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10-01-2008 , 06:56 PM
lol this thread is hilarious. We can do away with the official lc/ot/chat thread.
10-01-2008 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Eratosthenes
The proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers has been known at least since the time of Euclid. The proof is painfully simple.
Sir, what I wrote is what is often called a "joke".
10-02-2008 , 12:47 AM
So, any way, I think 2*3*...*n - 1 always yields a prime. I am a too tired to do any proofs now, but I am pretty sure that is easy to prove. So there you go, countably infinite primes the size of which rise with factorials. (There are lots of primes between the primes in that series).
10-02-2008 , 12:57 AM
Canadian health care system >> US health care system imo
10-02-2008 , 01:09 AM
10-02-2008 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by PunterSThompson
Canadian health care system >> US health care system imo
We definitely need some health care reform in the States.
10-02-2008 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by PunterSThompson
Canadian health care system >> US health care system imo
Brag: When Michael Moore made 'Sicko' he went to Norway to do some shooting but ended up having to leave the footage out of the film because the health care situation there (here) was so good the studio didn't think anyone (in the US at least) would believe it.
10-02-2008 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
So, any way, I think 2*3*...*n - 1 always yields a prime.
Originally Posted by rubbishaka80
Euclid's proof mentioned +1 instead of -1. And the 2*3*...*n series should be all primes (so not 4).
10-02-2008 , 09:38 AM
Suppose there is a finite number of primes : p1, p2, ..., pn
Then take a prime divisor p of this number : (p1 * p2 * ... * pn) + 1
p can't be one of the pi for obvious reasons.

So there is an infinity of prime numbers
10-02-2008 , 10:04 AM
How's the weather there? Rains here...
10-02-2008 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Nsight7
Sir, what I wrote is what is often called a "joke".
Number theory is not to be joked about.
10-02-2008 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Eratosthenes
Number theory is not to be joked about.
10-02-2008 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
Brag: When Michael Moore made 'Sicko' he went to Norway to do some shooting but ended up having to leave the footage out of the film because the health care situation there (here) was so good the studio didn't think anyone (in the US at least) would believe it.

There's no way that this is true.

Is there?
10-02-2008 , 12:51 PM
I assume he is joking and actually means they left it out of the film because the health care there is so bad and it didnt push Moore's agenda/story. Or there is some other reason.

Id be stunned if someone like Moore would pass on such a chance of making America look bad, citing credibility/believability as the reason.
10-02-2008 , 01:08 PM

The final deleted scene reel was a depiction of Norway, which according to Moore, he could not put into the documentary because its ideals were even "crazier" than those of other socialist countries such as France and Britain, which did make it into the film.

According to Moore, Norway is a country that has the best health care and education systems in the world as well as the lowest crime rate.
10-02-2008 , 01:58 PM
Moving to Norway asap.
10-02-2008 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV

The final deleted scene reel was a depiction of Norway, which according to Moore, he could not put into the documentary because its ideals were even "crazier" than those of other socialist countries such as France and Britain, which did make it into the film.

According to Moore, Norway is a country that has the best health care and education systems in the world as well as the lowest crime rate.

Meh. I still dont believe he would leave such supposedly compelling information out for those reasons. I note the phrase "according to Moore" pops up in two very significant parts. Moore asserts many things. Not so many people trust him any more. Even staunch liberals/Democrats seem to distance themselves or crack jokes about him these days.
10-02-2008 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by AssFrister
Meh. I still dont believe he would leave such supposedly compelling information out for those reasons. I note the phrase "according to Moore" pops up in two very significant parts. Moore asserts many things. Not so many people trust him any more. Even staunch liberals/Democrats seem to distance themselves or crack jokes about him these days.
Well, of course it was 'according to moore' since the quote was from his own website.

I don't particularly care for Moore - while I agree with a lot his viewpoints, I think he presents them in a pretty poor way and seems more interested in showing off how clever and funny he himself is (and how stupid those who disagree with him are), rather than have a genuine interest in the cases he fronts.

That said, I think you'd be hard pressed to find anywhere with better health care than we have here in Norway. The way the system works, there's a max limit on how much you can pay for medical treatment in a year. Currently that limit is about $300 USD. Before you reach that limit, you pay a small part of the actual cost of each consultation/treatment (a doctor consultation is about $20) and of any medication.

