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New Software: PokerEV (Tracker + Coming HUD) New Software: PokerEV (Tracker + Coming HUD)

02-08-2010 , 11:13 PM
When i run this program, is says there is a new version to download.
This happens every few months.

02-09-2010 , 12:35 AM
02-09-2010 , 12:51 AM
He's definitely doing it right if he has a live terminator-style HUD on the left side of his visor and episodes of Office US on the right half

Oh, and to all the guys who are claiming this is vaporware, sorry to disappoint you but there are quite a few of us (something like 30-40) who have been working on bugs with Phil for quite a while now.

He told us he was going to release a version around christmas but then decided there were a few new features that he wanted to work on, and that a version without those working functions wouldn't be up to his high standards.

Trust me when I say that he's hard at work on this project and a fully working version, compatible with all the major sites, will be out within a matter of weeks - and it will blow your mind.
02-09-2010 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
He's definitely doing it right if he has a live terminator-style HUD on the left side of his visor and episodes of Office US on the right half

Oh, and to all the guys who are claiming this is vaporware, sorry to disappoint you but there are quite a few of us (something like 30-40) who have been working on bugs with Phil for quite a while now.

He told us he was going to release a version around christmas but then decided there were a few new features that he wanted to work on, and that a version without those working functions wouldn't be up to his high standards.

Trust me when I say that he's hard at work on this project and a fully working version, compatible with all the major sites, will be out within a matter of weeks - and it will blow your mind.
This program has been a few weeks from release for close to 2 years now.
02-09-2010 , 07:34 AM
Yes, but this time, it's the real deal. Just wait and see.
02-09-2010 , 07:40 AM
Phil had personnal problems and then got sidetracked by a non poker related business venture. He has recently been working with a selective group of people who were beta testers from the start and it is now 3, maybe 4 weeks tops before Poker ev is publicly released.

I have HEM omaha and it is a pretty piece of software, but sweet jesus, what Phil is about to unleash to the world is really, really something else. I havent been this excited about poker in years.
02-09-2010 , 10:36 AM
02-09-2010 , 10:48 AM
02-09-2010 , 11:06 AM
02-09-2010 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by wazz
He's definitely doing it right if he has a live terminator-style HUD on the left side of his visor and episodes of Office US on the right half

Oh, and to all the guys who are claiming this is vaporware, sorry to disappoint you but there are quite a few of us (something like 30-40) who have been working on bugs with Phil for quite a while now.

He told us he was going to release a version around christmas but then decided there were a few new features that he wanted to work on, and that a version without those working functions wouldn't be up to his high standards.

Trust me when I say that he's hard at work on this project and a fully working version, compatible with all the major sites, will be out within a matter of weeks - and it will blow your mind.
I hope that you are right. I would love to try a competing tracker program with full EV stats. However, you should strongly urge Phil to post a message somewhere that he is still working on this program.
02-09-2010 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by JPFisher55
I hope that you are right. I would love to try a competing tracker program with full EV stats. However, you should strongly urge Phil to post a message somewhere that he is still working on this program.
I'm not really sure Phil really has anything to gain (except for more frustrated people if he misses another release date) from posting about this again until he is ready to release (if ever).
02-09-2010 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by wazz

He told us he was going to release a version around christmas but then decided there were a few new features that he wanted to work on, and that a version without those working functions wouldn't be up to his high standards.
He should have released it. HEM constantly adds features and functions. So he should release it if it is a finished products and add more features after release. Heck, PT3 still does not have all the originally promised features. Phil should release his program now if it is a fully functioning product. Still after more than 2 years, I'll believe it when I see it, but I'm from Missouri, the Show Me State.

Phil should realize that the best product does not always win the most market share. The best marketed product wins the most market share.
02-09-2010 , 02:11 PM
^^ "Shipping is the most important feature of any software product".
02-09-2010 , 02:13 PM
I just spoke to him a few minutes ago. He's well-aware of how this thread has been going. Like I already said, originally it was down to personal reasons, but nowadays the reason he doesn't post here anymore is because of people like you breathing down his neck and being unnecessarily harsh.

If he's not happy to put out the product until it's good enough to go to market, he shouldn't be put under any pressure. He's got all us beta testers to help him, anyway.
02-09-2010 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by wazz
I just spoke to him a few minutes ago. He's well-aware of how this thread has been going. Like I already said, originally it was down to personal reasons, but nowadays the reason he doesn't post here anymore is because of people like you breathing down his neck and being unnecessarily harsh.

If he's not happy to put out the product until it's good enough to go to market, he shouldn't be put under any pressure. He's got all us beta testers to help him, anyway.
Sorry, but I never was one of those who constantly asked for a release date. Also, opining that a software product whose developer has not posted any updates or information in 18 months is vaporware is not harsh, but realistic.

