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New Software: PokerEV (Tracker + Coming HUD) New Software: PokerEV (Tracker + Coming HUD)

02-10-2010 , 02:26 AM
Get out of the PokerEV Thread already. This is about Phils product and noone elses.
02-10-2010 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by APerfect10
1 - True.
2 - True.

3- I perfectly understand the reasons to not fix this issue, thats why i didn't create a support ticket earlier. And i only did it because pokerace told me in this forum to do so.

That was the point of my post, not the Microgaming issue, my post was directly to pokerace and not the "support team", since he was making fun of HM support, once again i might add, for promising and not delivering.... you get the picture.

Sorry for the offtopic ppl, but i just can't understand why pokerace is always posting/attacking again and again HM. Btw, i have both programs i just don't like/understand the attitude.
02-10-2010 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Hilips
Sorry for the offtopic ppl, but i just can't understand why pokerace is always posting/attacking again and again HM. Btw, i have both programs i just don't like/understand the attitude.
Ugh, seriously? Did you not see the post that DIRECTLY attacked our company? I only mentioned HEM to point out the flaw in the attack. It wasn't my intention to attack HEM, only to put the worship in perspective.

I guess I should realize by now that when the HEM boys get even the slightest scent of a PT3 staff/fan mentioning HEM, they go on the offensive. It doesn't matter what I say or how I say it, they find a way to make me out to be a bad guy. I could compliment HEM and they'd still find a way to twist it around to sound like an insult.
02-10-2010 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by Hilips
Sorry for the offtopic ppl, but i just can't understand why pokerace is always posting/attacking again and again HM. Btw, i have both programs i just don't like/understand the attitude.

Same reason its always been. He is just a POS. He is terrible with the public and doesnt know when to shut is mouth. And he is incredibly insecure about PT3, that much is obvious. He clearly cant handle the stress of competing with HEM. And he is simply a ****ing *******. Everyone knows it. I wonder how many customers he lost simply because he is a ****ing *******. And PT3 is a let down. Everyone knows it. All the main video producers use HEM now. And whats very telling is that some of them, certain very well known ones, were using PT3 originally and eventually switched! Probably because of his disgusting attitude as much as anything else.

Watch him pile back in here now and insist all this stuff is a figment of my imagination. That PT3 is wonderful. That he is a great guy with a great attitude etc. Its amazing how he cant see it that.. forget PT3 v HEM.. the biggest, most incredible thing is his appalling attitude that he has had from day one. DAY ONE. But no, countless people are just imagining it.
02-10-2010 , 09:05 AM
hey wasn't there a rumor going around that the owners of hem and pt3 tot together and gave phill a big bucket of money to never release pev. They saw how awesomely powerful pev was and feared that it's release at best would but them out of business and at worst destroy all of poker. I'm sure that is exactly what happened -;
02-10-2010 , 09:50 AM
This is going to be my last post regarding this mess.

I want to apologize to Roy and the HEM staff for any perceived attack on their product or company. It wasn't my intention. My intention was to point out that you guys are human, fallible, just like the rest of us, as a reply to a post that insinuated that we at PT3 are poor developers because we have features that are a long time coming. I didn't want to start a PT3 vs HEM debate, and I should've worded my response better.
02-10-2010 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
You mean like multicurrency support? That was a "high priority" feature for them "coming soon" over a year ago. What about their rush hud? It was coming "tonight", how many days ago? That was a nice attempt at an insult to us, but you failed.

Also, having the software to market is only a portion of the overall success of a program. Support and customer relations is a big part of it. Do you think you'll get excellent support and prompt fixes from someone who promised an application over two years ago and has yet to release? Do you want to wait weeks or months after a sites breaks compatibility before getting a release that fixes it?

We miss deadlines occasionally, sometimes by weeks or even months, but over two years? Do you really have any credibility after that?

I'm interested in seeing what (if anything) Phil puts out in the near future. New ideas and techniques will help the industry as a whole, and competition makes everyone better.
[x] giant dbag in this thread
02-10-2010 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
Ugh, seriously? Did you not see the post that DIRECTLY attacked our company?
I don't know the role you play in the pokerace company.
Maybe you are the owner, maybe you are a coder, but the sentence above proves 100% that you should not be dealing with customers.

So what if someone attacked your company? It's now in the public eye, learn to expect it.

Simply apologize to the potential customer that they are unsatisfied with the product or support, try to asses what you can do remedy the situation, and above all be professional.

