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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

07-07-2020 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by Mephisto6000
Just updated it. Will wait for a response to make sure it was done correctly. Thanks in advance
I just replied to your ticket #526690. You only sent 5 of the 30+ ish files we wanted sent, and you also forgot to send the hand history files. Here is a direct link to your My Tickets page.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-07-2020 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by pucmo

-VPIP or so change colour based on tightness and I don't find how it can be prevented.
Are you playing on PokerStars or Full Tilt? Amaya (PokerStars and Full Tilt) only allow 3 colors to be automatically assigned to a HUD stat. HM3 will only color stats based on the first two color ranges and all other stat values will have the default color.

What you need to do is set just two color conditions under "Color Ranges" and the third color will be the default color for the stat. This is the one set to Foreground for the stat in the HUD Profile Editor - you can change it there to whatever color you would like. The 3 color limit is per stat and not overall so, for example, you can use red/blue/green for VPIP and yellow/purple/pink for PFR e.t.c.

For example:
Set Foreground color to Green
Set first Color Range to Red for 1-30
Set second Color Range to Yellow for 31-70

Any number above 70 for that stat will be colored green.

Originally Posted by pucmo
-How the HM3 HUD deals with the changing number of players at the table? HM2, one could make it as one wants and I didn't find that option in HM3.
HM3 - HUD - HUD Options - General/General - 'Filters'

Originally Posted by pucmo
Is HM3 on average a reduced feature version compared to HM2?
No, not at all. HM3 has a number of new features that HM2 does not have in fact. Some HM2 features (HUD in particular) were not included on release since HM3 itself was built from scratch along with some help from the PT4 HUD and parsing code. HM2 had a number of HUD features that PT4 never had, and PT4 had some HUD features that HM2 users wanted which are now in HM3. It will take us some time until we can add some of those 'missing HM2 features' that PT4 did not have already. We are planning a complete rewrite of the HM3 HUD at some point in the future and we hope to be able to add most of those 'missing HM2 features' once that is complete.

Originally Posted by pucmo
Is PT4 as so better and rates to be the last "version" of PT, like HM3 and Win10?
There will eventually be a version 5 of PokerTracker.

Originally Posted by pucmo
-Multiway all-in pots are not EV calculated (when e.g. one player went all in earlier and two on the flop). It is not calculated by HM3 for the last all-in players who went all-in on the flop or turn and so the all-in EV stat isn't accurate. The earlier all-in can't be calculated (when folding is still possible) but the last men going all-in on the flop or turn can be calculated but is not done by HM3 (nor PT4, I suppose). HM2 calculates it (maybe incorrectly for the first man here?).

HM3 uses the same equity code as PT4 now which is more accurate and less biased than the code we used for equity in HM2.

In a hand where a player is all-in but other players are not, net adjusted results are not calculated. When one player is all-in preflop and other players are not, then they usually have the option to act postflop and this means that sometimes one of them will fold. Having the option to fold* after another street is dealt means that in the long run there will be more strong hands which get to showdown and less weak hands. If we were to calculate net adjusted results in hands like this it would introduce a systematic bias (because there will be more known strong hands) so we exclude all hands like this from net adjusted calculations. You can read more about this here -

*Note: Attempting to calculate adjusted results when unknown but folded cards already called the all-in also introduce a bias into the results so HM3 does not make these calculations in any situation where a player calls the all-in and later folds (even if it's on the same street).

Originally Posted by pucmo
I played this at Party cash and the HHs seem complete enough to me (or not the ones one can view with HM3 that show only a short version e.g. won't show the hands but that's a different thing, needing one to export the HH on the desktop and then view what the hands are and that HH HM3 uses for the stats and it seems complete to me) and as so the same problem on the other sites.
I do not understand what you are saying/asking here. Is there a question in that paragraph?

HM3 supports PartyPoker skins that continue to save hand histories and don't prohibit the use of our software. and skins in the same global pool are not supported. These skins have a 'My Game' section of their software where you can download the hands from, then use the HM3 - File - Import Files/Folder options to manually import the anonymous hands for import.

