[GTO] InstaGTO 3: The NEW GTO tool: Solver, Analyzer, Trainer, Tracker, DB & HUD's [-10% Discount]
, 05:59 PM
InstaGTO is used by a lot of stables and no one complains to preflop ranges... They are calculated very precisely and I'm absolutely sure of that.
In the ranges, 10bb 3bet in HU solutions are 2 sizings low and high. Your solution is for low 3bet sizing. In the high 3bet sizing in the same solution are played even your AKo, AKs etc...
If you don't want to troll this forum (registered today, all posts only in this topic, digging the software) and you seriously have some troubleshooting with InstaGTO just add me on the Skype (PM) and I am ready to explain you everything.
EDIT: You cannot receive the message. So write us to info@instagto.com
In the ranges, 10bb 3bet in HU solutions are 2 sizings low and high. Your solution is for low 3bet sizing. In the high 3bet sizing in the same solution are played even your AKo, AKs etc...
If you don't want to troll this forum (registered today, all posts only in this topic, digging the software) and you seriously have some troubleshooting with InstaGTO just add me on the Skype (PM) and I am ready to explain you everything.
EDIT: You cannot receive the message. So write us to info@instagto.com
, 12:29 PM
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 8
here are two other examples:

the range that passes to your program to PIO:

the range that passes to your program to PIO:
Do you think they are correct ranges? Not me

the range that passes to your program to PIO:
HTML Code:
set_range OOP 1.36393646e-005 2.54576244e-005 1.36393646e-005 7.19284162e-006 7.07138588e-006 7.19284162e-006 0.000140307995 0.000420043652 0.000469516322 0.000163650097 0.000429755979 5.57949497e-005 0.000429755979 0.000132231056 0.000334549666 0.000469516322 0.000420043652 0.000140307995 0.000163650097 0.000877383398 0.000334549666 0.00010536363 7.36922448e-005 0.00010536363 4.4779521e-005 0.000113831375 0.000111357396 0.000113831375 0.00012882681 0.000339233637 0.000387609791 0.000113774469 0.000153413595 0.000546812022 0.000622128835 0.000107907741 0.000390500994 4.93657935e-005 0.000390500994 0.000117534051 0.000606504385 1.50695296e-005 0.000606504385 0.000100480553 0.000921355677 0.000387609791 0.000339233637 0.00012882681 0.000113774469 0.000622128835 0.000546812022 0.000153413595 0.000107907741 0.00207013334 0.000921355677 0.000139601369 0.000103161481 0.000139601369 5.23017516e-005 0.000180292467 0.000138439616 0.000180292467 6.77742864e-005 0.000333878939 0.000278553955 0.000333878939 0.00020106454 0.000558206812 0.000626010413 0.00020306115 0.000198384369 0.00044541742 0.000517804292 9.02456159e-005 5.60304579e-005 0.0149901677 0.0178386737 0.00228396733 0.000581754721 6.75483898e-005 0.000581754721 0.000179602997 0.000441062119 1.86023135e-005 0.000441062119 6.69514047e-005 0.0124030411 6.20947822e-006 0.0124030411 0.00151762029 0.00763790403 0.000626010413 0.000558206812 0.00020106454 0.00020306115 0.000517804292 0.00044541742 0.000198384369 9.02456159e-005 0.0178386737 0.0149901677 5.60304579e-005 0.00228396733 0.0260394756 0.00763790403 0.000187547295 0.000140150063 0.000187547295 9.89356631e-005 0.000113166905 8.11658028e-005 0.000113166905 0.000111394169 0.00168627128 0.00132739381 0.00168627128 7.69263424e-005 0.00180080661 0.00130732753 0.00180080661 0.000138477699 0.000343562977 0.000391874171 9.73145652e-005 0.000147046259 0.000485840515 0.000565066875 8.22338625e-005 0.00352619588 0.00206695287 0.00242102239 0.000269022246 0.000883036526 0.00191656093 0.00286846119 0.000358540798 0.000338323443 3.43575084e-005 0.000338323443 7.39098177e-005 0.000454654684 1.01556279e-005 0.000454654684 5.47369928e-005 0.0014532397 0.000331411138 0.0014532397 0.000190047867 0.00182092469 0.00015750395 0.00182092469 0.000364734035 0.00247581606 0.000391874171 0.000343562977 0.000138477699 9.73145652e-005 0.000565066875 0.000485840515 0.000147046259 8.22338625e-005 0.00242102239 0.00206695287 0.00352619588 0.000269022246 0.00286846119 0.00191656093 0.000883036526 0.000358540798 0.00766233588 0.00247581606 0.000101636848 7.15818533e-005 0.000101636848 7.06439896e-005 0.000123130652 9.25310742e-005 0.000123130652 8.09539997e-005 0.000233800471 0.000207093573 0.000233800471 0.00447013881 0.000379181496 0.00038168527 0.000379181496 0.00260962127 0.0048668161 0.000940929225 0.0048668161 6.30306931e-006 6.50310221e-006 6.30231898e-006 7.03921387e-006 0.000225256314 2.48799934e-005 2.39946967e-005 2.70109158e-005 8.80554671e-006 2.26089451e-005 2.15936489e-005 2.38289795e-005 1.03754601e-005 0.000381388294 0.000360121689 0.000417061674 0.000793085434 0.00119937456 0.00108030089 0.00155967276 0.00038149301 0.00038149301 0.00038149301 0.00038149301 0.00142678386 0.0133904042 0.00142678386 0.00142678386 0.00123603735 0.000503570773 0.00123603735 0.00123603735 0.0204022452 0.000587499293 0.0204022452 0.0204022452 0.0572315827 0.0420023799 0.0572315827 0.0572315827 0.0771149993 6.30231898e-006 6.50310221e-006 6.30306931e-006 7.03921387e-006 2.39946967e-005 2.48799934e-005 0.000225256314 2.70109158e-005 2.15936489e-005 2.26089451e-005 8.80554671e-006 2.38289795e-005 0.000360121689 0.000381388294 1.03754601e-005 0.000417061674 0.00108030089 0.00119937456 0.000793085434 0.00155967276 0.00974016078 0.0771149993 0.00038149301 0.00038149301 0.00038149301 0.00038149301 0.00142678386 0.00142678386 0.00142678386 0.0133904042 0.00123603735 0.00123603735 0.00123603735 0.000503570773 0.0204022452 0.0204022452 0.0204022452 0.000587499293 0.0572315827 0.0572315827 0.0572315827 0.0420023799 0.0771149993 0.0771149993 0.0771149993 0.000171484135 0.000156313574 0.000173542197 4.89498561e-005 0.000185009514 0.000333860604 0.000363384082 7.65395162e-005 0.000162968165 0.000493217027 0.00050874392 0.000108299449 0.000129135442 0.0076548541 0.0101359487 0.000774115557 9.00818122e-005 0.00258142781 0.00351202115 0.000649486377 0.000997405732 0.00236525666 4.13808157e-005 0.00236525666 0.000147184808 4.9743303e-005 0.000147184808 3.54256626e-005 0.000305645022 5.47841664e-005 0.000305645022 5.49356555e-005 0.000373460382 1.0729008e-005 0.000373460382 6.94614282e-005 0.00600967743 1.0975582e-005 0.00600967743 0.00049328868 0.00223374134 2.23749885e-005 0.00223374134 0.000706430816 4.36232476e-005 0.0569950566 4.36232476e-005 0.00236525666 0.003915824 0.000173542197 0.000156313574 0.000171484135 4.89498561e-005 0.000363384082 0.000333860604 0.000185009514 7.65395162e-005 0.00050874392 0.000493217027 0.000162968165 0.000108299449 0.0101359487 0.0076548541 0.000129135442 0.000774115557 0.00351202115 0.00258142781 9.00818122e-005 0.000649486377 4.13808157e-005 0.00236525666 0.000997405732 0.00236525666 0.0356401168 0.003915824 5.32020713e-005 4.06193758e-005 5.32020713e-005 5.96418467e-005 0.000117400989 9.75887378e-005 0.000117400989 7.39118914e-005 6.96601201e-005 6.79287114e-005 6.96601201e-005 7.24526835e-005 0.000810327241 0.000659788551 0.000810327241 0.000102693608 0.000723242119 0.000731858774 0.000723242119 0.000228117744 6.36182012e-005 0.00236525666 6.36182012e-005 0.0569950566 0.0131842298 0.00155128259 0.0131842298 0.000532893522 0.000642895349 0.000685552717 0.000281738496 0.000307411887 0.000802417693 0.000837690546 0.000279362022 0.000292647921 0.000665524858 0.000654568954 0.00027738983 0.000763444696 0.00227519358 0.00254435907 0.000599450083 0.000151430664 0.00785990525 0.0104113324 0.00101562368 1.01447959e-005 0.0604284927 0.00100420869 0.0604284927 0.000225732627 0.00133810949 0.00231469236 0.000332196098 0.000629748509 0.000255372172 0.000629748509 0.000225280251 0.000772871717 0.000146251201 0.000772871717 0.00022041802 0.000592179829 0.000124769344 0.000592179829 0.000216727596 0.00212121569 7.0004171e-005 0.00212121569 0.000436643546 0.00707745925 9.00730993e-006 0.00707745925 0.000767265039 0.00106255454 0.000610388815 0.00106255454 0.0604284927 0.00132538856 2.67083906e-005 0.00132538856 0.000308341056 0.013869538 0.000685552717 0.000642895349 0.000532893522 0.000281738496 0.000837690546 0.000802417693 0.000307411887 0.000279362022 0.000654568954 0.000665524858 0.000292647921 0.00027738983 0.00254435907 0.00227519358 0.000763444696 0.000599450083 0.0104113324 0.00785990525 0.000151430664 0.00101562368 0.00100420869 0.0604284927 1.01447959e-005 0.0604284927 0.00231469236 0.00133810949 0.000225732627 0.000332196098 0.0444242693 0.013869538 0.000236271677 0.000181063733 0.000236271677 0.00011364794 0.000303402019 0.000246627897 0.000303402019 7.45647922e-005 0.000183983269 0.000173807799 0.000183983269 7.94186344e-005 0.000250988029 0.000171502703 0.000250988029 0.000189449842 0.000458442286 0.000408197695 0.000458442286 5.98455845e-005 0.00227634236 0.0604284927 0.00227634236 0.000610388815 0.000305358379 0.000300669984 0.000305358379 8.46295516e-005 0.0145421876 0.00578128174 0.0145421876 0.000268438394 0.000516528089 0.000558996282 0.000204705895 0.000329113944 0.000889122835 0.000939273683 0.000277874671 0.000376291253 0.00144856388 0.00142411701 0.00054184848 0.00049297628 0.00111200311 0.00117152056 0.000378673227 0.000268649019 0.0215897802 0.0284183212 0.00402284414 