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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

10-27-2014 , 11:17 AM

all of the sudden my hud is not working anymore? but i see this on my table instead:

Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-27-2014 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Haarlem91

all of the sudden my hud is not working anymore? but i see this on my table instead:

This is likely related to the table starter issue I mentioned earlier where non-zoom tables are incorrectly identified as zoom tables, but could also be related to the player in the 3? seat with the # characters in his name.

If it is the former: These changes should be available in the next gold beta release. While we do not have an exact date for the release, you will receive a prompt to update once available as long as you have enabled the Settings > General > [x] Prompt for Beta Updates.

Does/did this only happen when the player with the # characters in his name was at your table?

Please enable the Settings > Feature Logging > [x] 'HUDStats' option and increase the Max number of log files option to 10 so old logs are saved with date/time stamps. You can also enable this before you launch HM2 from the Start Menu -

Please reproduce the problem and:
- Use the tool in the following link to send a HUD Report -
- Attach a screen shot of the table/desktop
- Try to include the Active Sessions tab and/or Sessions Report that also includes your windows clock and poker client lobby clock in the screen shot
- Save a copy of the original Hand history for the table with the issue
- Close HM2 and zip/attach your \HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing -

With all the above information we should be able to narrow down what is causing the issue, if all the information is not included we will need to email you again to request it.

Please zip and email the requested files to and if there is a forum thread with additional information please link to this thread and let us know your forum name if there are several people in the thread.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-27-2014 , 02:31 PM
where is the settings button?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-27-2014 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Haarlem91
where is the settings button?
In the main ribbon menu > Options section. #3 on the image at the top of this FAQ -

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2014 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
Try to do a manual import and force previously imported hands from your \HM2Archive folder for the past day or two -

Or try this if that doesn't help -

If you continue to have problems, try the following:

Try creating a new DataBase and import a small portion of your \HM2Archive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB -

Customer Support
Still can't find/import those missing hands. Any new ideas?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2014 , 08:18 AM

the HUD stats are now displaying in front of the wrong player.. can you give me a troubleshooter?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2014 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by sudd
Anyone else having problems to import ipoker hands? I was playing fast holdem and after 03:59 no imported hands, something going on with adjusting clocks? I notice that maybe 15 minutes later and try this one (, and didnt help.
Originally Posted by ElvanDalton
Site is netbet, and hands are imported, but hud is not working.
Originally Posted by sudd
I don't have any problems anymore with hud, hem/ipoker(coral) restart fix that problem. But I can't find those hands or import them, and this is not first time with ipoker. This time missing over 150hands.
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
Try to do a manual import and force previously imported hands from your \HM2Archive folder for the past day or two -

Or try this if that doesn't help -

If you continue to have problems, try the following:

Try creating a new DataBase and import a small portion of your \HM2Archive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB -

Customer Support
Originally Posted by sudd
Still can't find/import those missing hands. Any new ideas?
If the hands are not there then there is nothing to import and the problem is likely with the poker client not writing/saving the hands. You will have to deal with them to see if they can send you the old hand histories in their original format (like stars, ftp, and some other sites do) so they can be imported to HM2 but I don't recall if IPoker can/will do this.

You could send us the HandHistory/HM2Archive folders for testing, and try to specify some way for us to identify the missing hands (date/time range, specific hands that are missing, etc), and we could see if we can duplicate the problems.

If you continue to have problems please zip up and email the problem hand histories with details of the issue you are experiencing or a link to the relevant thread and send it to

All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth e.g C:\HM2Archive\2009\07\31 or if it was auto-imported with v7283+ it would be in C:\HM2Archive\SiteName\YYYY\MM\DD.

When sending any hand history files please zip them (right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is too big to attach to an email please upload them to a file hosting site like dropbox or filedropper and send us the download link.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2014 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by Haarlem91

the HUD stats are now displaying in front of the wrong player.. can you give me a troubleshooter?
Open the HM2 > HUD Settings > HUD Designer menu > Click 'Reset' > [x] Panel Positions > OK

1) Open one Table only and ensure at least 1 hand has imported before moving to step 2.
2) Move the stats with the Arrow Buttons (< >) on the Table Averages HUD to rotate your HUD to the correct position.
3) Now you can open more tables and it should be automatically configured. Let at least 1 hand import before changing anything as this is needed to gather the correct positions.