Phil needs to realize that his product that would have been superior 2 years ago may soon not be superior to HEM or PT3. HEM's developers have constantly added features and third party programs. They have promised full EV stats in the near future. Unlike PT3 developers, when HEM developers state that a feature is coming, it is added in a matter of weeks, not months or years. No one, but the market, puts this pressure on Phil, any other software developer or any product manufacturer.
02-09-2010 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by JPFisher55
Unlike PT3 developers, when HEM developers state that a feature is coming, it is added in a matter of weeks, not months or years.
You mean like multicurrency support? That was a "high priority" feature for them "coming soon" over a year ago. What about their rush hud? It was coming "tonight", how many days ago? That was a nice attempt at an insult to us, but you failed.

Also, having the software to market is only a portion of the overall success of a program. Support and customer relations is a big part of it. Do you think you'll get excellent support and prompt fixes from someone who promised an application over two years ago and has yet to release? Do you want to wait weeks or months after a sites breaks compatibility before getting a release that fixes it?

We miss deadlines occasionally, sometimes by weeks or even months, but over two years? Do you really have any credibility after that?

I'm interested in seeing what (if anything) Phil puts out in the near future. New ideas and techniques will help the industry as a whole, and competition makes everyone better.
02-09-2010 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
You mean like multicurrency support? That was a "high priority" feature for them "coming soon" over a year ago. What about their rush hud? It was coming "tonight", how many days ago? That was a nice attempt at an insult to us, but you failed.

Also, having the software to market is only a portion of the overall success of a program. Support and customer relations is a big part of it. Do you think you'll get excellent support and prompt fixes from someone who promised an application over two years ago and has yet to release? Do you want to wait weeks or months after a sites breaks compatibility before getting a release that fixes it?

We miss deadlines occasionally, sometimes by weeks or even months, but over two years? Do you really have any credibility after that?

I'm interested in seeing what (if anything) Phil puts out in the near future. New ideas and techniques will help the industry as a whole, and competition makes everyone better.
WOW you are a douche.

I actually just tried out PT3 last week; 60 day free trial, I had nothing to lose. It was deleted from my computer in 3 days. Your douchiness aside, PT3 is really a notch below HEM in almost every way. The only thing working for PT3 is the aesthetics; it just looks better. Bottom line is HEM users are at an advantage over PT3 users on the tables if everything else is the same.

The reason I gave PT3 another shot was because of the multiple currency support (but you don't really have support, just a different limit for euro games). I'm willing to wager that most PT3 users have never used HEM before and bought it because they had PT2. Most HEM users have tried PT3 and aren't using it for a reason.

I would like to see you put your money where your mouth is. Offer you customers a chance to try HEM, if they like it better, PT3 will pay for them to buy HEM. The ball is in your court
02-09-2010 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
The only thing working for PT3 is the aesthetics; it just looks better.
this is enough for me. HEM is un-usable on my computer, and anyones who uses 120dpi windows fonts. i'm not talking just ugliness (which it is pretty ugly), i'm talking, complete blocks of text are cut off

as to the technical aspects of both, i cant compare, but PT3 has done everything ive needed. but i dont rely on stats/hud very much..

btw, the levelling in this thread is hilarious, unless of course i'm getting outlevelled

Last edited by greg nice; 02-09-2010 at 06:20 PM.
02-09-2010 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
You mean like multicurrency support? That was a "high priority" feature for them "coming soon" over a year ago. What about their rush hud? It was coming "tonight", how many days ago? That was a nice attempt at an insult to us, but you failed.

Also, having the software to market is only a portion of the overall success of a program. Support and customer relations is a big part of it. Do you think you'll get excellent support and prompt fixes from someone who promised an application over two years ago and has yet to release? Do you want to wait weeks or months after a sites breaks compatibility before getting a release that fixes it?

We miss deadlines occasionally, sometimes by weeks or even months, but over two years? Do you really have any credibility after that?

I'm interested in seeing what (if anything) Phil puts out in the near future. New ideas and techniques will help the industry as a whole, and competition makes everyone better.
I was referring to full EV stats by street and color coded notes which were promised in the original release over 2 years ago. PT3 may be slightly faster than HEM, but HEM has many more filters, an easier interface, third party programs like the promising Holdem Analytics and SECT, Merge Network support and is generally faster with updates and more features. In my opinion, PT3, so far, is disappointing.

Phil will have a tough time exceeding HEM. I agree that I am skeptical given the development time for the alleged Poker EV and the absolute lack of information about it for the last 18 months. If Phil is bothered by posters asking about deadlines, then how can much will the maintenance due to constant poker site software changes bother him.
02-09-2010 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
WOW you are a douche.

I actually just tried out PT3 last week; 60 day free trial, I had nothing to lose. It was deleted from my computer in 3 days. Your douchiness aside, PT3 is really a notch below HEM in almost every way. The only thing working for PT3 is the aesthetics; it just looks better. Bottom line is HEM users are at an advantage over PT3 users on the tables if everything else is the same.

The reason I gave PT3 another shot was because of the multiple currency support (but you don't really have support, just a different limit for euro games). I'm willing to wager that most PT3 users have never used HEM before and bought it because they had PT2. Most HEM users have tried PT3 and aren't using it for a reason.

