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08-10-2021 , 12:37 PM
Using Monte Carlo, if I prune an action, does it changes the card removing / bunching effect?

When running calculations on background, does it take longer?

Thanks a lot!
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08-10-2021 , 01:09 PM
A pruned action will be removed entirely, ie it will no longer be considered for card removal. If you prune all opening ranges of a player then that's treated as folding 100% of the time.

Alternatively, you can e.g. lock an opening range and then prune all of its child ranges. That way you still consider the card removal of the locked range, but don't have to keep the rest of that subtree if it doesn't interest you. We'll add a "lock action and prune children" type option in one of the next updates, to make this workflow more efficient.

Running tasks in the background does not affect performance.
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08-10-2021 , 04:40 PM
Feature suggestion: "Reset" always ticked
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08-10-2021 , 06:52 PM
Have a couple questions.

1. I read you explanation on 'decay' and I was wondering if I should keep it on when I'm running a big tree for 5.000-10.000m iterations or if it's rather something I should keep on if I'm running it for a smaller sample?

2. When I'm running big trees can I split up sampling iterations, so I run x sample, save it, shut it down and come back later and continue sampling when I have time to have it running?
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08-10-2021 , 11:46 PM
Is there a way to have hrc running 100m iters instead of 10?
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08-11-2021 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by BreakingYourNuts
Have a couple questions.

1. I read you explanation on 'decay' and I was wondering if I should keep it on when I'm running a big tree for 5.000-10.000m iterations or if it's rather something I should keep on if I'm running it for a smaller sample?

2. When I'm running big trees can I split up sampling iterations, so I run x sample, save it, shut it down and come back later and continue sampling when I have time to have it running?
Decay: You can leave it off, but it should be fine as long as you don't use the highest two settings. We'll actually replace the decay mechanic with the next update.

Resuming sampling: Yes, just make sure that you do not check the "Reset" box. Running 2 x 1000m is the same as running 2000m in one session, as long as you don't reset in between.
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08-11-2021 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by belthazorrrrr
Is there a way to have hrc running 100m iters instead of 10?
There's currently no option to change the default iterations, you can queue additional sampling while the initial one is still running though.
HoldemResources Calculator [HRC] Quote
08-11-2021 , 09:25 AM
Is there any way to fill multiple input box at the same time at structure manager?

Lets say I have this on my clipboard


And I would like to insert this 3 rows at the same time, is that possible?
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08-11-2021 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by queroaprender
Is there any way to fill multiple input box at the same time at structure manager?

Lets say I have this on my clipboard


And I would like to insert this 3 rows at the same time, is that possible?
Did it by editing the JSON file

I'm working on a structure automation with OCR
HoldemResources Calculator [HRC] Quote
08-12-2021 , 02:19 AM
Nice. Creating the jsons and then loading them via Tools: Structure Manager is definitely your best option if you have some coding skills.
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08-12-2021 , 02:36 PM

1) Take a screenshot of the PokerStars tournament lobby. IMPORTANT: Make sure only the rectangle showing the positions and payouts is visible (like the picture below)

2) Go to

Select the image file of the rectangle, English Language and Text Plain, than click "Convert". Download the txt file to disk

3) Go to

Insert the name of the tournament, total players in the field, the starting chips, select the txt file you downloaded above, than click "Create Structure"

4) If success, download the data.json file and import it into your HRC going Tools > Structure Manager

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08-12-2021 , 02:49 PM
Very cool, nice work! I'll link users to your post if this comes up again.
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08-12-2021 , 05:59 PM
Is there an easy way to export sims from HRC to Pio without having to save or copy them all individually?
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08-15-2021 , 05:02 PM
I'm using the beta and running cash sims.

The "Export Strategies" and "Share Hand" options don't seem to do anything. As far as I can tell the only way to export ranges to use in another tool or chart or whatever is to go node by node and manually export HTML or CSV.

I'd love to be able to export everything at once, is anything like this planned?
HoldemResources Calculator [HRC] Quote
08-16-2021 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by BreakingYourNuts
Is there an easy way to export sims from HRC to Pio without having to save or copy them all individually?
Pio guys actually worked with us on an interface for that about a year ago. Our end is good to go with a few days notice, I think their Pio2 launch delayed things on their end though. We'll unlock the Pio export in our UI as soon as the Pio import part is ready, you'd have to check up with their support on the status of that.

Originally Posted by blackize5
I'm using the beta and running cash sims.

The "Export Strategies" and "Share Hand" options don't seem to do anything. As far as I can tell the only way to export ranges to use in another tool or chart or whatever is to go node by node and manually export HTML or CSV.

I'd love to be able to export everything at once, is anything like this planned?
These options currently don't work in the beta but we definitely plan to support them again, just not quite ready yet. Do you guys have a preferred export format from other solvers?