If you are having import errors or issues with the results once imported: Please zip and email the original problem hand histories and tournament summaries to us as instructed at the bottom of this FAQ.

Make sure you also include screenshots of your reports/filters and a detailed description by tournament number, session, hole cards, filter, stat, etc. of some of the errors we need to test.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-07-2020 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
I just replied to your ticket #526690. You only sent 5 of the 30+ ish files we wanted sent, and you also forgot to send the hand history files. Here is a direct link to your My Tickets page.

Customer Support
Updated with new information.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-07-2020 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Mephisto6000
Updated with new information.

Thank you. I just found out that this is actually an issue on the WPN side of things. I actually didn't need the new set of log files so I apologize for making you have to collect/upload them again.

We are waiting for them to update their poker client software with "tournament": true specified in the seating files so we can differentiate between cash and tournament 'fast-fold' tables. They are going to try and update the software 'ASAP'. Once we get confirmation their update has been released we will have to do more testing on our end to see if that is all that was needed, or if we also need to update our software and release a fix in a new HM3 beta update. Once I get more info after their release I will try to remember to quote your forum post(s) again and update the 2+2 thread so you and everyone else can be aware.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-07-2020 , 01:33 PM
Hello, will be asking some questions as a complete hm noob so sorry for the possibly repetitive questions.

1. Can hm3 tag hands using hotkeys?
2. What is the difference between "custom stats" and "custom filters"? Did some reading, and it seems like I can't build custom stats with hm3, but custom filters can be made.
Can I query for frequencies and ev win/loss rate for a specific postflop line at specific stack depths?
3. How much customization can be made to the "live view" feature? Can I see preflop and postflop stats for varying stack depths?
4. Under the situational view section, there was an image with "coming soon" text showing graphs illustrating stat deviations and win/loss at various table counts. Has this been implemented?
5. I have a hud that I'm interested in, but it is only offered in the hm2 version with notecaddy premium. Is it possible to fully import this into hm3?

thanks in advance
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-07-2020 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny.Wice
Hello, will be asking some questions as a complete hm noob so sorry for the possibly repetitive questions.

1. Can hm3 tag hands using hotkeys?
Yes. They are enabled by default in the HM3 - HUD - HUD Options... - General/Advanced menu under the 'Hotkeys' section.

Originally Posted by Johnny.Wice
2. What is the difference between "custom stats" and "custom filters"? Did some reading, and it seems like I can't build custom stats with hm3, but custom filters can be made.
Unfortunately HM3's HUD Editor is not capable of custom stats or importing PT4 HUD Profiles. You can create custom HUD stats for HM3 using the NoteCaddy app that is currently in free beta testing for HM3 license owners.

HM3 Apps can only be used if you own a HM3 license. They can not be used if HM3 is in Trial or Free mode.

Originally Posted by Johnny.Wice
Can I query for frequencies and ev win/loss rate for a specific postflop line at specific stack depths?
Yes, in the various Reports using the Filter Editor and/or the HMQL Filter field at the top of any report.

Originally Posted by Johnny.Wice
3. How much customization can be made to the "live view" feature? Can I see preflop and postflop stats for varying stack depths?
The Live Play view is very limited in terms of what stats you can add to the Key stats for the active player. You can't add stats to the hands grid (only hide them), and there is no filter editor in the Live Play view. You will need to do this type of review in the Reports.

Originally Posted by Johnny.Wice
4. Under the situational view section, there was an image with "coming soon" text showing graphs illustrating stat deviations and win/loss at various table counts. Has this been implemented?
I am not sure which specific new 'coming soon' Situational view you are referring to but I do not have an ETA for when any of those will be implemented. I do not have an estimate for when this issue will be resolved. We do not give estimates until it has been confirmed as implemented/resolved by our testers and the release is imminent.

