Originally Posted by zeneil
How do I keel the HUD at a specific place for pokerstars? Example I choose seat 5 as my preffered seat, how do I keep the hud there? Whenever I do this the hud is all over the place.
What you are describing is happening because you long ago rearranged the HUD before setting your preferred seating properly. When you use a preferred seat and sit down at a cash table and get hud stats before playing, and then move the HUD panels before HM has imported your own hand, they will be messed back up as soon as HM imports your first played hand and repositions the HUD panels.
You need to make sure to not move anyone's HUD that appears to be incorrect, until you can see your own Hero stats. You can also use the HUD Options > Table Preferences > Mucked Card and Alignment Edit Mode to help align the stats and mucked cards.
Set the preferred seating for Stars in the poker client, then in Holdem Manager to match. HUD Options > Preferred Seating
Turn on Pre-Fetch. (on by default actually)
HUD Options > Site Options > Pokerstars > 5 (Make note of the pre-fetch folder path)
Options > Configure Auto import Folders > Add > C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Importing\HEM Data
Close HM and the Table Manager
Delete your existing position files, so HM will rebuild them to default.
\Holdem Manager\Importing\Config\pospref.txt and pospref2.txt need to be deleted.
Start HM - Auto Import, Open the Table Manager, and start stars and open 1 cash table.
After a couple hands it will pre-fetch some observed hands to show the HUD.
Use Ctrl+Right-Click+Drag to move the panels. Once they are set, go to Table Manager > File > Save Positions.
Close that table, open a new one, and sit to play. If the HUD pops up while waiting for the big blind, do not move any hud panels. Once HM imports your first played hand it will spin the HUD to correct for the auto-center feature.
Originally Posted by HeyEveryone
I'm not sure this answers my question. For example on pokerstars VPPs are given when you are dealt in the hand.
However the actual amount of money you lose to rake paid is going to be less or more based on how many flops you see. This happens even though everyone who saw cards preflop receives the same amount of VPPs
Can you say how HEM handles poker stars specifically?
HM has separate VPP stats for the reports. The rake at pokerstars is calculated using the dealt method. The Rake stat should be your dealt portion of the total rake for all hands you played.
Originally Posted by eastern motors
I did all that an got this error:
error: ERROR: 57014: canceling statement due to user request[11/23/2010 11:16 PM] error: at Npgsql.NpgsqlState.<ProcessBackendResponses_Ver_3> d__a.MoveNext()
at Npgsql.NpgsqlState.IterateThroughAllResponses(IEnu merable`1 ienum)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnector.ReleaseRegisteredListen()
at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnector.ReleaseResources()
at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnectorPool.UngetPooledConnector(Np gsqlConnection Connection, NpgsqlConnector Connector)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnectorPool.ReleasePooledConnectorI nternal(NpgsqlConnection Connection, NpgsqlConnector Connector)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnectorPool.ReleasePooledConnector( NpgsqlConnection Connection, NpgsqlConnector Connector)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnectorPool.ReleaseConnector(Npgsql Connection Connection, NpgsqlConnector Connector)
at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection.Close()
at HoldemManagerDatabaseMaintenance.MainScreen.optimi zeDb(String db, Int32 type)
at HoldemManagerDatabaseMaintenance.MainScreen.optimi zeAsync()[11/23/2010 11:16 PM] Error...please contact support@holdemmanager.com
I am not sure what to suggest other than to try a new database. If you create a new database and import a portion of your archived hands do you get the same error?
Originally Posted by sharky21222
My hud is working for cap plo games but its not saving the hand history.I want to see my luck graph .Does it not save them for cap omaha yet? I already dloaded the 1.11.05c
If the HUD is tracking every new hand it pretty much has to be importing the hands. You cant see them inside the reports?
What sites do you play? Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using?
Please update to the latest version -
Filter > Clear and then Filter > Use for all. Also try enabling the Options > Settings... > Miscellaneous > [x] Auto apply filter changes to all tabs
Cash Games > Reports > Click 'Change' and search your Poker Site name. You can also click the Arrow, that opens a list of previously searched names, and choose Player Search.
Make sure the hand histories and poker client are in English. Set your Windows Regional and Language Settings to English (US). Restart your PC.
If you still cant see any new/recent hands, you may have a corrupt DB.
*Try creating a new UTF DB -
*Now import a small portion of your \HMArchive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB -
*If the new DB seems to work properly, you will want to import the rest of your archives to the new DB, export/import the hands from the old DB to the new DB, and export/import any player notes and tourney summaries - and then delete the old DB.
*Make sure you export/backup everything before deleting the old DB -
*If that doesn't help, please answer these questions - http://faq.holdemmanager.com/questio...esn't+Work
Please email the answers and config file to me at fozzy@holdemmanager.net, with a link to this thread and your forum name.
Originally Posted by CandyKreep
I'm new to playing Rush poker, and I can't get the HUD to work properly even though I've downloaded a recent update and cleared filters. The HUD appears but the boxes are under the wrong players. This only happens for Rush, it works fine for FR. Can anyone lend a hand? Much thanks..
hud options > site options > full tilt > make sure all options are disabled.
Options > Configure Auto Import Folders > Auto Detect > OK
Configure your pokerclient preferred seating and seating preferences in HM accordingly.
1) Open one Table of Rush, play at least one hand.
2) Move the stats with the right mouse key to the correct positions.
3) Table manager -> File -> Save positions
4) Now you can open further tables but you will always have to play at least one hand for the stats being moved to the correct positions.
Originally Posted by FATwin
is it some way to remove the results completely? So you dont have to se it when you accidently the big pop up I have delited the winrate pop up.
You can create your own custom main popup using the Sample as a template. The Sample is very similar to the Default Main popup that is assigned by default. Once you have your custom main popup you can assign it to your HUD on the HUD Options > Player Preferences... > Appearance tab. The smaller popups like the WinRate popup are assigned to individual stats on the Stats tab. You want to assign the large/main popup on the Appearance tab.