extremely slow? I have an i7 950 running at 4ghz. Using max threads. I am only getting 0.37 hands per second though.
NoteCaddy Quote
05-21-2013 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by chip_defender
What are some things that can cause note creation to become extremely slow? I have an i7 950 running at 4ghz. Using max threads. I am only getting 0.37 hands per second though.
Check out this article that has many tips and things to look at for why speed might be poor
NoteCaddy Quote
05-23-2013 , 06:44 AM
I've never used NoteCaddy before but interested to buy it. I have a couple questions. I'd like to have Notecaddy give me the note icon on my HUD only when met requirements. If not I don't want the icon to show up at all. Is that possible? The reason being I have a crowded HUD already and don't have much space left. I want to have an icon that shows up only when the difference between the flop cbet and turn cbet is 30%+. Is that something can be setup easily?

NoteCaddy Quote
05-23-2013 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by NitUp
I've never used NoteCaddy before but interested to buy it. I have a couple questions. I'd like to have Notecaddy give me the note icon on my HUD only when met requirements. If not I don't want the icon to show up at all. Is that possible? The reason being I have a crowded HUD already and don't have much space left. I want to have an icon that shows up only when the difference between the flop cbet and turn cbet is 30%+. Is that something can be setup easily?

No and yes. The note icon is turned on via HEM's HUD options so it's either always there or not. However, using the note icon is (oddly enough) not a good way to use NoteCaddy. What you're looking for is a badge that appears under these conditions.

Please see
You can use a composite definition to specify the difference in those two HEM stats Probably not the simplest thing you can do with NC but certainly doable

Last edited by SretiCentV; 05-23-2013 at 09:26 AM.
NoteCaddy Quote
05-23-2013 , 05:56 PM
So you are saying a badge will always show up in the HUD even if conditions are not met?
NoteCaddy Quote
05-23-2013 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by NitUp
So you are saying a badge will always show up in the HUD even if conditions are not met?
No. I was addressing HEM's note icon when I said that.
Badges only appear when specified conditions are met. Please see the article I linked for more information.
NoteCaddy Quote
05-29-2013 , 08:51 PM
hey Sreti,

So I am having an issue when I add certain sparks / stats to the notecaddy popup, it will sometimes make it so none of the sparks show. I am not sure if it's because there is no data point for that particular person or what.

So for example say I have a popup that has these sparks:


It will show these fine.

However if I add a Raise_4x, it will show none of them.

I hope I explained this right...I have screenshots but prefer not to post them for everyone to see...if you can tell me where I can email them I can send it to make it clearer.

thanks in advance!

- Gene
NoteCaddy Quote
05-29-2013 , 09:51 PM
Are you talking about the popup produced by hovering over the note icon or the one that appears when you hover over a stat?

If you go to tools->player notes, in NC, do you see the data for the notes there?
NoteCaddy Quote
05-29-2013 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
Are you talking about the popup produced by hovering over the note icon or the one that appears when you hover over a stat?

If you go to tools->player notes, in NC, do you see the data for the notes there?
thanks for the fast reply...

I am talking about the popup that is produced when hovering a stat. I added stats that include spark graphs using the NoteCaddy Popups Menu in HUD Options.

in the tools -> player notes in NC I do see data for some of the stats but not all. I can't tell which is which because they have the same prefix.

So I have say 5 sizing stats all with sparks (they are identical just different sizes). I can have 2 of them for this one player (let's say Raise_2x and Raise_3x)...but if I add any of the other 3 to the popup, rather than just show the two where there is data, it doesn't show any sparks. (this is just my guess that no data is throwing it off...might be something else?)
NoteCaddy Quote
05-30-2013 , 01:33 PM
Please send the definitions to (ignore the auto reply)
Also, if this happens in the replayer, please enable logging then open up a replayer and the popup and submit the log with the email. Logging is a hassle but it makes explaining/fixing trivial, no logging => bad support
NoteCaddy Quote
06-02-2013 , 05:22 PM
I addressed this at length months ago but apart from a solution that didnt worked nothing was done.

If one player on a zoom table is not in our database then NO badges will show up for ALL other players.(I verified this through extensive testing)

If every player on the table is in our database we will see badges for all player(if available).

The solution presented was to pre-load all notes but this never worked.(+huge time problems which defeats the purpose of playing zoom poker)

As we have always new players with the huge zoom player pool(at least in micro and small stakes) Notecaddy is rather useless at zoom.
NoteCaddy Quote
06-02-2013 , 05:39 PM
There was a fixed published at the end of April as part of a HEM release that was confirmed by multiple people as having solved the issue. Just make sure you're using their latest version
NoteCaddy Quote
06-02-2013 , 06:46 PM
Anyone who is concerned about it not working on Zoom due to the above post - here is evidence that it works:

Anyone who experiences any issue gets prompt attention and if you send log files it makes it much faster for everyone
NoteCaddy Quote
06-05-2013 , 05:36 PM
Seems my NC isnt working all the sudden. I seemed to happen after the new HM2 update. is anyone else having this problem? I get the caddyreport to open when my tables start, but I get no badges or any NC stats.
NoteCaddy Quote
06-06-2013 , 06:45 AM
any way to create a note like "won when bet turn"?
Winning a hand is not an action so I can't check "Define opportunities by action"
NoteCaddy Quote
