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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

08-18-2007 , 04:06 AM
About the "Turn cbet %"... Does it mean the times that I cbet the turn after cbetting the flop OR cbetting the turn after i checked the flop OR both? If answer is "both" is there a way to get these seperately?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-18-2007 , 07:09 AM
Hi. Sorry if these have already been addressed:

I have imported the same hands to HM as I have previously imported to PT and while the number of hands in the current filter is a perfect match, there is a difference in $ won that ammounts to one bb.

This is Stars NL Cashgames.

Also, a minor thing that keeps bugging me
Every time I open the software to import files or from a folder, the default path gets reset to c:\ instead of the last used folder.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-18-2007 , 02:21 PM
I have imported the same hands to HM as I have previously imported to PT and while the number of hands in the current filter is a perfect match, there is a difference in $ won that ammounts to one bb.

This is Stars NL Cashgames.
I think (but I'm not absolutely certain) that this is a function of HM having a better and more accurate method of calculating winnings on split pots.

There is, from memory (and hey, it's 4am here, so forgive me for possibly being inaccurate) an error whereby PT makes an approximation on that calculation that isn't quite right.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-18-2007 , 03:14 PM
Dunno if this has been suggested before, but here goes:

Given the co-operation between legopoker and hm, what if the hh's would work the other way around too. I imagine legopoker keeps database of hh's converted with it, so when user pastes hh from legopoker to forum, the hh would contain link, like: hmanager:// Then another user could hit the link, and holdem manager's hand replayer would automatically open and load the hand from lego poker and replay it. That would make reading hh's much nicer.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-18-2007 , 11:19 PM
About the "Turn cbet %"... Does it mean the times that I cbet the turn after cbetting the flop OR cbetting the turn after i checked the flop OR both? If answer is "both" is there a way to get these seperately?
Hi, the Turn CBet is when you PFR and are called, CBet the flop and are called and have a chance to CBet the turn.

If you want a different type of stat like the one you mentioned it is possible but I'll be saving a lot of this for closer to launch time.

Every time I open the software to import files or from a folder, the default path gets reset to c:\ instead of the last used folder.
Will get things like this all atraightened up in the next little bit.

I have imported the same hands to HM as I have previously imported to PT and while the number of hands in the current filter is a perfect match, there is a difference in $ won that ammounts to one bb.
Stars cash import isn't 100% yet but pretty close. I suspect it was a dead blind or something similar that the parser missed.

I think (but I'm not absolutely certain) that this is a function of HM having a better and more accurate method of calculating winnings on split pots.
This applies to the vs Player stats tab where I include split pots and PT doesn't. In this guys case I would guess that PT is accurate and HM is off by 1 BB since PT has been around for years vs 1 month for HM

Then another user could hit the link, and holdem manager's hand replayer would automatically open and load the hand from lego poker and replay it. That would make reading hh's much nicer.
We haven't talked about this but the whole PokerHand XML initiative is meant to make this type of application to application communication work seamlessly so you are definetely thinking along the same lines.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-18-2007 , 11:25 PM
when is eta for final launch?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-18-2007 , 11:34 PM
when is eta for final launch?
Sorry, no ETA yet. Beta will continue to be free and obviously more and more functional right up until the launch day whenever that may be.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-19-2007 , 12:27 AM
There are still some differences between PT and HM importing from ipoker for the latest beta.

Example :

Here is the ImportErrors.txt : (sorry about the size) Download

And i only can click the Reports Tab once without error.

Here is a Video showing the "bug".


My system is running Win XP Pro SP2, german language.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-19-2007 , 07:43 AM
I dont know if this has been mentioned,
Is there a way to make notes/flag a specific Hand?
That way while your going through hands, you can flag the ones that deserve extra attention and make notes on it.
A mistake, or a good play that you can learn from.

then you can filter for flagged hands, or hands with notes.

Also, will there be a comprehensive manual to USE the software to its fullest?
Something that shows ideal stat ranges for Limit/NL, and step by step examples on how to use the features to the fullest.

PT was a bit overwhelming when i first got it. I can imagine a 1st time user of holdem manager would be even more overwhelmed due to the added stats and features.