Please check this FAQ if you play at pokerstars - - and make sure it is set the same in all/any installed PokerStars clients if you have more than 1 ps.xx client installed.

If you have any difficulty following the above method with the arrow buttons you can set the positions manually as explained here -

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2014 , 01:20 PM
btw how do i filter hm so i can see all my hands played vs 1 opponent for cash games
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2014 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Haarlem91
btw how do i filter hm so i can see all my hands played vs 1 opponent for cash games
I assume that you mean vs a specific opponent? You can use the Vs player filter. It is in more filters - basic filters, at the bottom.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-29-2014 , 03:15 PM
Hi HM Team

At the moment I have like 1 million hands tracked in my current HM database which makes my computer very slow. I would like to remove about 900k hands and only keep the recent 100k or so. Could you please explain how I have to proceed?
Many thanks
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-29-2014 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by HateMyLife
Hi HM Team

At the moment I have like 1 million hands tracked in my current HM database which makes my computer very slow. I would like to remove about 900k hands and only keep the recent 100k or so. Could you please explain how I have to proceed?
Many thanks
You can purge by date -

Or just create a new database and import the last ~100k hands from your \HM2Archive folder (I recommend the later so you can keep your lifetime database and update it periodically assuming you have enough free space on your drive)-

Depending on your computer performance there are some things you may be able to do to improve performance for a larger database:

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-29-2014 , 04:19 PM
Hi fozzy

iam having a problem in paddy power, Playing 6 max cash games. In the settings ive clicked in the option to store ahnds locally but when i go to the destination folder i cant find the folder "history/my nick name". Hands arent being saved. Iam using windows 8.1. Any idea??
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-29-2014 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Pagasses...
Hi fozzy

iam having a problem in paddy power, Playing 6 max cash games. In the settings ive clicked in the option to store ahnds locally but when i go to the destination folder i cant find the folder "history/my nick name". Hands arent being saved. Iam using windows 8.1. Any idea??
Check our IPoker FAQ -

Some of the skins write hands to a different folder now.

If you continue to have problems please see this FAQ to alleviate any security bottlenecks and make sure the HH folder(s) are not 'read-only' -

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-29-2014 , 05:21 PM
Thank you very much for your help Fozzy!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-29-2014 , 09:13 PM
HEM randomly stops working causing PS to freeze and than it crashes. Should I reinstall it? And if I do should I export my hhistory in order to keep it?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-29-2014 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Bojo
HEM randomly stops working causing PS to freeze and than it crashes. Should I reinstall it? And if I do should I export my hhistory in order to keep it?
Uninstalling does not touch your database.

I'm really sorry and I know there is nothing more frustrating than having issues like this when trying to play. I hope i can help you resolve this quickly.

What is your hard drive model, RAM and CPU? You can find this in your Control Panel - System - Device Manager. Sometimes lower spec PC's can contribute to lagging but that is not to say we can't still improve it further.

Are you running Notecaddy also and do you have many definitions or use any of the NC Edge or NC Advantage packages? Those can also have an impact on large database with large definitions.
If you do I would suggest reading this thread which will help improve the performance when using NC:

In the meantime while you reply with those details I have a couple of things you can try that will improve the performance of your PC in general and may help if this scanning is the cause of the issues your seeing.

Please check these 2 FAQs and try all the steps there to see if they help:
- - Resolves issues where security software continually try to scan files and processes which can slow down your PC
- - General tips and solutions for performance issues

If you continue to have problems, please reproduce the problem, describe exactly what you were doing, and attach your log.txt file -

Please email the information to with a link to your post.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-29-2014 , 09:45 PM
Kingston SV300S7A120GB
AMD FX - 8320 eight core
Running Windows 8.1
I don't use note caddy, but recently I did import a lot of hands.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-29-2014 , 11:33 PM
is there anyway to get a ballpark number of how many people bought hm2?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-30-2014 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by headingout
is there anyway to get a ballpark number of how many people bought hm2?

