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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

05-25-2014 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by kingweed
Is there anyway I can change the default week setting for the data range?

It's does Sunday as the first day of the week rather than Monday.
settings > general settings > time > start of week = [x] Monday
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-25-2014 , 04:31 PM
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-25-2014 , 05:20 PM
Pacific's 70/30 SNGs 6max aren't tagging automatically (at least on the WSOP NJ skin). Let me know if you need HHs.

Also it would be nice if the blind level could be pulled from the hand header instead of the BB that is actually posted so we wouldn't end up with this:

Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-25-2014 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Bishop22
Pacific's 70/30 SNGs 6max aren't tagging automatically (at least on the WSOP NJ skin). Let me know if you need HHs.
A) Send us HH's and screen shot of the lobby showing the buyin/prize info as well to be thorough. Please zip and email the problem hand histories, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to

All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HM2Archive\2009\07\31) or if it was auto-imported with 7283+ it would be in \HM2Archive\SiteName\YYYY\MM\DD.

When sending any hand history files please zip them (right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is too big to attach to an email please upload them to a file hosting site like dropbox or filedropper and send us the download link.

Also it would be nice if the blind level could be pulled from the hand header instead of the BB that is actually posted so we wouldn't end up with this:
B) This is a known issue and it has been documented in detail and provided to the developers to resolve.

The previously assigned internal ticket # on this issue is HM-8131: Hands View Columns Stakes Blinds showing game type instead of blinds in Tournament Reports

If you want to be notified when it is fixed please send an email to and include "Notify Me When HM-8131 Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.


What exactly am I looking at here? Is this the Winnings Summary report? Is it related to one of your questions above?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-25-2014 , 05:44 PM
Yes the screenshot was just to show the funky blind levels, I understand now that it is a known issue. I have sent the requested email. Thanks as always for the quick reply.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 12:01 AM
is there any way to quickly mark a hand? it's hard to open the hand viewer widget while mass tabling.

i was thinking a hotkey to mark current hand, and another to mark previous hand (if something like that doesn't already exist).
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by nahh12
is there any way to quickly mark a hand? it's hard to open the hand viewer widget while mass tabling.

i was thinking a hotkey to mark current hand, and another to mark previous hand (if something like that doesn't already exist).
From the hand viewer -

Or with hotkeys -
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 05:32 AM
If I uninstall and reinstall HEM, will my database be lost?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by qwertz1
If I uninstall and reinstall HEM, will my database be lost?
No, the database is stored in the \postgresql\data and C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager\Da tabase folders so as long as you don't uninstall postgresql or manually delete the \Database folder from \Roaming you will be fine. Sometimes in our reinstall instructions we give on the forums we will suggest you delete some of the ...\Roaming\HoldemManager\ folders but we always warn NOT to delete that \Database folder.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 09:07 AM
Can't find the hands in that directory, there is only "players" and "log" (wich is empty).

I just try reinstalling and hope everthing works fine then.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by qwertz1
Can't find the hands in that directory, there is only "players" and "log" (wich is empty).

I just try reinstalling and hope everthing works fine then.
The original hand history text/xml type files are not stored in any of the folders I mentioned. Once they are imported/parsed to the postgresql database they are moved to an archive folder for performance reasons. If you have to recreate a database for some reason they can be imported from this archive folder.

All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HM2Archive\2009\07\31) or if it was auto-imported with 7283+ it would be in \HM2Archive\SiteName\YYYY\MM\DD.

Why exactly are you reinstalling HM2? It will not affect your database but reinstalling HM2 is rarely needed to solve problems so it would help if you explained why exactly you were doing that and what you hope to accomplish.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 12:57 PM


recently I started configuring postgres.conf file and looking for troubleshoots of my issues. The main issue was that after some time of session PG/HM2 freezes and I have to restart it every time. I'm unable to play 30 tables in stack cuz I have difficulties with slowing down when I'm playin 14-16 tables. The more tables I play the faster issue occurs. After I changed shared_buffers = 1024MB effective_cache_size = 2048MB wal_buffers = 16MB it was working so perfectly smoothly and fast it turned me on ^^ . Unfortunately after one hour it freezes so much I had to restore conf file.