I'd probably tend towards some json/yaml format. If there's some established open format that I'm not aware of then please send us some examples / reference.
HoldemResources Calculator [HRC] Quote
08-16-2021 , 08:33 PM
Hello, first congratulations for the beta version, it's excellent... I'm facing some problems with the program regarding CPU usage, I just run a hand and the PC accuses 100% of use. I have 128gb of RAM with Ryzen 9 16-Core processor. I have already disabled the amount of cores usable by HRC and even so the problem persists. I've changed the txt (XmX) to 98GB, and the problem continues. In addition, the computer turns off by itself because of this overload. Some errors appeared in the installation folder - ( hs_err_pid8920) - ( hs_err_pid17476) and ( hs_err_pid23076).

I'm sending a print of these errors too. Can someone help me? I believe it may be some configuration that is causing this incompatibility. Thanks in advance.

HoldemResources Calculator [HRC] Quote
08-17-2021 , 03:21 AM
The 100% CPU usage is normal and intended, we are trying to fully utilize your available hardware. This should not cause crashes by itself unless there is some configuration or hardware issue with your system. This should never cause your PC to turn off if your cooling is working correctly.

If you'd really like to use fewer cores then you can try reducing the number of worker threads at Window: Preferences: General Performance. This really shouldn't be necessary though, that's more of a work-around. If you just want to keep your system responsive then try reducing the hrc.exe priority in the task manager (or launching hrc via "start /low hrc.exe"), that's a much better way to achieve this.

The crash logs still show a 4GB limit (-Xmx4GB), you mentioned in your post that you tried to change this. It wasn't applied correctly when those crashes happened, but this wouldn't cause your PC to turn off. JVM crashes often indicate some hardware issue. Memory issues are not that uncommon with Ryzens and can often be fixed by modifying the RAM Bios settings. If your system turns off from overload then there may be an issue with your cooling. (CPU fan not working? CPU sink not fitting correctly? If the crashes happen after some time, maybe insufficiently ventilated case?)

After checking your cooling you can try to perform a stress test on your system:

The mprime95 stress test run shouldn't produce any errors, if it runs fine for ~15-30min this will rule out most issues. Again, make sure to check your fans/cooling before stress testing and monitor the temperature during the test.

Maybe try disabling PBO in bios, that should help if your system isn't sufficiently cooled. If you need additional help then please let me know the CPU type, CPU cooler, RAM type and any manual overclocking you may have done.

Last edited by plexiq; 08-17-2021 at 03:46 AM.
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08-18-2021 , 12:41 PM
Hi, im running a 3h hand, when BTN limp. In this case, action in BB shows fold range, which cant be possible.
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08-18-2021 , 12:48 PM
Just run more iterations, folding will eventually go to zero.
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08-18-2021 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by plexiq
Just run more iterations, folding will eventually go to zero.
Fold is an illegal action, always should be zero, is independent of iteractions.
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08-18-2021 , 02:54 PM
Fold is not an illegal action?! It's almost never the best option here, but it's legal.

Anyway, we only calculate that line because bbs EVs are compared to folding for display. We could just lock it to 0%, I'm not sure if it's actually better though. As soon as bb finds strategies that make checking better, it will play check.
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08-19-2021 , 07:36 AM
Hey, I'm having troubles running sims with the monte carlo engine in HRC Beta for 8max, when I run for 6max everything is ok but for 8max i get this error:

Anyone having the same issue?

These are my configs:
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08-19-2021 , 07:49 AM
This error means that the program is running out of RAM. The tree size estimation shows about 18GB RAM required for the calculation you configured, but your HRC has a default limit of 4GB.

Note that the max active player 8 setting you used on the first page isn't necessary, unless you really want to calculate lines with 8 players actively entering the pot. This will needlessly blow up the tree size for lines that are essentially never played. Try decreasing the max player limit to 4 or 5 first.

If you want to go ahead and increase the HRC memory limit beyond the standard 4GB:
Originally Posted by plexiq
*) Open the file hrc.ini from the installation directory in a text editor.
*) Look for the line starting with -Xmx, the default should be -Xmx4G.
*) Change that to a higher value, but make sure to keep enough memory reserved for other programs and the operating system. eg with 16GB physical ram you could use -Xmx10G or -Xmx12G max.
*) Save the hrc.ini file and restart HRC.
HoldemResources Calculator [HRC] Quote
08-20-2021 , 01:46 PM
I'm sorry if these have been requested before, which I'm sure they have been.

1) the ability to edit the tree before it is built in order to fully utilize system RAM
2) the ability to force round to the nearest x%, for example round to the closest 5% so everything ends in 0 or 5
3) the ability to specify cold 4bets and 5bets in the bet sizing setup so we don't have to generate and then prune unwanted nodes
4) the ability to specify bet sizes by position, so for eg UTG opens 2bb, BU open 2.5 and SB open 3 without needing to generate every node for each position
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