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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

10-15-2021 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Purasevic
Hi,HM2 not showing active session while playing Bros on emulator and Hud is shown correctly.Not sure why.
If the HUD is working then the hands should be imported, so it sounds like you just have the wrong screen name or alias selected as the active player in the Active Session tab.

If you continue to have problems the only thing I can suggest beyond that is to contact the support team for your PokerBros Hand Grabber app as unfortunately HM2 support ended on Dec 31, 2020. You will need to upgrade to HM3 for future technical support. You can read more about the HM2 End Of Life here.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-15-2021 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
Unfortunately all HM2 to HM3 upgrade discounts expired November 1st, 2020. I am not able to re-enable the upgrade discount. I am sorry that you missed the October 31st, 2020 deadline. We communicated it via emails, in-software alerts (both HM2 and HM3), forum posts, FAQ's and on social media.

If you want to use HM3 you will have to pay full price for your HM3 license. All of our licensing and pricing information can be found here.

p.s. We offer several Get HM Free options that can be used when upgrading to HM3.

You said you had licenses for 'TableNinja (pokerstars), HOld'Em Manager, and Leak Buster No Limit'. Do you own any other HM2 apps like NoteCaddy?

Your TableNinja license is completely separate from any HM2 or HM3 license as it can be used without the need for HM2 or HM3 to also be running.

Unfortunately Leakbuster is not an HM App for HM3. You will have to contact the LeakBuster developer to see if they have a standalone version of LB that will work with HM3.

Note: The HM3 'Range Wizard' App developer is working on new functionality that will be called 'Leak Explorer' but I am not sure when it will be released or how it will compare to LeakBuster.

Customer Support
I have reset Code for both Leak Buster 1 and Hold's Manager 2, but my problem now is where to download the HM2 application?

Also TableNinja (PokerStars) is under my HM2 Data tab but here is no "Reset Code" option.
I have Note Caddy Premium for HM2, but it doesn't even show under my HM2 Data Tab.

My question, if HM3 support LB3, as LB3 is current offered upgrade discount, I do not mind purchasing HM3, but what will happen to my TableNjnja or Note Caddy?

Thanks in advance,
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-16-2021 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Mylife0115
I have reset Code for both Leak Buster 1 and Hold's Manager 2, but my problem now is where to download the HM2 application?
You can still download HM2 from our new site: Support - Support Center - HM2 - Downloads.

Reinstall HM2 from this file.
- After downloading, you should right-click the file, go to properties and click unblock.*
* If you do not see an 'unblock' option you can ignore this step.
- Then, right click the file and run as administrator.

Please update to the final HM2 version.

Originally Posted by Mylife0115
Also TableNinja (PokerStars) is under my HM2 Data tab but here is no "Reset Code" option.
If you have problems activating your TN license:

Please 'Contact Support' with a link to this thread and your forum username.

Please reproduce issue, then go to TableNinja 2 > Help > Contact Support and click the "Send logs to TableNinja" button. Then send a copy of that ZIP file.

Originally Posted by Mylife0115
I have Note Caddy Premium for HM2, but it doesn't even show under my HM2 Data Tab.
Did you perhaps buy NC with a different email/account? Do you see it if you login to our old HM2 user site?

If you continue to have problems finding your NC license for HM2: That is not something we can help with on the forums for security reasons. Please login to your account on our site and email your questions to to our sales team via the 'Contact Support' link.

Originally Posted by Mylife0115
My question, if HM3 support LB3, as LB3 is current offered upgrade discount,
I do not know if LB2 supports HM3. That is something you need to ask the LeakBuster support staff.

Originally Posted by Mylife0115
I do not mind purchasing HM3, but what will happen to my TableNjnja or Note Caddy?

Your Table Ninja license is not tracker dependent. You should be able to use TN with HM2, HM3, PT4, H2N, DH, etc.

If you own a NC license on your HM2 account and purchase a HM3 license you will get 4 free months of NC for HM3. If you want to continue using the premium version of NC for HM3 after those 4 months you will need to purchase a NC for HM3 subscription.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-17-2021 , 12:54 AM
HM3 v3.1.19.7496
I think I did a recent update that caused this problem, can we get a fix in the next update please?...

You select a bunch of hands and hit replay. You used to just be able to use the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard to fly through action and it would jump to the next hand and keep moving that way. Now when the hand is over it'll jump to the new hand, but something will steal focus or something and you'll have to click back on the table for the arrows to work again. I have no other programs open to steal focus. This is new after the update this or last week in the client, if I remember correctly.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-17-2021 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by StungEm
HM3 v3.1.19.7496
I think I did a recent update that caused this problem, can we get a fix in the next update please?...

