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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

12-24-2007 , 06:27 AM
Hey Ron,

great tool, thank you.

One thing I found pretty annoying is that my poker table window (iPoker) keeps on losing focus when I hover over the player stats. So when I try to check someones stats before my action, the window loses focus and I have to click the top bar of the window before I can make my move, carefully avoiding hovering over the HUD on my way back to the action buttons as that will make the window lose focus again get my point?

Then I also didn't quite understand the following, when I hover over my PFR stats:

Total 13% (45)
EP 33% (3)
MP 0% (8)
CO 38% (8)
BTN 11% (9)

The % figures are pretty clear to me (38% of my raises were from the CO), but the number behind that? Why is 8/45 = 0% in MP while it's 38% in CO?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 07:10 AM
No stats appear when I load up a table to observe and so I cannot adjust their position.

Does HUD only display stats if we are seated and active? If so this is a weakness that PAHUD does not share. It can be useful to watch tables with HUD stats revealed. It also allows us to adjust with the setup getting it to our preferred state without having to be active at a table and so distracted.

I was hoping that it would be possible to "switch" stat layouts according to the information that I currently required. Is that what your original screenshot from a year ago intended to do?

HM has a welath of information and I find the active player details a fantastic tool. However, it can be cumbersome compare to a HUD yet if we try to include the wealth of info available from HM in a HUD we will be swamped on the screen. Switching seemed to be the way forward. Did I get it wrong?

If the current HUD is simply a weaker version of PAHUD then I would now like to use HM (having access to the active player window) but with PAHUD in use rather than the inbuilt HM HUD. How can I switch it off?

Cheers - great work

Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 07:12 AM
Hello !
I don't understand the Point Default Stats under the Reportsbutton.
I can select or not, i can not see other Statistik.
How come i to the Points to select Flop, Turn, River, 3bet, and other like in this Screenshot on side 201 in this Thread

Other is that i search a stat like in PA "won SD when raise Turn" or "won SD when raise River"

Can i find this Stat in HM ?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by tpa
Hey Ron,

great tool, thank you.

One thing I found pretty annoying is that my poker table window (iPoker) keeps on losing focus when I hover over the player stats. So when I try to check someones stats before my action, the window loses focus and I have to click the top bar of the window before I can make my move, carefully avoiding hovering over the HUD on my way back to the action buttons as that will make the window lose focus again get my point?

Then I also didn't quite understand the following, when I hover over my PFR stats:

Total 13% (45)
EP 33% (3)
MP 0% (8)
CO 38% (8)
BTN 11% (9)

The % figures are pretty clear to me (38% of my raises were from the CO), but the number behind that? Why is 8/45 = 0% in MP while it's 38% in CO?

The numbers aren't the % of your raises that happened in what position, it's the percent of times you open raised when folded to in that position. The numbers in parentheses are the number of data points.

So, it was folded to you 9 times on the button and you opened one of those times for an 11% preflop raise %.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 08:31 AM
I had to restore my HD but i am unable to update to the latest version of HM. I installed HM on my comp and when i open it says i need to install an update. So i went to the HM site and downloaded the latest patch. I then extracted it where the instructions on the website say to. The problem is it is not updating. I am still geting the beta expired message. Would apreciate any help.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by grumpy64
I had to restore my HD but i am unable to update to the latest version of HM. I installed HM on my comp and when i open it says i need to install an update. So i went to the HM site and downloaded the latest patch. I then extracted it where the instructions on the website say to. The problem is it is not updating. I am still geting the beta expired message. Would apreciate any help.
So when you open the patch zip there should be 4 files - you are copying these 4 files into the program files\rvg software\holdem manager folder? 2 files will overwrite existing files and 2 files will be new. Now run the holdemmanager.exe from that folder and it should work for you.

I will be changing the update process to make it automated - it is one of the higher priority items because the way it's currently being done is not ideal.

Hello !
I don't understand the Point Default Stats under the Reportsbutton.
I can select or not, i can not see other Statistik.
How come i to the Points to select Flop, Turn, River, 3bet, and other like in this Screenshot on side 201 in this Thread
Hi, I will be providing updates to the reports that give you all of this.

Does HUD only display stats if we are seated and active? If so this is a weakness that PAHUD does not share. It can be useful to watch tables with HUD stats revealed.
It does work this way so either the auto import is not finding these hand histories or the Table Manager is not synching the stats up to the table. If you do have auto import running and it is importing hands then it must be the latter and we are working on getting all of this resolved.

HM has a welath of information and I find the active player details a fantastic tool. However, it can be cumbersome compare to a HUD yet if we try to include the wealth of info available from HM in a HUD we will be swamped on the screen. Switching seemed to be the way forward. Did I get it wrong?
Changing the layout system is one of the top priorities for the HUD - just give it a little time. Most of the work so far has been in integrating HM's statistical framework into the HUD rendering piece but we have a lot more planned.

