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New Software: PokerEV (Tracker + Coming HUD) New Software: PokerEV (Tracker + Coming HUD)

03-12-2008 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
IIRC Doom 3 was one of the first "it will be released when it is done" commercial titles, irrespective of how crap it was (yes, I was disappointed too) - that was the only reason I referenced it.
The game you're looking for is Duke Nukem Forever, announced in 1997 and still not out yet
03-13-2008 , 01:12 AM
An update regarding the release date:

Pretty sure the program will be ready for wider release late this week or early next, depending on how the next couple of builds go with private testers. However, it'll stay private for a bit longer, possibly 2-3 weeks, until the HUD is well tested and the program itself is almost finalized. The main reason is that recent upgrades suggest some pretty blatant copying is going on. Nothing wrong with that, but I want to keep the remaining features under wraps until they're ready for use.

I also want to get the known bug/missing feature count down to zero before releasing it. In the long run it'll mean a better product and faster development, rather than spending time replying to hundreds of questions such as "how do I purge hands? Where is the export functionality?"

And the third reason is that it's not as developed as it should be. It still doesn't have dollar based tournament support or a complete set of filters, for example, and won't until next week. (Note that some current commercial products don't have this either as of now). And there are still quite a few bugs that weren't caught in earlier testing.

I'll keep people updated with the private beta progress/timelines, and send out a few more invites next week. I know everyone's been waiting a long time for a new EV based tracker (that works properly) and I'm working as fast as I can.
03-13-2008 , 01:15 AM

Good to hear a proper explanation. Good luck
03-13-2008 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by Phil153
An update regarding the release date:

Pretty sure the program will be ready for wider release late this week or early next, depending on how the next couple of builds go with private testers. However, it'll stay private for a bit longer, possibly 2-3 weeks, until the HUD is well tested and the program itself is almost finalized. The main reason is that recent upgrades suggest some pretty blatant copying is going on. Nothing wrong with that, but I want to keep the remaining features under wraps until they're ready for use.

I also want to get the known bug/missing feature count down to zero before releasing it. In the long run it'll mean a better product and faster development, rather than spending time replying to hundreds of questions such as "how do I purge hands? Where is the export functionality?"

And the third reason is that it's not as developed as it should be. It still doesn't have dollar based tournament support or a complete set of filters, for example, and won't until next week. (Note that some current commercial products don't have this either as of now). And there are still quite a few bugs that weren't caught in earlier testing.

I'll keep people updated with the private beta progress/timelines, and send out a few more invites next week. I know everyone's been waiting a long time for a new EV based tracker (that works properly) and I'm working as fast as I can.
Now Phil, could you possibly be referring to PT3's new filtering system?

Yeah, the interface looks pretty close to yours. Unfortunately, you chose to reveal the best way to do it before I had a chance to implement it myself, though I had the grouping idea fully developed prior. That's okay though. All the next gen trackers are stealing from the first gen trackers anyway. I don't believe features is what's going to make one app stand out against another anyway.

One thing though. Before PT3 beta 1, we felt our alpha versions were pretty bug free. Fact is, unless you have hundreds of private testers, anything you release to the public is going to be filled with bugs. The more untested features you have, the worse it will be. It's unwise to believe you'll be able to spring this on everyone, fully featured, and not expect to spend a good solid month or two fixing all the bugs. Remember, "Release Early, Release Often"

Of course, I may be wrong. You could be the one developer on this planet who takes everything into consideration and can write perfect code the first time 'round.

Just a friendly heads up. Good luck.
03-13-2008 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
Now Phil, could you possibly be referring to PT3's new filtering system?
I'm not referring to anything in particular, or making any accusations, but there is definitely more than one item that's become strikingly similar between various new trackers

I don't believe features is what's going to make one app stand out against another anyway.
I agree it's only part of the equation.

One thing though. Before PT3 beta 1, we felt our alpha versions were pretty bug free. Fact is, unless you have hundreds of private testers, anything you release to the public is going to be filled with bugs. The more untested features you have, the worse it will be. It's unwise to believe you'll be able to spring this on everyone, fully featured, and not expect to spend a good solid month or two fixing all the bugs. Remember, "Release Early, Release Often"
Well, the original (free) PokerEV was a pretty complex program running off a third party database, and it was very stable and feature rich from the get go, despite being started as a hobby for myself and friends and tested by fewer than 10 people before 1000s started downloading it. So I'm hopeful I can get something pretty good out first try. But you never know.

Of course, I may be wrong. You could be the one developer on this planet who takes everything into consideration and can write perfect code the first time 'round.
If I could do that, this would be well into commercial release by now

Good luck to you as well - you're doing great work on PT3 and regardless of competition it's always nice to see something that's well made.

Last edited by Phil153; 03-13-2008 at 09:26 AM.
03-13-2008 , 10:51 AM
You guys are too nice! 4th gen tracker to be released by dave/rvg/phil/PAjosh collaboration in 2011 imo (release date set for early 2010 obv).

I've been checking this thread for something to dl since January, but am not disappointed with how things are coming and respect Phil's reasons for keeping the beta private for so long. Keep at it!
03-13-2008 , 01:34 PM
good news.
It would be very nice, if I could get an invitation for the wider release. I'm thinking about buying HM, but I don't want to buy the wrong product.
03-13-2008 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by klausschreiber
good news.
It would be very nice, if I could get an invitation for the wider release. I'm thinking about buying HM, but I don't want to buy the wrong product.
the public beta will be available to everyone in 2-3 weeks if I read phil's post correctly
03-13-2008 , 04:29 PM
Yes, I know. But I want to go to the iPoker Network in a few days and I would like to use a next generation tracker there at once, because PT+PA is so slow on my PC (and also 3-bet stats are important for me).
03-16-2008 , 05:15 PM
hmm, maybe I'm blind, but I didn't found an edit button, so I make a second post.

