Originally Posted by Veigald
Hi John,
Kinda drooling here... Do you have an update on when you expect to implement the increase/decrease bet command? To me that is the last thing missing before I'll go all in on this
If it's that important, I pushed it forward
I'm guessing this week.
Note: there are 2 ways of implementing this
1. the easy and cool way
Treat "increase" as mouse wheel up, and "decrease" as mouse wheel down
2. the hard way: compute the pot, add/del 1 or 1/2 BB
Pros for 1.
Easy to implement, consistent with mouse
No small flickering, when computing the pot (because there isn't any computing of the pot)
Cons for 1
Not at all times this will mean +1/-1BB. For instance, on OnGame, after a while, scrolling the mouse will actually increase/decrease more BB
Pros for 2.
Cons for 2.
I will be doing this by seeing how much is in the pot, and then adding/decreaseing 1 or 1/2BB - this will select the text in the pot box and then replace it with something else - if pressing the hotkey for many times, you'll see a bit of flickering in the bet box.