Once you pass the $300 for a year any further neccessary treatment, surgery and/or medication is free.

People with disabilities get free custom built houses and cars to facilitate getting around as well as other aids to give them as good a standard of living as possible.

The deleted scenes from sicko can be seen here btw:
10-02-2008 , 03:29 PM
Moving to Norway asap.
Norway has some of the best Internets too IIRC.
10-02-2008 , 03:42 PM
That was an interesting clip.

I don't know if I agree with the whole prison situation there.

I was thinking about where the money could be coming from to allow the Norwegians to have the lifestyle that they have. It's important to realize that countries like Norway probably spend very little money on their military, and the role of making sure that brutal regimes like North Korea and Iran don't end up with nulear weapons ends up being the duty of our nation.

Thoughts on this?
10-02-2008 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by 1p0kerboy
I was thinking about where the money could be coming from to allow the Norwegians to have the lifestyle that they have.

Thoughts on this?
One word: Oil.

They have a sh.itton of it, yet less than 5 million citizens.

10-02-2008 , 04:10 PM
wtf does pokerev have to do with norway? lol

pokerev is the duke nukem forever of the next gen tracker business. there, i said it.
10-02-2008 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by 1p0kerboy
That was an interesting clip.

I don't know if I agree with the whole prison situation there.

I was thinking about where the money could be coming from to allow the Norwegians to have the lifestyle that they have. It's important to realize that countries like Norway probably spend very little money on their military, and the role of making sure that brutal regimes like North Korea and Iran don't end up with nulear weapons ends up being the duty of our nation.

Thoughts on this?
I'm not sure about your definition of 'very little' in this context - compared to the US, we certainly spend very little on our military, but then again - I would argue that the US spends way, way too much on that.

Norway is a member of NATO and are as such a member of an alliance that work together to provide all member countries with military aid. We currently have forces in Afghanistan as part of the operations there - as well as other NATO and UN-led efforts.

Norwegian military, as well as most NATO countries, have a military based on defense, not offense. Given a UN mandate, Norway could/would probably lend troops to go against Iran/North Korea as part of a joint effort, but certainly, Norway would not do the solo-war thing the US seem to be a bit too fond of.

Norwegian military has lost quite a bit of funding in recent years as the need for a defensive military gets smaller and smaller. While we still have a 1-2 year mandatory military service for all men (it's voluntary for women), but this is fairly easy to get out of these days as the need is not that great.

As for where the money comes from, it's twofold - firstly, Norway has a lot of oil. We don't spend a ton of the money from this though (well, we do, but not compared to what we've got) as the politicians try to save most the money and instead put the surplus of investments and interest of the oil-money into 'making the wheels go round'.

Second - taxes and other fees. Norway is an expensive country to live in - I pay around 36% income tax, which I believe is pretty much the norm. In addition there's 25% VAT on most goods and gas, cars, alcohol and tobacco is very heavily taxed. (as are poker winnings...)

We do have a high standard of living though, with wages being high enough to where we can afford it - at least most of us. There's of course poverty and problems in Norway as well (the Moore clip is certainly more flattering than the reality, even though the facts he presents seem to be true enough), but I don't think there's any country in the world I would rather be poor or sick in if I had to be.

As for prisons - rehabilitation is valued higher than the revenge aspect of punishment. It's certainly not perfect or the rosy picture that Moore showed overall though, and many norwegians feel we should be much harder on criminals.

Last edited by MinusEV; 10-02-2008 at 04:39 PM.
10-02-2008 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Oof
One word: Oil.

They have a sh.itton of it, yet less than 5 million citizens.

Only partly - while Norway does have a lot of oil and riches from it, it's being used pretty conservatively. Our neighbours Sweden and Denmark have a standard of living and social benefits on comparatively high level as well and they have no oil.
10-02-2008 , 05:48 PM
Just too bad Norway is getting overrun with second and third-generation-crime, like all of North and Western-Europe.

This is already giving birth to a ****load of extreme-nationalism and we all know what good that does to a country.