You select a bunch of hands and hit replay. You used to just be able to use the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard to fly through action and it would jump to the next hand and keep moving that way. Now when the hand is over it'll jump to the new hand, but something will steal focus or something and you'll have to click back on the table for the arrows to work again. I have no other programs open to steal focus. This is new after the update this or last week in the client, if I remember correctly.
I can not reproduce this issue on my PC.

- Close your poker clients, close HM3 and right-click - 'Exit' the HM3 Server icon in the Windows Notification Tray.
- Please start HM3 from the Start Menu using the 'Holdem Manager 3 with Logging' option - [x] 'Replayer' - OK and make sure HM3 and the HM3 Server (Auto Import/HUD) is fully started.
- Launch your poker client(s).
- Please reproduce the problem and click the 'Send Feedback' button from the left sidebar menu (or from the 'Help' menu at the top), or choose 'Yes' if prompted to submit an error report, and send your logs and config files with a detailed step by step description of the problem that we can use to try and reproduce the problem. You can also attach any screenshots or other files to the Send Feedback interface as long as they don't total over 10 MB (including logs).
- If you are unable to send the logs via the automated system for any reason you can collect and send the logs manually as instructed at the end of this FAQ.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-17-2021 , 01:02 PM
This is happening during review post session with everything else closed except HM3(probably during also, idk). Do you still want this full method of launching poker sites and same instructions?

Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
I can not reproduce this issue on my PC.

- Close your poker clients, close HM3 and right-click - 'Exit' the HM3 Server icon in the Windows Notification Tray.
- Please start HM3 from the Start Menu using the 'Holdem Manager 3 with Logging' option - [x] 'Replayer' - OK and make sure HM3 and the HM3 Server (Auto Import/HUD) is fully started.
- Launch your poker client(s).
- Please reproduce the problem and click the 'Send Feedback' button from the left sidebar menu (or from the 'Help' menu at the top), or choose 'Yes' if prompted to submit an error report, and send your logs and config files with a detailed step by step description of the problem that we can use to try and reproduce the problem. You can also attach any screenshots or other files to the Send Feedback interface as long as they don't total over 10 MB (including logs).
- If you are unable to send the logs via the automated system for any reason you can collect and send the logs manually as instructed at the end of this FAQ.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-17-2021 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by StungEm
This is happening during review post session with everything else closed except HM3(probably during also, idk). Do you still want this full method of launching poker sites and same instructions?
I apologize, I should have deleted the '- Launch your poker client(s).' step when I posted that reply. Please follow the instructions to reproduce the issue and send us your logs but skip the '- Launch your poker client(s).' step since it is a replayer specific issue.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-18-2021 , 07:52 AM
*** Notes imported on 10/18/2021 18:48:06 ***


*** End of imported notes ***

Just exported/imported my HM3 notes to new PC. Please tell me there is some settings to remove bolded parts?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-18-2021 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Steamy Kangaroo
*** Notes imported on 10/18/2021 18:48:06 ***


*** End of imported notes ***

Just exported/imported my HM3 notes to new PC. Please tell me there is some settings to remove bolded parts?
Unfortunately there is no easy way to remove them. We have an open feature request to add an option to hide that additional info when importing notes but I do not have an estimate for if/when this feature will be added. This feature request has been documented in detail and provided to the developers for future consideration. If you want to be notified if/when it is added please send an email via the 'Contact Support' link and include "Notify Me When HMT-3786 Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.

You can edit/delete them manually one by one if you install the DB Browser for SQLite, exit the HM3 client and server, open the database in the DB Browser, go to the Browse Data tab, open the 'Players' Table and sort by the 'note' column then edit each player's note manually as shown in the image example below.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-19-2021 , 09:03 PM
Disappointing news. Will wait for update then.

I would say that text is so unnecessary and huge bug in HM3, if player wants to move notes. No one cares when the notes are imported. I understand if you would add "Note Written on date"

Is there any other way to move notes from old PC to the new one? For example move file from old PC where notes are written to the new PC?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-19-2021 , 11:24 PM
Okay so because i had issues with party and 888 with hem3, i uninstalled party and reinstalled it. Going to do the same with 888.

Support was able to extend another 2 weeks because of the issues i had.

How do i make sure my hem3 database is fresh and do not have any hem2 hands? Again last time when i installed hem3 and started the free trial, I noticed when I went to reports, it showed results of days before I even downloaded hem3... which meant many hands and reports were automatically imported from hem2 to hem3? I remember with hem2, it was just create a new database.