One thing I found pretty annoying is that my poker table window (iPoker) keeps on losing focus when I hover over the player stats. So when I try to check someones stats before my action, the window loses focus and I have to click the top bar of the window before I can make my move, carefully avoiding hovering over the HUD on my way back to the action buttons as that will make the window lose focus again get my point?
ok, will take a look at that and see what is up

When will .dat prima files be implemented?
Likely within the next week or so

I play miniviews, can i change the layout somehow?
Yes, in the HUD option in HM you can change the stats and while playing drag the window by right clicking and moving to where you would like them to appear. Do this once and then it will be applied to other tables when they are loaded.

rvg, thanks for the help, i edited the xml file and it works now. However, It still says .69b on the top gray area next to the icon
Please see the instructions at the top of this post and try that (and don't use the shortcut when trying to launch afterwards). I will make HM a lot easier to update - obviously you aren't the only one having issues with updating.


Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 12:04 PM
I often get this error box when HM is running. I've had this since v. 0.65b I believe. It doesn't seem to affect the functionality of the program and everything seems to resume with the error displayed and after I click Continue.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 12:24 PM

speed tables (Limit 6 max) don't seem to work with the Hud on FT. I believe this may be due to the Full Tilt client titling the windows (speed, 6 max) whereas the table manager has it down as (speed 6 max). i.e. no comma
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by rvg72
So when you open the patch zip there should be 4 files - you are copying these 4 files into the program files\rvg software\holdem manager folder? 2 files will overwrite existing files and 2 files will be new. Now run the holdemmanager.exe from that folder and it should work for you.

I will be changing the update process to make it automated - it is one of the higher priority items because the way it's currently being done is not ideal.

Hi, I will be providing updates to the reports that give you all of this.

It does work this way so either the auto import is not finding these hand histories or the Table Manager is not synching the stats up to the table. If you do have auto import running and it is importing hands then it must be the latter and we are working on getting all of this resolved.

Changing the layout system is one of the top priorities for the HUD - just give it a little time. Most of the work so far has been in integrating HM's statistical framework into the HUD rendering piece but we have a lot more planned.

ok, will take a look at that and see what is up

Likely within the next week or so

Yes, in the HUD option in HM you can change the stats and while playing drag the window by right clicking and moving to where you would like them to appear. Do this once and then it will be applied to other tables when they are loaded.

Please see the instructions at the top of this post and try that (and don't use the shortcut when trying to launch afterwards). I will make HM a lot easier to update - obviously you aren't the only one having issues with updating.


I just extract all files to
files\rvg software\holdem manager folder
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 12:36 PM
I began another import (1.5 million hands) and the speeds started at 60h/s.

I'm half way done now and am getting 31h/s.

Is it better to import just a few hands at a time?

Do I need to vacuum my db?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 12:57 PM
Thanks RVG - I just redownloaded the patch and this time it had 4 files in it and it worked fine (before it only had 2 files for some reason?)
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 02:03 PM

Well, I just played my first 12-tabling session with HM and the new HUD, and I must say that I am impressed. It took me very little time to set up the stats I wanted and assign colors, etc...

While I was playing, I just took a few notes on things that I had questions/concerns about. If you have already answered them I apologize but the thread is quite long.

1) when a hand shows down at an inactivated table, the HUD pops up the cards that were shown down, and hence this table steals focus. I would prefer that showdown cards only pop up on active tables.

2) I shrink my table sizes down in order to fit better on my laptop. With shrunken tables, the HUD popup showdown cards look very crappy and grainy, almost indistinguishable. Any way to increase the resolution of these images?

3) when I change options in the HUD --> player options section, then press OK, the HUD gets an error and closes, and I need to relaunch it.

4) When the "last 3 hands" option is checked, it covers my stats for seat 9. Any way to move the location of table and/or player stats?

Thanks again rvg, you've created an excellent product!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by rvg72
I still need to do this but to make you feel a little better, UB is not supported yet What you did would have worked otherwise.

Hopefully within the next week or so I'll have UB and Ongame working in HM.

Ooohh, doh! My bad, I'm trying to get Realtime HUD working right now too, and I got mixed up. I know RT is(supposed) to support UB, and I was tired and thought HM did too; but after getting your message and looking at the HM homepage again I see it says:

"Currently the following sites are supported: Party Poker, Poker Stars, Full Tilt, Absolute, Crypto Network, Prima / Micro Gaming Network, iPoker Network and Bodog. Ultimate Bet and OnGame Network are the next two on the list to be added."