There are websights that help with PT, but when holdem manager is new, i dont think there will be any sights like this available.
Having a really good manual with the program is a big bonus.

i HATE the way there was a companion/example booklet SOLD for PT.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-19-2007 , 11:50 AM
I would like the session stats to be (optionally?) broken down by table name and to show site
Also have a total row
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-19-2007 , 12:02 PM
where i click on the header rows at the top, the rows at the bottom start to disappear. funny [censored] :-D
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-19-2007 , 04:18 PM
where i click on the header rows at the top, the rows at the bottom start to disappear. funny [censored] :-D
added a bug here - will be fixed in next update obviously.

Also, will there be a comprehensive manual to USE the software to its fullest
This will take a bit of time but the documentation will be well done. There are a lot of things in HM that are currently hidden that will be pretty exciting for people but lots of documentation will be needed otherwise you'll just be scratching your head.

Is there a way to make notes/flag a specific Hand?
That way while your going through hands, you can flag the ones that deserve extra attention and make notes on it.
There will be

And i only can click the Reports Tab once without error.
Thanks, will fix this.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-19-2007 , 08:16 PM
is there a way to auto run reports, as soon as your imports come in.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2007 , 12:41 AM
Will there be an option to export certain data to .csv file similar to what Pokertracker has?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2007 , 12:53 AM
My mining is all screwed up. I keep getting this error "Error Processing File: Access to the path C:\ImportErrors.txt is denied. Any clues rvg?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2007 , 01:00 AM
is there a way to auto run reports, as soon as your imports come in.
At this point some kind of AHK script might be your best bet. Longer term having reports auto run will likely be in there.

Will there be an option to export certain data to .csv file similar to what Pokertracker has?
You should be able to copy and paste any grid into Excel and then save as csv. If you had something else in mind then let me know.

My mining is all screwed up. I keep getting this error "Error Processing File: Access to the path C:\ImportErrors.txt is denied. Any clues rvg?
Does that file exist and if so does it keep on getting bigger? Try deleting it and reimporting and see what happens. In your import window do you gets lots of import errors?


Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2007 , 01:22 AM
I never noticed errors, but then again I wasn't paying attention. I deleted the file which was huge, but I'm still getting the same error message.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2007 , 01:23 AM
I'm getting a bunch of errors now though.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2007 , 01:59 AM
Another idea, although you probably have already thought of/implemented it.

After running a report by "hole cards"
you click on a group of hands, say "AA".
After clicking you are presented with ALL of the "AA" hands you have played. Then you can replay them or whatever...

I find myself running reports by hold cards by position, the seeing what im winning/losing with.. but then i want to see specifics. I then have to click over to the "hands" tab and run another report..
i think it would be quicker if i could just doubleclick on the group of hands i want to see, then im automatically brought to the hands section with the report already run.
If double clicking is reserved for something else, maybe put this option in the right click menu?

Same could be done for "flopped hand value" reports.
Say im looking at my "floped hand value" stats, I notice i have 10 hands where i flopped 2 pair with a gutshot, and no flush draw.
By double clicking the row, i am brought to the hands section where all 10 of those hands are displayed.

I would find this to be very useful!

Im sorry if these have already been mentioned. I have not finished reading this entire thread, i just sharing ideas that come to mind while using the program.
is there a Master List of suggestions/ideas/functions that WILL be in the program?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2007 , 02:48 AM
I've tried to import a single txt file with 34k hands in it. Is this causing the error?

All other files work fine (smaller).

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2007 , 03:15 AM
and another error

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2007 , 03:53 AM
Nevermind, I just have to turn off User Account Control in order for HEM to import hands.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2007 , 07:28 AM
I'd like to see my results against one particlar kind of player, e.g filtering for people with vpip 18-25 and pfr 15-23. Will this be possible in the future?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2007 , 11:07 AM
Nevermind, I just have to turn off User Account Control in order for HEM to import hands.
Thanks for letting me know, that was helpful.


I'd like to see my results against one particlar kind of player, e.g filtering for people with vpip 18-25 and pfr 15-23. Will this be possible in the future?
Yes, not sure when but definately can be done.

I've tried to import a single txt file with 34k hands in it. Is this causing the error?
That file is probably 30-40MB and right now HM has a max of about 15-20MB for a single hand history file size. A future update will auto split into smaller chunks.

and another error
Did this happen right after the first? Can you duplicate this?

After clicking you are presented with ALL of the "AA" hands you have played. Then you can replay them or whatever...
Yes, this type of thing will be in the app wherever it makes sense. I've added a few right click menus to different grids and eventually drilling down in this way for just about everything will be 1 click away.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2007 , 12:59 PM
Oh oh!

I loved the "Record Book" in TM, will there be a similar feature in HM?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