1.7243914e-005 0.105643041 0.00176804513 0.105643041 0.000108806817 0.00722555723 0.012145075 0.0012214887 0.00215927907 0.000190489489 0.000301761727 3.00865249e-005 0.000498598383 7.94924417e-005 0.000498598383 0.000159342409 0.000839014014 0.000103538099 0.000839014014 0.000211573526 0.0012112807 9.50758185e-005 0.0012112807 0.000408764725 0.00103572931 0.00014126522 0.00103572931 0.000274664955 0.0193415135 1.43021525e-005 0.0193415135 0.00286439713 0.00186913426 0.00103003124 0.00186913426 0.105643041 0.00658718124 8.37290372e-006 0.00658718124 0.00103931862 0.000175364868 0.000274928694 0.000175364868 2.95221034e-005 0.0338344872 0.000558996282 0.000516528089 0.000268438394 0.000204705895 0.000939273683 0.000889122835 0.000329113944 0.000277874671 0.00142411701 0.00144856388 0.000376291253 0.00054184848 0.00117152056 0.00111200311 0.00049297628 0.000378673227 0.0284183212 0.0215897802 0.000268649019 0.00402284414 0.00176804513 0.105643041 1.7243914e-005 0.105643041 0.012145075 0.00722555723 0.000108806817 0.0012214887 0.000301761727 0.000190489489 0.00215927907 3.00865249e-005 0.047362335 0.0338344872 0.000147149083 0.000104580569 0.000147149083 4.66461061e-005 0.000236477848 0.000193290049 0.000236477848 6.85747436e-005 0.000252811384 0.000258964399 0.000252811384 9.07646172e-005 0.000227945216 0.00017951781 0.000227945216 0.000148076826 0.0018753804 0.00172648451 0.0018753804 8.34216626e-005 0.00446224492 0.105643041 0.00446224492 0.00103003124 0.000815397187 0.000816235435 0.000815397187 2.62011545e-005 3.09463358e-005 3.03766137e-005 3.09463358e-005 0.000583056011 0.0322508663 0.0274635386 0.0322508663 0.000245602685 0.00119530223 0.00135727541 0.00036914376 0.000301897468 0.00958079658 0.0104389125 0.00219281646 0.000411526184 0.0142787835 0.0143971229 0.00413862616 0.00033950308 0.029144641 0.031333413 0.00713734049 0.000364069681 0.0205747578 0.0239895619 0.00455689803 1.59384217e-005 0.109442718 0.0018731379 0.109442718 0.000166106707 0.017406363 0.026798727 0.00187315664 0.00296381209 0.00891066249 0.0151585471 0.000798466208 0.00626062369 0.00105662353 0.00175131531 0.000429279055 0.0011925014 3.73016373e-005 0.0011925014 0.000287183007 0.00922461785 5.4668486e-005 0.00922461785 0.00170309329 0.0121968873 7.22659388e-005 0.0121968873 0.0030866426 0.0279954318 7.51610278e-005 0.0279954318 0.00521521457 0.0204465203 3.6254336e-005 0.0204465203 0.00341249909 0.00195308088 0.000930843002 0.00195308088 0.109442718 0.0189156644 8.48642503e-006 0.0189156644 0.00161647529 0.0104008391 0.000245295843 0.0104008391 0.000770789047 0.00125881971 0.00226980983 0.00125881971 0.000434544025 0.0640471652 0.00135727541 0.00119530223 0.000245602685 0.00036914376 0.0104389125 0.00958079658 0.000301897468 0.00219281646 0.0143971229 0.0142787835 0.000411526184 0.00413862616 0.031333413 0.029144641 0.00033950308 0.00713734049 0.0239895619 0.0205747578 0.000364069681 0.00455689803 0.0018731379 0.109442718 1.59384217e-005 0.109442718 0.026798727 0.017406363 0.000166106707 0.00187315664 0.0151585471 0.00891066249 0.00296381209 0.000798466208 0.00175131531 0.00105662353 0.00626062369 0.000429279055 0.0584279597 0.0640471652 0.000181821568 0.000122438985 0.000181821568 3.71146416e-005 0.0013238535 0.000964334526 0.0013238535 5.20459798e-005 0.00138253882 0.00122142106 0.00138253882 8.13330771e-005 0.00359606091 0.00216903887 0.00359606091 6.72540846e-005 0.00189385389 0.00137933251 0.00189385389 6.08591617e-005 0.0051319669 0.109442718 0.0051319669 0.000930843002 0.00138498901 0.00125864893 0.00138498901 2.03968902e-005 0.00124689972 0.00117496878 0.00124689972 0.000649515772 0.000592533732 0.000605917652 0.000592533732 0.00522620091 0.0601186864 0.0624461845 0.0601186864 1.95677221e-005 0.00427459739 0.00173249375 0.00567293726 1.94746444e-005 0.0097923018 0.00299962563 0.0111436397 2.23371699e-005 0.0113637699 0.00337225595 0.0113905426 3.67185021e-005 0.0188247617 0.00621112203 0.0192698352 5.52974088e-005 0.0165297724 0.00644520996 0.0166563205 3.63310646e-005 0.016121896 0.00116498012 0.016121896 1.14742679e-005 0.00437963894 0.00140166853 0.00666173454 0.000219780646 0.00535129616 0.00226595299 0.0133988038 0.000759701652 0.00269059185 0.00161799113 0.00930448622 0.000490853738 0.00168891146 0.00131726032 0.00384728517 0.00173594197 9.63407292e-005 0.00173594197 0.00587397162 0.00305648474 0.0001158046 0.00305648474 0.0115306461 0.00359094725 0.000126295155 0.00359094725 0.0118173566 0.0064433571 0.000180371164 0.0064433571 0.0198238473 0.00699669542 0.000215241002 0.00699669542 0.017009737 0.0010488265 0.000503570773 0.0010488265 0.016121896 0.00131649734 6.86841813e-005 0.00131649734 0.00647803256 0.0022638971 0.00127687154 0.0022638971 0.0127715571 0.00158700685 0.00267950655 0.00158700685 0.00857766904 0.00127803197 0.000991863199 0.00127803197 0.00347092701 0.084497042 0.00173249375 0.00427459739 1.95677221e-005 0.00567293726 0.00299962563 0.0097923018 1.94746444e-005 0.0111436397 0.00337225595 0.0113637699 2.23371699e-005 0.0113905426 0.00621112203 0.0188247617 3.67185021e-005 0.0192698352 0.00644520996 0.0165297724 5.52974088e-005 0.0166563205 0.00116498012 0.016121896 3.63310646e-005 0.016121896 0.00140166853 0.00437963894 1.14742679e-005 0.00666173454 0.00226595299 0.00535129616 0.000219780646 0.0133988038 0.00161799113 0.00269059185 0.000759701652 0.00930448622 0.00131726032 0.00168891146 0.000490853738 0.00384728517 0.0939892754 0.084497042 0.0446728319 0.0446728319 0.0446728319 0.000503570773 0.0777330175 0.0777330175 0.0777330175 0.000503570773 0.0721326992 0.0721326992 0.0721326992 0.000465421501 0.116347738 0.116347738 0.116347738 0.000671427697 0.0748260394 0.0748260394 0.0748260394 0.000640908314 0.016121896 0.016121896 0.016121896 0.000503570773 0.0455655269 0.0455655269 0.0455655269 0.000373863208 0.124076784 0.124076784 0.124076784 0.01203229 0.108275346 0.108275346 0.108275346 0.0508606508 0.111701153 0.111701153 0.111701153 0.0416590385 0.361159414 0.361159414 0.361159414 1.58707699e-005 0.00670948159 0.00985190272 0.00156208349 2.17229917e-005 0.0104858652 0.0157970134 0.00179227989 2.18512814e-005 0.00988872908 0.0121572958 0.00132705248 0.00011573037 0.0179291386 0.0269834045 0.00137315562 0.000191002444 0.00315079233 0.00604484184 0.000426672341 2.52206337e-005 0.0570637248 0.00119481608 0.0570637248 0.0004841474 0.0112722041 0.0205981471 0.00282181706 0.00529250456 0.0285988729 0.048802577 0.00999137945 0.00799883064 0.00506027043 0.0102712493 0.00393898226 0.0183715075 0.00505647389 0.0108426353 0.00398485083 0.00586677343 0.00229526637 0.0023342222 0.0913828388 0.00507486751 3.96331916e-006 0.00507486751 0.00127946818 0.00727683632 5.27476004e-006 0.00727683632 0.00144806295 0.00492503354 6.10653296e-006 0.00492503354 0.00100618124 0.0144340489 3.1996944e-005 0.0144340489 0.000892599404 0.00265369145 4.03966078e-005 0.00265369145 0.000315402343 0.0016617449 0.00120551803 0.0016617449 0.0570637248 0.0117241312 0.000177479436 0.0117241312 0.00177901797 0.0275516454 0.00403213548 0.0275516454 0.00804732274 0.00536791328 0.0133337537 0.00536791328 0.00348922657 0.00597205618 0.0317683592 0.00597205618 0.00357687217 0.00616215356 0.0380857997 0.00616215356 0.0913828388 0.011408031 0.00985190272 0.00670948159 1.58707699e-005 0.00156208349 0.0157970134 0.0104858652 2.17229917e-005 0.00179227989 0.0121572958 0.00988872908 2.18512814e-005 0.00132705248 0.0269834045 0.0179291386 0.00011573037 0.00137315562 0.00604484184 0.00315079233 0.000191002444 0.000426672341 0.00119481608 0.0570637248 2.52206337e-005 0.0570637248 0.0205981471 0.0112722041 0.0004841474 0.00282181706 0.048802577 0.0285988729 0.00529250456 0.00999137945 0.0102712493 0.00506027043 0.00799883064 0.00393898226 0.0108426353 0.00505647389 0.0183715075 0.00398485083 0.0023342222 0.00229526637 0.00586677343 0.0913828388 0.009411918 0.011408031 0.00226826849 0.00235918304 0.00226826849 2.37629183e-006 0.00277454569 0.00285884365 0.00277454569 2.88113597e-006 0.00200181641 0.00202805432 0.00200181641 3.0167098e-006 0.00230405619 0.00227643922 0.00230405619 1.02667773e-005 0.00061857549 0.000613807526 0.00061857549 1.75748064e-005 0.00667876424 0.0570637248 0.00667876424 0.00120551803 0.00323359226 0.00290204422 0.00323359226 3.04820878e-005 0.0117367022 0.011786826 0.0117367022 0.000884051842 0.00411581434 0.00442811893 0.00411581434 0.00380143151 0.0053550927 0.00545485504 0.0053550927 0.0125310803 0.0127159627 0.0119190998 0.0127159627 0.229796141 0.0323021673 0.0412227698 0.0323021673 4.88713304e-005 0.00343427504 0.00673304591 0.000950539135 0.000177542388 0.00337356026 0.00716483127 0.000683979772 0.00091559079 0.00350703532 0.00657059159 0.000830442994 0.00544416113 0.00393462088 0.0109854024 0.000623118889 0.00239694188 0.00496398006 0.0150860036 0.0019507783 0.00106007641 0.0651208535 0.00124190317 0.0651208535 0.0334673449 4.31123735e-005 0.000179457536 4.73552209e-005 0.0574961044 0.000238887485 0.00112176978 0.000241292568 0.0149171771 0.000235397383 0.000670057838 0.000156769238 0.00739361485 0.000110757079 0.00020636298 6.92011308e-005 0.00201817253 6.09246563e-005 5.88997937e-005 0.00555453822 