I have a feature suggestions for the note system, that comes in my mind just now. I think, it would be nice, if it saves the date and also the limit, where you wrote the note. And a function to show only the notes from the limit, you were playing and a posibility to show only the notes from the last x month from a player.
(I hope, you understand, what I mean, because English istn't my native language.)
03-19-2008 , 05:32 PM
Realtime HUD is still working in iPoker.
03-23-2008 , 10:50 AM
One thing that i would be great would be the ability to graph and compare different stats. Like to be able to compare vpip/pfr to winrate. with other stats like agression factor and stuff included i think this could be a great way to spot tilts and how new stuff would effect ur game.

Im not sure how practically possible this would be though considering you would have to use a moving average, and i dont know how many hands you would have to average for it not to jump up and down like hell.
03-24-2008 , 05:32 PM
Is PokerEV and its Sklansky$ concept any good when it comes to LHE ? Obviously the all-in luck is pointless but what about the S$ ? and what about the threes graphs ?

Obviously the graph with the actual winnings is accurate and interesting, obviously the graph with the sowdown winning is accurate as well and intereting, but what about the last one (S$) ?

And what would mean for instance, to have a very positive S$ graph, a quite positive SD-winnings and a negative actual winnings graph ? in NL it tends to mean that the player is folding too much before showdown, but aren't good laydowns paramount in LHE even more than in NL (in NL, you might afford bad calls in small to medium pots as long as you double-up here and then...)

So either it means folding too much before laydown, or not .... if not (and assuming the S$ concept means something in LHE) what might be the leak when being >0 at SD and with sklansky bucks ?


PS: what kind of sample is starting to be any meaningful, I know the typical answer is "as much as possible" or "10-20k+" but can't we get any tendance by 5k ? (the above questions arise from a 2k kands graph that seems already to have a quite regular tendance so ... well ... you know ... just wondering in my NL->LHE learning curve).
03-25-2008 , 01:02 AM
Only thing I know is that in the Settings tab you can select this option for limit poker:

[x]use NetSB for stat values
03-25-2008 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by Miniskirt
Is PokerEV and its Sklansky$ concept any good when it comes to LHE ? Obviously the all-in luck is pointless but what about the S$ ? and what about the threes graphs ?
The old version was never designed for limit holdem. You can get an indication of how you're running/playing but it's always going to plagued by reliability problems because of the skew inherent in only having showdown hands available. It can be useful over the short term and with careful interpretation.

Some limit players swear by it though and I got a lot of angry emails when I made changes so it did just all-ins (hence the setting that Jehaim mentions). Whether they know what they're doing, I don't know.

what kind of sample is starting to be any meaningful, I know the typical answer is "as much as possible" or "10-20k+" but can't we get any tendance by 5k
Since the non all-in luck part is inherently unreliable I wouldn't be drawing conclusions for limit.
03-25-2008 , 02:09 AM
update on ETA?
03-25-2008 , 02:23 AM
Depends on how the next couple of builds go. A lot of new functionality and fixes are going in the next two builds. If there aren't major issues then I'll start adding more sites and the HUD alpha, if there are then I'll be fixing them first.
03-25-2008 , 02:48 AM
Good to hear

My PM box is still open, IMO. *wink*
03-25-2008 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Schwallie
Good to hear

My PM box is still open, IMO. *wink*
Me too
03-25-2008 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
Now Phil, could you possibly be referring to PT3's new filtering system?
Of course, I may be wrong. You could be the one developer on this planet who takes everything into consideration and can write perfect code the first time 'round.
Without getting into the nuts and bolts of software development too much, you never eliminate all bugs. What happens is the rate at which new bugs are being discovered declines. When the the rate at which bugs are being fixed meets or exceeds the rate at which new bugs are being discovered, you generally have a release worthy product.
03-25-2008 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by blackize
Me too
Me Three
03-26-2008 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by Schwallie
Good to hear

My PM box is still open, IMO. *wink*
Yes mine too, Feel free to use it whenever u like. :P
03-26-2008 , 06:33 AM
when is the HUD coming?
03-26-2008 , 08:45 AM
Hey, great job on the PokerEv software. I was looking at a hand today where I got all in on the turn with set against a flush draw and 8,3 offsuit lol (and guess who hit their gutshot?) But anyways in the PokerEV it doesn't look like it's taking into account that I was like 70% equity to triple up instead of double, is this a known problem or am I doing something wrong with settings?
03-26-2008 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by Rokudaime
Yes mine too, Feel free to use it whenever u like. :P
Originally Posted by serqan_
when is the HUD coming?
When the tracker is up to speed I'll send out more invites and the HUD. PokerObserver has added support already so there's be something to use in the meantime.
Originally Posted by drjay
Hey, great job on the PokerEv software. I was looking at a hand today where I got all in on the turn with set against a flush draw and 8,3 offsuit lol (and guess who hit their gutshot?) But anyways in the PokerEV it doesn't look like it's taking into account that I was like 70% equity to triple up instead of double, is this a known problem or am I doing something wrong with settings?
It only calculates on the money that went in on the all-in street instead of the total pot size, which is probably what you're looking at. Both methods have benefits and drawbacks. If it still looks incorrect send me the hand history and I'll run through the data.