I found a lot of errors in Events Viewer (few per minute) and all of them looks like this:
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>


-<Event xmlns="">


<Provider Name="PostgreSQL"/>

<EventID Qualifiers="0">0</EventID>




<TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-05-24T21:49:00.000000000Z"/>







<Data>2014-05-24 23:49:00 CEST BŁĄD: przygotowane wyrażenie "insertplayer" już istnieje 2014-05-24 23:49:00 CEST POLECENIE:PREPARE INSERTPLAYER (text,smallint,integer,integer,smallint) AS Insert into players (playername,pokersite_id,cashhands,tourneyhands,optimizationstatus) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5) RETURNING player_id; PREPARE CSUpdate (integer,integer,smallint,smallint,smallint,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer) as Update CompiledPlayerResults set totalhands = totalhands + $6 , TotalAmountWonincents = TotalAmountWonincents + $7 , TotalRakeincents = TotalRakeincents + $8 , TotalBBsWon = TotalBBsWon + $9 , VPIPHands = VPIPHands + $10 , PFRHands = PFRHands + $11 , CouldColdCall = CouldColdCall + $12 , DidColdCall = DidColdCall + $13 , CouldThreeBet = CouldThreeBet + $14 , DidThreeBet = DidThreeBet + $15 , CouldSqueeze = CouldSqueeze + $16 , DidSqueeze = DidSqueeze + $17 , FacingTwoPreflopRaisers = FacingTwoPreflopRaisers + $18 , CalledTwoPreflopRaisers = CalledTwoPreflopRaisers + $19 , RaisedTwoPreflopRaisers = RaisedTwoPreflopRaisers + $20 , SmallBlindStealAttempted = SmallBlindStealAttempted + $21 , SmallBlindStealDefended = SmallBlindStealDefended + $22 , SmallBlindStealReraised = SmallBlindStealReraised + $23 , BigBlindStealAttempted = BigBlindStealAttempted + $24 , BigBlindStealDefended = BigBlindStealDefended + $25 , BigBlindStealReraised = BigBlindStealReraised + $26 , SawNonSmallShowdown = SawNonSmallShowdown + $27 , WonNonSmallShowdown = WonNonSmallShowdown + $28 , SawLargeShowdown = SawLargeShowdown + $29 , WonLargeShowdown = WonLargeShowdown + $30 , SawNonSmallShowdownLimpedFlop = SawNonSmallShowdownLimpedFlop + $31 , WonNonSmallShowdownLimpedFlop = WonNonSmallShowdownLimpedFlop + $32 , SawLargeShowdownLimpedFlop = SawLargeShowdownLimpedFlop + $33 , WonLargeShowdownLimpedFlop = WonLargeShowdownLimpedFlop + $34 , WonHand = WonHand + $35 , WonHandWhenSawFlop = WonHandWhenSawFlop + $36 , WonHandWhenSawTurn = WonHandWhenSawTurn + $37 , WonHandWhenSawRiver = WonHandWhenSawRiver + $38 , FacedThreeBetPreflop = FacedThreeBetPreflop + $39 , FoldedToThreeBetPreflop = FoldedToThreeBetPreflop + $40 , CalledThreeBetPreflop = CalledThreeBetPreflop + $41 , RaisedThreeBetPreflop = RaisedThreeBetPreflop + $42 , FacedFourBetPreflop = FacedFourBetPreflop + $43 , FoldedToFourBetPreflop = FoldedToFourBetPreflop + $44 , CalledFourBetPreflop = CalledFourBetPreflop + $45 , RaisedFourBetPreflop = RaisedFourBetPreflop + $46 , TurnFoldIPPassOnFlopCB = TurnFoldIPPassOnFlopCB + $47 , TurnCallIPPassOnFlopCB = TurnCallIPPassOnFlopCB + $48 , TurnRaiseIPPassOnFlopCB = TurnRaiseIPPassOnFlopCB + $49 , RiverFoldIPPassOnTurnCB = RiverFoldIPPassOnTurnCB + $50 , RiverCallIPPassOnTurnCB = RiverCallIPPassOnTurnCB + $51 , RiverRaiseIPPassOnTurnCB = RiverRaiseIPPassOnTurnCB + $52 , SawFlop = SawFlop + $53 , SawShowdown = SawShowdown + $54 , WonShowdown = WonShowdown + $55 , TotalBets = TotalBets + $56 , TotalCalls = TotalCalls + $57 , FlopContinuationBetPossible = FlopContinuationBetPossible + $58 , FlopContinuationBetMade = FlopContinuationBetMade + $59 , TurnContinuationBetPossible = TurnContinuationBetPossible + $60 , TurnContinuationBetMade = TurnContinuationBetMade + $61 , RiverContinuationBetPossible = RiverContinuationBetPossible + $62 , RiverContinuationBetMade = RiverContinuationBetMade + $63 , FacingFlopContinuationBet = FacingFlopContinuationBet + $64 , FoldedToFlopContinuationBet = FoldedToFlopContinuationBet + $65 , CalledFlopContinuationBet = CalledFlopContinuationBet + $66 , RaisedFlopContinuationBet = RaisedFlopContinuationBet + $67 , FacingTurnContinuationBet = FacingTurnContinuationBet + $68 , FoldedToTurnContinuationBet = FoldedToTurnContinuationBet + $69 , CalledTurnContinuationBet = CalledTurnContinuationBet + $70 , RaisedTurnContinuationBet = RaisedTurnContinuationBet + $71 , FacingRiverContinuationBet = FacingRiverContinuationBet + $72 , FoldedToRiverContinuationBet = FoldedToRiverContinuationBet + $73 , CalledRiverContinuationBet = CalledRiverContinuationBet + $74 , RaisedRiverContinuationBet = RaisedRiverContinuationBet + $75 , TotalPostFlopStreetsSeen = TotalPostFlopStreetsSeen + $76 , totalaggressivepostflopstreetsseen = totalaggressivepostflopstreetsseen + $77 where compiledplayerresults_id = (select compiledplayerresults_id from compiledplayerresults where player_id = $1 and playedyearandmonth = $2 and numberofplayers = $3 and gametype_id = $4 and bbgroup_id = $5 limit 1); </Data>