0.00355550321 7.35295544e-005 7.43821729e-005 7.77990281e-005 0.00609828671 0.000157435366 0.00609828671 0.000908722111 0.00650112284 0.000573572004 0.00650112284 0.000678342243 0.00552107906 0.00353201968 0.00552107906 0.000715436589 0.0103615904 0.0113642151 0.0103615904 0.00053503894 0.0134906853 0.00656329049 0.0134906853 0.00198656227 0.00123945007 0.0555530116 0.00123945007 0.0651208535 0.000154321417 0.0487264134 0.000154321417 5.40662404e-005 0.00098871463 0.0761779025 0.00098871463 0.000320432009 0.000600041996 0.0169871636 0.000600041996 0.000156776121 0.000194482913 0.00629435619 0.000194482913 6.80514713e-005 8.24254093e-005 0.00352449599 8.24254093e-005 0.00555453822 7.13005356e-005 0.00361878402 7.13005356e-005 7.44824865e-005 0.011882944 0.00673304591 0.00343427504 4.88713304e-005 0.000950539135 0.00716483127 0.00337356026 0.000177542388 0.000683979772 0.00657059159 0.00350703532 0.00091559079 0.000830442994 0.0109854024 0.00393462088 0.00544416113 0.000623118889 0.0150860036 0.00496398006 0.00239694188 0.0019507783 0.00124190317 0.0651208535 0.00106007641 0.0651208535 0.000179457536 4.31123735e-005 0.0334673449 4.73552209e-005 0.00112176978 0.000238887485 0.0574961044 0.000241292568 0.000670057838 0.000235397383 0.0149171771 0.000156769238 0.00020636298 0.000110757079 0.00739361485 6.92011308e-005 5.88997937e-005 6.09246563e-005 0.00201817253 0.00555453822 7.43821729e-005 7.35295544e-005 0.00355550321 7.77990281e-005 0.0112853721 0.011882944 0.0051034675 0.00533216121 0.0051034675 2.69262055e-005 0.00629298761 0.00743477093 0.00629298761 8.50505967e-005 0.00636833301 0.00772038009 0.00636833301 0.000534037768 0.0135122519 0.00795432739 0.0135122519 0.00150829449 0.0170793105 0.0104710907 0.0170793105 0.00121920125 0.00261199684 0.0651208535 0.00261199684 0.0555530116 0.000174583591 0.000100396719 0.000174583591 0.0167136211 0.000580099353 0.000506121898 0.000580099353 0.0703904331 0.000190906983 0.000194971304 0.000190906983 0.0429296121 7.55973233e-005 7.80458431e-005 7.55973233e-005 0.0120009752 9.47997178e-005 9.46063738e-005 9.47997178e-005 0.189083189 7.01520621e-005 6.98657386e-005 7.01520621e-005 0.0160059538 0.0299873669 0.0351684764 0.0299873669 set_range IP 0.224774182 0.222813353 0.224774182 0.233126238 0.229379803 0.233126238 0.26542154 7.97103326e-007 8.07401477e-007 7.84925248e-007 7.88870466e-007 0.323380619 7.88870466e-007 7.61812089e-007 0.306863487 8.07401477e-007 7.97103326e-007 0.26542154 7.84925248e-007 0.3115924 0.306863487 7.6113696e-007 7.45596992e-007 7.6113696e-007 0.489717007 0.306249976 0.299074501 0.306249976 0.20836401 3.22378628e-006 3.25763631e-006 3.18078219e-006 0.291530728 0.000823231763 0.000847511808 0.000778481306 3.19542914e-006 0.250090837 3.19542914e-006 3.12312045e-006 0.000826187548 0.357537866 0.000826187548 0.000755213026 0.465680689 3.25763631e-006 3.22378628e-006 0.20836401 3.18078219e-006 0.000847511808 0.000823231763 0.291530728 0.000778481306 0.468119055 0.465680689 2.89336958e-006 2.83212648e-006 2.89336958e-006 0.36022532 0.000728744664 0.000701930607 0.000728744664 0.450502038 0.41967532 0.412287146 0.41967532 0.347854257 9.77897889e-006 9.88726333e-006 9.79657125e-006 0.222526193 0.00184286863 0.00189743668 0.00178762642 0.432659954 0.0577418096 0.0594023913 0.0530761369 9.34749642e-006 0.396021515 9.34749642e-006 9.35797016e-006 0.001765116 0.255659074 0.001765116 0.00165256055 0.0549716726 0.473147005 0.0549716726 0.0490165018 0.578314245 9.88726333e-006 9.77897889e-006 0.347854257 9.79657125e-006 0.00189743668 0.00184286863 0.222526193 0.00178762642 0.0594023913 0.0577418096 0.432659954 0.0530761369 0.578369677 0.578314245 8.65742004e-006 8.46777129e-006 8.65742004e-006 0.536097646 0.00153989461 0.0014821419 0.00153989461 0.302752495 0.0492197312 0.0472471714 0.0492197312 0.46155411 0.561983228 0.553228557 0.561983228 0.118690118 1.64490211e-006 1.67258145e-006 1.65684241e-006 0.526688576 5.29134231e-005 5.46984993e-005 5.20385729e-005 0.313564539 0.0104790479 0.0107541885 0.00930515863 0.246297061 0.139849186 0.144092232 0.120216668 1.55357452e-006 0.134271294 1.55357452e-006 1.54919496e-006 4.99112539e-005 0.592019856 4.99112539e-005 4.6957397e-005 0.00982662197 0.338972539 0.00982662197 0.00842115469 0.139985651 0.252296984 0.139985651 0.10951551 0.496204346 1.67258145e-006 1.64490211e-006 0.118690118 1.65684241e-006 5.46984993e-005 5.29134231e-005 0.526688576 5.20385729e-005 0.0107541885 0.0104790479 0.313564539 0.00930515863 0.144092232 0.139849186 0.246297061 0.120216668 0.496254086 0.496204346 1.446635e-006 1.416131e-006 1.446635e-006 0.195926428 4.44287834e-005 4.2788779e-005 4.44287834e-005 0.710812807 0.00857400335 0.00824718177 0.00857400335 0.336694539 0.125385016 0.114558078 0.125385016 0.224770576 0.494307458 0.494406968 0.494307458 0.00270845252 6.6309191e-008 6.69455318e-008 7.10956982e-008 0.125154331 2.4391461e-006 2.44068224e-006 2.66411575e-006 0.335229278 4.64649711e-005 4.60368647e-005 5.42497e-005 0.180546701 0.00702994922 0.00713843061 0.00789345056 0.198440433 0.0485072434 0.0477706715 0.0585123189 1.39700006e-007 0.00565212918 1.39700006e-007 1.39700006e-007 4.91960009e-006 0.252273738 4.91960009e-006 4.91960009e-006 0.000103001803 0.749622107 0.000103001803 0.000103001803 0.0154390177 0.390095979 0.0154390177 0.0154390177 0.0966018736 0.401058048 0.0966018736 0.0966018736 0.562870026 6.69455318e-008 6.6309191e-008 0.00270845252 7.10956982e-008 2.44068224e-006 2.4391461e-006 0.125154331 2.66411575e-006 4.60368647e-005 4.64649711e-005 0.335229278 5.42497e-005 0.00713843061 0.00702994922 0.180546701 0.00789345056 0.0477706715 0.0485072434 0.198440433 0.0585123189 0.430905133 0.562870026 1.39700006e-007 1.39700006e-007 1.39700006e-007 0.00565212918 4.91960009e-006 4.91960009e-006 4.91960009e-006 0.252273738 0.000103001803 0.000103001803 0.000103001803 0.749622107 0.0154390177 0.0154390177 0.0154390177 0.390095979 0.0966018736 0.0966018736 0.0966018736 0.401058048 0.562870026 0.562870026 0.562870026 0.0321225785 5.22976393e-007 5.32054798e-007 5.2933035e-007 0.036954999 6.52440178e-007 6.70899738e-007 6.39283371e-007 0.203257129 1.41635437e-005 1.4620754e-005 1.22261008e-005 0.583592117 0.00117045059 0.00125692843 0.00100607984 0.233330786 0.0132348556 0.0141655337 0.0119202631 0.242119521 0.270537168 0.146584794 0.270537168 4.83849135e-007 0.0363042615 4.83849135e-007 4.85808982e-007 6.06974481e-007 0.0406581648 6.06974481e-007 5.87173588e-007 1.28803904e-005 0.219272599 1.28803904e-005 1.0971773e-005 0.00116456824 0.606631339 0.00116456824 0.000911372073 0.0131981187 0.242501214 0.0131981187 0.0108262682 0.159869224 0.446600735 0.159869224 0.270537168 0.666391671 5.32054798e-007 5.22976393e-007 0.0321225785 5.2933035e-007 6.70899738e-007 6.52440178e-007 0.036954999 6.39283371e-007 1.4620754e-005 1.41635437e-005 0.203257129 1.22261008e-005 0.00125692843 0.00117045059 0.583592117 0.00100607984 0.0141655337 0.0132348556 0.233330786 0.0119202631 0.146584794 0.270537168 0.242119521 0.270537168 0.666336656 0.666391671 4.8516489e-007 4.76772783e-007 4.8516489e-007 0.0578799881 6.09118104e-007 5.90991931e-007 6.09118104e-007 0.0626730546 1.23714854e-005 1.19568804e-005 1.23714854e-005 0.279443502 0.00112266955 0.00103035173 0.00112266955 0.620076299 0.0128080454 0.011577582 0.0128080454 0.236956045 0.172673568 0.270537168 0.172673568 0.446600735 0.622201383 0.633963466 0.622201383 0.100854404 7.5771635e-007 7.65159712e-007 7.81613892e-007 0.0985000059 4.30173122e-006 4.38021198e-006 4.34435378e-006 0.11518807 5.58854663e-006 5.71992769e-006 5.08683479e-006 0.395674974 0.000182102711 0.00019300681 0.000157457311 0.348967582 0.00599971181 0.00649943808 0.0054340018 0.158251658 0.0657922775 0.0390226543 0.0657922775 0.170395404 0.363272399 0.405167013 0.390931338 6.68022551e-007 0.115905628 6.68022551e-007 7.10825532e-007 3.81710242e-006 0.11015065 3.81710242e-006 3.9366596e-006 4.95058657e-006 0.124219596 4.95058657e-006 4.62204753e-006 0.000170306113 0.411529481 0.000170306113 0.000138987001 0.00584106101 0.371804237 0.00584106101 0.0049837376 0.0398189574 0.266417146 0.0398189574 0.0657922775 0.371205091 0.188684851 0.371205091 0.350036711 0.541037738 7.65159712e-007 7.5771635e-007 0.100854404 7.81613892e-007 4.38021198e-006 4.30173122e-006 0.0985000059 4.34435378e-006 5.71992769e-006 5.58854663e-006 0.11518807 5.08683479e-006 0.00019300681 0.000182102711 0.395674974 0.000157457311 0.00649943808 0.00599971181 0.348967582 0.0054340018 0.0390226543 0.0657922775 0.158251658 0.0657922775 0.405167013 0.363272399 0.170395404 0.390931338 0.540952921 0.541037738 7.24242398e-007 7.02504735e-007 7.24242398e-007 0.173900217 4.12561349e-006 3.9300744e-006 4.12561349e-006 0.158780515 5.16287582e-006 4.93716016e-006 5.16287582e-006 0.160400957 0.000163159435 0.000147051935 0.000163159435 0.466057986 0.00559308147 0.00499394117 0.00559308147 0.386311322 0.0418394096 0.0657922775 0.0418394096 0.266417146 0.370426625 0.332939297 0.370426625 0.191045478 0.515117586 0.523265064 0.515117586 0.178477809 1.78497885e-005 1.82237709e-005 1.91274848e-005 0.190009281 1.6072072e-005 1.66554382e-005 1.65828551e-005 0.288477868 