Is that the same with hem3? But if thats the case, wouldn't it still have all the hands from hem2?

Thing is with hem2... I have hands stored for many years and thus the database for hem2 is very big. I remember you told me last time to vacuum it and I did that years ago but never did it again. Im pretty sure i have million of hands stored in my hem2 database.

So how do I make sure hem3 is fresh where the only hands I would have gotten in my database is from the 2 week trial? Again im trying to play on party/888 but the lag was beyond unplayable because of lagging and hem3 was the culprut because the moment I closed it.. the lag wasn't that bad anymore on party and 888. But again, the software for both of those sites are not that good.

Is there a way for me to check or you to check if my HEM3 contains any HEM2 files? I am thinking this is one possible reason why im getting a ton of lag while playing on party/888 though lot of people say they can't play more than max few tables on 888 without the lag.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-20-2021 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Steamy Kangaroo
Disappointing news. Will wait for update then.

I would say that text is so unnecessary and huge bug in HM3, if player wants to move notes. No one cares when the notes are imported. I understand if you would add "Note Written on date"

Is there any other way to move notes from old PC to the new one? For example move file from old PC where notes are written to the new PC?
The only other way would be to backup the entire database (with it's notes, etc) on PC1 via the HM3 - Tools menu and restore it on PC2. You could also just move the entire {DatabaseName).hmdb file from PC1 to PC2.

To transfer the HM3 database and settings from one PC to another:
- Please create a HM3 backup via the Tools - 'Backup Database...' menu.
- Transfer that file to your new PC via removable media/storage such as a USB flash drive.
- Restore it via the Tools - 'Restore Database...' menu.

To manually move the database file, without any of your settings, from one PC to another:
- Close your poker clients, close HM3 and right-click - 'Exit' the HM3 Server icon in the Windows Notification Tray.
- Use Windows Explorer to find the following folder on your computer: C:\Users\{UserName}\Documents\Holdem Manager 3\Databases
- Right-click - 'Cut' the *.hmdb file(s) (or entire folder) on PC1 and go to the external folder/drive you want the database to be at in Windows Explorer then right-click - 'Paste'.
- Transfer that folder/drive to PC2 and copy/paste it to it's fiinal location.
- Once it is done moving simply double left-click that *.hmdb file to launch HM3 so it will know where your database is now located the next time you launch HM3.
- p.s: If you can't see the extension, turn off the windows option that is hiding that extension.
- p.s.s : If you move it from a SSD to a HDD or an external SSD/HDD you may suffer a decrease in performance.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-20-2021 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Okay so because i had issues with party and 888 with hem3, i uninstalled party and reinstalled it. Going to do the same with 888.

Support was able to extend another 2 weeks because of the issues i had.

How do i make sure my hem3 database is fresh and do not have any hem2 hands?
HM3 - File - 'New Database...' - give the new database a name and click OK and you will have a new empty database. If you want your hands from the previous trial in that new database click File - 'Import Folder...' and select your C:\HM3Archive folder.

[QUOTE=PaulyJames200x;57367814]Again last time when i installed hem3 and started the free trial, I noticed when I went to reports, it showed results of days before I even downloaded hem3... which meant many hands and reports were automatically imported from hem2 to hem3? I remember with hem2, it was just create a new database.

During the installation setup wizard there is a page of the installer that gives you an option to try and find hands on your database, or import 1,000 'SampleHero' hands, no hands, etc. You likely chose one of those options to import old hands, or sample hands, instead of no hands.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Is that the same with hem3? But if thats the case, wouldn't it still have all the hands from hem2?
If you create a new database as instructed above it will not have any hands in it, unless you import them from an archive folder, or play some live hands for it to auto import.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Thing is with hem2... I have hands stored for many years and thus the database for hem2 is very big. I remember you told me last time to vacuum it and I did that years ago but never did it again. Im pretty sure i have million of hands stored in my hem2 database.

So how do I make sure hem3 is fresh where the only hands I would have gotten in my database is from the 2 week trial? Again im trying to play on party/888 but the lag was beyond unplayable because of lagging and hem3 was the culprut because the moment I closed it.. the lag wasn't that bad anymore on party and 888. But again, the software for both of those sites are not that good.

Is there a way for me to check or you to check if my HEM3 contains any HEM2 files? I am thinking this is one possible reason why im getting a ton of lag while playing on party/888 though lot of people say they can't play more than max few tables on 888 without the lag.
Just create a new empty database as instructed above.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-21-2021 , 12:54 PM
I did create a new hem3 database. Then later on after opening hem3 again, I notice in the bottom left corner it says importing hands and shows percentage... until 100%

Then a bit after this, it shows Detecting tournaments... then like 300 remaining... then it goes down 299, 298 etc all the way to 0.

