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07-24-2019 , 10:37 PM
I am confused.

Players on ACR have been upset for a long time that they can not see a players mucked cards at showdown.

However after showdown a box pops up on the hud and displays a players equity on each street. In order to calculate that equity HM3 must know the losing players mucked cards?

Is there a way for me to access these cards?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-24-2019 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Gambit504
I am confused.

Players on ACR have been upset for a long time that they can not see a players mucked cards at showdown.

However after showdown a box pops up on the hud and displays a players equity on each street. In order to calculate that equity HM3 must know the losing players mucked cards?

Is there a way for me to access these cards?
HM2 or HM3?

I don't recall the instances in which they do or don't write the actual hole card info the HH file. To try and debug this to determine if the hole cards are actually being written, or if this is some sort of HM2/3 HUD issue showing Equity when there aren't known hole cards for all players, we are going to need to see a video if possible (or screenshots if you have issues with video) and the logs/hands from the session:

Please enable the Settings > Feature Logging > [x] 'HUDStats' and 'FastPoker' option and increase the Max number of log files option to 10 so old logs are saved with date/time stamps.

You can also enable this before you launch HM2 from the Start Menu -

Please reproduce the problem and attach:
- a video* using or or
- if the video is too big for email you can share it via screencast, dropbox, googledrive or filedropper, and send us a link to watch it.
- try to include the Active Sessions tab and/or Sessions Report in the video along with a browser page of this site - - visible during the entire video
- and zip/attach your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing -

*When sending any files please zip them (right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is larger than 10MB please upload them to a file hosting site like dropbox, then click 'Share' > 'Create Link' > Copy Link' and right-click > 'Paste' the download link directly into the support ticket email. If you have any problems with dropbox try using or google drive.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-25-2019 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
Not a silly question at all. Yes, you can do this but you may end up with a few different archive sub-folders for the same netowrk but named slightly different. The one that comes to mind off the top of my head is that HM2 archived Winning Poker Network hands to \HM2Archive\WPN\ while HM3 uses \HM3Archive\Winning Poker Network (Yatahay)\.

I basically did the same thing if you look close at the paths in those 2 pics, I just decided to keep the HM3Archive folder as a separate sub-folder of HM2. I did this mainly for internal testing reasons so I can easily test any archiving bugs and tell if HM2 and/or HM3 archived the files properly and also for finding the hands I need when testing/writing HM3 bugs is much easier if I don't have to look through the 10+ years of HM1 and HM2 archived hands I have in that older \HM2Archive folder in my folder.

Customer Support
Final couple of questions on this (hopefully):-

Can I change the folders in 'Site Setup' on HM2 to look at only the corresponding archive folders for the sites I play in my HM3 archive to eliminate the fighting between the two programs when they try to archive live? Does HM2 scan these folders on startup for new hands or just monitor them when the program is open? I understand HM2 will not update in real time as it'll have to wait for HM3 to archive the files but I'm ok with that, just want to try and keep the importing automated

How long does it take HM3 to archive a HH?

Does HM3 still archive at the same speed as whatever the answer to the above question when running HUD only mode or do you need to actually open HM3 properly before anything gets done?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-25-2019 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by SleazyP84
Final couple of questions on this (hopefully):-

Can I change the folders in 'Site Setup' on HM2 to look at only the corresponding archive folders for the sites I play in my HM3 archive to eliminate the fighting between the two programs when they try to archive live? Does HM2 scan these folders on startup for new hands or just monitor them when the program is open? I understand HM2 will not update in real time as it'll have to wait for HM3 to archive the files but I'm ok with that, just want to try and keep the importing automated
If you are going to use them both at the same time often and want them all archived in one place then just disable archiving on one of the programs, or setup a separate HM3 and HM2 Archive sub-folder in your master archive folder to try and keep them separated as best as they can by themselves.

Originally Posted by SleazyP84
How long does it take HM3 to archive a HH?