0.000129058608 0.000133742229 0.000119109704 0.180869892 0.000120540346 0.000129847089 0.000107657026 0.21223256 0.00526212808 0.00583685795 0.005088103 0.132711127 0.0536005013 0.0229094774 0.0536005013 0.328453898 0.171566486 0.192546099 0.186161116 0.445719987 0.33416906 0.386761636 0.367048442 1.62175438e-005 0.212908536 1.62175438e-005 1.71723732e-005 1.46964385e-005 0.21856381 1.46964385e-005 1.49286734e-005 0.000116084724 0.313901156 0.000116084724 0.000107389264 0.000114670649 0.17923528 0.000114670649 9.77101954e-005 0.00503959926 0.226115942 0.00503959926 0.0045926678 0.0233466178 0.309894949 0.0233466178 0.0536005013 0.17336306 0.359817088 0.17336306 0.168879211 0.337577939 0.514309168 0.337577939 0.341165364 0.460049301 1.82237709e-005 1.78497885e-005 0.178477809 1.91274848e-005 1.66554382e-005 1.6072072e-005 0.190009281 1.65828551e-005 0.000133742229 0.000129058608 0.288477868 0.000119109704 0.000129847089 0.000120540346 0.180869892 0.000107657026 0.00583685795 0.00526212808 0.21223256 0.005088103 0.0229094774 0.0536005013 0.132711127 0.0536005013 0.192546099 0.171566486 0.328453898 0.186161116 0.386761636 0.33416906 0.445719987 0.367048442 0.462630689 0.460049301 1.68589941e-005 1.65654474e-005 1.68589941e-005 0.286710322 1.51688018e-005 1.46886414e-005 1.51688018e-005 0.286063433 0.000116644806 0.000112877598 0.000116644806 0.374363631 0.00011070996 0.000105498206 0.00011070996 0.197502568 0.00500827748 0.00455012964 0.00500827748 0.250298798 0.0281955749 0.0536005013 0.0281955749 0.309894949 0.178720772 0.159867555 0.178720772 0.384397626 0.383602232 0.350449502 0.383602232 0.518567681 0.438977808 0.44563362 0.438977808 0.234678105 3.67595312e-005 3.76722273e-005 3.9534094e-005 0.283036381 0.000690377085 0.000717287243 0.000717960298 0.345203549 0.0011445405 0.00118110806 0.00109358854 0.46933648 0.000671013549 0.000720542914 0.000605428475 0.510130048 0.00158642768 0.00170730811 0.00149261917 0.144430161 0.0235293712 0.00940814056 0.0235293712 0.456999034 0.13392213 0.148469806 0.137765005 0.344130486 0.457114935 0.509400725 0.427848339 0.419499099 0.503591716 0.535759807 0.505827188 3.33660355e-005 0.266524225 3.33660355e-005 3.65577107e-005 0.000635175616 0.310455561 0.000635175616 0.000662978273 0.00104657642 0.360643983 0.00104657642 0.0010174301 0.000651072711 0.462352604 0.000651072711 0.000564860122 0.0015298276 0.499887168 0.0015298276 0.00139601191 0.00879172701 0.360368222 0.00879172701 0.0235293712 0.136572421 0.463771909 0.136572421 0.131821826 0.470191628 0.349426448 0.470191628 0.395314008 0.505732834 0.430695087 0.505732834 0.491944939 0.665481389 3.76722273e-005 3.67595312e-005 0.234678105 3.9534094e-005 0.000717287243 0.000690377085 0.283036381 0.000717960298 0.00118110806 0.0011445405 0.345203549 0.00109358854 0.000720542914 0.000671013549 0.46933648 0.000605428475 0.00170730811 0.00158642768 0.510130048 0.00149261917 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0.314466059 0.0677220747 0.0494379885 0.0677220747 0.39872539 0.131410584 0.116020486 0.117733836 0.604011416 0.406370878 0.363445997 0.361711025 0.25489074 0.44234255 0.38992846 0.414287597 0.144388795 0.387640834 0.349832535 0.394786507 0.000101168611 0.325285047 0.000101168611 9.44269996e-005 0.00282684551 0.208716258 0.00282684551 0.00264601083 0.00575747387 0.347066879 0.00575747387 0.00548837287 0.00664729765 0.309913874 0.00664729765 0.00639769994 0.0791803077 0.334921181 0.0791803077 0.0790496692 0.0490984395 0.430701435 0.0490984395 0.0677220747 0.112588748 0.439534426 0.112588748 0.114612624 0.353238165 0.645642579 0.353238165 0.352386981 0.376195073 0.273691207 0.376195073 0.40182209 0.331737965 0.157893956 0.331737965 0.384405375 0.719602585 0.000100935671 0.000101282501 0.321864456 9.41612525e-005 0.00281967479 0.00283360062 0.206312984 0.00263892952 0.00574955717 0.00577759324 0.34420535 0.0054720724 0.00664657308 0.00670149876 0.30744189 0.00638456875 0.0799891651 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0.00439640321 0 0 6.07862194e-006 0.000355917728 6.07862194e-006 5.86224633e-006 0.000154165245 0.00274325372 0.000154165245 0.000161251606 0.011935058 0 0 1.82987696e-005 0 0 0 0.00446706358 0 6.08931532e-006 6.12762324e-006 0.000370955095 5.87418026e-006 0.000154073176 0.000161251606 0.00262112985 0.000161251606 0.0119423186 0.011935058 0 0 0 1.24986727e-005 0 0 0 0.00473156152 5.76825551e-006 5.83423207e-006 5.76825551e-006 0.000294795958 0.000154408786 0.000161251606 0.000154408786 0.00274325372 0.0116593214 0.0116536198 0.0116593214 1.98887074e-006 0 0 0 5.0599112e-005 0 0 0 0.000649084337 0 0 0 0.00253159553 7.19179006e-005 6.75601841e-005 7.19179006e-005 0.00577845285 0.000164674202 0.000164699683 0.000162259414 0 1.98783914e-006 0 0 0 5.00735478e-005 0 0 0 0.000633620017 0 0 6.79649456e-005 0.00269599096 6.79649456e-005 7.19179006e-005 0.000164011988 0.0056353556 0.000164011988 0.000161671618 0.00594962155 0 0 1.98887074e-006 0 0 0 5.0599112e-005 0 0 0 0.000649084337 0 6.75601841e-005 7.19179006e-005 0.00253159553 7.19179006e-005 0.000164699683 0.000164674202 0.00577845285 0.000162259414 0.0059502488 0.00594962155 0 0 0 1.61133835e-006 0 0 0 5.28640994e-005 0 0 0 0.00038166414 6.87146166e-005 7.19179006e-005 6.87146166e-005 0.00269599096 0.000157440227 0.000157302973 0.000157440227 0.00330768852 0.00579027133 0.00580243766 0.00579027133 1.31689894e-005 0 0 0 1.59238807e-005 0 0 0 0.000244115305 0 0 0 0.00363229518 2.25147996e-005 2.10201742e-005 2.25147996e-005 0.00685727084 0.000200495168 0.000200667957 0.000200119859 0.0124075832 0.00137511361 0.00137992448 0.00136477407 0 1.31539737e-005 0 0 0 1.57807226e-005 0 0 0 0.000243415299 0 0 2.12032846e-005 0.00389190973 2.12032846e-005 2.25147996e-005 0.000199570233 0.00682435138 0.000199570233 0.000199376896 0.00137334724 0.0123805627 0.00137334724 0.00136257499 0.000437795272 0 0 1.31689894e-005 0 0 0 1.59238807e-005 0 0 0 0.000244115305 0 2.10201742e-005 2.25147996e-005 0.00363229518 2.25147996e-005 0.000200667957 0.000200495168 0.00685727084 0.000200119859 0.00137992448 0.00137511361 0.0124075832 0.00136477407 0.00043806032 0.000437795272 0 0 0 1.05000454e-005 0 0 0 1.63961995e-005 0 0 0 0.000174261411 2.14911979e-005 2.25147996e-005 2.14911979e-005 0.00389190973 0.000197167145 0.000197064772 0.000197167145 0.00486147916 0.00136362785 0.00136192469 0.00136362785 0.009835748 0.000406576262 0.000428430591 0.000406576262 3.55409393e-005 0 0 0 9.26240391e-005 0 0 0 0.000230851205 0 0 0 0.002529399 0 0 0 0.00495347427 0.000176440299 0.000176478454 0.000175105204 0.0102715567 0.00100193114 0.00100561825 0.000995260198 0.0201292224 0.0031324632 0.00314831105 0.00312314508 0 3.53176947e-005 0 0 0 9.16870194e-005 0 0 0 0.000228640754 0 0 0 0.0026703598 0 0 0.000176207977 0.00489199208 0.000176207977 0.000174742148 0.00100468914 0.0102252327 0.00100468914 0.000993043301 0.00314383861 0.020062577 0.00314383861 0.00311872154 0.000107551481 0 0 3.55409393e-005 0 0 0 9.26240391e-005 0 0 0 0.000230851205 0 0 0 0.002529399 0 0.000176478454 0.000176440299 0.00495347427 0.000175105204 0.00100561825 0.00100193114 0.0102715567 0.000995260198 0.00314831105 0.0031324632 0.0201292224 0.00312314508 0.000107434949 0.000107551481 0 0 0 3.04276709e-005 0 0 0 9.61682017e-005 0 0 0 0.000191743093 0 0 0 0.0026703598 0.000173799956 0.000173715089 0.000173799956 0.00392117305 0.000999808195 0.000997719122 0.000999808195 0.00867075101 0.00313858734 0.00312505127 0.00313858734 0.0172133651 0.000107089108 0.000107375017 0.000107089108 0.000288545009 0 0 0 0.00120503991 0 0 0 0.000728352403 0 0 0 0.00512737734 6.38670008e-006 6.03334365e-006 6.38670008e-006 0.00336939818 6.55994663e-005 6.56079574e-005 6.53270108e-005 0.0126915891 0.00157630211 0.00157968234 0.00157075142 0.00774786528 0.00447600381 0.00449638627 0.00445189187 0.00771052204 0.00899694208 0.00900564902 0.00897887163 0 0.000286816474 0 0 0 0.0011934581 0 0 0 0.000721721211 0 0 6.05101513e-006 0.00542768603 6.05101513e-006 6.38670008e-006 6.55126933e-005 0.0033484404 6.55126933e-005 6.52519229e-005 0.00157744391 0.0126736164 0.00157744391 0.00156788295 0.00448238058 0.00771574304 0.00448238058 0.00444860617 0.00900017656 0.00771758566 0.00900017656 0.0089753801 0.000329145347 0 0 0.000288545009 0 0 0 0.00120503991 0 0 0 0.000728352403 0 6.03334365e-006 6.38670008e-006 0.00512737734 6.38670008e-006 6.56079574e-005 6.55994663e-005 0.00336939818 6.53270108e-005 0.00157968234 0.00157630211 0.0126915891 0.00157075142 0.00449638627 0.00447600381 0.00774786528 0.00445189187 0.00900564902 0.00899694208 0.00771052204 0.00897887163 0.000328319817 0.000329145347 0 0 0 0.000255136052 0 0 0 0.00125336403 0 0 0 0.000632694515 6.08723303e-006 6.38670008e-006 6.08723303e-006 0.00542768603 6.50455622e-005 6.50238144e-005 6.50455622e-005 0.00298611308 0.00157422281 0.00157239276 0.00157422281 0.0114914803 0.00448125927 0.00447249319 0.00448125927 0.0070399316 0.00898620486 0.008977402 0.00898620486 0.00699147489 0.000329814764 0.000330727373 0.000329814764 0.00164309901 1.02876329e-005 1.028726e-005 1.02284539e-005 0.00185761566 5.47842537e-005 5.47864911e-005 5.73881007e-005 0.00219277828 