-<RenderingInfo Culture="pl-PL">

<Message>2014-05-24 23:49:00 CEST BŁĄD: przygotowane wyrażenie "insertplayer" już istnieje 2014-05-24 23:49:00 CEST POLECENIE:PREPARE INSERTPLAYER (text,smallint,integer,integer,smallint) AS Insert into players (playername,pokersite_id,cashhands,tourneyhands,optimizationstatus) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5) RETURNING player_id; PREPARE CSUpdate (integer,integer,smallint,smallint,smallint,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer,integer,integer,integer, integer,integer) as Update CompiledPlayerResults set totalhands = totalhands + $6 , TotalAmountWonincents = TotalAmountWonincents + $7 , TotalRakeincents = TotalRakeincents + $8 , TotalBBsWon = TotalBBsWon + $9 , VPIPHands = VPIPHands + $10 , PFRHands = PFRHands + $11 , CouldColdCall = CouldColdCall + $12 , DidColdCall = DidColdCall + $13 , CouldThreeBet = CouldThreeBet + $14 , DidThreeBet = DidThreeBet + $15 , CouldSqueeze = CouldSqueeze + $16 , DidSqueeze = DidSqueeze + $17 , FacingTwoPreflopRaisers = FacingTwoPreflopRaisers + $18 , CalledTwoPreflopRaisers = CalledTwoPreflopRaisers + $19 , RaisedTwoPreflopRaisers = RaisedTwoPreflopRaisers + $20 , SmallBlindStealAttempted = SmallBlindStealAttempted + $21 , SmallBlindStealDefended = SmallBlindStealDefended + $22 , SmallBlindStealReraised = SmallBlindStealReraised + $23 , BigBlindStealAttempted = BigBlindStealAttempted + $24 , BigBlindStealDefended = BigBlindStealDefended + $25 , BigBlindStealReraised = BigBlindStealReraised + $26 , SawNonSmallShowdown = SawNonSmallShowdown + $27 , WonNonSmallShowdown = WonNonSmallShowdown + $28 , SawLargeShowdown = SawLargeShowdown + $29 , WonLargeShowdown = WonLargeShowdown + $30 , SawNonSmallShowdownLimpedFlop = SawNonSmallShowdownLimpedFlop + $31 , WonNonSmallShowdownLimpedFlop = WonNonSmallShowdownLimpedFlop + $32 , SawLargeShowdownLimpedFlop = SawLargeShowdownLimpedFlop + $33 , WonLargeShowdownLimpedFlop = WonLargeShowdownLimpedFlop + $34 , WonHand = WonHand + $35 , WonHandWhenSawFlop = WonHandWhenSawFlop + $36 , WonHandWhenSawTurn = WonHandWhenSawTurn + $37 , WonHandWhenSawRiver = WonHandWhenSawRiver + $38 , FacedThreeBetPreflop = FacedThreeBetPreflop + $39 , FoldedToThreeBetPreflop = FoldedToThreeBetPreflop + $40 , CalledThreeBetPreflop = CalledThreeBetPreflop + $41 , RaisedThreeBetPreflop = RaisedThreeBetPreflop + $42 , FacedFourBetPreflop = FacedFourBetPreflop + $43 , FoldedToFourBetPreflop = FoldedToFourBetPreflop + $44 , CalledFourBetPreflop = CalledFourBetPreflop + $45 , RaisedFourBetPreflop = RaisedFourBetPreflop + $46 , TurnFoldIPPassOnFlopCB = TurnFoldIPPassOnFlopCB + $47 , TurnCallIPPassOnFlopCB = TurnCallIPPassOnFlopCB + $48 , TurnRaiseIPPassOnFlopCB = TurnRaiseIPPassOnFlopCB + $49 , RiverFoldIPPassOnTurnCB = RiverFoldIPPassOnTurnCB + $50 , RiverCallIPPassOnTurnCB = RiverCallIPPassOnTurnCB + $51 , RiverRaiseIPPassOnTurnCB = RiverRaiseIPPassOnTurnCB + $52 , SawFlop = SawFlop + $53 , SawShowdown = SawShowdown + $54 , WonShowdown = WonShowdown + $55 , TotalBets = TotalBets + $56 , TotalCalls = TotalCalls + $57 , FlopContinuationBetPossible = FlopContinuationBetPossible + $58 , FlopContinuationBetMade = FlopContinuationBetMade + $59 , TurnContinuationBetPossible = TurnContinuationBetPossible + $60 , TurnContinuationBetMade = TurnContinuationBetMade + $61 , RiverContinuationBetPossible = RiverContinuationBetPossible + $62 , RiverContinuationBetMade = RiverContinuationBetMade + $63 , FacingFlopContinuationBet = FacingFlopContinuationBet + $64 , FoldedToFlopContinuationBet = FoldedToFlopContinuationBet + $65 , CalledFlopContinuationBet = CalledFlopContinuationBet + $66 , RaisedFlopContinuationBet = RaisedFlopContinuationBet + $67 , FacingTurnContinuationBet = FacingTurnContinuationBet + $68 , FoldedToTurnContinuationBet = FoldedToTurnContinuationBet + $69 , CalledTurnContinuationBet = CalledTurnContinuationBet + $70 , RaisedTurnContinuationBet = RaisedTurnContinuationBet + $71 , FacingRiverContinuationBet = FacingRiverContinuationBet + $72 , FoldedToRiverContinuationBet = FoldedToRiverContinuationBet + $73 , CalledRiverContinuationBet = CalledRiverContinuationBet + $74 , RaisedRiverContinuationBet = RaisedRiverContinuationBet + $75 , TotalPostFlopStreetsSeen = TotalPostFlopStreetsSeen + $76 , totalaggressivepostflopstreetsseen = totalaggressivepostflopstreetsseen + $77 where compiledplayerresults_id = (select compiledplayerresults_id from compiledplayerresults where player_id = $1 and playedyearandmonth = $2 and numberofplayers = $3 and gametype_id = $4 and bbgroup_id = $5 limit 1); </Message>










May it be HM/PG is leaking connections? Failing to close connections after use, instead opening a new connection.

When running as a service, you may experience failures with more than approximately 125 simultaneous connections. This can happen because some of the libraries that PostgreSQL is dependent on are dependent on user32.dll which allocates memory from an area known as the Desktop Heap. The desktop heap is assigned to each logon session, with non-interactive sessions typically being assigned 512KB. Each postgres process that runs typically consumes approximately 3.2KB of desktop heap, which coupled with other overhead can exhaust the allocated heap at somewhere around 125 connections. This doesn't happen when running from the command line (or more precisely, happens with much higher numbers of connections) because the interactive logon session is typically allocated 3MB of Desktop Heap.