That varies based on site. Some will get archived right after the session even if the poker client is open, some wont get archived until after the client is closed and/or the next time you restart HM3.

Originally Posted by SleazyP84
Does HM3 still archive at the same speed as whatever the answer to the above question when running HUD only mode or do you need to actually open HM3 properly before anything gets done?

HM3 will archive in HUD only mode. HUD Only mode = everything is just like normal (hands are imported so the hud can work, and archived as needed) but the holdemmanager3.exe is not launched to save you some resources and help reduce distractions during the session.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-25-2019 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Odd, I will set a reminder to try and test it tomorrow when I am back on the clock or see if someone else can if I don't have time.

Just to be clear, this was on live tables and not the replayer?
Live table hud, ya
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-25-2019 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by ahmngrn30
Live table hud, ya

This is actually done this way on purpose because there are some known performance issues if someone sets that to 0 and has a huge (i.e. millions of hands) database (and low spec'd computer) that we need to address in the future. We had it set to '0' as default initially like HM2 before we discovered those performance issues.

Currently setting it to '0' does the exact same thing as the default 20k setting because we don't want those customers with huge databases and older/slower machines to have performance issues if they change it to 0 until we can improve performance for them. Once we resolve those issues we will update it to work as it says. For now you have to enter the actual number of hands manually (and ask us for help like you did if the '0' setting isn't working properly) to make it a little more obvious if they have issues in live play HUD after making those changes that it is related to their recent HUD Options changes.

Customer Support

Last edited by Holdem Manager; 07-25-2019 at 11:16 AM. Reason: minor edits for clarity on perf issues
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-25-2019 , 12:46 PM
So i had some HM2 files taking up almost all of the space on my computer and deleted some. I happened to delete something important because could not open HM2 anymore. I finally get it open and my database and hands are gone and it forces me to make a new one.

I find my archive hands and start importing all of them from ignition and WPN. Ignition comes in fine, but WPN is not working. I keep trying and only get up to June 10th to important. When I try the other hands, it just says files imported, however no hands are being imported. Why does it keep saying this and not import the hands on the files from June 11th to July? Is there a way to fix this?

Also, where can I find the notes from players I made and import this is in? Now there are no notes on any players I had before.

Thanks in advance!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-25-2019 , 01:33 PM
so, still no upgrade on hm2 hud working in
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-25-2019 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Mephisto6000
So i had some HM2 files taking up almost all of the space on my computer and deleted some. I happened to delete something important because could not open HM2 anymore. I finally get it open and my database and hands are gone and it forces me to make a new one.

It sounds like you deleted parts of your database. This will corrupt the database beyond repair unless you can find them in your recycle bin still and restore them all. If not, you should delete the old database from the HM2 DB Manager as it will be unusable going forward.

Originally Posted by Mephisto6000
I find my archive hands and start importing all of them from ignition and WPN. Ignition comes in fine, but WPN is not working. I keep trying and only get up to June 10th to important. When I try the other hands, it just says files imported, however no hands are being imported. Why does it keep saying this and not import the hands on the files from June 11th to July? Is there a way to fix this?

Please update to the latest beta version -

- After downloading, you should right-click the file, go to properties and click unblock.*
* If you do not see an 'unblock' option you can ignore this step.
- Then, right click the file and run as administrator.

If you continue to have problems please zip and email the problem hand histories, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to us using the 'Contact Support' link.

Make sure you also include screenshots of your reports/filters and a detailed description by tournament number, session, hole cards, filter, stat, etc. of some of the errors we need to test.

All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: C:\HM2Archive\2016\07\31).

When sending any files please zip them (right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is larger than 10MB please upload them to a file hosting site like dropbox, then click 'Share' > 'Create Link' > Copy Link' and right-click > 'Paste' the download link directly into the support ticket email. If you have any problems with dropbox try using or google drive.

Originally Posted by Mephisto6000
Also, where can I find the notes from players I made and import this is in? Now there are no notes on any players I had before.