6.47825291e-005 6.46830304e-005 6.43734093e-005 0.00124831207 0.000197896705 0.000187790662 0.000197896705 0.00308033801 0.000242971699 0.000243010407 0.000241388523 0.0140379472 0.00209802901 0.00209894706 0.00207893667 0.00687039038 0.00293768663 0.00293925335 0.00291994889 0.0150628807 0.00173437526 0.00173531286 0.00172581885 0.0157563761 0.00464005768 0.00464130146 0.0046197013 1.02831409e-005 0.0016318647 1.02831409e-005 1.02221829e-005 5.4786502e-005 0.00184198096 5.4786502e-005 5.73881007e-005 6.46443004e-005 0.00218275748 6.46443004e-005 6.43305248e-005 0.000188127131 0.00131580513 0.000188127131 0.000197896705 0.000242932758 0.00306459097 0.000242932758 0.00024123842 0.00209842552 0.0139839044 0.00209842552 0.00207777391 0.00293866172 0.00684775738 0.00293866172 0.00291910395 0.00173496793 0.0150064006 0.00173496793 0.00172543491 0.00464055361 0.0156990867 0.00464055361 0.00461904472 0.00646763248 1.028726e-005 1.02876329e-005 0.00164309901 1.02284539e-005 5.47864911e-005 5.47842537e-005 0.00185761566 5.73881007e-005 6.46830304e-005 6.47825291e-005 0.00219277828 6.43734093e-005 0.000187790662 0.000197896705 0.00124831207 0.000197896705 0.000243010407 0.000242971699 0.00308033801 0.000241388523 0.00209894706 0.00209802901 0.0140379472 0.00207893667 0.00293925335 0.00293768663 0.00687039038 0.00291994889 0.00173531286 0.00173437526 0.0150628807 0.00172581885 0.00464130146 0.00464005768 0.0157563761 0.0046197013 0.00645748619 0.00646763248 1.0175625e-005 1.01757032e-005 1.0175625e-005 0.00148959842 5.35926629e-005 5.35887084e-005 5.35926629e-005 0.00194499432 6.39968057e-005 6.41027727e-005 6.39968057e-005 0.00200333423 0.000188944454 0.000197896705 0.000188944454 0.00131580513 0.000240858426 0.00024079869 0.000240858426 0.00282270461 0.00208869157 0.00208730903 0.00208869157 0.0130093517 0.00293080229 0.00292891194 0.00293080229 0.00637653936 0.00172791281 0.00172653142 0.00172791281 0.0139524313 0.00462366408 0.00462213904 0.00462366408 0.0146519532 0.00648412388 0.00649279449 0.00648412388 0.000242649432 6.38779238e-005 6.38717029e-005 6.33859745e-005 0.000352222734 0.000339225895 0.000339268154 0.000367264409 0.000308790099 0.000336083671 0.000335458375 0.000333207397 0.00399813848 0.00256647146 0.00245877565 0.00256647146 0.00760886865 0.00525404606 0.00525472825 0.00520642567 0.00350728608 0.011920671 0.0119246682 0.0117430529 0.0127629433 0.00353754451 0.0035398046 0.0034937188 0.00886348728 0.0032134098 0.00321648852 0.00317811128 0.00183482363 0.000740260934 0.000740531541 0.000732352666 0.00887944642 0.0092482511 0.00924696494 0.00913831033 6.37975536e-005 0.000241018861 6.37975536e-005 6.32904121e-005 0.000338663842 0.000349719921 0.000338663842 0.000367264409 0.00033518573 0.000307394075 0.00033518573 0.000332867843 0.00246012211 0.00417353353 0.00246012211 0.00256647146 0.0052508912 0.00756572792 0.0052508912 0.00520132994 0.0119193252 0.00349006988 0.0119193252 0.0117324656 0.00353883812 0.0126989577 0.00353883812 0.00349138654 0.00321504823 0.00882517546 0.00321504823 0.0031755853 0.000740221178 0.00182627933 0.000740221178 0.000731795852 0.00924269669 0.00883451104 0.00924269669 0.00913047977 0.00993577298 6.38717029e-005 6.38779238e-005 0.000242649432 6.33859745e-005 0.000339268154 0.000339225895 0.000352222734 0.000367264409 0.000335458375 0.000336083671 0.000308790099 0.000333207397 0.00245877565 0.00256647146 0.00399813848 0.00256647146 0.00525472825 0.00525404606 0.00760886865 0.00520642567 0.0119246682 0.011920671 0.00350728608 0.0117430529 0.0035398046 0.00353754451 0.0127629433 0.0034937188 0.00321648852 0.0032134098 0.00886348728 0.00317811128 0.000740531541 0.000740260934 0.00183482363 0.000732352666 0.00924696494 0.0092482511 0.00887944642 0.00913831033 0.00993272662 0.00993577298 6.30674549e-005 6.31089206e-005 6.30674549e-005 0.000224736068 0.000314679492 0.000314572157 0.000314679492 0.00038149301 0.0003311295 0.000332048367 0.0003311295 0.000290454278 0.0024658395 0.00256647146 0.0024658395 0.00417353353 0.00519519486 0.00519464863 0.00519519486 0.00713149318 0.0118165519 0.0118022002 0.0118165519 0.00330642518 0.00351428078 0.00351198413 0.00351428078 0.0119856782 0.00318483356 0.00318181282 0.00318483356 0.00832044613 0.000732272165 0.000732021115 0.000732272165 0.00172333582 0.00912471116 0.00912789442 0.00912471116 0.00835130457 0.00994506013 0.00994764082 0.00994506013 0.00131675974 6.32595111e-005 6.31883158e-005 6.15117315e-005 0.00104161887 6.13035591e-005 6.13332595e-005 7.62986019e-005 0.00253662048 0.000725950755 0.000719645876 0.000694972114 0.0016798625 0.0013770801 0.00132383103 0.0013770801 0.0033197361 0.00117302372 0.00117268774 0.00111682282 0.000429621665 0.000102611957 0.000102369137 9.94987568e-005 0.000492823543 8.09287303e-005 8.08909244e-005 7.76328961e-005 0 1.1604734e-005 1.1614542e-005 1.11017562e-005 0.000201976 6.51817827e-005 6.51851515e-005 6.34558237e-005 0.000808035955 9.26345019e-005 9.25116619e-005 8.61720619e-005 0 0 0 0 6.32809315e-005 0.00131241151 6.32809315e-005 6.16346224e-005 6.14204691e-005 0.00104299944 6.14204691e-005 7.62986019e-005 0.000720826618 0.0025493321 0.000720826618 0.000694358314 0.00132373662 0.00174746115 0.00132373662 0.0013770801 0.00117420789 0.00330881821 0.00117420789 0.00111664587 0.000102454491 0.000427777733 0.000102454491 9.96233939e-005 8.09289777e-005 0.000489913742 8.09289777e-005 7.75209774e-005 1.16229621e-005 0 1.16229621e-005 1.10891169e-005 6.52355156e-005 0.000200719092 6.52355156e-005 6.34719181e-005 9.26040666e-005 0.000804757234 9.26040666e-005 8.6148837e-005 0 0 0 0 0.00679891277 6.31883158e-005 6.32595111e-005 0.00131675974 6.15117315e-005 6.13332595e-005 6.13035591e-005 0.00104161887 7.62986019e-005 0.000719645876 0.000725950755 0.00253662048 0.000694972114 0.00132383103 0.0013770801 0.0016798625 0.0013770801 0.00117268774 0.00117302372 0.0033197361 0.00111682282 0.000102369137 0.000102611957 0.000429621665 9.94987568e-005 8.08909244e-005 8.09287303e-005 0.000492823543 7.76328961e-005 1.1614542e-005 1.1604734e-005 0 1.11017562e-005 6.51851515e-005 6.51817827e-005 0.000201976 6.34558237e-005 9.25116619e-005 9.26345019e-005 0.000808035955 8.61720619e-005 0 0 0 0 0.00679927785 0.00679891277 6.13573575e-005 6.14575692e-005 6.13573575e-005 0.00127569854 5.5472814e-005 5.54399376e-005 5.5472814e-005 0.00129577483 0.000695942319 0.000707418018 0.000695942319 0.00251068594 0.0013262009 0.0013770801 0.0013262009 0.00174746115 0.0011370451 0.0011348332 0.0011370451 0.00325029902 0.00010000277 0.000100378689 0.00010000277 0.000420559343 7.92094652e-005 7.93278159e-005 7.92094652e-005 0.000476807327 1.13420092e-005 1.13421584e-005 1.13420092e-005 0 6.36320619e-005 6.36794357e-005 6.36320619e-005 0.00019580801 8.99425722e-005 8.9175388e-005 8.99425722e-005 0.000789778947 0 0 0 0 0.00680672936 0.00680637872 0.00680672936 0.00118039607 5.265449e-005 5.25846372e-005 4.99624075e-005 0.00343184336 0.000591334829 0.00059159525 0.000782074872 0.00621223822 0.00117705879 0.00115498656 0.0011458731 0.00175572617 0.000509798701 0.000488358492 0.000509798701 0.000670740497 0.000128691419 0.000128609201 0.000120315679 0.000544471783 0.000102293248 0.000101993013 9.92130299e-005 0.000270721997 2.92016612e-005 2.91585038e-005 2.78176267e-005 0 0 0 0 0.000425050413 0.000114870149 0.000114798604 0.000111771718 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.28150304e-005 0.00123714551 5.28150304e-005 5.0210685e-005 0.000592402648 0.00350044132 0.000592402648 0.000782074872 0.00116314366 0.00677118823 0.00116314366 0.00115455769 0.000488327001 0.00183280825 0.000488327001 0.000509798701 0.000128816755 0.000669283094 0.000128816755 0.000120288423 0.000102088612 0.000541866524 0.000102088612 9.93564026e-005 2.91781944e-005 0.000269054552 2.91781944e-005 2.77702766e-005 0 0 0 0 0.000114918483 0.000422593701 0.000114918483 0.000111920985 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00828136317 5.25846372e-005 5.265449e-005 0.00118039607 4.99624075e-005 0.00059159525 0.000591334829 0.00343184336 0.000782074872 0.00115498656 0.00117705879 0.00621223822 0.0011458731 0.000488358492 0.000509798701 0.00175572617 0.000509798701 0.000128609201 0.000128691419 0.000670740497 0.000120315679 0.000101993013 0.000102293248 0.000544471783 9.92130299e-005 2.91585038e-005 2.92016612e-005 0.000270721997 2.78176267e-005 0 0 0 0 0.000114798604 0.000114870149 0.000425050413 0.000111771718 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00828183256 0.00828136317 5.05692624e-005 5.07428194e-005 5.05692624e-005 0.00151462131 0.000544615847 0.000544326904 0.000544615847 0.004536808 0.00116464822 0.00118421309 0.00116464822 0.00766624743 0.000489257858 0.000509798701 0.000489257858 0.00183280825 0.000122745027 0.000122406025 0.000122745027 0.000663155923 9.92886853e-005 9.98271789e-005 9.92886853e-005 0.000537648157 2.84105881e-005 2.84971447e-005 2.84105881e-005 0.000264827337 0 0 0 0 0.000111789544 0.00011197674 0.000111789544 0.00041606999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00829457212 0.00829411764 0.00829457212 set_board 3s 5s 5d Js
, 07:57 PM
Of course, ranges are absolutely right...