So is it still importing hands into this new hem3 database?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-21-2021 , 09:41 PM
Same issue occurring while playing on party and 888 with hem3 running. The client freezes both of them when this occurs.

The only way that fixes this issue is close 888 and hem3 while having only party tables... or have only a few party tables and a few 888 tables with hem3 running.

Its basically impossible to play on 888 and party if you want to play 10+ tables. with hem3 running. Seems like 8 table is the absolute max because all this issue occurs.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-22-2021 , 12:07 AM
On HEM3, where its on All Reports, I click on tournaments,

Then I see a bunch of tournaments today... but few lines later few months ago... then as you go down I see tournaments from a few years ago. So does this mean HEM3 took some hands from HEM2 then?

Again I did the create new database and it shows that name on the top left corner. But a bit later, I saw that message I posted few posts about where it was importing hands and tournaments.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-22-2021 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
I did create a new hem3 database. Then later on after opening hem3 again, I notice in the bottom left corner it says importing hands and shows percentage... until 100%

Then a bit after this, it shows Detecting tournaments... then like 300 remaining... then it goes down 299, 298 etc all the way to 0.

So is it still importing hands into this new hem3 database?
You must have had some old hands stuck in an auto import folder, that would hopefully have then been archived to C:\HM3Archive. Open the HM3 - Tools - Site Settings - Auto Import Folders menu for each site and then select and open each folder with the '...' button so you can make sure there are no longer any hand history files stuck in the various auto import folders. If you find any files in those folders just 'Cut' them from their location and move/paste them to a sub-folder of the C:\HM3Archive folder.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Same issue occurring while playing on party and 888 with hem3 running. The client freezes both of them when this occurs.

The only way that fixes this issue is close 888 and hem3 while having only party tables... or have only a few party tables and a few 888 tables with hem3 running.

Its basically impossible to play on 888 and party if you want to play 10+ tables. with hem3 running. Seems like 8 table is the absolute max because all this issue occurs.
Please create a support ticket with a link to this thread and your forum username.

Please reproduce and screenshot the error and send us both your Windows Event Viewer application logs, and your \Desktop\HM3logs\ folder of files, as instructed below with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing:

a) Open Windows Event Viewer's (Control Panel - System & Security - Administrative Tools or Start - Search - 'Event Viewer') - Windows Logs - Applications.
- Check for any errors and send the information (right-click - Save All Events As...) and compress*/attach that file to this support ticket.
- Here is a short video showing how to collect those event viewer logs.

b) Please attach a set of log files and a screenshot and detailed description of the issue in the support ticket you created.

Note: When sending any files please zip them (select all files with CTRL+A > right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is larger than 10MB please upload them to a file hosting site wetransfer or filedropper and copy/paste the download link directly into the support ticket email.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
On HEM3, where its on All Reports, I click on tournaments,

Then I see a bunch of tournaments today... but few lines later few months ago... then as you go down I see tournaments from a few years ago. So does this mean HEM3 took some hands from HEM2 then?

Again I did the create new database and it shows that name on the top left corner. But a bit later, I saw that message I posted few posts about where it was importing hands and tournaments.
It somehow imported some older hands from your archive folder or HM2 database at some point. Just try creating another new database, or open the Tournaments report again and use Shift or Ctrl + Left Click to select the older tournaments then right-click - 'Delete' them.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-24-2021 , 02:17 AM
Okay I will take a look at that.

Another thing I want to ask. But I have this program called Aero Glass for Win8.1+ installed on my laptop. Had installed this a while back. I remember I installed it a long time ago because i want the windows 10 pro to look like windows 7 etc.

But is this required to run HEM2/HEM3? I remember a while back you mentioned HEM2 required Aero... but Aero Glass is not the same thing right? So I could remove this? I am pretty certain I downloaded this myself on a site a while back.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-24-2021 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Okay I will take a look at that.

Another thing I want to ask. But I have this program called Aero Glass for Win8.1+ installed on my laptop. Had installed this a while back. I remember I installed it a long time ago because i want the windows 10 pro to look like windows 7 etc.