Thanks in advance!
If you have a backup of the player/hand notes created from that damaged database, before it was damaged, you can restore them with the HM2 DB Manager and [x] 'Skip Database' to restore just the player notes to your new database for players in the new database. If you don't have a backup of the previous DB or it's Hand/Player Notes and other settings the notes are unfortunately lost for good because the old database got damaged.

Please see this FAQ to transfer/backup data for the future -

This will ensure that you have your hand histories and HUD saved to import into a new computer, and as a backup to restore in case of an emergency. I recommend you do this at least once a month and keep the last 2 or 3 most recent backups (and your \HM2Archive folder) stored on an external drive and/or cloud storage site like dropbox or google drive.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-25-2019 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by D33P
so, still no upgrade on hm2 hud working in

I do not have an estimate for when this issue will be resolved. We do not give estimates until it has been confirmed as fixed by our internal testers and the release is imminent.

I did just ask our QA/Testing Manager about this and he said he would bump it up in priority and try and get it in the next beta if possible. You will receive a prompt to update once available as long as you have enabled the Settings > General > [x] Prompt for Beta Updates.

HM3 Beta should be working with this new 888/Pacific Network skin.

HM3 Pre-Release beta is now available. Click here to register your HM3 beta now -

- After downloading, you should right-click the file, go to properties and click unblock.*
* If you do not see an 'unblock' option you can ignore this step.
- Then, right click the file and click 'Install'.

Here are some first time install instructions -

If you have any problems with HM3:

Please reproduce the problem and click the 'Send Feedback' button from the left sidebar menu (or from the 'Help' menu at the top), or choose 'Yes' if prompted to submit an error report, and send your logs and config files with a detailed step by step description of the problem that we can use to try and reproduce the problem.

If you are unable to send the logs via the automated system for any reason you can collect and send the logs manually -

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-26-2019 , 04:43 AM
Ticket just submitted now.

I had the latest update installed. Also tried to create a new database and import and that did not work either, I still received the same results.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-26-2019 , 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Mephisto6000
Ticket just submitted now.

I had the latest update installed. Also tried to create a new database and import and that did not work either, I still received the same results.


What is your ticket number please? I will probably come across it this morning if I have time to work in the HM2 inbox, but I have a bunch of HM3 stuff to do first, so if you post the number I can be sure I at least take a look at that one HM2 ticket while doing my HM3 work.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-27-2019 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
What is your ticket number please? I will probably come across it this morning if I have time to work in the HM2 inbox, but I have a bunch of HM3 stuff to do first, so if you post the number I can be sure I at least take a look at that one HM2 ticket while doing my HM3 work.

Customer Support
Ticket: 420619

Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-27-2019 , 08:58 AM
Replied with instructions on how to find the \Desktop\HM2Logs folder from the session you sent pictures for, along with some other instructions to reinstall PSQL as I think you may have deleted critical PSQL program files and corrupted the PSQL installation as well as your previous database, meaning any new DB you create will not work properly.

I assume those hands that don't import for you, but do import for us, will import fine into your HM3 Beta installation since it uses SQLIte, correct?

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-27-2019 , 07:21 PM
With Hm3, on a table when I click a players name and it says won $89 does that mean that player won $89 in that session at that table or is that a culmination of the money won or lost when he was seated at a table with me?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-27-2019 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gambit504
With Hm3, on a table when I click a players name and it says won $89 does that mean that player won $89 in that session at that table or is that a culmination of the money won or lost when he was seated at a table with me?

That is what he won for the number of hands shown in the HUD/Popups. Generally that would be their 'lifetime' stats (default HUD Options filter is set to last 20k hands) that are then filtered by any of the filters that are set in the HUD Options.