Do you know how big is GTO preflop OOP 3bet for 25bb? (5-8%)
And do you know how many hands would OOP GTO check OTF after his preflop 3bet on the 77Q type of board? (almost nothing)
And do you know how many hands would IP GTO check OTF after 3bet preflop and check OTF on the 77Q type of board? (almost everything)
This is the answer to your issue.
Do you know how big is GTO preflop OOP 3bet for 25bb? (5-8%)
And do you know how many hands would OOP GTO check OTF after his preflop 3bet on the 77Q type of board? (almost nothing)
And do you know how many hands would IP GTO check OTF after 3bet preflop and check OTF on the 77Q type of board? (almost everything)
This is the answer to your issue.
, 11:42 AM
Since the last update was added 7 major features:
We make changes (from 06/23/2018) in daily calculations with some licenses:
If you have NO license and you want to try new features I'm able to activate you mini-trial for 2 days (info@instagto.com).
If you have never tried InstaGTO, you can download it here:
and register your account with 5 days TRIAL license.
Gif 1: New testing interface

Gif 2: New statistics interface

Gif 3: Cards GTO table and action filter

UPDATE LOG: -> (06.22.18) BIG UPDATE 2 fix
• Solver doesn't work FIXED -> (06.22.18) BIG UPDATE 2
• Logout with autologin FIXED
• Test made hand generator is based on range % now EDITED
• Actions in some opponent's spots have all in color FIXED
• New testing interface EDITED
• Replayer action filter ADDED
• Percentages tooltip (for some unreadable actions) ADDED
• Statistics analyze combinations tab ADDED
• Bad colors in doughut graphs FIXED
• There are the same action labels in all depicted doughnuts EDITED
• Filter name filter ADDED
• Stats are split to InstaGTO stats and user's stats ADDED
• Around 500 new stats (for each possible situation, non for SBvBB so far) ADDED -> (06.02.18) FIX
• Button colors in tester FIXED
• Convert to quick solver hand with fold falls on change action FIXED
• Calculation stuck on hand (1:5000) FIXED
• Straight doesn't count with low Ace FIXED -> (05.30.18) BIG UPDATE 1
• Calculations are standing longer than usual bug report ADDED
• Action colors are inverted and added all-in color ADDED
• Guthots are now without all made hands EDITED
• Statistics depict only opponent hand FIXED, hand filter by hero and opponent ADDED
• If is stack 0 in replyayer it disappears FIXED
• Testing boards are often same FIXED
• Card table depicting option in replayers ADDED
• Statistics hands ADDED
• Loading hands of database can be limited browsable hands (improving performance) EDIT
• Loading of database is far quicker EDITED
• New Statistics style EDITED
• Count of combinations in replayer FIXED
• Statistics players crashes on infinity FIXED -> (05.21.18) FIX v1.2.5.5
• Refresh data of database on startup FIXED
• Check the combinations or range in replayer reset the focus FIXED
• If you start the calculations without set pio path it end up in infinity cycle of exceptions FIXED
• Grouping hands replays the hands in non-sorted order FIXED
• Winamax two all-ins in two evaluate as two raises FIXED
• Better hand pasring (iPoker, PartyPoker, Amaya) -> (05.12.18) FIX v1.2.5.0
• Action buttons in tester added ratio and percentage ADDED
• Import of database isn't dependent on hero EDITED
• Errors in input buttons (percentages, big blind and ratio) in solver and tester FIXED
• Deactivate and auto login FIXED
• Editing test BTN vs BB crashes FIXED -> (05.08.18) FIX v1.2.4.8
• PokerStars importing problems FIXED
• Errors during calculations REMOVED (it will be replaced by calculations result window in next version) -> (05.08.18) FIX v1.2.4.6
• In replayer doesn't work Ev button (tab) FIXED
• When you clear all combinations in replayer (ctrl+s) and click on the another action it doesn't display gto grid and there is checked all combinations FIXED
- Absolutely new testing interface
- Absolutely new statistics interface
- Action filters in GTO tables
- New combination leaks tab and better statistics readability overall
- Over 500 new stats for each situation
- Far quicker loading of the database
- The new mode of card GTO table
- And over 35 other add-ons, edits and fixes what make the software better.
We make changes (from 06/23/2018) in daily calculations with some licenses:
- PRO +500 (2500 -> 3000, from 06/23/2018)
- LITE +250 (500 -> 750, from 06/23/2018)
- NO -2 (3 -> 1, from 06/23/2018)
- TRIAL (20 daily calculations for 5 days) and EDGE (unlimited) no changes
If you have NO license and you want to try new features I'm able to activate you mini-trial for 2 days (info@instagto.com).
If you have never tried InstaGTO, you can download it here:
and register your account with 5 days TRIAL license.
Gif 1: New testing interface

Gif 2: New statistics interface

Gif 3: Cards GTO table and action filter

UPDATE LOG: -> (06.22.18) BIG UPDATE 2 fix
• Solver doesn't work FIXED -> (06.22.18) BIG UPDATE 2
• Logout with autologin FIXED
• Test made hand generator is based on range % now EDITED
• Actions in some opponent's spots have all in color FIXED
• New testing interface EDITED
• Replayer action filter ADDED
• Percentages tooltip (for some unreadable actions) ADDED
• Statistics analyze combinations tab ADDED
• Bad colors in doughut graphs FIXED
• There are the same action labels in all depicted doughnuts EDITED
• Filter name filter ADDED
• Stats are split to InstaGTO stats and user's stats ADDED
• Around 500 new stats (for each possible situation, non for SBvBB so far) ADDED -> (06.02.18) FIX
• Button colors in tester FIXED
• Convert to quick solver hand with fold falls on change action FIXED
• Calculation stuck on hand (1:5000) FIXED
• Straight doesn't count with low Ace FIXED -> (05.30.18) BIG UPDATE 1
• Calculations are standing longer than usual bug report ADDED
• Action colors are inverted and added all-in color ADDED
• Guthots are now without all made hands EDITED
• Statistics depict only opponent hand FIXED, hand filter by hero and opponent ADDED
• If is stack 0 in replyayer it disappears FIXED
• Testing boards are often same FIXED
• Card table depicting option in replayers ADDED
• Statistics hands ADDED
• Loading hands of database can be limited browsable hands (improving performance) EDIT
• Loading of database is far quicker EDITED
• New Statistics style EDITED
• Count of combinations in replayer FIXED
• Statistics players crashes on infinity FIXED -> (05.21.18) FIX v1.2.5.5
• Refresh data of database on startup FIXED
• Check the combinations or range in replayer reset the focus FIXED
• If you start the calculations without set pio path it end up in infinity cycle of exceptions FIXED
• Grouping hands replays the hands in non-sorted order FIXED
• Winamax two all-ins in two evaluate as two raises FIXED
• Better hand pasring (iPoker, PartyPoker, Amaya) -> (05.12.18) FIX v1.2.5.0
• Action buttons in tester added ratio and percentage ADDED
• Import of database isn't dependent on hero EDITED
• Errors in input buttons (percentages, big blind and ratio) in solver and tester FIXED
• Deactivate and auto login FIXED
• Editing test BTN vs BB crashes FIXED -> (05.08.18) FIX v1.2.4.8
• PokerStars importing problems FIXED
• Errors during calculations REMOVED (it will be replaced by calculations result window in next version) -> (05.08.18) FIX v1.2.4.6
• In replayer doesn't work Ev button (tab) FIXED
• When you clear all combinations in replayer (ctrl+s) and click on the another action it doesn't display gto grid and there is checked all combinations FIXED
Last edited by DOWS; 06-22-2018 at 12:03 PM.
, 05:03 AM
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 800
I see its listed for HU sng play as well but wondering if you mean Hyper HUsng will this work for deeper stack HUsng play as well or is it just for short stack Hypers?
, 10:32 AM
Sirbustalotz: It is scheduled.
edit: We A have huge list of ideas what we want to implement into InstaGTO, but it takes some time.
edit: We A have huge list of ideas what we want to implement into InstaGTO, but it takes some time.
, 10:48 PM
InstaGTO is happy to announce the new release of InstaGTO
There are 3 big updates:
- GTO table finally works
- Test history
- 500 stats (SB vs BB) (the stats without !)
Feel free to write me on the skype or info@instagto.com some of your ideas for new features, what you like, what you would make differently etc...
Update logs
( ->
Colors don't show in some players statistics FIXED
Table GTO cards in replayers don't show the values FIXED
Duplicate test Ctrl+D ADDED
Test history ADDED
Predefined InstaGTO stats works only for hands till 22.6 FIXED
Test EV column depicts the wrong color FIXED
Better bad test create filter EDITED
Better hand parsers (PartyPoker preflop, PokerStars EMP's, Energy format and home games doesn't throw errors) EDITED
Refresh cut in loading stats FIXED
Solver bet colors reversed FIXED
Little graphical update (under cards grid and little-edited replayers)
500 stats (SB vs BB) ADDED
There are 3 big updates:
- GTO table finally works
- Test history
- 500 stats (SB vs BB) (the stats without !)
Feel free to write me on the skype or info@instagto.com some of your ideas for new features, what you like, what you would make differently etc...
Update logs
( ->
Colors don't show in some players statistics FIXED
Table GTO cards in replayers don't show the values FIXED
Duplicate test Ctrl+D ADDED
Test history ADDED
Predefined InstaGTO stats works only for hands till 22.6 FIXED
Test EV column depicts the wrong color FIXED
Better bad test create filter EDITED
Better hand parsers (PartyPoker preflop, PokerStars EMP's, Energy format and home games doesn't throw errors) EDITED
Refresh cut in loading stats FIXED
Solver bet colors reversed FIXED
Little graphical update (under cards grid and little-edited replayers)
500 stats (SB vs BB) ADDED
, 10:07 AM
InstaGTO is happy to announce the new release of InstaGTO
Major features in this update
- New Insta stats (separated HU and BTN vs BB, $BtnVsBB, !SbVsBb, HU) (there are stats for absolutely all possible situations now)
- Purge hands of InstaGTO database
- Open solver directly from replayer (O) and transfered hands to quick solver don't throw errors during changing action anymore
- Quick loading of database buttons added in the GTO replayer tab (Ctrl+D last day, CTRL+W last week and CTRL+M last month)
Some features of next update:
- Improvement graph
- Divisible GTO ranges
- Fixing little cuts and better performance
Update logs
( ->
Transfer hands to quick solver throws errors in solver FIXED
Create test doesn't allow multiple board patterns FIXED
Open solver directly from replayer (O) ADDED
Filter filter is missing in hand history FIXED
New Insta stats (separated HU and BTN vs BB, $BtnVsBB, !SbVsBb, HU) EDITED
Purge hands ADDED
Build test pattern instantly from statistics ADDED
Numbers of FD, ED and GD stays after test reseting FIXED
Filters and stats arent't immediately added to selection FIXED
Tests are individually stored in base folder (better performance and loadings) EDITED
Quick loading of database buttons added in the GTO replayer tab (Ctrl+D last day, CTRL+W last week and CTRL+M last month) ADDED
Random stuck in calculations FIXED2
Major features in this update
- New Insta stats (separated HU and BTN vs BB, $BtnVsBB, !SbVsBb, HU) (there are stats for absolutely all possible situations now)
- Purge hands of InstaGTO database
- Open solver directly from replayer (O) and transfered hands to quick solver don't throw errors during changing action anymore
- Quick loading of database buttons added in the GTO replayer tab (Ctrl+D last day, CTRL+W last week and CTRL+M last month)
Some features of next update:
- Improvement graph
- Divisible GTO ranges
- Fixing little cuts and better performance
Update logs
( ->
Transfer hands to quick solver throws errors in solver FIXED
Create test doesn't allow multiple board patterns FIXED
Open solver directly from replayer (O) ADDED
Filter filter is missing in hand history FIXED
New Insta stats (separated HU and BTN vs BB, $BtnVsBB, !SbVsBb, HU) EDITED
Purge hands ADDED
Build test pattern instantly from statistics ADDED
Numbers of FD, ED and GD stays after test reseting FIXED
Filters and stats arent't immediately added to selection FIXED
Tests are individually stored in base folder (better performance and loadings) EDITED
Quick loading of database buttons added in the GTO replayer tab (Ctrl+D last day, CTRL+W last week and CTRL+M last month) ADDED
Random stuck in calculations FIXED2
, 04:20 PM -> (03/08/18) BIG OPTIMIZATION UPDATE
- The program is FULLY OPTIMIZED (instant switching in replayers, without cuts during loading graphs in statistics, tests or test replayers etc.)