But is this required to run HEM2/HEM3? I remember a while back you mentioned HEM2 required Aero... but Aero Glass is not the same thing right? So I could remove this? I am pretty certain I downloaded this myself on a site a while back.
I am not familiar with that program but from what I can see via google search it is not a requirement for Windows or HM2/3.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-24-2021 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
You must have had some old hands stuck in an auto import folder, that would hopefully have then been archived to C:\HM3Archive. Open the HM3 - Tools - Site Settings - Auto Import Folders menu for each site and then select and open each folder with the '...' button so you can make sure there are no longer any hand history files stuck in the various auto import folders. If you find any files in those folders just 'Cut' them from their location and move/paste them to a sub-folder of the C:\HM3Archive folder.

Please create a support ticket with a link to this thread and your forum username.

Please reproduce and screenshot the error and send us both your Windows Event Viewer application logs, and your \Desktop\HM3logs\ folder of files, as instructed below with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing:

a) Open Windows Event Viewer's (Control Panel - System & Security - Administrative Tools or Start - Search - 'Event Viewer') - Windows Logs - Applications.
- Check for any errors and send the information (right-click - Save All Events As...) and compress*/attach that file to this support ticket.
- Here is a short video showing how to collect those event viewer logs.

b) Please attach a set of log files and a screenshot and detailed description of the issue in the support ticket you created.

Note: When sending any files please zip them (select all files with CTRL+A > right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is larger than 10MB please upload them to a file hosting site wetransfer or filedropper and copy/paste the download link directly into the support ticket email.

It somehow imported some older hands from your archive folder or HM2 database at some point. Just try creating another new database, or open the Tournaments report again and use Shift or Ctrl + Left Click to select the older tournaments then right-click - 'Delete' them.

Customer Support

I clicked on tools/site settings.

I go to stars and in auto import folders... it shows


When I click on each of them and click on the ... for each of them, it shows

Folder of my stars username. If i open it, its empty for both of them.

For 888, its the same exact thing like on stars except its only


What do you mean cut them and move them to a subfolder of c:/hm3archive folder?
I can right click and cut each of them but how do you move them to that folder? Also isn't cut the same meaning as delete?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-24-2021 , 03:13 PM
Also seems like every few times I open hem3, i get this message about enabling logging and asking if i want to yes or not. The message reads something like it would make your computer lag or something like that or use more cpu power if you choose to click yes?

I seem to get this message once every few times I open the hem3 client. Obviously you click no each time but how do you not have this message show up?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-24-2021 , 03:51 PM
In part A of the video, I did everything up to the 52 second part of that 1 minute plus video. But I can barely see whats going on from 55 seconds to the the last part of the video. But I do see the events viewer log folder and the event log in that desktop folder now. Once you do everything till the 52 second part of the video, its fine right?

Also I noticed in Event viewer/windows log/application when scrolling all the way down...

There are a tons of Error and Warning in the level when you scroll through down. There is literally hundreds of it. Might even be 1000+. So that means there is ton of issues with my hem3 right?

B. Attaching the log files.

So I click on attach files and I see

MYHM3Database 82,000 kb
New HEM Database 16,000 kb

For some reason these two files below show up for few seconds, then disappear few seconds each time I'm on the pc/documents/hem3/database folder?

NewHem3 Database.hdmb-shm 32kb
NewHem3 Database.hdmb- wal 0kb

I do see in that feedback, it has check mark on include log files and include configuration files.

So you want me to attach both of those files in bold i posted and then click send?

Last edited by PaulyJames200x; 10-24-2021 at 03:58 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-24-2021 , 05:06 PM
Corrected my post from few posts earlier.

I go to stars and in auto import folders... it shows


When I click on each of them and click on the ... for each of them, it shows

Folder of my stars username. If i open it, its empty for both of them.

For 888, its the same exact thing like on stars except its only


What do you mean cut them and move them to a subfolder of c:/hm3archive folder? Do you mean drag these folders to the

PC/C Drive/HM3Archive

When I click on HM3Archive, I see 2 folders


So you want me to drag those 2 stars folders in bold to the Pokerstars folder in HM3Archive? And likewise that one 888 folder in bold to the 888Poker folder in HM3Archive?

But after doing this, these delete the 2 stars folder and the one 888 folder where I originally dragged it from?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-25-2021 , 06:30 AM

I keep getting this when I open HM3 today. It keeps popping up and won't let me close it.

I have no interest in renewing right now but surely I should still be able to use the software? The last time I updated the software was maybe 1-2 weeks ago and my support / maintenance only expired today.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-25-2021 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by ADK

I keep getting this when I open HM3 today. It keeps popping up and won't let me close it.

I have no interest in renewing right now but surely I should still be able to use the software? The last time I updated the software was maybe 1-2 weeks ago and my support / maintenance only expired today.

If your Support & Maintenance (S/M) plan expired recently then the maximum version you can use with your license is version which you can download and install from this link.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
