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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

11-11-2007 , 02:59 PM
HUD, HUD, HUD. Also, how about a Word document that will tell us how to set the different filters and how they help a player
HUD is coming. Documentation too! Sorry can't get any more specific than that right now.


Hey guys, How many hands / secs do you import?

Mine shows 4.9/s.. Is that good? Feels kinda slow
Well it depends on a lot of things - is this importing from files that are currently being played? If so they are probably small and there is a lot of extra overhead (although this is much improved in 0.54b). If it is an import from real hand history archived files then something must be wrong... even tourney hands which would be the slowest to import should run at 30+/second on an old pc.

Is there any chance to import omaha HHs yet?
Not yet but additional games will be added and be able to be used in the same interface.

Hey guys.. just wondering if ipoker HHs exported from PT import yet? I have no idea why PT converts them into that weird format.
I'll get this in


In addition to this nice request, I think we need something where it shows reports/graphs for Last x number of hands.
I can add this easily enough

Can you set time zone difference per site? I play on both ET and GMT sites at the same time, and so I'm not getting a correct MT ratio/hourly rate in PT. Would be neat to get it in HM.
Yeah, will be trying to get this working - don't think it will be a problem.

In the sessions tab you get hourly rate. Is it possible to get this for not only sessions, but for a given time period. All hands at a limit, etc. Basically included in the "by Stakes" reports tab. Also MT ratio would be nice.
Best way to do this is set your filters and then go to the sessions tab and check the bottom row which totals it all and gives an hourly rate. New sessions tab in 0.54b has a status bar that shows the totals without scrolling to the bottom. MT Ratio will be added.

How about a function as in TM where u can see a list
of ie every days result? So you can easily see how much you have made each day.
This will be in the Income Summary tab - coming soon


It would be nice if HM would import from prima/lads HH.dat file as discussed previously.

Will be adding this

0.54b is coming soon (maybe tonight) with a lot of nice upgrades and usability improvements.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2007 , 03:07 PM

just so you know, i tried this on my other computer (windows xp 64 bit edition) and when I opened the program it said

DBControlPanel.exe - Application Error

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b). Click OK to terminate the application.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2007 , 03:13 PM

just so you know, i tried this on my other computer (windows xp 64 bit edition) and when I opened the program it said

DBControlPanel.exe - Application Error

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b). Click OK to terminate the application.
I had the same problem on x64, but I found a temporary fix. Go to the HoldEm Manager folder and launch DBControlPanel.exe from there and set up a database.

HoldemManager.exe should work fine after that.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2007 , 03:25 PM
HUD working with Prima/Lads tournaments please?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2007 , 03:28 PM

What is the status of UB HH support? Will this be in the upcoming 0.54b version?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2007 , 06:56 PM
I have been unable to import Prima *.lgr files. Is there any special procedure?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2007 , 08:07 PM
so...i'm looking to purchase this, but what about the HUD? Do i still have to use PAHUD? or does HM provide it's own.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2007 , 08:25 PM
effang; I answered your questions in PM, but:

The HUD will be released soon. It is in BETA and isn't available to even be purchased yet.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2007 , 08:29 PM

I'm going to try out you and PokerTracker on these questions:

I am looking to buy a new laptop, and my main use is Poker. I do school work/etc, but nothing big and obviously any $1200 computer can handle the simple things. (Obv. this is what I would like to spend. I could spend 2k if I want but I did on this last comp and it is done after 2 yrs)

Ok, so what are the specs to look for to utilized HM/PT3? I run these all the time, I play poker 5hrs/day, and I am considering just using 1 db per year if possible. This would mean a million hand DB, maybe 1.2 or so mill.

Also, I am thinking HP or Dell(If there are better options plz tell me). I think HP might be cheaper right now because they are trying to get a market share, but I have no facts to back this up.

So give me good specs and where you would buy it. Also, AMD or Intel. Also, it has to be 17" screen with 1920 res. but you obv. don't have to actually look into that unless you plan on showing a specific computer.

Now it's time to cross-post this
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2007 , 08:48 PM
Ok, so what are the specs to look for to utilized HM/PT3?
Processor speed - for both - will give you the greatest boost (ie, it is most likely to be the bottleneck on either program)

I run these all the time, I play poker 5hrs/day, and I am considering just using 1 db per year if possible. This would mean a million hand DB, maybe 1.2 or so mill.
To put it into perspective, I have a five million hand DB, and I get great performance on my low-end Core2Duo laptop (E2xxx series)

Also, I am thinking HP or Dell(If there are better options plz tell me).
get a 1920x1200 res screen for whichever is cheaper.

So give me good specs and where you would buy it.
Anything with Core2Duo, and 1920x1200 screen would be ideal.

HM is so much faster than what you'd be used to with PT that it'll be much faster for you.

Also, AMD or Intel.
the CTH forum has a pretty big consensus for Core2Duo at the moment.