- Better hand parsers (PartyPoker) EDITED
- Optimized RAM management (software hardly ever goes over 3GB RAM, calculations, loading of database etc.) EDITED
- Quicker calculations without server socketexception error FIXED
- Quicker loading of database EDITED
- InstaGTO doesn’t stick on hand during calculation anymore (test 4x2000 hands in a row) FIXED
- Better hand parsers (PartyPoker, it should be 100% now) EDITED
- The overall graph in testing showing averages (better readability) EDITED
- Better hand parsers (PartyPoker) EDITED
- Stats are in bad default folder FIXED
, 05:35 PM
Update logs
( ->
There is a lot of major improvements and new features in this update. Improvement graphs, Holdem Manager database support, a lot of optimization updates (10x faster graphs, 4x faster combinations sidebar), completely reworked graphs and many other developments.
You can join our new discord channel, where you can discuss ideas, issues etc. (You can immediately write there how to make solver more intuitive :-))
I am able to activate for you testing PRO license for 2 days (because there are a lot of changes every month). Just write us: info@instagto.com
Don't worry to let us know your ideas, thoughts, what do you or don't like, etc.
Update logs
( ->
- Big graphs optimization (10x faster loadings and little edited) EDITED
- FD, ED and GD improvement graph ADDED
- Optimal chart (graph) and tester overall graph show GTO lines EDITED
- Holdem Manager database support ADDED
- Test is duplicating the last hand and thereby little distorts results FIXED
- Replayer, tester and solver little amendments in bars (stretch over screen etc..) EDITED
- Edit filter could throw an error FIXED
- Inputting tests and filters b(bb1-bb1) == bb(bb1) and b(t40-40) == b(t40) EDITED
- Bigger cards picking in solver EDITED
- Tester study situations ADDED
- Transfer hand to the quick solver of hand histories throws errors with river hands FIXED
- Options of quick loading in the main screen EDITED
- Winamax turbo heads up doesn't work FIXED
- Sidebar with combinations optimization (4x quicker loading)
- Sidebar with combinations calculate with impossible (texture) cards FIXED
- Sidebar shows overall combinations EDITED
- Instant duplicates detection during hand importing EDITED
- Transfer to solver works for multiple hands now EDITED
There is a lot of major improvements and new features in this update. Improvement graphs, Holdem Manager database support, a lot of optimization updates (10x faster graphs, 4x faster combinations sidebar), completely reworked graphs and many other developments.
You can join our new discord channel, where you can discuss ideas, issues etc. (You can immediately write there how to make solver more intuitive :-))
I am able to activate for you testing PRO license for 2 days (because there are a lot of changes every month). Just write us: info@instagto.com
Don't worry to let us know your ideas, thoughts, what do you or don't like, etc.
Last edited by DOWS; 08-21-2018 at 05:52 PM.
, 06:31 AM
all your ideas for new features write down to our new Discord channel please:
JOIN OUR NEW DISCORD CHANNEL https://discord.gg/s7nGDaq
A lot of players still write them to my skype and I have a mess in the ideas after that (realizing who write it and scroll in the chat) and a lot of ideas stay uncaught.
Same with bugs. But fortunately, there are after the update still no bugs reported.
all your ideas for new features write down to our new Discord channel please:
JOIN OUR NEW DISCORD CHANNEL https://discord.gg/s7nGDaq
A lot of players still write them to my skype and I have a mess in the ideas after that (realizing who write it and scroll in the chat) and a lot of ideas stay uncaught.
Same with bugs. But fortunately, there are after the update still no bugs reported.
, 12:39 PM
In next mega update ( will be included:
- Situation vs. BOT trainer
- Settings wizard
- Dividable ranges
- Replayer combinations graph vs opponent
- Replayer EV graph
- Fully working console
- Date sorting in hand grids
- Backdoor flushes tracking
- Date filter in the main filter
- Winamax short stack cash games support
- Statistic graphs quick filter
- Tester graphs quick filter
- Indicators of right software setting
- Test pattern suits with generated hands
- Don't fill whole box option on action checking/unchecking option in the replayer (option Stretch card boxes)
- Action patterns b(bb5-8) and b(t420-550) can read numbers with decimal places
- Little graphical edits
- Calculations stuck on hand which had under 100 chips all in on the turn
- To solver from test doesn't work properly
- PostgresSQL database of poker tracker doesn't show right connection color in Database -> Settings
The update release is scheduled for next week. If you have some other ideas or bug reports is the right time to write them on our Discord now.
- Situation vs. BOT trainer
- Settings wizard
- Dividable ranges
- Replayer combinations graph vs opponent
- Replayer EV graph
- Fully working console
- Date sorting in hand grids
- Backdoor flushes tracking
- Date filter in the main filter
- Winamax short stack cash games support
- Statistic graphs quick filter
- Tester graphs quick filter
- Indicators of right software setting
- Test pattern suits with generated hands
- Don't fill whole box option on action checking/unchecking option in the replayer (option Stretch card boxes)
- Action patterns b(bb5-8) and b(t420-550) can read numbers with decimal places
- Little graphical edits
- Calculations stuck on hand which had under 100 chips all in on the turn
- To solver from test doesn't work properly
- PostgresSQL database of poker tracker doesn't show right connection color in Database -> Settings
The update release is scheduled for next week. If you have some other ideas or bug reports is the right time to write them on our Discord now.
, 05:53 PM
The biggest update so far is here, enjoy!
The tutorial will be actualized very soon.
I can activate 2 days PRO license for you (if you have NO license). There are a lot of changes in InstaGTO each month.
email: info@instagto@com
subject: Activate 2 days PRO
Join our discord channel now!
The tutorial will be actualized very soon.
- Situation vs. BOT trainer
- Settings wizard
- Dividable ranges
- Replayer combinations graph vs opponent
- Fully working console
- Date sorting in hand grids
- Backdoor flushes tracking
- Date filter in the main filter
- Winamax short stack cash games support
- Statistic graphs quick filter
- Tester graphs quick filter
- Indicators of right software setting
- The strategy is fully browsable after test finishing in tests
- Test pattern suits with generated hands
- Don't fill whole box option on action checking/unchecking option in the replayer (option Stretch card boxes)
- Percentages grid reacts on the stretch checking/unchecking
- Action patterns b(bb5-8) and b(t420-550) can read numbers with decimal places
- Little graphical edits
- Calculations stuck on hand which had under 100 chips all in on the turn
- To solver from test doesn't work properly
- PostgresSQL database of poker tracker doesn't show right connection color in Database -> Settings
- After clicking on the action, it jumps back to the Overall tab in test
- Occasionally crashes on login
- Combinations bar shows two pairs on the river in three of kind on the board
I can activate 2 days PRO license for you (if you have NO license). There are a lot of changes in InstaGTO each month.
email: info@instagto@com
subject: Activate 2 days PRO
Join our discord channel now!
, 02:16 PM
Bugs reported in
- Random crashing in replaying hands (in actions without strategy).
- Vs BOT crashes in some situations
- Double click in Vs BOT opens situation test
- Wizard cannot detect bad InstaGTO database connection
All bugs will be fixed in 10 hours. If you detect other bugs write it into a bug report. If you have some ideas how to develop my software write it into ideas on discord.
Thank you!
All licenses will be extended +2 days.
- Random crashing in replaying hands (in actions without strategy).
- Vs BOT crashes in some situations
- Double click in Vs BOT opens situation test
- Wizard cannot detect bad InstaGTO database connection
All bugs will be fixed in 10 hours. If you detect other bugs write it into a bug report. If you have some ideas how to develop my software write it into ideas on discord.
Thank you!
All licenses will be extended +2 days.
, 03:28 PM
All reported bugs from mega update are fixed.
I can activate 2 days PRO license for you (if you have NO license). There are a lot of changes in InstaGTO each month.
email: info@instagto@com
subject: Activate 2 days PRO
Join our discord channel now!
Sorry for all complications.
- Settings Wizard
- Random crashing in replaying hands (in actions without strategy) FIXED
- Vs BOT crashes in some situations FIXED
- Double click in Vs BOT opens situation test FIXED
- Wizard cannot detect bad InstaGTO database connection FIXED
- An empty initialized database shows the red cross in the right corner FIXED
- Solver crashes on button click in situations when chips result is with decimal places and your country number formatting is 0,00, not 0.00 FIXED
I can activate 2 days PRO license for you (if you have NO license). There are a lot of changes in InstaGTO each month.
email: info@instagto@com
subject: Activate 2 days PRO
Join our discord channel now!
Sorry for all complications.
, 03:36 PM -> (10/3/18)
Capitals and labels
Action panel transform to replayer panel when finishes hand in vs BOT
Board pattern are checked before creating
Winamax better hand parsing in SS CG
Reset test crashing
Settings wizard throws red label when you fill hero and Pio settings as first
I please you write all your ideas, bug reports, and questions to InstaGTO Discord channel.
I am solving everything in private messages, that means I must always realize who and on what platform wrote and after that scroll the chat and find the particular row with the question. Due to private messages, a lot of questions and bug reports stays not resolved.
Capitals and labels
Action panel transform to replayer panel when finishes hand in vs BOT
Board pattern are checked before creating
Winamax better hand parsing in SS CG
Reset test crashing
Settings wizard throws red label when you fill hero and Pio settings as first
I please you write all your ideas, bug reports, and questions to InstaGTO Discord channel.
I am solving everything in private messages, that means I must always realize who and on what platform wrote and after that scroll the chat and find the particular row with the question. Due to private messages, a lot of questions and bug reports stays not resolved.
, 02:14 PM
500th update released
I have received a lot of messages recently, that InstaGTO has perfect testing, but database loading is a little weird. It didn't browse the real last hands but some randoms. Those bugs are fixed in the current update. YOU CAN LOAD YOUR HANDS BY ONE CLICK in version.
There is an updated tutorial to version.
I please you write all your ideas, bug reports, and questions to InstaGTO Discord channel.
I am solving everything in private messages, that means I must always realize who and on what platform wrote and after that scroll the chat and find the particular row with the question. Due to private messages, a lot of questions and bug reports stays not resolved.
I have received a lot of messages recently, that InstaGTO has perfect testing, but database loading is a little weird. It didn't browse the real last hands but some randoms. Those bugs are fixed in the current update. YOU CAN LOAD YOUR HANDS BY ONE CLICK in version.