Originally Posted by Johnny.Wice
5. I have a hud that I'm interested in, but it is only offered in the hm2 version with notecaddy premium. Is it possible to fully import this into hm3?

thanks in advance
You will have to ask the maker of that NC Coaching Pack/HUD if their package is cully compatible with HM3 yet. The HUD should import in general but I have no way to know if all of their custom stats/definitions have been fully ported to HM3 from HM2 or not. The beta version of NC for HM3 includes the ~77 free default definitions; and the definitions/HUD for the NCE Ultimate Holdem and NCE Ultimate MTT packs from NoteCaddy Edge during the free beta testing period.

p.s. In the future, if you have a long string of multiple questions like this please send them to us in a secure support ticket instead of posting them all here. This thread is generally for single/simple questions or urgent bug reports for site updates, etc. It is much easier for us to answer multiple questions in a support ticket than here due to all the formatting required to post in bbcode.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-07-2020 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny.Wice
3. How much customization can be made to the "live view" feature? Can I see preflop and postflop stats for varying stack depths?

thanks in advance
As a slight aside to this, we had a HM2 feature that was part of the Opponents view where you could view stats, and filter in detail, for active players in the session. HM3 does not have this feature yet but I think it would allow you to do much of what you want to do in the quote above.

HMT-3581: Missing HM2 Feature: Opponents - Player Analysis - Players in Active Session

This feature request has been documented in detail and provided to the developers for future consideration. *If you want to be notified if/when it is added please send an email via the 'Contact Support' link and include "Notify Me When HMT-3581 Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.

Here is a pic of how it looked it HM2:

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-07-2020 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
Thank you. I just found out that this is actually an issue on the WPN side of things. I actually didn't need the new set of log files so I apologize for making you have to collect/upload them again.

We are waiting for them to update their poker client software with "tournament": true specified in the seating files so we can differentiate between cash and tournament 'fast-fold' tables. They are going to try and update the software 'ASAP'. Once we get confirmation their update has been released we will have to do more testing on our end to see if that is all that was needed, or if we also need to update our software and release a fix in a new HM3 beta update. Once I get more info after their release I will try to remember to quote your forum post(s) again and update the 2+2 thread so you and everyone else can be aware.

Customer Support
Great thanks for letting me know so quickly!

Also, is there a way to turn off the HUD to not even attempt to work on these tables? The problem is that these tables force the HUD to not work on all my other tables... which kind of sucks.

If there is a way to turn off HUD for tournament based tables and leave on for cash game tables that would be nice. Please let me know if that is an option. Thanks.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-07-2020 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Mephisto6000
Great thanks for letting me know so quickly!

Also, is there a way to turn off the HUD to not even attempt to work on these tables? The problem is that these tables force the HUD to not work on all my other tables... which kind of sucks.

If there is a way to turn off HUD for tournament based tables and leave on for cash game tables that would be nice. Please let me know if that is an option. Thanks.
You can't auto hide the HUD on all tourney tables but you can try to hide the HUD on individual tables by left-clicking the Table HUD menu on each of those tables as shown in the image below. Hopefully that will help you for now.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-08-2020 , 04:38 PM
I can't get HM3 to work with ACR. I can't even find the hand history. I go on ACR, click Game Info, and Hand Histories...there is nothing. I've played hands. Where are they? And how do I set them up on for HM3. I tried all the steps that were shown and still nothing...
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-08-2020 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by zagerbomb
I can't get HM3 to work with ACR. I can't even find the hand history. I go on ACR, click Game Info, and Hand Histories...there is nothing. I've played hands. Where are they? And how do I set them up on for HM3. I tried all the steps that were shown and still nothing...
Here is our WPN Setup Guide to make sure it is saving hand history files and to configure HM3 to auto import those files.

If you continue to have problems:

Please see our HUD Troubleshooting FAQ and if that does not help then please send the requested logs, screenshots, and hand history files in a support ticket as instructed at the bottom of that FAQ with a link to this forum thread and your forum username.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-09-2020 , 08:32 AM
Hi. Quite honestly, I can't figure out why you guys can't update HM2 to allow import of hands from GGNetwork. I do not understand why I need to upgrade just for that. The big price I paid for HM2 NLH+Omaha for all stakes+Notecaddy isn't worth a thing. And again, buying HM3 just for the ability to replay hands(as GG do not allow huds) is just not worth it.

Isn't it super easy to implement the ability to import hands from GGNetwork?