Our parent company Max Value Software is a privately owned company. We do not disclose sales figures to the public, but we can share that Holdem Manager and PokerTracker together help empower the maintenance of online poker liquidity worldwide. Many of the online poker opponents you may face are likely to own either PokerTracker or Holdem Manager.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-30-2014 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Bojo
Kingston SV300S7A120GB
AMD FX - 8320 eight core
Running Windows 8.1
I don't use note caddy, but recently I did import a lot of hands.
Thank you for the feedback. Did any of the suggestions above help or did you not try them yet? Did you send us a log file if they didn't help? If you did send us a log file can you PM me your email address so I can make sure we get it documented and linked back to your information from this thread?

We really need to see a log file to make sure there aren't some things causing your problems we can help you to solve and have your email address so we can add all of this information to our internal tracking document if you don't mind. You can put the log file on dropbox/googledrive and PM us a download link with your email address if that is easier.

A few other things you could try to see if it helps when playing:
- Does it help you disable the Options > Settings > General Settings > Miscellaneous > [ ] 'Automatically Refresh' option and restart HM2?
- Try leaving HM2 on the 'Home' tab when playing.
- Try picking a villain in the reports that only has a few hands in your database instead of your hero and restart HM2.
- Try creating a new smaller database with just hands from the past 1 or 2 months to use when playing.

You say you imported a lot of hands recently? How big is your database according to the Database Info and how many hero hands do you have? There are some config file edits you can also try to improve performance of larger databases by forcing HM2 to use more or less RAM if you have a lot of hero/alias hands if none of the above steps have helped -

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-30-2014 , 11:39 AM
Hi, Im having difficulty getting hands to save in my database for HEM2. The active session tab is showing just a few random hands I played of a 200 hand session.

My HUD is working fine and i play zoom if thats relevant?

I from UK and adjusted the pokerstars client to western european time in sync with my PC.

I also played around with the HEM auto detect which set HEM to +4 hours. I also tried every other time ranging from +5 to -1 but nothing seems to work.

Please help
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-30-2014 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by BenjyBoy
Hi, Im having difficulty getting hands to save in my database for HEM2. The active session tab is showing just a few random hands I played of a 200 hand session.

My HUD is working fine and i play zoom if thats relevant?

I from UK and adjusted the pokerstars client to western european time in sync with my PC.

I also played around with the HEM auto detect which set HEM to +4 hours. I also tried every other time ranging from +5 to -1 but nothing seems to work.

Please help
It does not matter what time your poker client says. All that matters is what time your windows clock shows (assuming it is accurate) and what the Time column for recent hands when playing shows in the Reports.

Make sure that the Site Time Adjustment is properly configured such that the Time Stamp in the Reports for the hand matches your local windows clock time -

If that doesn't solve it:

Make sure you always start HM2 first before you open the PokerStars Client. If you closed PokerStars for any reason and did not close HM2 please close them both and start HM2 before you stars PokerStars again.

Please check all of the steps on this FAQ -

If you continue to have problems please send the requested files/screenshots as instructed at the end of the FAQ in the first link above.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-30-2014 , 12:14 PM
I have 11 hands saved in the report for my session where I played a few hundred hands. The time in the report shows 4am which is about correct.

Im playing at the moment and I am getting zero hands through into my report tab or active session so I cant see if it matches my windows clock?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-30-2014 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by BenjyBoy
I have 11 hands saved in the report for my session where I played a few hundred hands. The time in the report shows 4am which is about correct.

Im playing at the moment and I am getting zero hands through into my report tab or active session so I cant see if it matches my windows clock?
Please update to the latest version -

Try creating a new folder on your computer such as C:\StarsHands and C:\StarsTourneys then configure PokerStars to save the hands/results here in their Options > Instant Hand History menu and setup HM2 to Auto Import from here in the Site Setup menu.

Please try to vacuum/analyze and reindex your database -

If you continue to have problems, try the following:
Try creating a new DataBase and import a small portion of your \HM2Archive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB -

If the new database seems to work properly, it sounds like your database might be corrupt. This is why regular backups are a good idea. If your database becomes corrupt you can restore a backup and only have to import the most recent hands (that were played after the backup was created) and edit any tournament results if necessary.

Here is a FAQ explaining how to backup your database and all settings in one easy step -

If none of the above steps helped please zip and email the log files as requested in the previous post and faq link. This thread is designed for quick/easy questions and answers so we will need to continue further support for your problems via email.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
