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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

08-20-2008 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
You already have SQL installed. Just connect HM to your current SQL installation (assuming its 8.2 or 8.3)
i appreciate the help, but the only thing i do with my computer is turn it on and click the Full Tilt icon.

Again, if someone would be kind enough to help me over aim or something, I will gladly compensate them for their time.


Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2008 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Kermit
i appreciate the help, but the only thing i do with my computer is turn it on and click the Full Tilt icon.

Again, if someone would be kind enough to help me over aim or something, I will gladly compensate them for their time.



Install Mikogo or Teamviewer, and PM me your AIM. I can prolly get it working for you.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2008 , 10:53 PM
Just out of curiosity, how long between hands does it have to be before a new session is started?

Lately I've been having shortish breaks (about half an hour), and when I come back to play my new session is just added on to my first session. This is kind of annoying because it ruins the data in my hourly rate, plus I'd just like my sessions to be separate.

Is it possible to add an option to change the amount of time required between sessions?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2008 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by osiris873
Just out of curiosity, how long between hands does it have to be before a new session is started?

Lately I've been having shortish breaks (about half an hour), and when I come back to play my new session is just added on to my first session. This is kind of annoying because it ruins the data in my hourly rate, plus I'd just like my sessions to be separate.

Is it possible to add an option to change the amount of time required between sessions?
Default is 30 minutes. Edit the HoldemManager.config file to change it.

Line 54:

<setting name="SessionTimeoutDuration">30</setting>
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2008 , 11:09 PM
Is there a way to use the replayer to view a whole session from beginning to end? Sorry if this was asked already.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2008 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Default is 30 minutes. Edit the HoldemManager.config file to change it.

Line 54:

<setting name="SessionTimeoutDuration">30</setting>
Thanks for the help
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-20-2008 , 11:33 PM
HEM is great and I like it very much. Still, I have some problems with the switch from PT2.

1. The replayer needs to be more handy (navigation by streets for example) and more beautiful.
2. Selecting multiple sessions with Ctrl+Click!!!
3. It is very useful to see the winning hand and the player that won in the sessions, hands and report tabs (like in PT2)
4. Cold Call in the HUD instead of Call Open would be nice

These are the most basic things I can think of. Can you elaborate on the prospects and the timeline of changes?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 01:16 AM
Liking the new Garphs. Much easier on the eyes.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 04:35 AM
HM is acting weird, it doesn't show my winnings and HUD doesn't work. I might mess up something. If I unnistall it and then download and install it again, I don't lose my database, right? Might try that first.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 05:00 AM
Probably very stupid question...
But if I have been playing on 2 different sites(PS and FTP) with different usernames, how can I connect or merge the two players?

Probably easy as hell, but I can't find it.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by Pomtidom
If you win a $100 pot with 80% equity, using PNXRMX's formula:
EV difference = Expected net win on the hand - actual net win on the hand
EV diff = 80% * $100 - $100
EV diff = $80 - $100
Is it updated on every street ?

For example :
100$ stacks
I have AA@BB, BTN raises to 5$, I 3bet 20$, he calls. Flop 875, I bet 25$ he calls. Turn T, I bet my remaining 55$ and he calls.

What's the EV diff for this hand ?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 05:12 AM
Why it's not possible to set the date(range) in the filters anymore? It was good when you could save filters like "after 15th of july" etc. Now if you usually want to check your stats since a certain date, and toggle between reports from individual sessions, you always need to manually set the date and you tend to forget which date it was set to previously.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 06:44 AM
bonuses still arent showing on the graph correctly.

I added a bonus yesterday and the graph showed this perfectly, then after closing and re-opening HEM the bonus is no longer shown on the graph (although it is still listed under the rakeback / bonuses window)
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 07:27 AM
For the stats "Bet vs Missed CBet In Position" and "Bet vs Missed CBet Out of Position", what exactly is this?

Is this speicifically the the non pf raiser or not?
And who is the one In Position? The non raiser or the raiser?
How does someone bet vs missed cbet when they are oop? Does this mean they bet the turn?

Can I get some clarification from someone who knows for sure please so there is no speculation? Or is there a definition somewhere I can see for myself?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by kidpokeher
This looks very similar to an error I got.

I'm still not sure, but I believe it was because I didn't have any stakes selected. I assumed if nothing was checked all stakes would be included by default. Check off the stakes you want to purge and see if you continue to get this error.
You're probably right, I didn't select any stakes assuming like you did all would be selected. I'll try this out again tonight. Thanks.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by Pwoita
"Bet vs Missed CBet In Position"
Guessing this is if a player call a preflop raise in position and the preflop raiser checks the flop, how often the player bet in that situation.
Originally Posted by Pwoita
"Bet vs Missed CBet Out of Position"
This one is more confusing.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 07:49 AM
I installed the trial version of Holdem Manager available at their site. I play on the iPoker network and I'm having trouble with the HH being imported. The table manager finds the tables but no hands are being saved.

I don't think I did anything wrong configuring the options for importing the files, anyway this is how I did it:

1. Options > Configure Auto Import Folders.
2. Selected the default directory where the HH is being stored from the site.
3. Ticked both boxes.
4. Selected my new Documents\Processed folder as the Move Folder directory.

I'm sorry if you've seen this question before which you probably have but I've checked the F.A.Q., this official software thread (not all 800 pages but searched around) and the rest of the forum.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 08:36 AM
Just getting started with the trial right now.