It's really disappointing.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-09-2020 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by crowned
Hi. Quite honestly, I can't figure out why you guys can't update HM2 to allow import of hands from GGNetwork. I do not understand why I need to upgrade just for that. The big price I paid for HM2 NLH+Omaha for all stakes+Notecaddy isn't worth a thing. And again, buying HM3 just for the ability to replay hands(as GG do not allow huds) is just not worth it.

Isn't it super easy to implement the ability to import hands from GGNetwork?

It's really disappointing.
It is not a simple task to just add parsing support for an entire new format/network of hand histories. HM2 no longer gets new features (i.e. parsing support for new sites or games) once HM3 was released.

All development of new features, tools and game type support will be focused on HM3. We will continue to support HM2 for bug fixes and parser updates until an end of life (“EOL”) date for HM2. We have not yet determined an EOL date for HM2; however, it will remain supported until at least October 15, 2020.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-09-2020 , 01:39 PM
Importing the pp hand history won't work with the tournaments. Is this a problem of hm or pp. I think the tournaments are importer, but no matter if I win or posse an sng /mtt the net win shown in hm is always negative.

Any way to fix that
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-09-2020 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by alberthofmann
Importing the pp hand history won't work with the tournaments. Is this a problem of hm or pp. I think the tournaments are importer, but no matter if I win or posse an sng /mtt the net win shown in hm is always negative.

Any way to fix that
HM2 or HM3? MTT or STT?

We have a few open tickets for our developers to see if we can improve tournament detection for the downloaded party hands. Unfortunately it is not clear if we will be able to improve it or not because they do not write any separate summary files for each tournament, and what little bit of summary information they do have is mixed in with the hand history file and each file can contain multiple different tournaments. The few sites that write live hand history files and separate summary files all write one tournament per hand/summary file set.

Please zip and email the original problem hand histories and tournament summaries to us as instructed at the bottom of this FAQ. Make sure you also include screenshots of your reports/filters and a detailed description by tournament number, session, hole cards, filter, stat, etc. of some of the errors we need to test.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-09-2020 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
You can't auto hide the HUD on all tourney tables but you can try to hide the HUD on individual tables by left-clicking the Table HUD menu on each of those tables as shown in the image below. Hopefully that will help you for now.

Customer Support
will try this now thanks
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-09-2020 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager

HM3 uses the same equity code as PT4 now which is more accurate and less biased than the code we used for equity in HM2.

In a hand where a player is all-in but other players are not, net adjusted results are not calculated. When one player is all-in preflop and other players are not, then they usually have the option to act postflop and this means that sometimes one of them will fold. Having the option to fold* after another street is dealt means that in the long run there will be more strong hands which get to showdown and less weak hands. If we were to calculate net adjusted results in hands like this it would introduce a systematic bias (because there will be more known strong hands) so we exclude all hands like this from net adjusted calculations. You can read more about this here -

*Note: Attempting to calculate adjusted results when unknown but folded cards already called the all-in also introduce a bias into the results so HM3 does not make these calculations in any situation where a player calls the all-in and later folds (even if it's on the same street)
Customer Supprt
Player1 goes all-in prelfop.
Player2 and Player3 call.
Player2 and 3 go all in on the flop.
EV can be calculated for player2 and 3 who fight for the main pot and for the side pot. The other pot has no Player1. HM3 doesn't calculate that EV either.


Another question: My hero HUD in HM3 shows only the session stats; is there a way to make it show whatever one wants like one can with the other players' HUDs? For example, the all-time Hero stats for the limit?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-10-2020 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by pucmo
Another question: My hero HUD in HM3 shows only the session stats; is there a way to make it show whatever one wants like one can with the other players' HUDs? For example, the all-time Hero stats for the limit?
HM3 is designed to only show your table session stats in the HUD at each table, and in the Replayer. As your own number of hands increases your lifetime stats don't change much if at all between hands but your image at each individual table may vary considerably depending on the cards you've been dealt and/or your opponents. If you want to see your lifetime stats for analysis purposes you can do so in your HM3 reports.

There is no option to view lifetime hero stats in the HM3 replayer currently like you could in HM2. It was possible in early testing but it caused performance issues so we had to disable it at that time.