IF you are not the owner of pokerace/poker track brands, i feel sorry for whoever is, because you are doing an extremely poor job representing them.
02-10-2010 , 04:34 PM
If true that the PokerEV tracker will be released, I am curious what advantages it offers for those of us who already own HEM-Omaha and PT3-Omaha is free in beta. I am also concerned about the support level that will be available, especially as it pertains to site's changing their hand histories.
02-10-2010 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by GrindUnumb
If true that the PokerEV tracker will be released, I am curious what advantages it offers for those of us who already own HEM-Omaha and PT3-Omaha is free in beta. I am also concerned about the support level that will be available, especially as it pertains to site's changing their hand histories.
Ditto, especially considering that HEM will soon have street by street EV stats for all showdown hands.
02-25-2010 , 04:10 PM
Hahaahaha this thread was put in the commercial software forum. llloooollll someone has a sense of humor.
02-25-2010 , 04:13 PM
Well, you better pay for it. Phil won't give it away for free after all those work hours.
02-25-2010 , 04:16 PM
I guess they are not making a sub forum for vapor ware.
02-25-2010 , 04:19 PM
C'mon guys - don't give up.
Have faith and it will happen.
02-25-2010 , 10:51 PM
Allegedly it will be released in 1-2 weeks according to Wass' last post. I'll believe it when I see it. The forums on EV Poker's website no longer work.
02-26-2010 , 02:14 AM
wow a lot of people getting upset. i really thinks this just boils down to us wanting the product and i can not wait. this will be soo sick. everyone putting time in on this ty you guys rock and i can not wait to buy this product.
02-26-2010 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by dickkemp
wow a lot of people getting upset. i really thinks this just boils down to us wanting the product and i can not wait. this will be soo sick. everyone putting time in on this ty you guys rock and i can not wait to buy this product.
Did you not get the PM I sent you about beta testing?
02-26-2010 , 05:52 AM
I guess it's time to come clean. Truth is, the delays aren't Phils fault at all. Those of us beta-testing realised early that we didn't want anyone else to use this tool as it's making us tons of money.

We've therefore spent the past few years making up bugs and critical issues that Phil has spent months trying to find and correct when in fact the program has been fully operational and completely awesome for over a year.

Phil finally caught on, so it's now being released. Which sucks for us, but at least we have the couple of hundred thousand we've made the past year or so, that should help soften the blow.
02-26-2010 , 06:39 AM
Minus ev sober up for godsakes what the hell is wrong with you? Micky and Robert have already been kicked out of the europe group for trying to sell it to you know who.We all know the highstakes CAP PLO games on full tilt will diseappear within weeks if that stuff see the light of day.

Get a grip plz.George will pm you with the reorganization of team North America.
02-26-2010 , 06:48 AM
And get a mod to remove your post you ****ing idiot
02-26-2010 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by AssFrister
Hahaahaha this thread was put in the commercial software forum. llloooollll someone has a sense of humor.

and now some more lolcats:

02-26-2010 , 08:50 AM
This thread is just weird now.
02-26-2010 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by GrindUnumb
This thread is just weird now.
lol my thoughts exactly.
02-26-2010 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
I guess it's time to come clean. Truth is, the delays aren't Phils fault at all. Those of us beta-testing realised early that we didn't want anyone else to use this tool as it's making us tons of money.

We've therefore spent the past few years making up bugs and critical issues that Phil has spent months trying to find and correct when in fact the program has been fully operational and completely awesome for over a year.

Phil finally caught on, so it's now being released. Which sucks for us, but at least we have the couple of hundred thousand we've made the past year or so, that should help soften the blow.
I'm pretty angry about this. As stated previously, there are quite a few of us who have been working for Phil (for no money!) for a long time now to wrinkle out the bugs and get a great product out to market, and our efforts are being undermined by smart-a**es like you trying to throw everyone off the scent. You have NO involvement in this project, and apparently a desire to troll this thread and upset not only Phil but those of us who have been working tirelessly to bring people like you a product that, as we've said so many times before, will absolutely blow everything else out of the market.

Consider yourself lucky I haven't given you an infraction, let alone a temp-ban. I've sent you a more detailed PM with a formal warning.
02-26-2010 , 12:31 PM
BTW, I just got off a long skype call with Phil and he agrees that he probably ought to put out some screenshots as teasers for you guys. Expect it later today!

Originally Posted by MALDOROR2007
Minus ev sober up for godsakes what the hell is wrong with you? Micky and Robert have already been kicked out of the europe group for trying to sell it to you know who.We all know the highstakes CAP PLO games on full tilt will diseappear within weeks if that stuff see the light of day.

Get a grip plz.George will pm you with the reorganization of team North America.

It probably doesn't need to be said but I'll say it anyway: this guy also has no connection whatsoever to the PEV2.0 program.