May it be connected with: ?

Now the most important question, so simply makes me laugh, I have 64-bit OS so I did installer postgres 64-bit but HM2 is 32-bit application so maybe here is the problem?

If this may cause the issue after I will install 32-bit postgres do I have also instal PostgreSQL ODBC driver?
Because 32-bit versions of the PostgreSQL server only install a 32-bit libpq and pgsqlODBC, only 32-bit programs on the computer the server was installed on can use the database unless a 64-bit ODBC driver or libpq is installed as an add-on.
Unless you've also installed a 64-bit version of psqlODBC, a 32-bit install of PostgreSQL will only have a 32-bit ODBC driver. The 32-bit ODBC driver may only be used by 32-bit programs, and will not show up in the 64-bit ODBC administrator.

This gets confusing because on 64-bit windows c:\windows\system32\odbcad32 is the 64-bit ODBC driver administrator, despite the name. This is a historical artifact of Windows development. Apparently many apps and installers depend on odbcad32.exe having that name and path, so Microsoft landed up being stuck with it despite the now-stupid name, which made sense back in the 16- to 32-bit transition but makes none now

What is exactly difference between PG 8.4 and 9.0/9.2? I mean difference in compatibility with HM2? 9.0 and 9.2 are much better for modern OS (Win7, Win8) and for better performance so am I loosing anything by using 9.0? Did u heard about any issues? I'm using pgadmin anyway so I don't care abut vacuuming issues (except that shouldn't HM2 auto-vacuum DB during a sessions?). I'm fishy in that area so I'm just asking

If I want to install postgres before installing HM2 do I have configure authentications?
Who is allowed to connect to the database is controlled by a file in the root of your database directory named. pg_hba.conf. A default file is created when you run initdb to create a database cluster.
should be as big as it is possible (1/4 RAM)
is it true also true for my purposes?

work_mem - how big are queries and is that a much or no? I mean am I should going to increase or more to decrease value of it?

effective_cache_size - is it reasonable to set it to 2/3 of available RAM? and what should I thnik when thinkin about available RAM, whole RAM, available RAM when I'm running my PC in normal way (turing the sessions with HM2 turned of)? Or available RAM is ram left after dedicating some values to other processes?

autovacuum - should I have turned it on or off? Other way, is writes constant or batch?

How much tables is using when I play at 30-40 9-max MTT tables ? Should I have turned on also analyze?

multiple_autovacuum_workers - what should I understand by advice to set it to no more than 1/2 cores?

what's about pgbouncer?

For big DBs, what's the best way to use (create?) SSD space as a catche when RAM is too small? Or maybe autovacuum is troubleshoot for HM2 freezing during the sessions?

Edit: now when server is unable where I can download HM2?

Last edited by exculibrus; 05-26-2014 at 12:58 PM. Reason: ask question
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 02:20 PM
I'm referring this to Patvs, who wrote the conf file guide.

As far as 8.4 vs 9.0 vs 9.2

9.2 is the fastest and most stable. I've been using it for 12-18 months and have no issues.

How much RAM do you have? RAM is so cheap these days, that you should max out what you can get. What is your CPU?

You can adjust your pagefile.

We usually do not have many versions uploaded anywhere, just to some of our support staff's personal dropbox accounts for specific reasons. Our server has not been down. What trouble are you having downloading?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 02:35 PM
Our server has not been down.

I have 8GB RAM, i7 860 2.8GHz CPU, Samsung 840 EVO (if that changes anything). I know I should buy more RAM but for now I have to do something with that what I have - I'm almost bankrupt.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 02:40 PM
The site/forums are working fine for me. Try a different browser and/or try editing your proxy settings:

Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts and multiple 'check for updates'), including Internet Explorer 9 (even if you use a different web browser).

1) Open your Internet Explorer and go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Connections and click on "LAN-Settings" at the bottom.
2) Uncheck every box in the small new menu and click ok.

If that doesn't work try to enable the [x] Auto-Detect option and try again.