You can check this easily by reviewing that player in a report such as the Sessions By Table (or Overall, By Stakes, etc) report in the IGN example image below:

Customer Support

Last edited by Holdem Manager; 07-27-2019 at 07:47 PM. Reason: added 2nd image for hud options filters used in the first image from my test
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-27-2019 , 07:50 PM
Thank you.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-28-2019 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
Replied with instructions on how to find the \Desktop\HM2Logs folder from the session you sent pictures for, along with some other instructions to reinstall PSQL as I think you may have deleted critical PSQL program files and corrupted the PSQL installation as well as your previous database, meaning any new DB you create will not work properly.

I assume those hands that don't import for you, but do import for us, will import fine into your HM3 Beta installation since it uses SQLIte, correct?

Customer Support
I would have to try the HM3 Beta. I had just replied to the ticket. The problem seems to be the tournament hand histories. I just manually imported all cash game hands without any issues.

Sometimes when I play i get the tournament importing 2 or 4 of the same hand problem. It does not work consistently at all. Cash game though, no problems at all. It has been this way since the WPN update
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-29-2019 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by Mephisto6000
I would have to try the HM3 Beta. I had just replied to the ticket. The problem seems to be the tournament hand histories. I just manually imported all cash game hands without any issues.

Sometimes when I play i get the tournament importing 2 or 4 of the same hand problem. It does not work consistently at all. Cash game though, no problems at all. It has been this way since the WPN update

I opened your ticket and it will be the first ticket I reply to later this morning.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-01-2019 , 01:04 AM

in my hm2 something has gone wrong with the 'reports' section and nothing is showing up
i have tried creating a new db and uninstall/reinstall but it stays the same

any help is much appreciated

thank you
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-01-2019 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by shutdown

in my hm2 something has gone wrong with the 'reports' section and nothing is showing up
i have tried creating a new db and uninstall/reinstall but it stays the same

any help is much appreciated

thank you

- Close HM2
- Please delete everything in:

- Win Vista/7+: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager\Re ports and \Filters
- Windows XP: C:\documents and settings\username\application data\HoldemManager\Reports and \Filters

Showing hidden files:
Restart HM2 and the issue should be resolved.

If you continue to have problems, please reproduce the problem and send your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing, with a link to this thread and your forum name.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-01-2019 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
- Close HM2
- Please delete everything in:

- Win Vista/7+: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager\Re ports and \Filters
- Windows XP: C:\documents and settings\username\application data\HoldemManager\Reports and \Filters

Showing hidden files:
Restart HM2 and the issue should be resolved.

If you continue to have problems, please reproduce the problem and send your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing, with a link to this thread and your forum name.

Customer Support
Cheers for the reply as always fozzy

I tried that to no avail, However for some reason "HMQL" was ticked under 'more reports'. Unclicked that which has cleared up the issue.
Apologies for the hassle
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-01-2019 , 08:47 AM
Hello, this error happened today for first time, tried reinstall, doesn't helped
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-01-2019 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Triochalas
Hello, this error happened today for first time, tried reinstall, doesn't helped

Please make a backup of your settings and reset them as described here.

If that does not solve your problems please close HM2 and try to copy all files/folders EXCEPT FOR \Database and NoteCaddyDefinitions from C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager* to a new \Desktop folder. This will cause you to lose all of your settings but it will hopefully solve the problem.

*If you can't see it, turn off the windows option that is hiding that directory.

If you continue to have problems, please reproduce the problem and zip/attach your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-01-2019 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
Please make a backup of your settings and reset them as described here.

If that does not solve your problems please close HM2 and try to copy all files/folders EXCEPT FOR \Database and NoteCaddyDefinitions from C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager* to a new \Desktop folder. This will cause you to lose all of your settings but it will hopefully solve the problem.

*If you can't see it, turn off the windows option that is hiding that directory.

If you continue to have problems, please reproduce the problem and zip/attach your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing.

Customer Support
Tried didn't work method with hided files also didn't helped because Username folder doesn't exist for me (windows 10) (yas, I turned hidden files)
Holdem Manager Support Quote