Thank you for the prompt response, I am looking forward to HM supporting UB, as that is where my primary poker account is. I do have smaller accounts on Absolute and Bodog, so I guess I should try those. I still don't get exactly what the aliases are for, would I enter my Bodog and Absolute usernames as aliases under my HM name?

And I could obviously use a tutorial, are you going to make another tutorial vid or put up a guide w/ screenshots anytime soon?

Originally Posted by oracle3001
I have to say after following this product since it first appeared, and waiting and waiting for the HUD, how hugely disappointed I am... I really don't want to sound like a douche bag, but I can't hide the sense of disappointment and feeling of being conned.
Easy man, it may not have been your intent, but you are coming off like a bit of a douche here. I understand that HM isn't what you expected it to be, and had some misconceptions about the HUD, but c'mon! This guy has put a ton of work into this, and if you feel that it falls short of what it could be you could at least offer some specific constructive criticism about what features you would like to see changed and exactly what you think needs to be added. If you feel like the finished product is not worth your $.... then don't buy it! What exactly do you feel like you have been conned out of? I'm not trying to attack you here, but I think your feedback came off more as an attack, and it would be better for everyone if you offered your ideas on how to improve the program, and not just why you feel cheated(?) and disappointed.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 04:14 PM
I was surprised to see that Realtime HUD was integrated into HM. It took me few minutes to actually become convinced that HUD was Realtime. For a couple minutes I was thinking OMG this guy totally stole most features from Realtime

I switched to Realtime from Pahud about a month ago and I don't think I'll look back. The performance is so much better and you get some critical stats that you can't get from Pahud. It needs a lot of improvement to be anywhere near perfect, but I don't see it as a disappointment at all.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 04:55 PM
any rough estimates of when the final product will be released?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by POTRIPPED

"Currently the following sites are supported: Party Poker, Poker Stars, Full Tilt, Absolute, Crypto Network, Prima / Micro Gaming Network, iPoker Network and Bodog. Ultimate Bet and OnGame Network are the next two on the list to be added."

Thank you for the prompt response, I am looking forward to HM supporting UB, as that is where my primary poker account is. I do have smaller accounts on Absolute and Bodog, so I guess I should try those. I still don't get exactly what the aliases are for, would I enter my Bodog and Absolute usernames as aliases under my HM name?
Do you think you could post how things with bodog go? im unsure how it can be compatible with bodog now that dogwatch does not work with the new version so confirmation of this would be great.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 05:56 PM
ok Roy love the HUD! But what the heck is W$$$SD?? I know what W$SD is but what's the difference between that and W$$$SD?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 06:00 PM
used filter: Called Preflop 3-bet=True. it returned all hands in which I called a 3-bet. However, it also returned hands in which I 4-bet.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 06:08 PM
Added 3bet stat into the hud, and hit OK:
Party client froze, and after a while this message appeared: An unhandled win32 exception occurred in HMHud.exe [4505].
I timed out on every table.

I restarted the HUD from the menu and just checked the HUD options/player references, didn't change a thing, hit the only possible button "OK" and the tables froze again. Timed out on every table until the error message appeared again. I'm glad I only played NL100 and 3 tables while testing this software release, otherwise it could've been a costly experience.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by POTRIPPED
Easy man, it may not have been your intent, but you are coming off like a bit of a douche here. I understand that HM isn't what you expected it to be, and had some misconceptions about the HUD, but c'mon! This guy has put a ton of work into this, and if you feel that it falls short of what it could be you could at least offer some specific constructive criticism about what features you would like to see changed and exactly what you think needs to be added. If you feel like the finished product is not worth your $.... then don't buy it! What exactly do you feel like you have been conned out of? I'm not trying to attack you here, but I think your feedback came off more as an attack, and it would be better for everyone if you offered your ideas on how to improve the program, and not just why you feel cheated(?) and disappointed.
If you go over to the official holdem manager forum you will find that I am have the highest posting count of anybody, but RVG. I have offered lots of constructive feedback on the product and bugs, and will continue to do so. I only posted on p2p, cos it wouldn't let me log in this morning. I have also offered my services as a tester and a coder in the past. I also did the same for Mike on his HUD.

I have reread my post and you are right it doesn't quite come across as I would have liked. I issue of conned, i accept is too strong. However you do have to remember this guy isn't doing this for charity it is a business, and I am a likely customer who has spent a lot of time and effort testing and posting (albeit obviously no where near RVG), and was giving honest feedback.

The main part of HM is everything and more, and that is probably why the HUD came as such as disappointment. If you set the bar so high and all that. The main app is so well laid out, and I love the xml reports and the ability to code your own stats.

However, are you honestly going to tell me that the HUD released today is up there with PA
HUD, let alone PAHUD(v2/3)? As I said I am sure it is going to be improved, but it is currently at best RealTime (Free) HUD+, and in my opinion isn't going to cut it for lots of serious players.