I would like to see you put your money where your mouth is. Offer you customers a chance to try HEM, if they like it better, PT3 will pay for them to buy HEM. The ball is in your court
My reply was to an outright attack on us. I was pointing out the flaw in JPFisher55's insult. Yes, there are features we've been wanting to add to PT3 for a long time now that haven't made it yet, but HEM is in the same boat. The HEM worship here on 2+2 gets a bit ridiculous at times.

If you only had PT3 installed for 3 days, then you certainly didn't have time to give it a fair evaluation. You couldn't have possibly explored the limitless options custom stats and reports offer you, or the expansive filtering options. Let alone played around with the Hud to make an optimal layout designed for your specific brand of play.

You are right about most PT3 users not having used HEM. Most have likely never heard of HEM. However, we have had more than a few users tell us they have switched over from HEM for a variety of reasons.

What benefit would we possibly have from your proposal? If people ask which is better, I am glad to explain why I feel PT3 is the superior choice, but ultimately I advise people to try both and go with the one they feel is better. I will continue to do so, because it works out very well for us.
02-09-2010 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by JPFisher55
I was referring to full EV stats by street and color coded notes which were promised in the original release over 2 years ago. PT3 may be slightly faster than HEM, but HEM has many more filters, an easier interface, third party programs like the promising Holdem Analytics and SECT, Merge Network support and is generally faster with updates and more features. In my opinion, PT3, so far, is disappointing.

Phil will have a tough time exceeding HEM. I agree that I am skeptical given the development time for the alleged Poker EV and the absolute lack of information about it for the last 18 months. If Phil is bothered by posters asking about deadlines, then how can much will the maintenance due to constant poker site software changes bother him.
I'm not going to continue posting in this thread, but you are wrong on a few points.

1. I don't recall EV by street and color coded notes being promised for the initial release at any point. We may have indicated we wanted to add them, but I don't think any firm release date was given. Feel free to link me if I'm mistaken.

2. PT3 offers essentially limitless filtering capabilities. We have the easy to use filters, which allow you to OR and NOT filters, which I don't believe HEM offers, and custom reports allows you to basically filter anything, anyway you want.
02-09-2010 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
customer relations is a big part of it.

LOL good one. Youve given us a laugh. Now **** off.
02-09-2010 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by wazz
He told us he was going to release a version around christmas but then decided there were a few new features that he wanted to work on
Trust me when I say that he's hard at work on this project and a fully working version, compatible with all the major sites, will be out within a matter of weeks - and it will blow your mind.

Wow, if I focus on that first quote really hard I can actually trick myself into thinking its Christmas 2007 all over again. Let me guess, he was intending to release on Jan 15th right?

This is so obviously a level... that it might not be!
02-09-2010 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
You mean like multicurrency support? That was a "high priority" feature for them "coming soon" over a year ago. What about their rush hud? It was coming "tonight", how many days ago? That was a nice attempt at an insult to us, but you failed.

Also, having the software to market is only a portion of the overall success of a program. Support and customer relations is a big part of it. Do you think you'll get excellent support and prompt fixes from someone who promised an application over two years ago and has yet to release? Do you want to wait weeks or months after a sites breaks compatibility before getting a release that fixes it?

We miss deadlines occasionally, sometimes by weeks or even months, but over two years? Do you really have any credibility after that?

I'm interested in seeing what (if anything) Phil puts out in the near future. New ideas and techniques will help the industry as a whole, and competition makes everyone better.
I have to agree with the multicurrency support, unbelievable!

But... i have a support ticket open at pokertracker website since 9 months and counting. I can actually search (but i won't) for one post of yours here at 2+2 where you said you will look into my problem. If you don't believe me just check your website, my username is the same.

And lets not talk about the pahud days.
02-10-2010 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Hilips
I have to agree with the multicurrency support, unbelievable!

But... i have a support ticket open at pokertracker website since 9 months and counting. I can actually search (but i won't) for one post of yours here at 2+2 where you said you will look into my problem. If you don't believe me just check your website, my username is the same.

And lets not talk about the pahud days.
Sorry to get off topic but I am in charge of our support team therefore your comment about having a ticket open for 7 months opened my eyes as that would not be acceptable.

1. Each of your messages to us were answered within hours.
2. The ticket in question is an issue with PT3 being unable to import MicroGaming hands that were exported from HEM. HEM screws up the hand history and does not output it in its original format like PT3 does.
3. A bug ticket was created in our bug tracker for this issue despite the bug not being with PT3 but with a third party program.

7 months later the issue has not been resolved because quite frankly this is not a very high priority issue. It relates entirely to a third party program that is causing problems due to not exporting the hand history in its original format.

While I understand this is an important issue to you therefore it is important to us as well but we cannot put one users request above something that is requested by many. Unfortunately the reality of the situation is that we do not have unlimited resources and we do have to prioritize issues. Otherwise, things would be a lot worse. Since it is in the bug tracker it will eventually get done although I cannot say when.

If the above is considered poor customer service then I guess we will just need to accept that. I am quite confident that we are doing as good of a job (if not better) than any other competing software company in the market.

Best regards,


Last edited by APerfect10; 02-10-2010 at 01:20 AM.