I play on Everest and exported the hands I wanted (just about 2k hands) from PT2 to my Desktop. PT2 said that the 2229 files where successfully exported. Then I tried to import the files first by Import File(s) and then by Import From Folder. When I now go to Cash Games tab I can just see 66 hands. When I go to the vs Players tab I can see 29 players (which might indeed be the number of players I played against), but just 1 to 6 hands against every player. Where are all the other hands?


Edit: I tried it again. I looked into one text file before importing into HEM and there where 300 hands in there. When I imported it into HEM it said: Files imported: 1 of 1; Hands imported: 7

Last edited by A_Pete; 08-21-2008 at 08:42 AM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Vinetou
HM is acting weird, it doesn't show my winnings and HUD doesn't work. I might mess up something. If I unnistall it and then download and install it again, I don't lose my database, right? Might try that first.
I doubt you need to uninstall/reinstall, bur if you do it wont hurt your DB. It will still be there, you will just have to reconnect to it.

Originally Posted by Autist18
Probably very stupid question...
But if I have been playing on 2 different sites(PS and FTP) with different usernames, how can I connect or merge the two players?

Probably easy as hell, but I can't find it.

Options > Player Aliases > Add Alias > Create Unique 'Alias' name (I used fozzy, LDO)

Add all your SN's > Close

Go to any tab, and 'Change' the player name you are looking for, by selecting your new alias you just created.

Originally Posted by gball
Why it's not possible to set the date(range) in the filters anymore? It was good when you could save filters like "after 15th of july" etc. Now if you usually want to check your stats since a certain date, and toggle between reports from individual sessions, you always need to manually set the date and you tend to forget which date it was set to previously.
Options > Misc Options > Auto Apply Filter Changes to All Tabs (and Auto Refresh Reports on Any Changes)
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Melchiades
Originally Posted by Pwoita
"Bet vs Missed CBet In Position"
Guessing this is if a player call a preflop raise in position and the preflop raiser checks the flop, how often the player bet in that situation.

Originally Posted by Pwoita
"Bet vs Missed CBet In Position" "Bet vs Missed CBet Out of Position"
This one is more confusing.
Yea that is what I am thinking. I'd like to hear it from someone who is sure so that I don't end up spewing thousands of dollars by using the wrong stat.

Can I get confirmation on this.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Zanton
Is it updated on every street ?

For example :
100$ stacks
I have AA@BB, BTN raises to 5$, I 3bet 20$, he calls. Flop 875, I bet 25$ he calls. Turn T, I bet my remaining 55$ and he calls.

What's the EV diff for this hand ?
Depends on his hand

But it would be calculated on the allin street. So in this case use the potsize on the turn (when the last money went in) and your equity on the turn.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by kibbe131
I installed the trial version of Holdem Manager available at their site. I play on the iPoker network and I'm having trouble with the HH being imported. The table manager finds the tables but no hands are being saved.

I don't think I did anything wrong configuring the options for importing the files, anyway this is how I did it:

1. Options > Configure Auto Import Folders.
2. Selected the default directory where the HH is being stored from the site.
3. Ticked both boxes.
4. Selected my new Documents\Processed folder as the Move Folder directory.

I'm sorry if you've seen this question before which you probably have but I've checked the F.A.Q., this official software thread (not all 800 pages but searched around) and the rest of the forum.

Anyone that has any idea on how I can import HH from iPoker please tell me, I know it's possible so I would appreciate any help (got the admin stuff sorted on Vista).
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Pwoita
For the stats "Bet vs Missed CBet In Position" and "Bet vs Missed CBet Out of Position", what exactly is this?

Is this speicifically the the non pf raiser or not?
And who is the one In Position? The non raiser or the raiser?
How does someone bet vs missed cbet when they are oop? Does this mean they bet the turn?

Can I get some clarification from someone who knows for sure please so there is no speculation? Or is there a definition somewhere I can see for myself?

One thing I do if I'm not sure what a filter does is use it and then open the replayeer to see how it plays out. You can usually tell what the filter is doing by the playback of a few hands. I also do this when using several filters and I'm not sure if I am getting the results I want. Again I just run back a few hands via the replayer and see if the filter is doing what I want.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 06:53 PM
OK, I have looked all over the FAQ and I cannot find answers to these questions:

1) I absolutely cannot get stats to appear for a certain seat on the PS tables (if you cut the table in half, it would be the 3rd seat on the right side, starting clockwise). I do not have "fixed stats" checked, I do not have seat preferences set-up, and I tried relaunching the HUD but nothing happened. Somebody, please help!

2) Also, I looked on the FAQ for this but also couldn't find it. I can't seem to get the notes function to work. I click on the asterisk to open the notes, but nothing pops up to let me write.

Anybody know how to fix this?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-21-2008 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
OK, I have looked all over the FAQ and I cannot find answers to these questions:

1) I absolutely cannot get stats to appear for a certain seat on the PS tables (if you cut the table in half, it would be the 3rd seat on the right side, starting clockwise). I do not have "fixed stats" checked, I do not have seat preferences set-up, and I tried relaunching the HUD but nothing happened. Somebody, please help!

2) Also, I looked on the FAQ for this but also couldn't find it. I can't seem to get the notes function to work. I click on the asterisk to open the notes, but nothing pops up to let me write.

Anybody know how to fix this?
1 - Set your seat preferences in Stars, and then match them in HM.

2 - What version HM do you have? The notes editor usually pops up over the table manager position, the first hand of a session.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