If neither of those options worked, try the following steps for FireFox:

1) Open your Firefox > Options >Advanced > Network > Connection: Settings
2) Try [x] No Proxy.
3) If that still fails try using [x] Auto-detect proxy

*Edit - Here is a direct download link for the installer -

If none of that helps let us know and we can dropbox/filedropper the setup file.

Last edited by fozzy71; 05-26-2014 at 02:41 PM. Reason: direct download link
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
this is perfect, thanks!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by exculibrus


recently I started configuring postgres.conf file

From my experience:

-the errors in Event Viewer are normal. Just ignore them.
-If you have a 64 bit OS with 3 GB+ RAM, you can install the 9.0/9.2 64 bit PostgreSQL. ... but it won't automatically result in a performance increase.
(it's irrelevant HoldemManager is still 32 bit)

-A lot of users have the fastest import speeds with 8.4. (and even 8.2)
-9.0/9.2/9.3 (64 bit): they seem more stable, and they can run certain tasks a lot faster than 8.4, for example a vacuum/analyse/reindex and a backup/restore. (and other tasks HM2 doesn't use)

-The queries run by HoldemManager to bring up reports, etc. are very simple.
PostgreSQL 9.3 with 64 GB RAM vs PostgreSQL 8.4 with 8 GB of RAM makes no real difference. It makes a difference for a professional database server that runs deep level queries, that poker tracking software does not.

-HoldemManager doesn't auto-vacuum the database. (PokerTracker has a auto vacuum feature, during imports of handhistories it will auto-vacuum every 100.000 hands).
I don't know what the
#autovacuum = on
in the PostgreSQL.config file is supposed to do, but it doesn't seem as effective as running a 'maintenance' in HoldemManager (which is the same as running a manual vacuum in pgadminIII)

-What to change in PostgreSQL.config / and to which values, read:

-Any other line in PostgreSQL.config / and any higher value: have not resulted in any performance increase. Both in the HoldemManager and PokerTracker forums, we have and users have experimented with this.... but most of these were done testing 8.4 (32 bit) vs 9.0 (64 bit). I don't know if PostgreSQL 9.3.x has new special lines, when tweaked, would result in a big performance increase.

The HoldemManager thread on this:

The PokerTracker thread on this is:

-Use of a RAMDisk also has not shown any performance increase.
(of course the RAMDisk has crazy high benchmark results if you run for example CrystalDiskMark on it, but these benchmark speeds to not translate to the real use of the tracking software.

-Do make sure your system has a page file. (even if you have plenty of RAM, and your system never has to resort in actually using the page file, still have one)

Last edited by Patvs; 05-26-2014 at 06:37 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 08:01 PM
Thank you guys for answers, I will reply tommorow cuz now I'm mentally exhausted after installing new OS. Just one thing, I still can't connect to holdemmenager website (sick ) ans now I'm sure it's not your fault Tommorow I'm going to reset my router but if it would not help me could you share HM2 and TN2 installation files anywhere?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by exculibrus
Thank you guys for answers, I will reply tommorow cuz now I'm mentally exhausted after installing new OS. Just one thing, I still can't connect to holdemmenager website (sick ) ans now I'm sure it's not your fault Tommorow I'm going to reset my router but if it would not help me could you share HM2 and TN2 installation files anywhere?
TN2 Installer -

HM2 Installer -
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 09:28 PM
Got everything working now thanks!

Still have one question: My winnings in Holdem manager are not even close to what my bankroll says (HEM says I won way more money then I have) and that with using the hand history by stars (so it's hard to miss any hands).

How can this happen?

edit: never cashed out and only used insignificant amount for tourneys...
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by qwertz1
Got everything working now thanks!

Still have one question: My winnings in Holdem manager are not even close to what my bankroll says (HEM says I won way more money then I have) and that with using the hand history by stars (so it's hard to miss any hands).

How can this happen?
We are not a bankroll tracker. We import hands and calculate the profit/loss of the hands. If some hands give errors, or are missing because you played on another computer, etc, there will be discrepancies. If you play tournaments there are a lot of other things to consider:

Any tournament with more than 1 table (and many single table games) will require a separate Tournament Summary/History file to be imported for HM2 to properly calculate the size, places, and prizes. The only sites that write these summary files is Pokerstars, Full Tilt, and Pacific. If your site does not write summaries, or you experience any discrepancies with the results, you will need to manually edit the results via the Reports > Tournament > Tournaments > right-click > edit -

If you play at PokerStars you may need to request and import any/all of your old tournament histories and import those to HM2. Stars did not write the tourney summaries to your hard drive in the past, like FTP did. They recently added this feature, so please enable the option in the PokerStars client to be sure that it is enabled in the Pokerstars options and be sure that HM2 has added the folder to your Auto Import Folder Configuration.