This feature request has been documented in detail and provided to the developers for future consideration. If you want to be notified if/when it is added please send an email via the 'Contact Support' link and include "Notify Me When HMT-1428 Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.

Note: There is a method to enable it manually but it can cause performance issues as mentioned, and it will also cause the live hero HUD to behave the same way which would mean losing the ability to see your table image/stats at each table which you may not like (and it could also cause performance issues when playing live). If you want the instructions on how to do this, I posted them on our forums.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-10-2020 , 09:42 AM
Sorry if this was covered already but figured this was the place to ask. Does Revolution/Cake no longer allow HM2 HUD? Logged on today for the first time in months and it's not popping up. It is however auto-importing hands. On the Juicy Stakes skin btw
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-10-2020 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Cris Claymore
Sorry if this was covered already but figured this was the place to ask. Does Revolution/Cake no longer allow HM2 HUD? Logged on today for the first time in months and it's not popping up. It is however auto-importing hands. On the Juicy Stakes skin btw
This issue has been documented in detail and provided to the developers to resolve. The assigned internal issue # on this issue is HM-8966. If you want to be notified when it is fixed please send an email via the 'Contact Support' link and include "Notify Me When HM-8966 Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.

The HUD should be able to be attached manually from what I recall. Please see this FAQ on how to use table finder for non 'fast-fold' tables. If the table is not listed try dragging the target to the table regardless.

Note: Our next HM3 beta update (hopefully later today) will have full support for Revolution Network (Juicy Stakes, Cake, etc) HUD and auto-import. I was just testing the new beta on Juicy Stakes cash games and it appears to be working well.

You will receive a prompt to update HM3 any time there is an update available as long as you have enabled the Tools - Settings - General - [x] 'Check for Updates' and [x] 'Prompt for beta updates' options. You can check for new updates via the HM3 - Help - 'Check for updates...' option. You can also check for updates and release notes in our HM3 Releases forum here.

By purchasing HM2 you can upgrade to HM3 with a 25% discount before October 15th 2020. To use the discount please login to your HM account on our website and add the available discounted upgrade option to the cart and complete the purchase. You can see our upgrade policy FAQ here. And our HM3 Annual Support & Maintenance policy FAQ here. Important: The Annual Support & Maintenance is FREE for the first year with the purchase or upgrade.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-10-2020 , 11:00 PM
Why aren't my tournament buy ins or anything showing up on HM3 for ACR? Just the hand histories. How do I fix that?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-11-2020 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by zagerbomb
Why aren't my tournament buy ins or anything showing up on HM3 for ACR? Just the hand histories. How do I fix that?
WPN does not write tournament summaries so MTT results will never be right, and their SNG don't have the information we need in the hand history files (they put it in the file name instead of the file itself). They are supposedly working on a new hand history format and adding tournament summary files later this summer. When they eventually do this we should be able to begin work to update our tournament detection to give proper results.

Any tournament with more than 1 table (and some single table games) will require a separate Tournament Summary/History file to be imported for HM3 to properly calculate the size, places, and prizes. Without this information it is impossible for HM3 to work out the correct results. The only sites that currently write these summary files that we support right now is Pokerstars, Full Tilt, Winamax and Pacific.

For now you will need to manually edit the results via the Reports - Tournaments - Tournaments - right-click a tournament in the upper half the report grid - Edit - Tournament Editor, then edit as needed and click 'OK' to save the edits.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-11-2020 , 11:56 PM
Does hm2 or even 3 work with acr blitz?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-11-2020 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by zagerbomb
I can't get HM3 to work with ACR. I can't even find the hand history. I go on ACR, click Game Info, and Hand Histories...there is nothing. I've played hands. Where are they? And how do I set them up on for HM3. I tried all the steps that were shown and still nothing...

I’m having this issue with hm2
The hh folder is empty
But there are hands in hm2 from a session
Some hands are missing thoigh
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-12-2020 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by max85
I’m having this issue with hm2
The hh folder is empty
But there are hands in hm2 from a session
Some hands are missing thoigh
sorry for extra post, however i have also noticed in the replayer, the hud is in the wrong position, but correct position when playing ingame on reg tables. Settings issue?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