There is an updated tutorial to version.
I please you write all your ideas, bug reports, and questions to InstaGTO Discord channel.
I am solving everything in private messages, that means I must always realize who and on what platform wrote and after that scroll the chat and find the particular row with the question. Due to private messages, a lot of questions and bug reports stays not resolved.
, 08:11 PM
Enjoy the new version of InstaGTO with "much much faster and far accurate calculations".
I please you write all your ideas, bug reports, and questions to InstaGTO
Discord channel.
I am solving everything in private messages, that means I must always realize who and on what platform wrote and after that scroll the chat and find the particular row with the question. Due to private messages, a lot of questions and bug reports stays not resolved.
- CALCULATION SPEED IS FASTER UP TO 900% (with more realistic trees)
- Cards picker added in the quick solver
- Action difference added in vs BOT
- The test is loading hands even if is exited and consumes daily calculations
- Infinite load in vs BOT on the turn or river
- When you import a very old test, it doesn't depict any test on load
- The test crashes when cannot generate hole cards and you click on the action button
I please you write all your ideas, bug reports, and questions to InstaGTO
Discord channel.
I am solving everything in private messages, that means I must always realize who and on what platform wrote and after that scroll the chat and find the particular row with the question. Due to private messages, a lot of questions and bug reports stays not resolved.
Last edited by DOWS; 10-18-2018 at 08:17 PM.
, 08:34 PM
InstaGTO is happy to announce the new release of InstaGTO
When you start the new version of InstaGTO, it asks you for the database migration. Click yes, go for a coffee. When migration ends, you will have the software what uses maximally 1GB of RAM with instant hand history loading and many new features.
I please you write all your ideas, bug reports, and questions to InstaGTO Discord channel.
I am solving everything in private messages, that means I must always realize who and on what platform wrote and after that scroll the chat and find the particular row with the question. Due to private messages, a lot of questions and ideas stays not resolved.
Update logs
( ->
Thank you for choosing our software.
When you start the new version of InstaGTO, it asks you for the database migration. Click yes, go for a coffee. When migration ends, you will have the software what uses maximally 1GB of RAM with instant hand history loading and many new features.
I please you write all your ideas, bug reports, and questions to InstaGTO Discord channel.
I am solving everything in private messages, that means I must always realize who and on what platform wrote and after that scroll the chat and find the particular row with the question. Due to private messages, a lot of questions and ideas stays not resolved.
Update logs
( ->
- Hand History loading speed (20 000 hands/second) - REQUIRES MIGRATION
- Importing tagged hands of PT4
- Hand InstaGTO notes (CTRL+N)
- EDITED TRIAL VERSION (the same like LITE version with fewer calculations)
- Added Yesterday to quick filters
- Edited inputting stack, effective big blind in the GTO Quick Solver
- Manual hands loading into GTO Analyzing Tools
- Tree Size / Accuracy gives all options with high accuracy on recommended
- Improved hand parsing (Winamax)
- Is possible generating villain cards same as the hero cards in Vs BOT play
- The test creation doesn't allow more complex patterns creating
- Overlaying table hand grid and result grid in the testing interfaces
- When is checked importing of the database what hasn't initialized it throws 0 hands
Thank you for choosing our software.
, 12:22 PM
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 25
Are there any minimum PC requirements?Or what are the recommended?
Thinking of switching my PC for a Macbook with 8gb of ram and 4core proc with 256GB SSD.
Thinking of switching my PC for a Macbook with 8gb of ram and 4core proc with 256GB SSD.
, 07:01 PM
The CPU is crucial for InstaGTO, other components are almost needless
, 07:02 PM
- opened for testing
I please you write all your ideas, bug reports, and questions to InstaGTO Discord channel.
I am solving everything in private messages, that means I must always realize who and on what platform wrote and after that scroll the chat and find the particular row with the question. Due to private messages, a lot of questions and bug reports stays not resolved.
- opened for testing
- opened for testing
- Completely redesigned GTO Analyzing Tools
- Statistics are loaded immediately with refreshing hands (50 000 hands with statistics/second)
- Smarter for hard drive memory about thousand of percentages
- Calculations are 15% quicker
- Completely redesigned GTO Tests
- No loading time for test saving, loading statistics, displaying test statistics, etc. Everything displays in milliseconds
- Site icon at each hand
- Test filter text box
- Effective Big Blind range in GTO Tests interface, on change instantly changes all tests and test statistics
- Date Range in GTO Tests interface, on change instantly changes all tests and test statistics
- New Optimal Strategy graph
- New Decision Stack graph
- New Combinations graphs
- Combinations tab in GTO Test
- Testing is going fluently even after 500 situations played at one board
- Green checkbox in Situation Tester (save to database)
- Progress bar in Situation Tester (red and green values, green = save to database)
- Progress bar in Situation Tester (grey tracks your actions on board)
- Stats quick filters by format, preflop action, and street
- Show only possible stats
- The same statistics depicting options for hero and opponents
- Effective Big Blind range in GTO Analyzing Tools interface, on change directly changes all stats and graphs
- Date Range in GTO Analyzing Tools, on change instantly changes all stats and graphs
- Tree Size and Accuracy removed from the main screen (not recommended to change tree size)
- Buttons in test edited
- All-In buttons instead of b500 f.e
- Actions bar displays AI like all in
- Actions bar labels
- Removed test big blind range in creating (replaced by Effective Big Blind range in GTO Tests interface)
- Tests history removed
- Restricted to allow import of database when the database isn't initialized
- Importable databases are checked automatically with Wizard settings
- Stats creating removed (obsolete)
- Removed confusing GTO row in Situation and Vs BOT Trainer
- EV vs Opponent graph removed, useless
- Colorless ED and delta ED, impossible to get always the right color
- Frequency Decision graph removed, replaced by stacks
- Players in GTO Analyzing Tools removed, replaced by new and better statistics depiction system
- Vs InstaGTO graphs removed, useless
- Delta FD and ED removed from main hands grid
- Vs BOT is playing weird actions FIXED
- TrackHands() ... ERROR FIXED
- Negative pot in Vs BOT summary FIXED
- The initial sound at application startup removed (a lot of complaints)
I please you write all your ideas, bug reports, and questions to InstaGTO Discord channel.
I am solving everything in private messages, that means I must always realize who and on what platform wrote and after that scroll the chat and find the particular row with the question. Due to private messages, a lot of questions and bug reports stays not resolved.
- opened for testing
Last edited by DOWS; 11-28-2018 at 07:08 PM.
, 05:47 PM
"The biggest update of 2018 is here!"
Write all your ideas, bug reports, and questions to InstaGTO Discord channel, please.
Your feedback is extremely important for us.
I can activate 2 days PRO testing license. There are a lot of changes in InstaGTO each month.
email: info@instagto@com
subject: Activate 2 days PRO
- GTO Analyzing Tools statistics are loaded immediately with refreshing hands (50 000 hands with statistics/second)
- Databases are 300% smarter for hard drive memory (1000 hands 1GB before, 330MB now)
- Calculations are 15% quicker
- No loading time for test saving, loading statistics, displaying test statistics, etc. Everything displays in milliseconds
- Action switching is 200% faster in replayers
- Testing is going fluently even after 500 situations played at one board
- Board patterns graphical interface
- New Optimal Strategy graph
- New Decision Stack graph
- New Combinations graphs
- Combinations tab in GTO Test
- The same statistics depicting options for hero and opponents
- Stressed combinations under the mouse in the sidebar in replayers
- Effective Big Blind and Date range in GTO Tests interface, on change instantly changes all tests and test statistics
- Effective Big Blind and Date range in GTO Analyzing Tools interface, on change instantly changes all stats and graphs
- Site icon at each hand
- Test filter text box
- Green checkbox in Situation and vs BOT Tester (save to database)
- Progress bar in Situation Tester (red and green values, green = save to database)
- Progress bar in Situation Tester (grey tracks your actions on board)
- Stats quick filters by format, preflop action, and street
- Show only possible stats
- Clean database option in database settings (clears the hands for the replaying older than 6 months)
- Filters filter in Database Loading
- Bottom pair added
- Tree Size and Accuracy removed from the main screen (not recommended to change tree size)
- Buttons in test edited
- All-In buttons instead of b500 f.e
- Actions bar displays AI like all in
- Action bar labels
- Removed test big blind range in creating (replaced by Effective Big Blind range in GTO Tests interface)
- Tests history removed
- Restricted to allow import of database when the database isn't initialized
- Importable databases are checked automatically with Wizard settings
- Stats creating removed (useless, obsolete)
- Removed confusing GTO row in Situation and Vs BOT Trainer
- EV vs Opponent graph removed, useless
- Colorless ED and delta ED, impossible to get always the right color
- Frequency Decision graph removed, replaced by stacks
- Players in GTO Analyzing Tools removed, replaced by new and better statistics depiction system
- Vs InstaGTO graphs removed, useless
- Delta FD and ED removed from main hands grid
- The filter in position and out of position filter
- Purge hands removed (needless when there are all hands loaded in the second you can use the Erase in GTO Hand History)
- Little interface edits
- Divider holds the divide multiplier for all actions in replayers
- Action checkboxes and check/uncheck reactions in replayers
- Vs BOT is playing weird actions FIXED
- TrackHands() ... ERROR FIXED
- Negative pot in Vs BOT summary FIXED
- The initial sound at application startup removed (a lot of complaints)
- Focus in replayers FIXED
- A full house doesn't display properly (board 5s5d5cKhKc shows full house with almost every combination) FIXED
- Two pairs don't display properly (board 5s5d7cKhKc shows two pairs with almost every combination) FIXED
- Four of kind doesn't display properly (board 5s5d5c5hKc shows four of kind with almost every combination) FIXED
- Isn't possible to control scrollbar in table hand grid interface, when is test finished FIXED
Write all your ideas, bug reports, and questions to InstaGTO Discord channel, please.
Your feedback is extremely important for us.
I can activate 2 days PRO testing license. There are a lot of changes in InstaGTO each month.
email: info@instagto@com
subject: Activate 2 days PRO
, 08:29 PM -> (17/9/18) MINI UPDATE
Import All/Export All option in GTO Tests ADDED
Hand parsers for iPoker EU ADDED
Combinations in the relative mode are showing real percentages of each combination (far more usable than before) EDITED
GTO Test buttons are aggregate on the top EDITED
Get hand info didn't get texture and stack FIXED
Editing tests or filters creates new FIXED
Import All/Export All option in GTO Tests ADDED
Hand parsers for iPoker EU ADDED
Combinations in the relative mode are showing real percentages of each combination (far more usable than before) EDITED
GTO Test buttons are aggregate on the top EDITED
Get hand info didn't get texture and stack FIXED
Editing tests or filters creates new FIXED
, 08:31 PM
( ->
Test delete button moved under ⯆ button EDITED
Discord redirect bug report and ideas EDITED
Better hand parser (PokerStars .it, WPN .it) FIXED
Grouping and refreshing in the Hand History FIXED
Hand Analyzing tools sometimes didn't show ED in the Stat Details FIXED
Replaying multiple hands from the analyzing tools crashes FIXED
( ->
Test delete button moved under ⯆ button EDITED
Discord redirect bug report and ideas EDITED
Better hand parser (PokerStars .it, WPN .it) FIXED
Grouping and refreshing in the Hand History FIXED
Hand Analyzing tools sometimes didn't show ED in the Stat Details FIXED
Replaying multiple hands from the analyzing tools crashes FIXED
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