Email and ask for ALL your old Hand Histories and Tournament Histories/Summaries.

They will send you an email with links to zip files of your hand histories. Download all the zip files. Right-Click > Extract the contents of each zip file to a new folder. HM > Import From Folder for all of the unzipped hands.

The tournament summaries should be attached to the email as .htm files. Download the attachments. HM > Import File(s) for all of those files. If the files are sent as .html you will need to rename them (Right-Click > Rename) from .html to .htm extensions.

If you continue to have problems, please zip and email the problem hand histories (HH files) and tournament summaries (TS files). All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HM2Archive\2009\07\31) or if it was auto-imported with 7283+ it would be in \HM2Archive\SiteName\YYYY\DD\MM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 09:43 PM
Thats what I've done, imported the hands stars send me by email and imported them (so there shouldnt be any hands missing). Buy ins I spend on tourneys are almost nothing.

Hem just shows me that I won ~40 buy ins more than I have in my account. However it's not a big problem, was just wondering how that stuff could happen.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-26-2014 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by qwertz1
Thats what I've done, imported the hands stars send me by email and imported them (so there shouldnt be any hands missing). Buy ins I spend on tourneys are almost nothing.

Hem just shows me that I won ~40 buy ins more than I have in my account. However it's not a big problem, was just wondering how that stuff could happen.
There are many ways it could happen. The most obvious would be if you ever cashed out, if you play in multiple currencies, if there were import errors, etc. If there are any import errors or hands you think are calculated wrong please send them to us via email with a description of what you think is wrong. You can request a playing history audit from the pokerstars requests menu which might help you narrow down the time/sessions where there were discrepancies or other possible causes as that will show your entire financial history with the site.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-27-2014 , 05:04 AM

I just purchased HM2 and LeakBuster.

Unfortunately can't HM2 read the text files I get when I export hands from the Database for Pokertracker. All errors and 0 hands imported. The thing you suggest on your support forum: import the hands from the Processed Folder in Pokertracker gives me some hands but only about 6000 of the over 100 000 I want imported to HM2.

Surely there is a way to get the hands imported to HM2 then I have all the information both in the Pokertracker Database and in form of text files. I also tried to add .txt after the files but still only error.

Maybe there is a way to convert the text files to a readable form or import the whole database. Quite disappointing.

Thanks for any help in advance.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
05-27-2014 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by Stefan Stefansson

I just purchased HM2 and LeakBuster.

Unfortunately can't HM2 read the text files I get when I export hands from the Database for Pokertracker. All errors and 0 hands imported. The thing you suggest on your support forum: import the hands from the Processed Folder in Pokertracker gives me some hands but only about 6000 of the over 100 000 I want imported to HM2.

Surely there is a way to get the hands imported to HM2 then I have all the information both in the Pokertracker Database and in form of text files. I also tried to add .txt after the files but still only error.

Maybe there is a way to convert the text files to a readable form or import the whole database. Quite disappointing.

Thanks for any help in advance.

Did HM2 show import errors? What site(s) are the hands from?

Not all sites write hands as txt files and PT4 supports some sites that HM2 does not but generally any hands that PT4 auto-imports get moved to their processed folder and HM2 should be able to import those. If you manually imported some of those 100k hands to PT4 they will not be archived in their processed folder so you will need to find the other folders you imported from for PT4 and import those to HM2.

If you play a site like stars/ftp/party you can email their support and ask for all your old hand histories and tourney histories/results.

If you continue to have problems please zip and email the problem hand histories, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to

All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HM2Archive\2009\07\31) or if it was auto-imported with 7283+ it would be in \HM2Archive\SiteName\YYYY\MM\DD.

When sending any hand history files please zip them (right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is too big to attach to an email please upload them to a file hosting site like dropbox or filedropper and send us the download link.
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