Intel has just dropped the prices on the Quad core Q6600 processor, so that's also an option.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2007 , 08:51 PM

I just posted on CTH about the computer I may buy. As I can actually get a $1700 computer since I don't mind spending 1200($500 off coupon), do you think upgrading any of those specs is better? Do you think I should switch to Intel? I will go through some more and see if I can find anything better but will be heeding opinions so I know for sure. I am actually computer savvy and figured it would be processor speed/etc, but am just looking for advice from the "real" pros.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2007 , 08:53 PM
I'll answer there to avoid cluttering up this thread any more.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 01:28 AM
Just wanted to say excellent interface rvg!

I'm currently running .50, and you just mentioned you are trying to get .54 out possibly this weekend. Did I miss .52 & .53 or did you just skip a few numbers. If I missed something, they aren't on your website?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 05:26 AM
Just wanted to say excellent interface rvg!

I'm currently running .50, and you just mentioned you are trying to get .54 out possibly this weekend. Did I miss .52 & .53 or did you just skip a few numbers. If I missed something, they aren't on your website?
52 and 53 were both builds released on the HM forums but later withdrawn due to some asthetic issues I think. With that in mind, I just found this, but i hope i'm not jumping the gun:


November 11th - 0.54b
* The interface is now split into 4 parts, Import / Cash / Tourney / All Players. This will allow me to build custom tabs for cash / tourneys and allow for easier navigation.
* Positioning of filters, selected player etc is now positioned horizontally
* Date filters are now available right from the top bar with some shortcuts
* Fixed bug with the Stack Size filter
* If you try to run a cash game report when there are no cash games in the DB then you will get a friendly message instead of an error
* All player tabs (Reports / Hands / Preflop Hands / Sessions / vs Player / Graphs) are auto loaded when clicked on
* Fixed preflop hands bug where limp reraised, call two raisers and raised two raisers data was put into the wrong columns.
* Fixed bug in Preflop tab where it would include some known results from other players in the hands that the selected player played in.
* Fixed bug where using Did Cold Call or Could Cold Call in a filter actually returned hands where you 3bet
* Fixed bug where HoldemManager.config file would become unloadable if &,<,' or " was used in the DB password.
* Fixed Full Tilt bug where the word "(partial)" would appear at the end of the first line of the hand.
* Fixed Full Tilt tourney bug where the blind posters would not appear in the hand history
* Fixed Absolute tourney issue where the Tourney Summary at the beginning of the file would register as an import error
* Fixed Absolute problem where a player is "All-In (Timeout)"
* Changed Auto Import to 20 seconds
* Fixed Full Tilt big where a player with a space in their name would not have mucked cards shown and the hand would not be able to be played in the replayer
* The Number of players in the DB is now shown on the Players Tab
* Fixed Stars bug where some hands with dead blind posters would not be playable in replayer
* A maximum of 500 hands can be replayed at one time
* Auto Import now works on Party Poker hand history folders
* More interface changes to improve layout
* Huge performance increase in rescanning files currently in progress
* Added summary bar to sessions tab
* Removed sessions and graph tabs from tourney section - these will return with $ winnings for tourneys.
* Improved import performance by about 15%
* Added a Refresh button on the Player / Filter select bar
* Fixed bug where Straight Flushes would not appear in the made hand list when going back into the Filter Form
* Fixed Full Tilt bug where a player who's name starts with Checks would cause import issues on some hands
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 05:41 AM
i've been trying to get the aliases to work for awhile now. it's just not working for me. how do i do it?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 07:45 AM
how about the move hand histories that are not auto imported?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 11:00 AM
hmm tourney report still shows in BB chip net difference, am I doing something wrong or has this not been fixed.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 12:50 PM
hmm tourney report still shows in BB chip net difference, am I doing something wrong or has this not been fixed.
You aren't doing anything wrong - still need to get this piece wrapped up.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 12:50 PM
im lazy, so i made a video from a "bug" i found. (1,59mb)
problem still exists with version .54.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 01:03 PM

Wait, what? One in the same or different people?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 01:17 PM

Wait, what? One in the same or different people?

He just saw my post on my forum for 0.54b and put it on here.

Toasta - I know of one other person with the same problem except for them the reports disappear after minimizing HM. Trying something that might fix it for you - will send you a pm with a link when it's ready.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 04:57 PM
Bought my laptop last year so its fairly new..Any idea why it runs so slow then?

Does HM support import of the prima DAT file yet?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 05:02 PM
Bought my laptop last year so its fairly new..Any idea why it runs so slow then?

Does HM support import of the prima DAT file yet?
Doesn't do DAT yet but it's pretty high on the todo list

Let me know what you are importing - ie tourneys, full ring cash, 6 max etc and is this being done while you are playing or on archived hands. Also, if you want to e-mail a few files to me at then I'll see if the problem is something else.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 05:12 PM
Its the same txt files from prima that i sent u eralier..
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-12-2007 , 06:32 PM
How do you import hand histories that are received via email from PokerStars?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