Last edited by oracle3001; 12-24-2007 at 06:32 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 06:31 PM
Oracle: That's cool that you have been involved in the development of HM, I was not aware of that, as I said I'm new to all of this. Your post just struck me as overly harsh and negative, but I think I understand where you are coming from.

Honestly, I have never used PA HUD, so I can not make a comparison. What specifically do you think PA has over HM or RT?

Jer: If I can get HM figured out, I will try it on Bodog and let you know if it works.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 06:41 PM
Potripped, I don't think I would say I have been involved in the development. However, I have definitely given a fair amount of feedback and suggestions over the past few months.

I am not sure this is the right thread to start singing the praises of another product, when the position I come from is one that can't thank RVG for starting the arms race for the latest and greatest poker analysis tools. PT and PAHUD had started to grow old and tired, and the release of HM has really kicked some bright people into gear.

However, I think any regular PA HUD user will tell you that RealTime HUD lacks quite a few of the features, such as the ability to place individual stats around the table in a dedicated layout manager, configurable pop-up stat window and the use of a db cache essential for massive datamined db's. This is also packaged very neaty and in a professional way. The history of RealTime HUD was born more of somebody decided that providing 3/4 bet stats amongst other things were required in todays game and came up with a solution which was seperate from PT.

Last edited by oracle3001; 12-24-2007 at 06:50 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by oracle3001
However, are you honestly going to tell me that the HUD released today is up there with PA
HUD, let alone PAHUD(v2/3)? As I said I am sure it is going to be improved, but it is currently at best RealTime (Free) HUD+, and in my opinion isn't going to cut it for lots of serious players.
Oracle, give it some time. This is the first release of the HM HUD. This isn't RealTime - almost all of the code in this version of the HUD is new and the data that drives is it provided by the HM framework. I'm pretty sure you haven't tried using it otherwise I suspect you would be a bit happier despite some of the issues you would expect from a brand new product. I think it is clearly the most +$ev HUD available and it is only 2 months old which is pretty amazing plus it has so much more functionality coming.

Mike and I have ideas that are going to keep us very busy and we're both committed to making HM the #1 poker management / analysis and HUD in the market and as always I'm interested in your feedback - let's just try to keep it a little less doom and gloom, ok

Edit: a couple more things just from your last post, the layout management will change - this is one of the pieces carried over from the original and regarding the db cache, HM is handling all of that. I'm running a 10 million hand DB on my old desktop without any issue.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 07:21 PM
In Party SNGs, the Active Players Details window is only showing the players stats for that tournament only.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
12-24-2007 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by rvg72
Oracle, give it some time. This is the first release of the HM HUD. This isn't RealTime - almost all of the code in this version of the HUD is new and the data that drives is it provided by the HM framework. I'm pretty sure you haven't tried using it otherwise I suspect you would be a bit happier despite some of the issues you would expect from a brand new product. I think it is clearly the most +$ev HUD available and it is only 2 months old which is pretty amazing plus it has so much more functionality coming.

Mike and I have ideas that are going to keep us very busy and we're both committed to making HM the #1 poker management / analysis and HUD in the market and as always I'm interested in your feedback - let's just try to keep it a little less doom and gloom, ok

Edit: a couple more things just from your last post, the layout management will change - this is one of the pieces carried over from the original and regarding the db cache, HM is handling all of that. I'm running a 10 million hand DB on my old desktop without any issue.

I have tried it repeatedly throughout the day, and it hasn't work and /or crashed too many times to actually use in play. I have been busy with christmas stuff and thus I was going to post on forum exact problems I have had. But that wasn't my really my issue.

In terms of coding, I am not to know that, it is about the user experience and initially it looks and feels nearly identical to RealTime. I have to disagree with as it stands your HUD doesn't match up to PA HUD, and what we know is coming. 3/4bet, by position, we know is all on the horizon, so how you allow the user to customise the massive array of stats that are going to be available is absolutlely key. That isn't to say I don't have confidence that it won't improve, but as I said previously it doesn't currently live up to the high standard you have set with the main app. The HUD released today doesn't allow me the flexibility I need to meaningfully configure, display and use the stats available, in the way PA HUD already does (again let alone what PT3 has in store). I thought the detailed player pop-up window was a brilliant addition and I hoped that the HUD would be a customisable version of that.

I am not going to keep bashing on, I was simply providing an opinion and defended it from some criticism. I will hopefully have some time in the next few days to give the HUD a real spin on some massive DB's and see how it performs.

As previously stated more than happy to chat on AIM/MSN or email you direct.

Last edited by oracle3001; 12-24-2007 at 08:02 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
